He was sitting there all alone in the corner of the room with his head crouched between his legs with a heavy heart and tear welled eyes, when the dusk drowned him slowly into its gut.He was profound and reclusive.He just sat there in the dark watching the
small light at the corner of his room,flickering.The squeal of fan, the
hoot of the owl and the whine of mosquitoes played a melancholic lullaby.
"Why me?" he questioned himself.
He decided to hit the wet rainy streets instead of being composed into that four walls.But for the whole time,all he could hear was the same question."Is it gonna be that tough?Is this what life means?". The questions lasted in his mind.Confused him.Tortured him.
He saw his reflection on those murky roads where the street lights smudged off and the howling cold breeze gathered up the strands of hair.He couldn't accept the way he is being treated. All he wanted was just a small retribution for what he expresses.He walked all along the silent narrow streets and the dripping raindrops lead him the way....But then he had a sudden voice inside of him,trying to ease him out the pain.But his mind couldn't get a satisfactory reply for its quest.He then realized that the decisions made by the mind and by the heart are unique and having them work together will lead to a paradox.Saying that he shut off his computer with "The end" at the end!
"Why me?" he questioned himself.
He decided to hit the wet rainy streets instead of being composed into that four walls.But for the whole time,all he could hear was the same question."Is it gonna be that tough?Is this what life means?". The questions lasted in his mind.Confused him.Tortured him.

He saw his reflection on those murky roads where the street lights smudged off and the howling cold breeze gathered up the strands of hair.He couldn't accept the way he is being treated. All he wanted was just a small retribution for what he expresses.He walked all along the silent narrow streets and the dripping raindrops lead him the way....But then he had a sudden voice inside of him,trying to ease him out the pain.But his mind couldn't get a satisfactory reply for its quest.He then realized that the decisions made by the mind and by the heart are unique and having them work together will lead to a paradox.Saying that he shut off his computer with "The end" at the end!