Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1-2

A Chapter by Hannah

Looking for advice, second chapter isnt finished yet but added to get feedback so far.


My body is aching, writhing desperately trying to find my freedom. I'm trying so hard to stand, sit even but he keeps pushing me down. I don't know why he's doing this to me. His red eyes are gleaming down on me, piercing through mine as if he can see into my mind. I'm screaming, but nobodies listening. Who is he? Why is he here? I can feel a strange heat behind me. I turn and see the flames, slowly edging their way towards me. I'm trapped between two certain endings. For a split second, I think about crawling to these flames and letting myself burn slowly. After all I can fathom what will happen to me then. With this thing I do not know and I don't wish to find out. The flames are getting closer now, dancing their way over to me, quite beautiful, quite hypnotic. He moves closer to me, his white skin glowing in the flames. His face is inching closer and closer towards me, my heart is beating faster and faster. I look into those eyes, then scan over his face. His lips contort into what seems like a smile, cold, consuming but beautiful in its own special way. My heart beat begins so slow as we stare at each other, the flames don't feel so hot, I feel oddly at peace. Almost like we have become one. I reach my hand out slowly and desperately. I'm scared, but I have to touch his man. I need to feel his skin against mine. His hand reaches out to meet mine in the middle, his bony finger brushing my skin. I can feel the chills coursing through me as he runs his finger along my hand then up my arm. My head feels as if its about to explode but I don't want him to stop. His finger stops at my chest and his hand opens up to rest itself against my heart. His ice cold caress warms me throughout my body. The intensity is torturing and I find myself gripping my hand over his, silently begging him not to break the touch. He starts to pull away, his power too much for me to stop but I refuse to let go. My mouth opens to protest, beg him to stay but no sound comes out of my lips. I need him to stay with me, take me with him where we can stay together in our painfully exquisite lock. He's fading now, taking the flames, my hope, and my heart with him. Tears fall from my eyes as I watch him leave me. His figure disappears and the light leaves. I'm lying on the stone cold floor, unable to move. I'm not sure if my body is paralysed or suddenly I have lost the will to attempt to move, get up and continue. But maybe, just maybe this beautiful creature will come back.....

And that was when I woke up!” She said to me with a wry smile. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and lit my smoke. Her hopeful eyes locked onto mine. I knew it was coming and I knew I'd be expected to give some sort of acceptable response to quench what would no doubt absorb her every thought until someone filled her with a ridiculous hope. “Well...what do you think it meant?” she asked leaning in closer to me, anticipating my analysis. There was no escape now.

I think.....”

Yes tell me go on I want to hear!”

I think desperation leads to disappointment.”

She nodded at me, and turned her face away. “Yes, yes” she said, attempting a half laugh.

I knew as soon as I'd said it, I'd upset her, ruined her deluded fantasies that maybe just maybe her dream was a sign that somewhere out there she'd find somebody who would share her every thought, every hope, and every dream. To truly become one with her. “I mean that's what we all want isn't it? Maybe dreams stay dreams because is that dream becomes a reality the harshness of no hiding, no bullshit, no constructing a personality to hide out innermost thoughts, feelings, and insecurities is too scary for us to comprehend huh?” I said trying to make up for my brashness and bring her back to earth. She got up brushing the grass off of her and picked up her bag. “ Yeah sure, well I uh I have to go now but I'll see you soon.”

I didn't even have a chance to say anything, she'd left. I watched her walk away, systematically drawing back on my smoke. I stubbed it out and walked home. I was unaware that would be the last time I'd see her. If I'd known then maybe I'd have said something more. By the next morning my life would officially change forever.

Chapter 2

I guess to tell you the story I've set out to tell I have to go back to the beginning to tell the story that will make this story. I guess that's all life is really, a series of short stories that woven together make a novel. Some are sad, some are shocking, some build and build but fail at the context, and some if very lucky are filled with tears, shock, rise and fall but ultimately happiness. So I'll start mine at the very beginning.

I was born on an ordinary day, in an ordinary way to an ordinary couple. My mother and father had met three years before my birth. After a period of dinners, trips to the cinema, conversations that revealed agreements about where to holiday, which wine, and of course whether an urban or rural abode was a appropriate. After all of these revelations a very polite proposal was followed by a simple yet traditional wedding.

My birth was much anticipated by my parents. You see, I was somewhat of a miracle child. My mother had been told it was unlikely she'd ever have children, so when she found out she was pregnant it was a common belief of hers that external forces had been at work. I was coming into the world for a reason. What is was nobody knew, but I was talked about for many hours before I'd even taken my first breath in the outside world.

What I would be one day was talked about in great detail for many hours by all of those who got sucked into my mothers indulgent fantasies. I can imagine my mother and her friends, all housewives with nothing better to do with their time excitedly talking about me while my father sat there probably reading his paper, nodding in all the right places wondering what the hell he'd got himself into. Naturally I'd been set up for a fall before I'd even been born.

That ordinary couple on that ordinary day produced an ordinary baby boy. There was no aura of light surrounding me upon entering into the world. The nurses didn't cheer upon seeing me, and the animals didn't roar in unison with my first cry. I weighed 7lbs5ozs, and on that day the beginning of my very own story and the middle of my parents I was declared Gregory Harris. This was the name I would carry with me through life, a name that could one day be remembered throughout history. Maybe one day someone would say “I wish I was Gregory Harris.”

© 2014 Hannah

Author's Note

Looking for advice, second chapter isnt finished yet but added to get feedback so far.

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Added on April 23, 2014
Last Updated on April 23, 2014



Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

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