Survivor's Guilt (The carsh Crash that killed my Family)

Survivor's Guilt (The carsh Crash that killed my Family)

A Poem by Hawk Flight

TO my Family


I see the car
driving off the cliff
it goes.......

But my day didnt start out like that

I woke up
to my mothers sing songing voice
Victor wake up hunny we're going on a trip!

Olivia comes squeeling in
jumping on my bed
Trip! Trip! Trip!
her three year words tumbling out

Getting ready we all hop in the car
in that big old Caravan

where are we going

A cross country trip

Summer time is here
lets make the most of it

We got across a few states
sightseeing as we went
camara flashing
marking our journey

Grab a motel room
spend the night

next day get up
eat breakfast
on the road again

Then it happened.
A moose in the middle of the road
Dont ask me the state
my brain has blacked that out

But it never bothered to block out the accident

Dad tried to aviod it
but it was to big
He hit the back end
and went spinning over the cliff
tumbling down
and down

glass shattering
twigs getting in

the car settles at the bottom
upside and smashed

I try to get my bearing
my six year old self freaking out

SOMETHING attacks my face
To this day I dont know what it is
But now my left eye is dead
my vision destroyed
claw marks rake that side of my face

with blood in my eye
I try to find my parents
They are still not moving

Dads neck is bent funny
so is moms

I hear my sister calling out to me
hanging upside down
reaching out to me

Something is wrong with her chest
She wasnt wearing a red shirt
she was wearing Yellow

dont worry Livy
Everythings gunna be ok

with my promise on my lips
I unbuckle my seatbelt
surprised it still worked

I crawled out of my seat
and to my father
trying not to look at his
dead eyes.
I love you daddy, Goodbye

reach into his pocket
grab his cell phone
whats that number again?
Oh right

call it
cry scream
tell the people
Mommy and daddy went to heaven already

Olivia, shes fading
sissy hold on they're coming
Her whimpers stop
and her body goes limp

I shout and scream
shrieking into the night

The flashback fades away
I wake up
in my own room
18 years later

I survived
My whole family didn't

Whoever is out there
God? Alleh, Goddess, Whomever
Why didnt you take me with them?

Why did you have to leave me here?
why did you have to break me?

© 2014 Hawk Flight

Author's Note

Hawk Flight
The day my live changed forever. The day my life became a living hell.

To this day the doctors dont know exactly when attacked my face. they suspect that it was a bird that someone managed to get into the van and clawed my face trying to esacpe the van.

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Added on June 17, 2014
Last Updated on June 17, 2014


Hawk Flight
Hawk Flight

Kingdom of Amythest, MA

I am a cold hearted a*****e. If you dont like it tough. 24 years old. Japanese. Been through enough s**t that it would make your head spin. I write crap poems but its my way of venting. My sister .. more..

Pandora Pandora

A Story by Hawk Flight