Our social customs persuade us to highlight the positive in a society that is dependent on work, cooperation and order. It is customary therefore to speak of goodness and light. However I believe we are within our rights to refer to the dark on an individual and personal basis. Besides how will we speak at all when we combine the two as one, they void each other on account of purpose of life.
The world's institutions support the gospel of the Christ but should we also, out in the open, support the gospel of Judas? Marriage is defined as man and woman, should we also institutionalize same sex?
As the English used to say ' Discretion is the better part of valor.' That is the basis of the making of a society. Great write and an even greater inquiry.
i love the whole dark aspect of pain and using light/dark as a metaphor...however this stanza confused me and seems to contradict the title:
But here, as I sit
in the illumination
of contentment
the reason it confuses me is that the title says desperation...and how can you name the brightness of desperation but that stanza infers contentment in terms of illumination
then, in the final stanza you say you can't help remember how much you always loved the dark but the stanza above says you sit in the illumination of contentment.... i just don;t get it but the words are beautiful and each stanza wonderful...i just don't see the stanza about contentment fitting with the other ones.
Our social customs persuade us to highlight the positive in a society that is dependent on work, cooperation and order. It is customary therefore to speak of goodness and light. However I believe we are within our rights to refer to the dark on an individual and personal basis. Besides how will we speak at all when we combine the two as one, they void each other on account of purpose of life.
The world's institutions support the gospel of the Christ but should we also, out in the open, support the gospel of Judas? Marriage is defined as man and woman, should we also institutionalize same sex?
As the English used to say ' Discretion is the better part of valor.' That is the basis of the making of a society. Great write and an even greater inquiry.