As I ran down the hallway towards where the lightning struck I ran into Olympia she was my 'younger sister' she had long, jet black hair and like the rest of us 'vegetarians' she had gray eyes
"what's happened" I asked her all though I could sense the weird minds of the elves
"They've attacked, don't worry no-ones hurt" she told me quickly seeing the look on my face
"Did they send the lightning bolt?" I replied sud-denly angry
"Yes, why?"
"You know that girl that I keep seeing?"
"Yes" she replied cautiously
"Well I told her to run, and she ran down here just as the lightning hit, but I don't know where she is, she's just vanished" I told her nearly in tears
"Well you only see her at night in the human world don't you?" Olympia asked me she might have woken up no point in getting worked up about it,
there's nothing you can do about it.
"Yes your right. It's just I want to tell her what I am, why I never age, why every time she see's me I look the same"
What are you going to walk up to her and say, hello I'm Jared I'm a friendly vampire?
"Well no"
Exactly and with that she ran in the opposite direction,
in the direction of the fight.
I stood around thinking for another minute or so,
did she wake up?
Was she hurt?
Will she try to avoid coming back after what happened?
All these thoughts running through my head.
I would have to get Katrina to have a look later
Then I ran,
ran out of the castle and into the middle off the fray.
Choosing one elf in particular