![]() Hunter?!?A Chapter by Pookie![]() Is Hunter trying to take Skyler from Allix? Or does he just want to hang out?![]() Hunter?! I yawned and looked out the window, the sun was coming up. I
rubbed my eyes, they were starting to hurt from staying up all night. I yawned
again after the first one and stretched backwards, cracking my back. Allix was
helping Jason clean up the broken table. I scratched the back of my head and
walked over to the couch and sat down, feeling my bones protest. The aching
body came now. I groaned and turned over so my back was to the back of the
couch and closed my eyes. I felt someone looking at me, I opened my eyes and
met baby blue ones. “You sleepy?” Allix asked. I yawned and he chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He said. I smiled softly and
nodded, rubbing my eyes. He patted me on the head. I growled and punched him. “Ow! Why’d you hit me?” He said rubbing his right shoulder. “I’m not your f*****g puppy.” I hissed getting up. Jason
chuckled and patted me on the head. “Yup cause you’re my puppy.” He said. I slapped his hand
away and shook my head. “Even less yours.” I said and got up from the couch, pushing
passed Allix. I turned and looked at Jason who looked sad. His lip jutted out
like he was a big baby and his eyes were watery. I laughed and shook my head. “God you’re such a baby.” I said walking around the couch to
walk out the living room. Allix chuckled. I turned to see Allix walking up to
me. He stopped next to me and bent and kissed me. My eyes went wide and I
pushed him away. “What was that for?” He asked with a raised brow. “I don’t know.” I said and looked away from his baby blue
eyes. “You guys going to sleep?” Jason asked. I nodded and walked
out the living room and headed for the stars. Allix’s P.O.V Skyler walked out
the living room and went up stairs. I turned to Jason and he had a big smile on
his face. I looked at him with an emotionless expression, waiting for him to
say something. His smile grew bigger, showing teeth. “What?” I said glaring at him, starting to fold my arms over
my chest. He shook his head and shrugged. “Nothing, just that, you were laughing,” was all he said. I
gave him a questioning look. I opened my mouth to say something, but Jason had
already turned off everything and was already up stairs, Leylia still lay
passed out on the chair. I shook my head and left her there. I went up stairs
and Skyler was just walking out the bathroom. “Why is it you always walk in when I come out the bathroom?
Are you just itching to see me naked?” She said as she crawled into bed, Mr.
Bears in her left hand. I shook my head and walked over to the bed and hopped
in myself. “No,” I said as I bent and kissed her on the lips, pulling
away I looked into her eyes and they were half lidded. She was exhausted. I
laid down on my side and pulled her closer to me. She chuckled and put her face
in my chest and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. I watched her
for a while; she looked so peaceful and calm. I moved a piece of blood red hair
away from her face. She sighed and moved closer. I bent and kissed her
forehead. The sun was rising fast. It filled the room with cool heat. I closed
my eyes and slowed my breathing and followed Skyler into sleep. Skyler’s P.O.V I opened my eyes and
yawned, feeling well rested. I sat up and looked around; the room was covered
in afternoon sun light. I rubbed my eyes and yawned again. I turned and looked
beside me and there was no one there. The sound of the shower on in the
bathroom indicated that he was taking a shower. I put my hand through my hair
and got off the bed. I padded my way toward the bathroom and knocked on the
door. “Come in,” he called. I felt the blush on my face before it
appeared. I put my hand on the door knob, the same moment the door bell rang. I
turned and looked at the bedroom door. Jason
or Leylia can get it right? I said to myself. A sharp pain erupted in my
stomach. Gotta pee. I opened the door
and walked in, steam was everywhere. It was hot in the bathroom. I closed the
door behind me and walked toward the toilet. I used it, flushed and washed my
hands and brushed my teeth. I was wiping my face with a towel when the shower
stopped. I froze, feeling the blush find its way onto my face again. The sound of the shower curtain being pushed out the way
echoed through the room. A shiver went up and down my spine, teasing me. Then,
the soft sound of a wet foot touching the floor was almost loud in my ears.
