Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Pookie

Jazlynn's First party


Chapter One

November 30, 1990


                A whole twenty seven days till my birthday. Wonder who I’m going to spend it with. Oh yeah, his name is Jack, Jack Denel’s. Jazlynn thought sarcastically as she walked up the stairs to her apartment floor. Music blared on every floor, with it being Friday; parties were bound to be going on at eight o’clock. Jazlynn sighed and pulled her worn out black hoodie over her head. Her dirty white Nikes hitting the end of the step with a squeak. The dim stair light on every floor made it difficult to steer clear of all the cans, bags of chips, bottles and little clear baggies still with bits and pieces of pot still left on them.

                After making it to the fifth floor, Jazlynn walked straight past a familiar open door. A short Spanish man poked his head out into the hallway and looked up to meet Jazlynn’s shadow covered face and smiled. His green eyes always sparkled when he looked at Jaz. She pulled back the overused black hoodie and gave him a small smile. Jaz hadn’t noticed there was salsa music playing low in his apartment; she peeked in over his head and saw a lot of people dancing, chatting and drinking Corona. She met the man’s glowing green gaze again and nodded.

                “Would you like to come and hang? Podríamos utilizar un Amazonas pálido en nuestros mitos.” He teased. She smirked, having learned a couple of words in Spanish since moving here, she looked behind him again and looked back down into his green eyes. What’s the worst that could happen? She asked herself.

                “Sure, Mike. I’ll bite, just let me take a shower,” Jaz told him. His smile grew wider and he nodded.

                “See you soon, Bonita.” Mike said and walked deeper into his apartment to mingle with his quests. Jaz walked down the hall and came to stand in front of a dirty, stained, chipped brown with F10 spray painted on it in black. Some graffiti was on it, she never complained about it.

                “Home sweet home,” She mumbled taking her keys out of her baggy black cargo pants, putting the key in the lock she turned the key to the left then the right and pushed the door open. It opened onto a long hallway, which led to the rest of the house. A loud bark came from the end of the hallway. Her lips twitched into a genuine smile as she slammed the door closed behind her and strode over to the living room. She made her way out of the hallway and came into what you would call a foyer but it was a dining room, when her family felt like treating her like one of the family they come over and bring furniture and fix up her house. The walls were a pale beige color; the floor was a dark cherry wood. In the middle of the floor was a round dark red wood table with three chairs to match, place mats were set up in front of the chairs on the table, just waiting to be used. Jazlynn never used the table, she probably used it once, but that was the last time.  Another bark came from the living room and her mouth jerked into another smile as she grew closer to the living room.

                She walked past the kitchen that she rarely used also. The kitchen was always clean, the dishes always away and clean. The cabinets were modern wood cabinets; it was big enough to have an island. The counter tops were a gray marble and the appliances were stainless steel and were in good condition. The floor was a shiny dark marble that brought out the color of the walls; the walls were a nice bright white, which made everything tie together. The barking continued. Every bark that came from the living room made her heart jump and made her smile.

                Jazlynn pressed on and strolled toward a room at the end of the hall. The doorway opened up into the living room, where a black leather wrap around couch sat in the middle of the room in an L shape, with little dark tables with laps on either side of it. Jaz held her arm out and flipped the light switch that turned on the laps and illuminated the big room. The room was red; the walls were a dark blood red with bright white trim. The furniture in the room was dark and made it stand out. A big screen TV was hanging from the wall on front of the couch, the stereo system stood under that, speakers were hanging in the corners of the room while the big speakers were on the floor under the TV on both sides of it and the stereo. The floor was a dark wood, like the rest of the apartment.

                A bark came from her right. She smirked and turned, her light blue eyes met dark brown ones and a black nose. A gate stood between them, he sat in a corner. Jaz moved the gate to the side and took a step toward her two-hundred pound Rottweiler. Glossy black fur, brown paws, thick cut nails, short cut black tail, and thick legs made up Jazlynn’s beloved dog Spike. Spike jumped and barked for her to pet him. He wasn’t chained up; he knew not to charge at people when he wasn’t on a leash, and even when he was.

