![]() Jason’s play & Skyler’s laughA Chapter by Pookie![]() JASON'S HERE!!!! YAY!!! What a fun night!![]() Jason’s play & Skyler’s laugh I growled and glared at the floor.
Skyler put her face in my chest and held me to her. Jason walked in and found
me on top of Skyler, of course shirtless, because why would I have a shirt on?
He stopped and looked down at us with a perverted smirk on his face. “What you guys dooooooing?” he asked. I
stood up, taking Skyler with me. She didn’t pull away and look at Jason. Her
face was burning up. I chuckled inwardly at how easy it was to make her blush.
I sat on the bed with Skyler in my arms. Why
do you have to come in now!? When you knew what we were doing?! I
growled at him. He laughed. I glared at him to stop but he didn’t. “Nice to see you brother!” He said with
a big smile on his face, I frowned at him. I shook my head and bent and kissed
Skyler on the top of her head. “Skyler, this is your brother in-law,
Jason. My little brother.” I whispered to her. She pulled away and looked up at
me. Her face was a blood red. I smirked and nodded. “Come back later.” I said and captured
Skyler’s mouth with mine. She pushed into me, leaving no air between us. I
waved my hand telling Jason to leave. Skyler pushed me back onto the bed and
kissed me. The kiss was hungry and filled with sexual tension. I put my hands
on her hips and couldn’t help but grind our hips together. She moaned lightly
and pulled away, she lightly kissed down my neck to my chest and back up again. Jason was still in the room. Get out! I growled. No can do bro. This is hot! He laughed. I growled. I got up off the
bed in one motion, throwing Skyler on the bed. She yelped as she bounced on the
bed. She crawled over to the pillows and grabbed one and hugged it, her face a
bright red. I turned and looked at Jason. “Leave!” I barked. He smirked and
nodded. “No prob. I’ll meet my sister later.”
He said turning to walk out. “Oh and guess who else is here?” He
asked me. He whistled and in came a white German shepherd. I smirked. Bastian
jumped up on the bed and went over to Skyler. She smiled and started to play
with him. Bastian licked her face and nibbled on her fingers. I looked at Jason
and shook my head. “Out.” I said pointing at the door. He
chuckled and walked out. Jason’s P.O.V I
walked out the room and sauntered over to my room, opening the door I got the
smell of Skyler and Allix. You spelt in
my room? I asked kindly as I walked in. Yes.
Have a problem? Allix asked. I shook my head and started to put my things
away. I heard a light moan. I chuckled. Never
seen you so eager bout a girl before. I told him as I closed my closet. He
didn’t say anything back. I shook my head and went down stairs to the kitchen.
Leylia walked in and got herself a soda. “I’m hungry.” I said out loud. She
looked around then looked at me. “Okay. And?” She said. “Make me something.” I told her. She
looked at me like I was crazy. “NO! Make it your damn self!” She
snapped. “Why?” I whined. I practically laid on
the counter all dramatically with a sad face on. “No, Jason. I’m not making you
anything. Do it yourself.” She said as she walked out. I jumped and landed
behind her, I grabbed her ankle and she dragged me through the first floor. “Please, please, please, please,
please, please, please, please, please,” I pleaded. “Lutem,” I cried in Albanian. “Vær så venlig,” I whined in Danish. “Alsjeblieft,” I complained in Dutch. “S'il vous plait,” I whimpered in
French. I was about to say it in German, when she finally broke. “FINE! MY GOD! I’ll make you something
to eat! F**k! God!” She growled. I smirked and jumped up onto my feet and
smiled down at her. “F*****g a*****e. God, kill him.” She
pled as she walked back to the kitchen. “Hey, he’s my god too!” I teased as I
followed. She stopped and turned death in her eyes. I stopped and put my hands
up in surrender with a smile on my face. She growled and stomped off toward the
kitchen. I chuckled inwardly and followed. Another moan came from upstairs. I
grinned and shook my head. “Sooooo, miss me?” I asked Leylia as
she got some food out. She didn’t look up at me, or throw anything at me. She
just made me a really big sandwich. “I missed you just as much.” I said as
I stole a piece of cheese. I slowly folded it in half and took a bite out of
the middle. I opened it and laughed out loud. “Look, Ley Ley! Cheese donut!” I
snickered. She glared Satan at me. I blew her a kiss and ate the rest of my
cheese donut. “Here!” She hissed, placing the
quadruple size sandwich in front of me. I smiled picking up the sandwich and
took a big bite out of it. “Hmmmmm. Oh yeah. Just like momma use
to make’em.” I said with pieces of sandwich in my mouth. “Mom’s still alive.” Leylia said
shaking her head. “Shut up! You just crushed a little
girls DREAMS!” I cried and hid behind my sandwich. “I knew it! You are a little girl!” She
snorted. I flipped her the bird and continued to eat the sandwich she gave me.
