why is it we have ears but can't hear?
Is it the harsh reality that you fear?
why is it we have eyes yet we don't see?
Is it the realization that your mind isn't really free?
why is it that we are so ignorant to believe we are the only living creatures?
Is it your conditioned mind's belief from what you see in movie features?
why is it you dismiss things that aren't the norm without looking at the facts?
Is it your ego that can't take the truth the gov't hides behind our backs?
why is it you let the media control your reaction?
Is it that you don't want to be an outsider but instead follow the faction?
why is it that you can't wake up and see our leaders leading this country in decay?
Is it your false faith that we are being lead in the right way?
why is it you doubt our gov't is in cahoots with an E.T. race?
Is it concidence that they'll be seen all over while martial law is in place?
why is it we are more interested in material things instead of our spirituality?
Is it so shocking how easy it was for the elite to make up our reality?
why is it you believe that we are protected at every border?
Is it not time to realize that the gov't wants a New World Order?