                She laughed and walked closer, spike bent his upper half so his butt was in the air. Jaz stopped smiling and stood a little ways from him and folded her arms over her chest. His tongue lulled out of the right side of his mouth. He pulled his tongue into his mouth and sat down and waited for Jazlynn to pet him. He whimpered and looked at her with those big brown eyes that melted her. The corner of her mouth jolted into a grin.

                Jaz jumped over to Spike and he jumped her. She ended up on her back with Spike licking her face. She yelped and squealed as he continued his assault. Jazlynn pushed the massive dog off her and told him to sit. He obeyed and sat looking at her at attention. She stood, dusting herself off and looked at him.

                “I’ll feed you when I finish getting dressed, okay?” she said, turning on her heel. Spike cried and tried to take a step toward her but knew better. She turned and met his chocolate brown eyes.

                “Wanna come with mommy?” she asked. He whimpered and was ready to jump at her, when she gave the word. “Alright, come on. But I don’t want to hear that you want to come with me to the party.” She padded her side and he shot forward to her side. He jumped up and licked her hand agreeing not to ask. She laughed and shook her head.

                “Yeah love you too, mutt.” She pat his head and sauntered to her room. She’s never been in a bigger apartment before. In Manhattan you’d think this was a hotel room, but no. It wasn’t. Who ever got this apartment after she was gone from here, they’d love it. The rent was good and to have all these new things. You’d have to be crazy if you wanted to live somewhere else. She walked into her room; it was probably the only room that was normal.  It had a normal queen size bed that was old and lumpy. She loved it; she wouldn’t change it for the world. The walls were gray and had dents, scratches, and holes in them.  They were covered with bands she liked, and pictures of her favorite fighters. Besides the rest of the house, she liked the apartment. No roaches since I’ve been here, which is good, no rats, or mice either. Jaz said to herself as she kicked her of dirty white Nikes. It was nice and big for Spike, so she didn’t want to be anywhere else.

                Jazlynn pulled off her black hoodie and threw it on the bed; Spike hopped up on the bed and fell asleep on it. She looked at him and shook her head. Jazlynn got out her clothes and set them on her bed. She walked out of her room and into the bathroom right across from her room. The shower was the right size, but of course it was touched by money, money her family owned. The floor was black granite, the walls were white tile and the sink was a bowl that came off the black granite counter top, the faucet was silver. The shower tile matched the floor and sink counter top, black granite. The shower itself was just a normal shower with a door.

                She stripped herself of her clothes and started the shower; she walked out the bathroom naked and got a towel from a closet right next to the bathroom. She went back in the bathroom and got in the shower. She took a quick ten minute shower, washing her body and her hair. Jazlynn got out the shower and wrapped the towel out of her; she strode over to her room. Putting on the last piece of her outfit, she brushed her hair and put it in a braid. She walked over to the closet in her room and opened it; she took a look in her broken full body mirror. She wore a tight black long sleeve shirt, with another pair of tight black cargo pants with her black Nikes. Her hair was in a nice braid with her bangs out, covering half of her pale face.

                After she finished looking in the mirror she closed the door and turned to look at Spike, still asleep on her bed. She chuckled and shook her head. Jazlynn snapped her fingers and Spike shot up from the bed and got down, sitting at attention at her feet. She smiled down at him and patted his head. “Good, boy.” He wagged his tail and barked. She held her index finger in front of her mouth and he stopped barking.

                “Hungry?” She asked Spike. His ears shot up and his tail wagged. She smirked and nodded. Jazlynn walked out of her room with Spike right behind her. She fed him and gave him water.

                “Okay, I’ll leave you loose, but when I come back and I see you did your business in any of the rooms, I’ll have your a*s. Understand me?” She told him. He barked and ate his food. She nodded her head and patted his left shoulder. Jazlynn walked out the kitchen and walked down the long hall that led to the front door. She locked the door behind her and put her keys in the same pocket as her cellphone, fingering her keys and phone, she walked down the hall to Mike’s door. Spanish music poured into the hall from the apartment.

