![]() Chapter 10A Chapter by HannahMarieMy first week at Pacific Collegiate
School went really fast and it was finally the weekend. I woke early on
Saturday morning with a call from Sophia, “Hey biatch you up yet we need to get
the stuff for tomorrow” she practically sang down the phone, before bursting
into my room. “Sophia, how do you know where I live” I
groaned from my place under my sheets before pulling the pillow on top of my
head. She quickly ripped it off my head and squirted me with freezing cold
water from a water gun. “SOPHIA I’M GOING TO KILL YOU” I
screeched before chasing after and nearly knocking my Dad over “Sorry dad” I called back to him before
racing down stairs and diving at Sophia, knocking me and her to the floor at
the same time “Apologise” I said to her pinning her to
the floor “GIRL ON GIRL ACTION” an idiotic lad
shouted before running to get his mates. “Come on Maë I told you to be ready for
half 9” Sophia said laughing at me “What time is it? “Eleven” “S**t, give me five minutes and I’ll be
ready” I told her before running upstairs and chucking on my laid out outfit. A
pair of black leggings with a long white top and black gladiator shoes. I
brushed through my hair letting it lay naturally and added some mascara to my
lashes. I quickly took in my appearance to make sure it all looked okay (even
though I tried it on last night) and grabbed my bag with my purse and credit
cards in it before running out saying bye to my mum and dad on the way. I
jumped into my <b> Baby </b> scowling at Sophia’s car, It looked
like the face of evil. Seriously it looked like the kind of car you would see
on the bad side of the transformers franchise. I shouted across to Sophia who
was getting into her seat “RACE YOU TO THE MALL” before screeching
off, my exhaust humming beneath me. I flipped through the music channels before
stopping at a roc channel as Black Veil Brides " Knives and Pens came on. I may
be a ‘girly girl’ but I still love this kind of music. I sang along to the
sound of Andy Sixx’s voice and screaming the bits he did. By the time I got to
the mall I saw Sophia there smirking at me. “You know, when your singing you really
get into it” she told me the smirk still in place “Oh shut up” I snapped before stepping
into the mall and heading towards hobbycraft. While in hobbycraft we bought
paint, a load of paper and superglue before heading off to the nearest joke
shop. By the end of the day we had bought
everything we needed and was giving designated jobs to people. “Maë, you, me, Hannah and crystal are
going to target the classrooms” Sophia told us before moving onto the next set “Chloe, Jake, Steven and Sarah, you’re
on bathroom and changing room duty. You know what to do” she then got on the
phone and started giving orders down it. “Trisha you and your gang are on locker
duty, and get someone to sort out the top floor. Remember where not doing it
until tomorrow night. That goes for you lot as well” she said the last part to
us before hanging up “Right were all sorted has everyone got
all black clothing?” I asked thinking about the cameras “S**t I never thought about the
camera’s, come on guys we need to buy some more things to hide our faces”
Sophia babbled on panicking “chill Sophia, we can get some wash in
wash out black hair dye and the crème to take it off, some black balaclavas,
black tight jeans/trousers or leggings, a black long sleeve top and of course
black gloves” Crystal replied to her calming her down. “right everyone split, Maë you get the
clothes for everyone, ring Trish to get the other peoples size’s, Crystal, me
and you can get the hair dye, Hannah you go with Maë and the lads can get the
balaclava’s seeing as it won’t look as suspicious if there buying them” Sophia
told us, well more like bossed us about, a calm look back on her face. “Meet back in here in half an hour” I
shouted before walking off Hannah trudging behind me -
P.O.V " <i>
God must really hate me making me go around with this slag; seriously who does
she think she is taking Miranda’s place. </i> I know I don’t know her, but from what I
can see then I don’t want to know her I thought about the records my brother
found out about her - My brothers a computer genius and managed to hack into
the school records for me - then it seems she had to get permission of the
police and government to leave England, we tried finding out more but the
school locked us out. Unfortunately. I looked at the shop we was now in front, “Jane Norman, Seriously you’re going to
buy our clothes from here?” I asked confused as to why she would spend £15 each
on a pair of leggings “Yes Hannah, I’m not buying cheap
leggings when I can re-wear mine, and besides why not, you’re going to have
some decent clothes in your wardrobe for once.” She sneered at me. Well I take
it she doesn’t like me as much as I like her I thought to myself, I quickly
pushed that thought away as I thought about what she said about my clothing “Maybe the lack of clothing your
wearing” she replied picking up 12 leggings, 3 jeggings, 5 tops in a variety of