She got up laughing and walked out. I sniffed and finished the sandwich. I got
a can of soda and went out to the backyard. I sat by the pool and watched the
sand turn. The sun was bright and shinning off the
clear blue pool water. I sighed closing my eyes with my hands in back of my
head. A small breeze went by, cooling me for about two seconds. A small pain
started in the back of my eyes, and then went from my eyes to my temples then
the back of neck. “Damnit! Now?” I growled out loud. I
sat up and put my hands on both sides of my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and
concentrated on the pull I got from in front of me. I held onto the pull and in
came a rush of pictures, voices, and feelings. A girl around 5’8 with long
black fluffy hair and purple bangs, stood in front of a white wall with her
tongue sticking out and one eye closed. A flash went off and she stopped posing
and walked toward me. I couldn’t see the color of her eyes, just that they were
big. She was wearing a short white light pink skirt and a white tank top with a
pair of white sandals. Her hair was up in a high pony tail. Her bangs covered
half her face. I saw a hint of freckles. “Jason?” Her voice whispered to me. She
looked so familiar. The pull I have when I look at her, it’s strong. As fast as the vision came it went.
Seconds later my head stopped hurting and I was just looking into dark brown
eyes and a black nose. Bastian looked at me with his head to the side. I shook
my head and ran my hand through his fur. “What are you lookin’ at mutt?” I said.
He wagged his tail and barked at me. I chuckled and got up. I turned and met
light blue eyes. “What?” I whined rolling my eyes. “You know girls only roll their eyes?
And gay guys of course. Are you gay Jay?” Leylia asked. I shook my head and
pushed passed her. She followed behind me, tailing like a little puppy. “Hey we’re going out tonight. You
coming?” She asked. I sighed and walked faster.
“Okay, I’ll tell Skyler her new brother
in-law won’t even go to dinner for her.” She teased. I growled and turned and
glared at her. “Must you be such a b***h?!” I snapped
turning and walked away from her. “Hmmm, that line sounds familiar.” She
said. “Leylia, keep your mouth shut!” Allix
growled from up stairs. I looked up at the ceiling with a curious look, then I
looked back at Leylia. “What is he talking about?” I asked.
She smiled and shook her head and danced passed me. I hissed and walked into
the living room and started up the Xbox and started to play a game. I played
the game for three hours straight, not getting up for nothing. The sun started to go down around
eight. I paused the game and stood up to stretch when Allix and Skyler walked
in. I turned and smiled at her. She gave me a shy smile and tucked herself a
little behind Allix. I walked up to them and stared at her. She looked exactly
how I saw her, blood red hair, forest green eyes and an olive complexion. I
smirked down at her and nodded. I held my arms out waiting for her to run into
my arms and give me a hug. She looked at me like I was crazy. “You’re scaring her Jason.” Allix said
softly. “Not the first time he’s scared someone
new in the family.” Leylia’s voice came from behind me. I bit my lip to keep
from cursing her out in front of Skyler. Trust
me brother, she could make Satan swear off cursing for a long while with her
mouth. Allix said in my head. I nodded inwardly and turned and glared at
Leylia. “I hate you, you B***H!” I howled. She
broke out laughing, she put her hands on her stomach and fell back laughing. I
growled and jumped her. Skyler’s P.O.V Jason
attacked Leylia; she went down laughing and giggling, while still putting up a
fight. Allix chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and leaned on me.
