A poem about our planet and a bit about how we can take care of it, and why we should.
Mother Earth, our only one.
A globe of solids, liquids, and gases.
Mother Nature, the plants and animals
that surround us every day.
The sun in shining, the breeze is cool.
Children play gleefully in the water
and campfires burned,
so bright, so warm.
Birds are siging cheerfully,
a chorus of melodious chimes.
Kittens playing in the grass,
watched by kids heading towards school.
Do you care or our planet?
Would you mind if the sun and the breeze went away?
What would you do if you found we had caused it?
Would you be angry?
If we don’t take care,
our cities on the coasts will flood,
drowning the kittens and destroying the schools
and all of the fun places you go with your friends.
The birds would no longer
sing sweet tunes because they
would be crying in agony as the melting
ice caps destroy their homes.
Humans would feel the effects of this.
Millions would die of cancer from
greenhouse gases destroying their skin.
No one could have a fun walk in the the park
when smog blocks the colors of the flowers.
If you’re thinking, “Why should I worry?
I’ve just been a human my entire life.
What am I doing wrong?
Other people should worry, not me,”
then you’re part of the thousands of others
who think that way, who don’t care
that in a few decades New York, Tokyo, and many
other cities will be covered in water from global warming.
But go ahead, do what you do best.
Be ignorant while I use steam engines,
recycle my homework when it’s graded,
and walk to the movies with my friends.
Sure, don’t care.
Watch as humans destroy the world.
I hope I didn't offend anyone, if you're unable to help the planet, but it's in my beliefs that everyone should at least try to help in any way that you can.
My Review
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I liked the message a lot, but I also agree with Scaramouche. I mean, I'm definitely not a poetry person, but I also think you could perhaps improve on the flow in certain places.
And maybe this is just me being picky, but kittens playing in the grass? It sounded a tad bit cliche.
Otherwise, great poem! I envy poets because I can never write them or understand them at all.
One thing you might want to improve on is the flow It's all right overall, but in certain places, the sentences tend to split up abruptly, disrupting the smooth read. This is especially important with free verse. Bob knows, all my old poems are horrid to recite. The rhythm is terrible.
I agree with the sentiments expressed here--it drives me crazy when people just don't care. I would suggest changing the section on greenhouse gases, though--they don't actually cause cancer by skin destruction. What happens is they react with the ozone layer, in many cases causing it to break down, which allows more ultraviolet radiation in, which in turn can lead to skin cancer. (Arg...I sound like my Environment & Society teacher...sorry). Normally I wouldn't care about the distinction, but this is the sort of thing that carries more weight if you sound like you've done your research.
I liked the last stanza. It showed that even some of our basic activities can have an impact, and that anybody can do the little things to help. Overall, nice job.
I like it.
And I'm glad you sent it as a read request.
One thing that could also go along with the poem,
is that, sure, we're humans.
But we're part of the animal kigdom,
and all species sooner or later become extinct.
Including us.
And we can preserve ourselves by looking after the planet,
to sustain our existence.
I'm sure I rambled.
But your poem was pretty spot on!
The Town That Moved, St. Louis County, MN (aka Hicksville), MN
My birthday is November 12, 1994. I was born and raised in Minnesota and am loving it, despite the mosquitoes and the six month winter.
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