Ch. 2

Ch. 2

A Chapter by Havatara

Veripema was watching it all happen. Miss Darkness and Lord Batwings, rulers of the Vampiranese, had just captured Bodoleck, and were questioning him now.

“Bodoleck. You have betrayed us before, and now again. Why?” asked Miss Darkness. She was wearing a long black gown and a black veil covering her red lips and red eyes. But you could still she the glare that she gave Bodoleck, and it was bone chilling.

“I all ready told you! I don’t want to be evil like you, and I don’t want to even be a vampire! It’s a miserable life style, hiding from all of these humans like this! I want to just blend in with them all!” replied Bodoleck. He was chained up to a wall, and there was a cut on his arm and on his cheek.

Lord Batwings was standing father away from Bodoleck than Miss Darkness was. He was looking at Bodoleck’s face features, to see if he was lying or not.

“You and your sister are both rotten. You’re traitor . . . ” started Miss Darkness cooly.

“She isn’t my sister. My brother Medeleck is married to Susan, her half-sister. That’s the only relatin between us!” declared Bodoleck.

“But it’s still a relation!” Miss Darkness spat. She tidied her hair and took a deep breath before going on, then said, “It is still a relation, and family knows where other family members are, correct? You must know where she is. Tell me now.”

“I don’t know where she is, I swear! Now please, let me go! I’m begging you! You have no need for me anymore!” Bodoleck pleaded.

Miss Darkness turned to face Lord Batwings. He had a very stern look on his face, and Miss Darkness bowed, and stepped out of the way between Lord Batwings and Bodoleck.

“Liar,” said Lord Batwings. He walked up to Bodoleck, just a few inches from his nose, and said, “You are lying. You know where she is. It’s written all over your face and in your voice. You can’t hide that easily from me. Now tell us where before I get the werewolves on you.”

“There will be no need for that.”

Veripema finally came out of the shadows. Then she said, “I know exactly where the girl is. She’s in Prague. She’s blending in with the humans, like this one wants to.” She cocked her head towards Bodoleck.

“Aah, Prague, is it? Finally. Us vampires will rule. Only she knows where the book is, and we need the book. The good will die, and the evil will reign once again!”

Finding the chance to break free, Bodoleck thrashed the chains off and transformed. Every vampire, at a certian level, can sprout wings, and Bodoleck had just gotten his. They were still little stumps, but they were very strong.

“No! He’s getting away! We must stop him!” yelled Miss Darkness.

“We will not. I know where he’s going. To save his half-sister-in-law, as he so bluntly put it. What I want to know, Veripema, is how you found out where she is.”

“I asked a book store owner in Prague. Don’t worry, he didn’t know that it was a vampire that had kidnapped him. I had him blind-folded. he recognized the girl when I described what she looked like, but he couldn’t tell from my voice that I was a vampire.

“Good. Let’s wait a little to get them. About a week, maybe. To torture them,” said Lord Batwings. He smiled evily. Miss Darkness wickedly laughed. The made a true deadly duo.

~ * ~ * ~

Bodoleck barged into the eighth grade classroom.

“They know,” he said to Rosemary. Then he passed out. Rosemary excused herself and took him to the hospital.

© 2010 Havatara

Author's Note

I wrote this book a few years ago but I haven't gotten the courage to edit it yet, so if there are a whole bunch of errors then that's why =)

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Added on January 18, 2010
Last Updated on January 18, 2010



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