Ch. 33

Ch. 33

A Chapter by Havatara

Ch. 33

“Rose, calm down,” said Michael. He walked over to her and embraced her, only slightly calming her down. She shoved him out of her way and cast a spell, making the flames go out. Bodoleck helped her restore the house to it’s original state, only to have Rosemary tear it apart again looking for the book.

Only a couple minutes later, Rosemray barged out of the house screaming, “It’s gone! I can’t believe it! That witch took my book, and they’ll use it to cast the spell, making them younger, stronger, faster, better and everything else than they are now! Why can’t I cast a proper defensive spell? Why?!”

“Rosemary! Shut up and let’s go. It’s only an hour until their castle and we can make it in time. Get your mother’s potion and the flowers from the fairies and wait for us. There are a few people here who might be able to help us,” said Bodoleck. Rosemary had never seen him so stern with her before, and all she could do was nod and get to work.

Just five minutes later they were ready to go. Rosemary had her things in a small bag around her waist and was changed into a black dress with no sleeves and went down to her knees. Michael only took his jacket off.

Bodoleck and the rest had also changed, and they had gotten Mason, Leginivo, and Sarah. Mason was pacing around the room, and Leginivo and Sarah were whispering in a corner. The thought of humans coming with them angered Rosemary even more.

“What are they doing there? I thought you said that you would get people to help us? They’re too small and weak to help us!” Rosemary yelled.

Bodoleck sighed and said, “I knew this would happen. Rosemary, they can help us. Mason has read the book who knows how many times, and the two kids over there are both cunning. I lost to them at chess when they played against me. You haven’t even beaten me at chess yet.”

Rosemary mulled over this for a moment and then said, “Fine, but I’m giving them all they spells and potions they can hold. They each have a necklace, so that doesn’t worry me in the least, but they’ll have to fight.”

“No they won’t. I’ve already thought this through. They’ll sneak up in the vents and give us details on what we have to do. They’ll go ahead of us and give us all the imformation that we need. It’s all planned. Calm down. Here. Xaler! Feel better?” Bodoleck asked.

“Oh course I feel better. You cast a spell on me,” said Rosemary, who was now so calm that it seemed like she was in a trance. She quickly got over that and returned to her normal, less angry self.

Bodoleck sighed in relief that he had done the spell right. “Okay. Now let me explain. Mason, Leginivo, Sarah, Anna, and Michael will be disctractions. Their scent will be enhanced, and our scent will be changed to make us seem like normal staff. Don’t worry. The humans will be equipped with extra spells and Susan will always be with them. Medeleck and I will be with you all the time to act as body guards for you. But when you get to your grandparents, you’ll probably be on your own. My brother and I will have to be attacking all the other guards. You’ll have all of the potions to give to them, and when this is all done and we’re all alive, I have an announcement to make. Do you understand everything?”

The spell, by now, had worn off of Rosemary and she was calm by herself. She said, “I have one question. What if one of us dies? What will you do then?”

“Then we’ll go all out and use my back-up plan. We have a device that lets us change the potion from liquid into gas, and it would be able to travel all around the palace, knocking everyone else. Including us,” Bodoleck said warningly.

“So that would mean that we would have to wait for someone to come and take them away. Does Dekanire know about the plan?” Susan asked. Bodoleck nodded slowly.

Rosemary sighed. “Well, we’d better get going if we want to be back in a week. Our finals are coming up and I do not want to miss them. I want to make it to my fifteenth birthday, people. Don’t screw up.”

She took out her wings and picked up Michael. The rest of the vampires followed suite. Bodoleck picked up Anna, Susan picked up Sarah, and Medeleck picked up Mason and Leginivo.

After a few minutes, Michael asked Rosemary, “Where is their castle exactly?”

“It’s in the mountains surrounding Sibiu, a city in the middle of Tranzylvaia. The city is big, but it isn’t the biggest city there. From what I’ve heard, it’s quite rundown. Perfect for vampires. We only have ten more minutes until we’re there,” Rosemary replied solemnly.

Michael shivered and Medeleck laughed, saying, “What? Do you think this is going to be hard? It’s going to be easy! You wait and see. We’ll finish this before you know it.”

Silence came after that.

In ten minutes, like Rosemary had said, they were there. They flew down to the base of the mountains, and started running. When Michael looked inquiringly at Rosemary, she explained, “So we won’t be seen in the sky.” They didn’t say anything after that.

Before they even knew it, they were there.

© 2010 Havatara

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Added on August 19, 2010
Last Updated on August 19, 2010



The Town That Moved, St. Louis County, MN (aka Hicksville), MN

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