Goose bumps rose on my arms. I let go of the towel and stood straight, feeling
his eyes on the back of my head. I gulped and put my arms around myself and
hugged myself, feeling so vulnerable. The feeling of a bone-like finger tracing
my shoulder blade and spine, made my body tremble. A pale arm shot out next to
me and grabbed a dark blue towel. I jumped, a scream caught in between my
throat and the outside world stopped when he put his arm around my waist and
his lips appeared at my ear. “Jumpy today,” he purred in my ear. I shuddered. I turned to
look into his eyes and found he was smiling. The fear melted away and I hit
him. “Ow! What was that for?!” He said. “For scaring the s**t out of me!” I said turning on my heel
and walked out the bathroom into the bed room. “Skyler!” Jason called; I jumped and looked at the bedroom
door. Allix chuckled. “Really jumpy today.” He said and walked over to the dresser
filled with our clothes. I walked to the bedroom door and opened it and walked
downstairs. The house felt so cold and threatening today. I shuddered and made
it to the last step. I stepped onto the cool marble floor and walked into the
foyer, where Hunter and Jason where standing off in. A snarl came out from
between Jason’s lips as he continued to stare at Hunter. Hunter turned and looked at me a smile on his face. His
yellow eyes glowed and danced when he turned to look at me. Jason cleared his
throat, making me jump. I continued to stare at Hunter. He was still just as
tall as he had been yesterday afternoon. But today he was wearing a black short
sleeved t-shirt and black cargo shorts with a pair of black converse. His hair
was now black with streaks of neon blue and a honey blonde color and a light
red color. His ears wore black diamond studs. His wrists wore a lot of
bracelets. “You ready to go?” Hunter’s voice wound around my body,
causing me to shiver again. I looked up into his yellow eyes and cocked my head
to the side, wondering what he was talking about. “To the movies? Member? I wanted to take you out.” He said.
Then it clicked. “Oh! Sorry I forgot.” I said. “Uhm, I’ll go take a shower
then get dressed.” He nodded. I turned and Allix was coming down. He looked
pissed as he looked behind me. “What does he want?” Allix asked. “To take me to the movies.” I said. Allix looked at me, then
back at Hunter then back to me again and nodded. “Fine,” was all he said as he walked pass me. I bit my lip
and went up stairs and took a shower. When I got out I put on a nice black tank
top and a pair of black jean shorts and my hot pink converse. I left my hair
out and went down stairs. Everybody was in the living room, glaring at Hunter.
He was sitting in the chair Leylia was passed out in last night, while Allix,
Jason and Leylia sat on the couch watching him. I sighed and walked in. My
family-in law turned and looked at me. Allix stood up and walked over to me. He
wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me close to him. “I want her back by two. Nothing later.” Allix said. Hunter
stood up and nodded. He walked up to me and Allix, him and Allix had a staring
contest before Allix let me go. Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the
living room and out of the house completely. He dragged me to his car, he
unlocked the door and I got in. He walked around to the other side and got in.
he started the car and drove off to town. “They don’t seem to like me.” He said. I shook my head. It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with Hunter.
I said to myself. “No, they don’t like you.” I said, looking out the
windshield. “Why?” He asked stopping at a red light to look at me. I met
his golden gaze. “I don’t know.” I said and continued to stare into his eyes.
