![]() Freestyle #2A Chapter by Happyg44What is good? Are we good? No! We are a horrible sinful people. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We commit adultery. No we are pure EVIL! You know who's good? God is good! He is pure, holy and righteous. And he demands righteousness. Righteousness we fail to give him. That makes him shake with anger! He has promised to punish all sinners by sending them to hell. Hell is an eternal place of torment and separation from God. God has set a day where he will judge everybody according to all that they have done. He will determine where we spend. And if he gave us what we deserve, we'd all go to hell. But remember, God is a good God. And because he's good he sent his only son, his beloved one son to die for us. Jesus Christ took the punishment for your sin and mine. It's the greatest gift ever given. But we have to accept this gift. I've already accepted it. Now it's your turn. Right now, ask God to forgive you of your sins and to be the lord of your life. It's the most important thing you will ever do!
What if you died today? Where would you go? Well before you answer that, let me ask you some more questions. Have you ever lied ? Have you ever stolen, even just like a pen? Have you ever looked at a man or woman with lust ? Have you ever took the name of God in vain? These things are called sin. God can't stand sin. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death. God promises to pour out his holy wrath upon sinners. He will do this by sending them to hell. God has an appointment for when he will determine whether each person goes to heaven or hell. And he gave us what we all deserved, we'd all go to hell. But even though we've sinned against him, he still loves US. In fact, he loves US so much that he sent his one holy son to die the death that we deserve. Jesus was brutually beaten and killed for our sake. The Bible says by his stripes we are healed. Healed not from sickness, not from disease, but from the curse of sin. God gives you a chance at eternal life. All you have to do it accept it. Ask God to forgive you of your sin, then you will live forever!
We are so sinful and selfish. We constantly look lustfully at people. We constantly lie. We constantly take God's name in vain. This stuff really tics God off. God promises to take out his anger on all sinners. He will do this by sending them to hell. God has set a date where he will judge everybody that ever lived on earth. And he will determine whether we spend eternity in heaven or hell. And all sinners will go to hell. But who are these sinners? Let me tell you a secret. We are all sinners! Me, you, and everybody else. We ALL deserve hell. But although we have sinned against him, somehow he still LOVES US. And his love is not like regular human love. No, it's much stronger. His love is called agape love. And i, personally i can't fully comprehend this love. Because of this agape love, he sent his one, sinless, holy son to die for us. Jesus Christ died a horrible death to satisfy the wrath of God, that we deserve. It's the most beautiful gift ever. But you have to actually accept it. This is how you accept it. Simply say "God, i messed up and I'm messed up, i've sinned against you. I'm not worthy of your love, but i believe you sent Jesus to die for my sins and for that i thank you. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and be the lord of my life ". Friend if you ask him that you will surely live with him in heaven when you leave this earth. Don't delay, do it now!
The other day i was searching the web for a new desktop background. I came across a picture that said something like "God's not mad, he's never been mad". That got me thinking, could that be true? Well lets see, what could God be mad about? Hmm, he made this beautiful earth and allowed all of us to live on it, and what do we do in return? We break his laws. What are his laws? Ever heard of the ten commandments? Thou shalt not lie. Have you ever lied? If you have, you've broken just one of God's laws. Have you ever stolen, even just like a pen? Another one of God's laws says "thou shalt not steal" so if you have stolen, you've broken another one of God's laws. Now let me tell me about another one of God's laws. This law says "thou shalt not commit adultery". Now adultery is sex outside of the context of marriage. But see it's not just the act of sex outside of marriage. In matthew 5:28 Jesus said "but i tell you whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart ". This means if you look at somebody who isn't your spouse and you have sexual thoughts, you break this law of God. Now violations of God's laws are called sin. In romans 6:23 it says that the wages of sin is death. God can't stand sin. And it's very clear that he is going punish all sinners. 1 corinthians 9-10 says "don't you know this is not the way to live, unjust people will not enter God's kingdom, those who use and abuse each other, those who use and abuse sex, those who use and abuse earth and everything in it don't qualify as citizens of God's kingdom." sinners will not go to heaven when they die. Instead God will send them to another place called hell. Hell is an eternal place of torment. One day God is going to judge everybody that ever lived and determine whether we go to heaven or hell. Now lets get something straight, we are all sinners. And we all deserve hell. But God didn't want that to happen because he loves us. Still somebody had to pay the price for sin. So here's what God did. He sent his one sinless son to take on the suffering and punishment that we all deserve. Jesus was beaten, Whipped, spat on, and hung on a cross all to satisfy the wrath of God so we wouldn't have to. It's the greatest gift ever. I know i say that alot but it's the truth. And all you have to do is accept it. Admit you're a sinner, admit you're bad, and admit that you need his forgiveness. Just ask him to be the lord of your life and he will make you a brand new person! © 2017 Happyg44 |
Added on November 22, 2017 Last Updated on November 22, 2017 Author![]() Happyg44MOAboutHi, my name is Happy! I'm a 23 year old man with Cerebral Palsy. I communicate with a special computer that reads my eye movement. Although it takes me awhile to type what I want to say, I love writin.. more..Writing