He played with a couple of strands of my hair. I leaned into him and put my arm
around his waist and held onto him. Leylia pushed Jason off her and got up,
Jason landed on his feet like a cat. She continued to giggle and mock him. He
growled and went at her again. Allix sighed and walked away from me
toward his brother and sister. He grabbed each by the back of their shirts and
pulled them apart. Jason cursed and gave Leylia the bird several times. She
just stood there, her feet three inches off the ground with her arms folded
over her chest as Jason continued with the verbal abuse. “Will the two of you stop acting like
spoiled little brats?” Allix said. Jason looked at Allix and then me. He smiled
and looked back at Allix and nodded. Allix let them both go and Leylia walked
out of the living room and went to her room I guessed. I looked back to Allix and
then looked at Jason, he was staring at me. I gave him another shy smile. Allix
shook his head and held his hand out for me. I walked over and took it, he led
me over to the couch and he pulled me down onto his lap when he sat down. I looked down at the controller on the
couch and grabbed it. I turned on Allix’s lap until I was facing the TV. It was
a fighting game. “What game is this?” I asked. Jason
walked passed me and sat down on the other side of the couch. “It’s Tekken 6.” He said. I smiled. “AWESOME!! I’ve been dying to play this
one.” I said as I started a new game. I picked the one that looked better then
all the rest which was Lili. She was awesome. I played for a couple of hours,
until my stomach growled for food. When I paused the game and looked at the
clock it was a quarter to twelve. I turned to look at Allix. He chuckled and
nodded. “Yes, I know, you’re hungry. Go take a
shower and get dressed.” I nodded and threw the controller at Jason and ran
upstairs. I took a quick shower and threw on a black long sleeve shirt and a
black mini skirt with a pair of bright hot pink converse. I brushed my hair and
left it out; I put a little make-up on and went down stairs. Allix, Jason and
Leylia were waiting in the living room for me, all dressed and ready to go out.
I nodded and walked out the room and walked out the house and waited by the
passenger door of the car. Allix came over and unlocked his side
of the door and unlocked all the other doors. I got in and Jason and Leylia
followed. Allix drove off into the city when we were all in the car. “So, how’s everyone?” Jason asked. I
played with my fingers and almost chewed my lip off if Allix didn’t tell me to
stop. I looked up and met his baby blue eyes. He smiled at me and it almost met
his eyes, just not completely. “What the hell? Are all of you mute
today?” Jason growled. I looked at him through the review mirror, he caught me
looking and smiled at me, his smile matched his eyes and his face. He wasn’t
the evil looking type. His face was smooth and unlined by any scowl and frown.
I gave him a small smile back; my gaze went back to Allix. He looked at me from
the corner of his eye. “Can we listen to some music?” I asked
in a whisper. He nodded and turned on the radio. Adam Lambert came on. Leylia
squealed and started to sing along with me. I looked in the review mirror at
her and she smiled at me, actually smiled at me. I smiled back and we continued
to sing. “Whoa she sings to? Nice one bro. You
got yourself a keeper.” Jason said to Allix. Allix didn’t say anything; he just
drove and tapped his right index finger to the beat. We made it into town and it was like a
giant strip mall. Stores, restaurants, movie theaters and more stores lined
both sides of the street. Big billboards advertised stores and movies and new
video games that were coming out. We drove down the street, looking for a good
restaurant. “Hey how bout there?” Jason said,
pointing out his side window. We all looked to the left and saw a nice place to
eat; the sign was in blue lights. It read, Red Lily.
