ADHDA Poem by Hannah
Time seems to slip away before my eyes,
witnessing the change of the open skies. At night, I tend to not get much sleep. My workload seems to pile into a heap. The internal battles with my brain are like the endless tracks to a train. My struggle to focus lasts day and night, it causes me, myself, and I to fight. I don't need to be scolded by any other. I am already doing that to myself undercover. Sometimes I feel like no one knows, how hard it is to keep my steady workflow. Procrastinator is my middle name. Rushing to turn things in on time isn't a fun game. While doing work I stare off into space, even if it's not the best time and place. I'll ask for instructions but they make no sense. It's like understanding is being blocked by a fence. On test days I am just so slow, that my friends can't wait for me so they all go. My slow is other people's fast. I wish this would just go away at last. I have dealt with this all my life, but I've learned to make living with it less strife. This isn't how I would have liked to be, but I can't help it because it's all from my ADHD. © 2020 Hannah |