![]() FreedomA Chapter by Happyg44![]() What is real freedom? How can you truly be free?![]() I have recently been contemplating the subject of freedom. This concept is very familiar to those of us who live in America. In the Revolutionary War, George Washington and the Continental Army fought for America to be free from the tyranny of Great Britain. In the Civil War, the Union fought for millions of people to be free from slavery. Our Constitution is full of laws protecting our individual freedoms. But do we really grasp what it means to truly be free? Over the years, I've had several definitions of what freedom was. When I lived in the Children's Home, my concept of freedom was based around getting out of there and finding a home. When I finally understood the meaning of the Gospel, I realized I had been freed from an eternity in hell because Jesus paid the penalty for my sin on the cross. Recently, I came to a startling realization. I still didn't feel free! For years, I've struggled with loneliness and trying to gain acceptance of certain people. These feelings kind of kept my mind in internal bondage. I tried getting rid of the darkness I carried inside by pursuing trivial things. I thought that talking, flirting, and dancing with really beautiful girls would somehow make everything better. Oh, it made things better at that moment! However, many times after the girls left, and sometimes when they were still there, I felt a strange emotion. It wasn't one of joy, or satisfaction. It was sort of the opposite. It was a feeling of emptiness and longing. Sometimes, I even felt guilty because of the sinful thoughts I had. Now, is talking, flirting, or dancing with girls really bad. No, those things are not necessarily bad. What made it bad was, first of all, the lustful thoughts that came with it. The deeper sin I was committing was trying to find joy, contentment, and freedom in something other than my Abba Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. After I finished "courting with them girls", as my granny would say, I got a certain picture of Jesus in my mind. He was always sitting on the beach by the water. His knees were always up to his chest. He always waved to me with just his middle and index fingers, as well as his thumb. The most vivid detail of this picture was the look on his face. It was a look that simply said "Hey, over here! Remember me?". I wonder how he felt when I sought freedom from sources outside of him, especially since he actually said "Who the Son sets free is free indeed ". He might have felt sad. He probably got pretty ticked off. The bible does say God is a jealous god. I can totally understand that concept now. God gave everything he had to his chosen people and his elect (that is us Christians and Jews). But sadly, most of us look to other things to find the freedom that only comes from him. Some look for freedom in their jobs. Some look for freedom in money. Some people look for freedom in relationships, whether romantic ones, or just friendships. If you're doing these things, you've probably experienced similar feelings that I was feeling. Don't worry, there's hope! Rather than running after these dumb things, try doing what the Bible says.
"But seek first his kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be given to as well "-Matthew 6:33.
If you're a Christian and have a relationship with Jesus, don't go looking outside of him to find fulfillment. I tried that a million times and God just said "EPIC FAIL LITTLE HAPPY GARCIA!". I've realized that I can find true freedom by embracing my true identity as a son of the Creator of the universe. If you want to really be free, just trust and rest in the love of God, which is expressed by his Son, Jesus Christ. If you just let him, Jesus will provide a freedom that nothing and nobody else can give you!
Some of you might not experience an intimate, personal, one on one relationship with God that I mentioned above. You might be thinking "Happy, why do I need this God you talk about?". You want to know? Well, I'm going to tell you! First, ask yourself a few questions. Do you think your a good person? If the answer is yes, Do you think you're good enough to get to heaven? If so, ask yourself how well you've kept the Law of God, also known as the Ten Commandments. Have you ever lied? If yes, you are a liar and have broken that Commandment. Have you ever stolen, even just like a pen? If so, that makes you a thief and guilty of breaking another holy Commandment of God. Lets look at a couple more Commandments. Have you ever used the name of God, the one who gave you the very air that you breath, in vain? God absolutely hates that! If you've done this, you have committed blasphemy against him. Another one of the Ten Commandments says "You shall not commit adultery". Adultery is sex outside of marriage. However, Jesus expands the definition of adultery in Matthew 5:28, which says "But I tell you, whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in the his heart ". Have you ever looked at a man or woman with lust? If you answer yes to these questions, then By your own admission, your a lying, blasphemous, thief, who has committed adultery in your heart. All these things are called sin. God hates sin! In Romans 6:23, it says that the wages of sin is death. This is not just a physical death, it's also a spiritual death. Sinners don't get to go to heaven with God when they die. Instead they are sent a horrible place.. Revelation 21:8 says "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars"they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” There will be a day where God determines where each of us spends eternity. 2 Corinthians 2:5 says "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.". Jesus will decide who will spend eternity in heaven and who will spend eternity in hell. Most people in the world think that they are good people and will go to heaven. However, Romans 3:12 reads " All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." The truth of the matter is, if our eternal destination depends on our deeds, we all deserve to go to Hell. But although God can't stand sin, he still chooses to show compassion and love to sinners. How does he do this? Romans 5:8 says " But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". God made us to live on his beautiful earth and worship him. He gave us plenty to eat and fresh water to drink. Rather than showing gratitude to him by obeying His laws, we continue to violate them. In spite of our dissonance, he made a way for us to have a relationship with him. He did this by pouring out the wrath, judgement, and punishment that we deserve on the only one who is sinless, blameless, and righteous. Jesus Christ was tortured and killed on a cross to pay for all the dirty, filthy selfish, horrible deeds committed by the human race. Because of his death, those that repent of their sins and trust in Him can experience the amazing freedom I talked about earlier! Don't you want to be free???!!! © 2017 Happyg44 |
Added on November 24, 2017 Last Updated on November 24, 2017 Author![]() Happyg44MOAboutHi, my name is Happy! I'm a 23 year old man with Cerebral Palsy. I communicate with a special computer that reads my eye movement. Although it takes me awhile to type what I want to say, I love writin.. more..Writing