Allix nodded and did a U-turn and parked right in front of the place. I got out and looked up at the sign. It
was bright and really blue. Someone wrapped their arm around me, I jumped and
turned and met light blue eyes. A small smile bloomed on his face. “A little jumpy today are we.” He
whispered. I shook my head and hit him. He chuckled and held me tight to him. “Let’s go eat!” Jason said charging
into the place. I chuckled and Allix followed. Leylia danced behind me and
Allix. We got a table quickly, in the back of the restaurant. It was quiet and
dim. Three candles were our light. I sat in between Allix and Jason on one side
and Leylia sat on the other. “What do you want to eat?” Allix
whispered in my ear. I shrugged and struggled to read the damned menu. I
growled and brought the menu closer to my face and saw they have mushroom
ravioli. I smiled and told Allix I wanted that. Everyone else ordered their
food and their drinks. I sat there trying to figure out
everybody’s expression, my eyes adjusted a little but not fully. All I saw was
shadows and silhouettes of everybody. I shook my head and put it down on the
table, giving up trying to see anything. A warm hand rested on my lower back, I
jumped and turned to where I knew, no wrong word, where I felt Allix was sitting next to me on my right. He chuckled and
pulled me to him, chair and all. A little
eager aren’t we? I said in my head. His body shook with laughter. He bent
until his lips where at my ear, his tongue slowly came out from behind his lips
and went around my ear lobe. I shuddered, but didn’t pull away. Why
would you pull away?! You don’t want Hunter so you settle for the next best
thing! God sometimes I think you should just listen to the small voice in the
back of your head. You’re right,
that’s why I’m not listening now. So SHUT UP! I growled in my head. He
deliberately moved his tongue to the shell of my ear and down to my shoulder. I
almost shook with need. Those couple of hours making out and almost tearing
each other’s clothes off must have brought us closer together. Someone cleared
their throat; I jumped and pushed away from Allix. Allix’s P.O.V Jason
cleared his throat, Skyler pushed away from me. I growled and shot a glare at
Jason. What? I didn’t do anything. He
said. I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath
and let it out slowly. Allix, there’s
something bothering Skyler. Leylia told me. I turned and looked down at
Skyler; she played with her fingers nervously. I put my hand over both of hers
and squeezed reassuringly. She looked up and met my eyes, or where she thought
they were. I slowly bent and gave her one peck on the lips. I pulled away and
she came after me, she cupped my face and held me still and kissed me roughly.
I smirked and kissed her back. It seems
those couple of years you spent upstairs in your room wasn’t enough of the
making out. Jason said. Shut up.
I growled. He chuckled and shook his head while he took a sip of water. Leylia cleared her throat and I pulled
back, Skyler whimpered her reply that she didn’t want me to. Our food came in
those next few minutes and we ate. The food was wonderful. Skyler ate
everything and had her salad and Jason’s salad. He handed over his bread sticks
and checked if he had all his fingers afterward. Me and Leylia laughed, Skyler
looked embarrassed but laughed along also. Dinner was fun. Jason paid for dinner and got Skyler
dessert. We left and went walking down the strip mall, guys that passed us on
the street gave Skyler a once over, Leylia a once over and Jason. I laughed as
I read their minds. There were a lot of gay guys out here. This was cool,
something for Nicholas to get his teeth into. We stopped in front of a dance club,
the lights and fog coming out of the club caught Leylia and Skyler’s attention.
There was no line but a bouncer. Jason walked up and talked it out with the
bouncer, the price to pay to get in was nothing. For the four of us it was
fifty each so I paid for me and Skyler and Leylia and Jason got themselves. I
stepped into the club with Skyler on my arm. The dress code was there wasn’t
any; everyone was in different costumes and material that it looked like a
gothic rave type club. Jason jumped head long into the ocean of people and
started dancing to the pulsing music that rocked the floor. The place was huge!
The floor was covered with fog, the place was lit up with different types of
colored lights, disco balls, normal stage lights lit up the booths and little
rooms with beds in them just like at the Karaoke bar Skyler works in. Night
lights, black lights and normal club lights, the ones that went everywhere,
dancing along with you. The speakers were loud and huge, they stood on both
sides of the bar, standing tall, almost floor to ceiling. Up above the bar and
speakers was the Dj booth, where you could see someone moving to the beat with
one hand to their head, holding something to their head while they danced. I looked out over the sea of people and
found an empty table for two. I walked Skyler through all the closed in people.
The smell of alcohol was overwhelming. I knew already that Jason and Leylia
would be meeting different people here, W****s.
I said in my head. Hey! They said in
unison. I chuckled and sat at a table with Skyler. I sat away from her, on her
left. She looked at me and smiled; I gave her a grin and nodded toward the bar.