The light turned green and he drove off down the road. It was cool in the car,
the windows were open and letting in a lot of air. I sighed and closed my eyes,
letting the air whip my hair into my face. The car stopped and I opened my eyes. I looked out the
window and saw we were in front of the movie theater. I turned and met golden
eyes. Hunter smiled and nodded toward the door, I nodded back and got out the
car. He followed and walked around the car and put his arm around my shoulders
and bent the little way and whispered into my ear, “Ready?” I looked up at him
and nodded. He smiled and walked me in. There were lines but nothing to big. The theater had games
scattered all over the place, little picture booths, posters everywhere and a
food stand in the middle. The floor was covered in black carpet and the walls a
light gray blue paint that mellowed out the place. There were a lot of couples
there, that gave me an uneasy feeling. Hunter walked me up to a ticket booth and stood there
looking up. I looked up also and looked at the movies. I found the Dark Knight
and smiled. I’ve been waiting to see that
movie. I said to myself. “What do you want to see?” Hunter asked. “Dark Knight.” I told him. He nodded and we walked forward so
he could pay for our tickets. Hunter handed me my ticket and gave me forty
dollars, to get my snacks and play a couple of games before we went to watch
the movie. We had about an hour before the movie started. So I turned about
fifteen dollars into change for games and gave the rest back to Hunter. “Hold it.” I told him. He nodded and put it in the opposite
pocket from the rest of the money he had. On instinct I grabbed his hand and
pulled him toward a racing game. I smiled and turned to look up into his yellow
eyes, he chuckled. “Race me,” I said. He shook his head and told me to play and
kick the computers a*s. I laughed and said, “Of course.” I sat on top of the
motorcycle and started the game. I won first place and got a free game. I
smirked and started the game again. I made it in second place. I pouted and got
off. Hunter chuckled and put his arms on my shoulders and pulled me close to
him, with my face in his chest. “It’s okay. You’re number one in my world.” He said. I
smiled and shook my head, pushing away from him. He chuckled and ruffled my
hair. My arm shot out and punched him in the arm. His chuckle turned into a
laugh. “Was that suppose to hurt?” He said wrapping his arm around
my head and gave me a noogie. I laughed and tried to push him away from him. “Yeah, I’m the strongest,” he told me letting me go. I
pushed away and stuck my tongue out and fixed my hair. “And don’t you forget it.” I shook my head and
pushed him and quickly walked away. He snickered and came after me. I yelped
when he picked me up into his arms. My feet lifted off the ground and he
wrapped his arms around my torso and picked me up until his lips touched my
neck. I went stiff. Hunter quickly nipped the back of my neck and put me back
down on the floor. I turned around, not meeting his gaze, and really punched
him. He staggered back a little, I felt his eyes on me. “What was that for?” He asked, rubbing his side. I didn’t
meet his gaze at all. I spun on my heel and walked over to a bench and sat
down. Hunter followed and sat down next to me, he put his arm around me and
pulled me close to him. He made me lean against him, he played with my short
scarlet red hair. “What ever I did. I’m sorry,” he whispered loud enough for
me to hear. The feeling that was eating at me last night was gone. I pulled
away a little and looked up at Hunter. It
was this. What? It was this that was eating at me. I haven’t
seen Hunter for ever. I haven’t hung out with him in like forever. I’ve missed
him. Oh. Really? Yeah, really. Didn’t I tell you it was him that you needed? No why would you even
START to listen to me? Shut up. I
said to myself. He gave me a small smile and bent until his forehead was on
mine, he tangled his hand in my hair and left me there, staring into his pale
gold colored eyes. “We have about forty-five minutes. You want to go get
something to eat?” He asked, the feel of his warm breath fan my face made me
want to kiss him. I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. My stomach growled
seconding that decision. He chuckled and pulled away, his hand leaving my hair
and his face moved away from mine. He grabbed my hand and dragged me off the bench. I stood up
and we walked out the movie theater and went down the street to a Chinese
restaurant. I sat in a little booth made for two by the window, while Hunter
stood and looked at the menu. He sat down quickly with it between us on the
table. “What do you want?” He asked not meeting my gaze. I just
stared at him, the way his once multi-colored hair was black, neon blue and red
was now like a dirty blonde color in the weak light in the restaurant. His eyes
took on a lighter yellow color, like they were glowing. His skin took on a sick
pale color, but it didn’t look like he was really sick. It made his look even
better. “Sky?” He called. I jumped a little and met his glowing gold
eyes. “Huh?” I answered. “What do you want to eat?” He asked this time meeting my
dark green gaze. I quickly looked down at the menu, feeling the blush find its
way onto my cheeks. I mentally shook myself and really looked at the menu. I
found my favorite meal, Chicken wings and French fires with barbeque sauce. “I want chicken wings and French fries with barbeque sauce.”
