June 21, 1859
A Chapter by Havatara
Chapter Two 
June 21, 1859
Dear Safiya,
I thank you for doing this. I am greatly relieved. It’s just been so hard for me. My parents died when I was only a few months old, and I lived with her my entire life. I had to move into a new home when she was in the hospital, but they thought she was to recover and didn’t expect her to die.
Now I have to live with another family. The last one was okay, but this one is absolutely terrible. The father drinks and the mother has a short temper. They also have a set of six-year-old twins that are absolutely spoiled rotten. I do not know what I am to do with my life as it is.
I need help. The father, Mr. MacJohns, drinks ever night, as I said, until he is drunk. I’ve been hit by him, and I do not know what I will do. If he beats me, I don’t think his wife, Cindy, will do anything. She’s too busy pampering Bobbi and Jack, her two little sons.
If only I lived in an imaginary world where Mother and Father and Grandma Julia were still alive. Everything would be right. My mother would be kind, my father would be strong, and I would be able to visit Grandma Julia every day while still living with my parents. That would be so nice.
You know, I never knew my parents. I never even knew their names. I never thought to ask Grandma Julia, and she never thought to tell. If she did, I can’t remember. But I can’t linger in the past. It’s making me too sad.
Always, Lucy
© 2009 Havatara
Added on February 8, 2009
HavataraThe Town That Moved, St. Louis County, MN (aka Hicksville), MN
My birthday is November 12, 1994. I was born and raised in Minnesota and am loving it, despite the mosquitoes and the six month winter.
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