She shook her head, most likely remembering the last time she drank. I nodded
and told her I’ll be right back. I got up from my chair and walked over
to the bar to get myself a drink; the thought of leaving Skyler alone by
herself in a place like this really…scared me. I made it to the bar without so
much as a thought about someone near her from Skyler. You’ll look through her mind to find out if someone is near her or
bothering her, but not to see if she feels anything about you? Leylia asked
in my head. I shook my head knowing she felt me. I sat on a stool and waited
for the bartender to come my way. Mmm,
he’s a yummy one. A light voice said to my right. I turned my head and met
silver eyes. Her hair came to rest on the top of her a*s. It was black, a jet
black, like the night sky with no stars or moon. Her pale white skin glowed
from the little light that reached the far end of the bar. Sharp cheek bones
stood out from here, her lips were plump and covered with blood red lip stick
and coated with what smelled like lip gloss to make it shine and look bloody.
Her eyes were concealed with heavy, dark eyeliner and mascara. She caught me looking and winked at me.
I nodded toward her and turned toward the bartender and told him what I wanted.
He nodded and off he went to get me what I ordered. “I think I’ll go introduce myself,” a
featherlike voice came from my right, where it came from seconds before. I
twisted and saw a pale form get up and walk towards me. I looked up and met
those same silver eyes I was looking into two minutes before. Her lips formed
into a predators smile as she stalked in my direction. Her body was wrapped in
a skin tight corset dress that gave her the perfect hour glass shape, the dress
flowed out around her knees, her feet were wrapped in big clunky boots that
looked well with the outfit, and her long arms were disguised in long fishnet
sleeves, showing her pale arms. She sat down next to me when her small journey
ended. “Hi,” she purred. “Hello.” I greeted back. She moved
closer and looked me over. “So what’s a perfect man like you doing
in a gothic dump like this?” She hummed. “Nothing, the scene caught my
attention, so we came in and wanted to check it out.” I told her. She nodded,
and then gave me a questioning look. “When you say we you mean…?” She questioned. “My brother and sister.” I told her.
She looked relieved that I didn’t say girlfriend. Yup that’s right bro, don’t tell her bout Skyler. I’ll be right over to
act like your boyfriend. Jason said. I mentally rolled my eyes but didn’t
say no. Jason walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed
the side of my neck. I had the urge to slap him, but didn’t. I clenched my hand
in my lap and took a deep breath. He chuckled and looked up and stared at the
girl with a blank stare. “Who’s this?” He asked in a diva tone.
She looked at him with wide eyes. “You’re GAY?” She asked surprised. “That’s right, sweetheart. He’s gayer
than Ricky Martin and you know how that goes.” Jason answered for me. She shook
her head, got up and walked back to her chair. “He’s gay.” She told her friend. “I can’t believe he’s gay! Something
that good can’t be gay!” She cried. I smirked and push Jason away from me. “Come on baby. I thought you loved it
when I held you in my arms.” He whispered in my ear. I shook my head and pushed
him away from me again. He chuckled and sat next to me. “That was fun.” He said. I shook my
head and told the bartender to give me a virgin screw driver when he gave me my
scotch on the rocks. He nodded and went and got me the drink. He handed me the
cup filled with Pepsi and I grab my drink and got up and walked back to Skyler,
Jason went back into the endless pit of people and started to make a fool of
himself. The table came into view and I couldn't
help but smile. Skyler sat in the same spot where I left her. She smiled up at
me when I sat down and handed her a drink. She shook her head. “It’s just soda.” I said into her ear
loud enough so she could hear me over the pounding bass. She looked at me then
the cup and then me again and nodded taking the cup in her small pale hand and
took a sip. She took several sips before putting it down. “Thanks,” she whispered. I nodded. The
pounding bass changed to throbbing drums, the song changed. Skyler started
moving her head to the beat and drummed the tone with her fingers. Her red hair
bounced as she started to move her body to the song. I smiled, her eyes
sparkled in the little black light we had on our table. She looked happy today,
well besides the fight we had and her being really sick earlier, but she looked
okay now. No sign of fever, her chest is cleared up and her skin is back to the
same normal pale white color it has always been. She must have felt me watching
her because she turned and looked at me, her eyes filled with something that
looked foreign in her eyes. Love brother?
