The Lion and The MosquitoA Story by Lawrence Hardesty10.27.2020A Proud Lion, Laying in His Field Was Bitten By a Wandering Mosquito.
The Lion was Unaware Until he Felt the Itch, “Curses on your Family, Bold Insect, For I am King, Your Next Move May be Your Last.”
The Mosquito Laughed, “Your Blood Tastes The Same, As an Elk, Or as an Ox. The Blood of a King! Is as the Blood of the Flock!”
The Lion Snared, And on the Next Day, The Mosquito Came Again And Drank the Lion’s Blood.
The Mosquito Then Spoke, “I”ll Come Everyday And You’ll Be My Meal! For Pride I Do Not Have And Your Pride I Wish to Steal!”
As the Days Past, The Lion Itched More and More, Until He Could Not Take it, Anymore.
In An Uproar, The Lion Bit on His Paw Where the Mosquito Last Bit And Blood Reaped Down Onto the Field.
“This Insanity,” The Lion Proclaimed “Of Becoming a Meal, To Something Like a Mosquito, Changed How I Feel. My Pride was an Attraction To Something So Lame, Pride Can Be Taken, And to Them It’s a Game.” © 2020 Lawrence Hardesty |
Added on October 27, 2020 Last Updated on October 27, 2020 Author