Skin of alabaster, eyes of the Pacific, and a voice so sweet Cherished then hanged, Loved then buried Why such a tragic ending to such a beautiful life Maybe because this beauty didn't want to be cherished, didn’t want to be loved but hanged and buried Her name was Elizabeth Face of an Angel but thoughts of silence, death Her happiness drained until nothing was left Thoughts of a knife then of a gun Too many problems none from which she can run Children laugh taunting her flaws, mistakes Her final wish to never wake Elizabeth The real her incognito hiding from the pain Struggling hard oh so hard to keep herself sane The little that’s left .Losing touch with reality She used to think “mom you’re never proud of me” Feeling worthless and insecure Wanting to see her name in that brochure Sunrise July 26 Sunset January 23 She wanted to hear what they thought about her, wanting to hear every word She sensed her time, felt it right Swung the noose over her neck, her eyes shut tight
It was a wonderful house Every door leading to its soul Every window an opening to its heart Surrounded in war Overflowing in peace There is where she is There is where she lays Her name was Elizabeth Her body a flow of energy, ready to be released Kicked the chair from under her, air supply ceased There was no light There was no gate No Satan to tell her she was late Just silence and death Cold silence and death Bloodless silence and death
This is amazing, the wording is gorgeous and it paints a scene vividly. I especially love the last three lines. While the rest of the poem was sad and flowing those three line are just, abrupt and cold, almost like they had no feeling, only truth.
I like to think that I contribute to society in my own special way.I shower daily,deliver witty blog post (when I feel like it) and recycle .You could call me a loner...well because everyone else does.. more..