                Jaz stood by the door, looking like a giant. I shouldn’t have come! Damnit Jaz! Why’d you have to be a dick and say yes! She yelled in her head.

                “Glad you came back!” Mike’s voice came from below. She looked down and met his green eyes, a smile in both of them.

                “Yeah, now I’m not so sure I belong.” She said. Mike chuckled and shook his head. He grabbed her hand and looked at her with big green puppy dog eyes.

                “Come on, just give it a try. Have some fun. There are a couple of my friends that love tall beautiful women.” He said. Jaz took a step inside and instantly felt the heat coming off of every body. Everybody was short; no one came close to her height. She was the tallest person there; they all looked up at her, some whispered to each other. Great! Now you’re a freak show! Come one! Come all! Look at the tallest pale person in the building! Stare in wonder! Jazlynn growled in her head. The group flowing from the living room parted for her. She sat in a chair and played with the tip of her braid. Every once in a while someone would stare at her. No one asked her to dance, no one came near her.

                Jaz looked around every few seconds and found Mike’s apartment was a little similar to hers, just she had better everything. He had the same look, just not the same thing.

                “Haven’t seen you here before,” a deep Spanish male voice said from her right. Jaz turned and locked her eyes onto a set of dark brown ones. Spike. She thought.

                “First party with Mike. Not really a party person, I guess.” She explained. He nodded and handed her a corona.

                “Thanks,” she said and took a sip. She hadn’t noticed how thirsty she was until she finished the whole bottle in three gulps.

                “Thirsty aren’t you?” He asked. Jaz looked up and nodded. He was handsome, in a Spanish sort of way. He had no hair; he kept it short with a weekly shape-up. His full lips perked up into a flirty smirk, Jaz returned it. Not really my type. Jazlynn thought.

                “Want another?” he questioned.

                “No thanks. Don’t want to get to saucy.” She replied. He chuckled and nodded. A couple of seconds later a salsa song came on.

                “May I have this dance?” He asked with a little accent. She shook her head.

                “Why not? You don’t know how to dance? Don’t worry, I can teach you mi amour.” He said.

                “No, I’m fine with the dancing. I just think I’m a little tall for you.” She said. He looked at her with a raised brow.

                “Oh please! How bad can it be?” he asked. He didn’t wait for her to answer; he grabbed her hand and yanked her from the chair to the dance floor. She stretched to her full six feet three inches and looked down at him. He was about six inches shorter than her.

                “How tall are you?” He asked surprised, still holding her hand.

                “Six feet and three inches,” she replied, not meeting his gaze.

                “Wow!” he said. She nodded. He grabbed her other hand and started to dance. She looked at him with pure surprise.

                “You still want to dance with me?” She asked.

                He nodded. “Yeah, so what if you’re taller than me. We’re just dancing.” He told her and continued to dance, while holding her hands. She smirked and started to dance too. They danced for three songs straight, when they stopped Jaz was sweating a little. She walked over to the seat she was sitting in before and sat, pulling up her sleeves and fanning herself with her hand.

                “Want something to drink?” He asked. Jaz nodded and said ‘water’ and he was off. When he came back he handed her a big cup of ice and water. She smiled and took a long sip.

                “Thank you.” She said.

                He bowed his head. “No problem. And if you don’t mind me asking, what is your name, Bonita?” He asked.

                “Jazlynn.” She said.

                “What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. My name is Robert, Robert De Leon.” He said. She nodded.

                “Kalin.” She said. He looked at her with a confused stare. She laughed.

                “Kalin is my last name. Jazlynn Kalin.” She said. He chuckled and nodded. Just then her phone started to vibrate, she shot up from the chair and snatched it out of her pocket and checked the caller ID and read: Jayden. She turned to leave and Robert stopped her.

                “Where are you going?” He asked.

                “I have to leave. But call me, Mike has my number. Bye and thank you for a good time.” She said and walked away, weaving through the crowd without touching anyone. Ike stopped her at the door.

