![]() FreestyleA Chapter by Happyg44God loves all people. He sent his precious, sinless, son to die for us. Yet while we were still sinners CHRIST DIED FOR US! We all sin, all have fallen short of the GLORY OF GOD. But God is a good and merciful God! Jesus came for us! To love us! To teach us! To save us! Even when we flat out reject him! Even when we spit in his face! We should all be in hell right now! But because of his grace we have a life, and a chance to choose real life! Don't reject him!
We blew it! Messed up! Dishonored the one who gave breath to breathe. We don't deserve to live on his earth! We all sin and God can't stand sin. We've all violated his law. We've all lied. We've all probably stolen. We've all looked in lust. All these things make God burn with anger. And if gave us the justice we all rightfully deserve we would all end up in hell. But as much as God loves justice, he loves US more! That is why he sent his one and only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins! If you would just ask him to forgive you of your sins, you will not die, but you will live forever!
Humans. Spoiled little humans. We constantly fail to recognize the awesome gifts God has given us. Not only that, but we constantly disobey him. We break his commandments. We blaspheme his holy name. We mistreat our brothers and sisters. What is the matter with us?! Don't we know that all these things make God angry. The Bible says when we do these things we store up wrath for the day of judgement. And if he gave us what we all deserve we'd end up in hell. But thankfully, even though we are evil, he is good. And he loves us so much that he sent his one and only son to suffer the punishment we deserve. I still have trouble fathoming it. It's unbelievable. It's amazing. It's... INDESCRIBABLE! Please ask him to forgive you of your sins and make you a new creature in Christ, Jesus!
He gave us all he had. We don't deserve his awesome love. We deserve quite the opposite. We deserve his holy wrath. Why? Because we violated his law everybody has fallen short of the glory of God. Everybody has sinned against him. And God's punishment for this disobedince is called hell. It's where all violators of his law will go. But fortunately for us, God's love is stronger than his wrath. That's why he sent him holy son to die the death that we deserve. That's how much he loves US! But we still have the audacity to reject him and spit in his face! Do you really want to do that? Or would you rather surrender to him and ask him to forgive you of your sins? I URGE YOU TO DO THE SECOND!
We betrayed him. Even though he gave us everything he had we still betrayed him. We rejected our king. And we are still rejecting him. How are we rejecting him? By breaking his holy law. By lying, by stealing, by blaspheming his holy name, by looking in lust. All these things anger God. The Bible says God is going to release his anger by punishing all violators of his law. The punishment is going to be an eternity in hell. Hell is where we should all go. We have all done those things i mentioned earlier. But here is the amazing thing about God. Even though we constantly disobey him, he still has love for us. He has so much love for us that he sent his one good righteous son to die for our sins. Jesus died to take the punishment we deserve. It's the most beautiful gift ever. But some people have the nerve to reject him. Are you going to reject him or make him lord of your life. The choice is yours, make it soon! © 2017 Happyg44 |
Added on November 22, 2017 Last Updated on November 22, 2017 Author![]() Happyg44MOAboutHi, my name is Happy! I'm a 23 year old man with Cerebral Palsy. I communicate with a special computer that reads my eye movement. Although it takes me awhile to type what I want to say, I love writin.. more..Writing