colours and two pairs of heeled shoes in silver. She quickly paid but not
before I saw how much it came too. “Seriously $200 on clothing, you must be
mad” I told her not quite believing the amount on the till “Ha, this is nothing.” She replied
disconcerted. We then walked to Primark and picked up
8 pairs of trakis for the lads and 20 long sleeved black tops, she also picked
up 20 pairs of gloves and loads of black pumps in a variety of sizes “Why that many pairs of pumps” I asked
confused again, and probably sounding stupid as I always did when I was near
her “because I don’t know what foot size
everyone is so I might as well get plenty of pumps in different sizes so they
will at least fit and besides I can keep the ones that fit me and so can Trish,
then you lot can keep the ones that fit you and the rest can go to charity” she
replied before paying for this lot. I know Primark is a cheap shop but this is
probably the most they have sold to one customer in one day the bill came to
$500. We walked back to meet everyone and they was shocked by the amount of
bags Maë was carrying “Everybody, come to mine at two, we will
get ready there, and Trish will do everybody’s hair while I sort out the
clothing” she told us before walking off towards her car God she sure was bossy all of a sudden I
saw Miranda strutting towards us in her too short mini skirt and her too small
vest top she also had on her signature high heel shoes on. “Hannah I need to speak to you” she
called in her nasally voice I rolled my eyes before strutting over
to her. The others didn’t know that I was secretly undercover for her but
they’ll live in the end “So” she said dragging out the ‘o’ “what
have you found out” she demanded the gleam of excitement evident in her eye. “Well she hasn’t had many boyfriends and
she’s only had one serious one” I told her, the gleam becoming more prominent
as I could see she was forming a plan. God to say she was blonde she could come
up with the most cunning plans ever. “thank you, well I’ll get to work on
what I’m going to do you can keep on spying on her, I don’t know who she thinks
she is coming to this school and losing me the top spot but it won’t last” she
stated before stalking off her hair bouncing up and down. -
P.O.V " I quickly walked away before I had a run
in with Miranda. I could see that Hannah and her was talking but I couldn’t
hear what they was saying but when I saw the excited gleam in her eyes I knew
it was going to be bad for someone. For me. I saw Sophia jogging over to me so
I waited for her to come to me “Is it okay if I sleep tonight?” Sophia
asked quietly “My mum will have locked the door and I
don’t have a key” “Yes of course it is” I replied a smile
on my face, my first sleepover and I’d only been here a week. I think that’s a
new record. 2
HIM” Sophia screeched after me told her the story of Trisha and Charles “Yeah, and keep it down, mum doesn’t
know he’s our school teacher. If she did she’d try to rekindle the romance”
Trish told Sophia laughing at her startled expression. “So that’s why it was awkward between
you in art?” “Yep, Although he said he still loves me
but he has to wait until I leave school as his dad says he has to treat me
indifferently otherwise Charles is out of a Job, house and will.” Trish replied
while pulling out a note. After I read it I looked at Trisha a sly grin on my
face “What are you thinking?” “Not a lot, just a way to make him
jealous” I looked at Sophia and saw the same
mischievous gleam in her eye that I was sure was in mine. -
P.O.V " I sat staring at my ceiling thinking
about Trisha. What she was doing. And most importantly who she was with. I could
feel a pang of jealousy building up in me as I thought of her with other boys. I quickly texted Maë asking what
she was up to. Me:
Heey Maë wuu2? Xx Maë: Charles why are you texting me? you
only text me to find out information about Trisha Okay so I checked up on Trisha a lot Me:
I know. Where is she? Maë:
Sat across from me and I bet she’s tryna get into my mind to see who I’m
texting so give over k. you know it will push her away if she finds out how
much you’ve been checking up on her. Me:
I know I know, but I can’t help it, I love her so much Maë:
Get a hold of yourself Charles, you’re a teacher. Stop texting me k? I’m having
a sleepover. And with that she stopped texting me. I
know I’m pathetic but I couldn’t help it, I haven’t been able to get her out of
my head ever since I left. Lily"rose, or was it Ellie-may stalked
closer towards me, a bottle of Jack Daniel’s in her hand. “Baaaaaaby, come to bed” she whined. I may miss Trish, but I’m not going to
leave myself unhappy waiting for her to grow up. “You go on, I’ll be straight through” I
told her, my teeth lengthening. © 2011 HannahMarieAuthor's Note
Added on April 18, 2011 Last Updated on April 18, 2011 Author![]() HannahMarieSouth Yorkshire, Rotherham, United KingdomAboutIm Hannah Marie, I Love Reading And Writing And I Have Posted My Story That Im Currently Writing On Wattpad :) more..Writing