                “What happened? You just got here.”

                “I have to leave, but I had a lot of fun.” She said and walked out the door and went down a flight of stairs and finally answered the phone.

                “Hey, what’s up?” she greeted.

                “Took you long enough!” Jayden replied.

                “Nice to hear from you too f**k head.” Jaz growled. Jayden laughed.

                “Hey, so what are you doing right now?” He asked

                “Nothing, just left a party. Why you askin’?” she questioned.

                “Did you have fun? Meet anybody new?” He asked. Jazlynn rolled her eyes and sighed.

                “What the f**k do you f*****g want?” She spat. Jayden chuckled.

                “There’s this fight going down in a few, you down?” He told her. The blood started to run through her veins at top speed the moment he said fight.

                “No I think I’ll stay home and work on my knitting.” She declared sarcastically.

                “Alright I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He pronounced and hung up. Jaz snapped her phone shut and sprinted up the steps and flew to her door. She ripped her keys out of her pocket and fumbled to unlock the door. She pushed the door open and rushed to her bedroom, where Spike was asleep on her bed, and almost tore off her shirt and put on a black tank top and then yanked on her black hoodie. She took off her Nikes and tore off her cargos. She pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and finally put back on her Nikes. Jaz ran out her room and called Spike from the kitchen. He was in the kitchen in seconds; she took out his leash and snapped it on the thick chain that was around his neck. She was in and out of her apartment in less than ten minutes. She ran out of her door, locking the door behind her with Spike pulling her toward the stairs.

                Seconds later she was standing in front of the building with Spike sitting in front of her. Kids and teenagers ran by; some slowing to walk by Spike, others asked to pet him. Ten minutes went by and Jazlynn sighed and sat on the steps. She pulled the hoodie up over her head and looked down at the floor. People passed by, screaming, laughing and singing. She played with Spike’s chain and started humming her favorite song, ‘Find me somebody to love’ by Queen.

                Spike started to growl and pull against his leash. What the hell? She said in her head. Jazlynn looked up from the floor and met a pair of dark green eyes and a yellowed smile. Spike barked and jumped at the guy. She pulled him back and made him sit down.

                “Yo dude, you got a smoke?” He asked. Jazlynn shook her head and continued to look at the pot head. He stared down at her with a questioning look.

                “You iight, bro?” The pot head asked. Jazlynn nodded and looked away. He stood there for a little while longer then walked away. A couple more minutes passed by and Jazlynn still sat on the steps of her building. Twenty minutes went by, Jazlynn started to shake her leg. Spike started to cry and try and fit himself on her lap.

                “Where the f**k is Jayden?” Jazlynn hissed. A car stopped in front of her building and honked its horn. The passengers’ side window rolled down and in the driver’s seat sat Jayden. She glared at him.

                “Come on; get your a*s in the f*****g car.” He ordered. She rolled her eyes and got to her feet. Spike got to his feet along with her and followed when she walked toward the car. She put Spike in the back seat and she got in the passengers’ seat and put her seat belt on.

                “What the hell took you so long?” She growled.
                “I had to make a little pit stop.” He told her. She glared at him. He smiled at her, his bright teeth shone in the light of the car, so did the twinkle in his dark eyes. 

                “God I hate you.” Jazlynn told him. He chuckled and started to drive off toward the projects. They had underground fights in places the police didn’t think would be there. Yeah there were a lot of drug sales done in the projects, but still, they never thought to go down below the projects to look for the fights.

                “You going to fight in this one?” Jayden asked. Jazlynn shrugged.

                “I don’t know yet, maybe.” She told him. He nodded. Jayden was always behind her one hundred and fifty nine percent, every time she fought. He taught her everything she knew about fighting. She was his student, whenever there was something new to learn, he taught her. Over the years he educated her on how to live with pain. He would beat her to a bloody pulp and she would have to deal with the pain, if she cried, or even made a sound, he would make it harder on her. After the first ten times, she learned to love the pain, to endure it. It never hurt, it stung, yes, but it never really hurt anymore. Then the next step after the punching and kicking pain, he would cut her so she could live through that pain; he did that because if the other fighters ever fought dirty she could deal with the pain. He was a good teacher, she loved him, he was like a brother to her.