I told him looking up to meet his golden stare. He nodded folding the menu and
putting it in his pocket and went up and order our food. I watched the hard
muscles shift when he walked. While Hunter was standing by the counter, waiting for our
food, I looked around. It was a small restaurant, but big enough to hold four
booths; three small ones and one big one. The floor was paved with black and
white tiles, they were kept clean, polished. The walls were masked in black
wall paper with silver dragons flying around the room. Higher up on the left
wall they had taped menus and big pictures of their specialties. Minutes went by and Hunter came back to the table with a
tray with our food and drinks on it. We ate and talked about school and a
couple of his friends, the sports he was in. He asked me questions about my
family but I always redirected the spot light back to him. After that total
confession about my whole life I told Allix, I don’t want that to happen again. Hunter’s P.O.V I watched as she ate
her food, she would put a french-fry in her mouth and just roll it around in
her mouth for two minutes then she chewed it and then swallowed. She ate
everything in size order and would take a little sip of soda with almost every
bite. When she ripped every chicken wing so each piece had it’s own pile is the
only time she would eat the chicken. She ate all the chicken first, then she
finished the french-fries; all the bones were in neat piles. She finished off
her soda and finally looked at me. I smiled at her. I had finished my egg roll
and chicken wings minutes before she even started to put the chicken in piles. I just stared at her, while she got up and threw out our
garbage. The way her hair moved, it moved just like she did, quiet and gracefully.
Which I doubt she even thought she herself could ever be graceful. But she was
and I think always will be. She walked back to our table and sat down and
stared back at me, with her elbows on the table and with her head rest in the
back of both hands. She just stared at me, like I stared at her. I smiled at
her, she smiled back. “You ready to go?” I asked turning to look at the chef. They
seemed to be getting nervous. They spoke in hushed tones, but I still heard
them. “We have to get them out of here.” The woman whispered to
the older of the two men that had cooked our food. I narrowed my eyes at them. “I have a bad feeling about him,” the old man said. The
woman nodded and started to walk toward us. Walking around the counter and marched
over to our table. I stood up and grabbed Skyler’s hand, she gave it a quick
squeeze and shot up from the seat and we walked out. I looked down at Skyler and
told her to go on without me to the movie theater and that I’ll catch up and
that I wanted a fortune cookie. She shook her head. “No, I’ll wait for you,” she said and stared into my golden
gaze. Her forest green one burned into mine. I broke and nodded, telling her to
stay put in front of the place. She nodded and turned to stare out into the
street. I turned and walked back into the restaurant and growled at the woman. She
shrieked, but no one could hear her. Not unless I allowed them to and no one
saw anything wrong with the scene of me walking back up to the counter to get
something else to eat. I took one step toward her and she jumped back. I hissed
and charged at her, showing her what she was dealing with. Her eyes went wide
and she screamed at the top of her lungs, she fell back and stared up at me. The
two men were in shock as they stood behind the counter, shaking. I stopped and
she continued to scream. I could see the whites of her eyes and couldn’t help
but smile at the fear in her eyes. I chuckled and walked around the counter,
the two men stood huddled in a corner now, practically holding each other. I
hissed at them and they both yelped. I laughed out loud and grabbed a hand full
of cookies and walked back around the counter and strolled out the restaurant,
leaving three terrified people behind me. I walked out the restaurant and Skyler in the same place
where I told her to stay, as if she hadn’t moved. Skyler’s eyes seemed to glow
in the glow of the street light, when she looked up into my eyes. She looked appealing,
but she looked pretty no matter the light. “Movie time?” She asked. I chuckled and nodded. “Movie time,” I told her, she smiled and clapped like she
was a little girl. I couldn’t help but smile as we walked back down the street
to the movie theater. © 2011 PookieAuthor's Note
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Added on May 7, 2010Last Updated on September 6, 2011 Author![]() PookieMiddletown, NYAboutWould like to give a shout out to my good friend Brooke Madison. Love you girlll Hi! My name is Leyra. Just to keep this short, I love to write, anything and everything. I have a Book I am currently.. more..Writing
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