                “We’re here.” He told her. She looked up from her lap and looked out the window. The building was pretty big. There were three people standing in front of the building, smoking. Jazlynn rolled her eyes. I don’t know why they smoke. Fighting is a better high. Jayden parked the car in an empty parking space and turned the car off. He got out and took Spike out of the car. Jazlynn took off her seat belt and got out the car, following Jayden. He locked the car down and handed Spike to Jazlynn. She nodded and took Spike.

                “Come on.” He said and started walking toward the building with Jazlynn and Spike following behind. She could see his light brown hair in the street lights and it reminded her of the first day he took her in. She had run away from her family to be on her own. But what seven year old wanted to be away from their rich family? Well she did. She hated being treated nicely all because she had money. She remembered bumping into him; his light hair looked blonde in the sun light, like a halo. His dark eyes were glowing and they seemed happy to see her, real happiness. After a couple of weeks of keeping her in his house, hiding her from his mother, he finally moved out and took her with him. He introduced her to the wonderful world of underground fighting. She had grown up on Jayden beating her and showing her the way of fighting, she took it all in stride, he never belittled her; he kept her above everyone, above himself as he raised her. She might have looked it, but Jayden was older than her by at least eleven years. He looked young and forever a teenager, but that was because he trained the whole time and kept his body in good shape.

                They entered the building with the pot heads following behind them.  Spike growled at the strange men as they continued to walk. The two of them stopped at the elevator, Jayden pressed the button for the elevator to go down. Spike pulled against his leash, to get to one of the pot heads.

                “Hey! Man watch that mutt!” He said. Jazlynn turned and glared down at the guy. He glared back. He moved his gaze to the growling dog. The guy kicked Spike and knew he shouldn’t have done that. The moment the guys’ foot connected with Spike’s side, Jazlynn dropped Spike’s leash and she roundhouse kicked him, he went flying and hit one of the columns that was in the hallway. She glared at him from behind her foot. She walked over to him and bent until he could hear what she was going to say.

                “Touch my dog again and I will break you into tiny pieces.” She growled. He was shaking; he nodded and just stared at her with wide dark eyes. She smiled at him and walked away. His friend had backed away and let them get in the elevator. When the elevator door closed Jazlynn looked at Jayden who was trying not to laugh.

                “What’s so funny?” She asked. He broke out laughing, putting his hands in his face. Jazlynn just started at him, his laugh was loud, but soft, deep but light. It was Jayden; Jaz couldn’t help herself when she smirked. She practically grew up on that laugh.

                “Man, never seen a guy so scared before!” He said in between laughs. Jazlynn shook her head and bent to check Spike, he didn’t seem to be hurt, the pot head didn’t have any power behind his kick, which was good.

                “You okay Spiky?” Jaz said to Spike, he barked and jumped up and licked her face. She chuckled and pat his head and told him to sit. He did as he was told. The elevator stopped in the basement, where the tenants could do their laundry. The door opened and they walked out, there was no one down there, it was quiet, but if you listened hard enough you could hear the hum of the audience as they watch the fight. Jaz’s skin prickled with unseen goose bumps as they got closer to the door that led down three flights of steps and to another door, behind that door hid what they came here for. 

© 2010 Pookie

Author's Note

Chapter two. Tell me what you think. What you like. What you don't. What I can do with out.

My Review

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This was a very good chapter. Lots of description. When I was reading this, I could picture the whole thing in my head. Kudos to you!


Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 14, 2010
Last Updated on September 14, 2010



Middletown, NY

Would like to give a shout out to my good friend Brooke Madison. Love you girlll Hi! My name is Leyra. Just to keep this short, I love to write, anything and everything. I have a Book I am currently.. more..

Blood Ring Blood Ring

A Book by Pookie

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Pookie

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Pookie