Leylia said. No, it can’t be. I told
her. Skyler pointed out to the dance floor and nodded. I looked out on the
floor and the body of people was massive. I looked back to her and back to the
people dancing and having fun. I looked back at her again and nodded. She
smiled and jumped up, grabbing my hand and pulled me along with her. Skyler jumped and danced along with
everyone else. I felt awkward as I stood there not knowing what to do. She
stopped dancing and asked me, “What’s wrong?” I shook my head and bent until my
lips where at her ear, “I don’t know what do to.” I pulled back and looked into
her eyes, waiting for her to laugh at me. She smiled and nodded. She just told
me to jump and move the way the music told me to move. So I did and I was
jumping and dancing like everybody else. We bumped into each other and knocked
each other around as we danced. She laughed and smiled the whole time. Her eyes
were light and bright. Then a really hardcore song came on and they started a
mosh pit. I grabbed Skyler’s hand and pulled her away, feeling how dangerous it
was. She pulled against me. “Come on! Let’s go.” She said trying to
pull away from me. I shook my head and dragged her away. She pouted and folded
her arms over her flat chest and glared up at me. I put my hands on her
shoulders and looked down at her. “I want to be in the mosh pit!” She
whined. I shook my head. “Why!” She cried. “You could get hurt.” I said my tone
final. She pushed away from me and shook her head. “Okay? I want to have some fun! A mosh
pit is fun. Come on! You can come to.” She said pissed. I shook my head. The
anger melted away from her face and she grabbed my hand and laced her fingers
with mine. She called me down with her index finger, like she wanted to tell me
something. I bent, wondering what she wanted to say to me. She kissed me. My
eyes went wide. She dropped my hand and wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened
the kiss. Her fingers knotted in my hair in seconds, her tongue pushed passed
my teeth and she wrapped her tongue around mine and played with me for a
little. She pulled away and bit into my bottom lip and sucked on it and pressed
her lips to mine once more and looked me in the eyes. “Please?” She asked again in a light
soft voice that made my insides turn to liquid. Say no! Say it! I don’t want her to be mad at me. So what! Say no! “Fine.” I said, broken. She smiled and
kissed me one last time and pushed me into the mosh pit. We pushed our way
through, punching, hitting, kicking and pushing people that got near us. I got
hit a couple of times and so did Skyler. When the song ended we picked our way
out the sea of people and made it back to our table. I sat down and sighed and
took a sip of my drink. Skyler drank the rest of her soda and walked over to me
and stood in front of me with a big smile on her face. She kissed me on the
lips again and pulled away and threw herself at me. “Thank you.” She said and tightened her
arms around my neck. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled
her onto my lap and held her to me. I nipped the side of her neck and she
jumped, like she normally did. She nipped the side of my neck too. I smirked
and shook my head. Jason walked over to us and smiled, big. I shook my head. He
pointed to the club door. “You wanna leave? It’s getting kind of
dead in here.” He said. But the music still pounded and shook the floor and
there were still people dancing and making out, and some were drinking. I
nodded. “You want to leave?” I asked Skyler.
She pulled away from my neck and looked me in the eyes, she yawned. “I’ll take
that as a yes,” I laughed and got up and put her on my back. She giggled and
held on tight. Jason and I walked out. Where’s
Leylia? I asked Jason. Already at the
car. He said. We walked out into the cool mid-night
air. Skyler shivered and buried her face into my hair. I walked over to the car
and unlocked the doors; Leylia had just walked out of a liquor store with a bag
in her hand. I shook my head and put Skyler down; she walked over to her side
of the car and got in. Jason, Leylia and I followed her and got in the car. I
put the heat on for Skyler. “So what are we doing now?” Leylia
asked opening the bottle that was in the bag and took a sip. She shook her head
and coughed. I rolled my eyes and started the car. “How about we go home and watch some
movies?” I suggested. Jason nodded, Leylia shrugged her shoulders and Skyler
nodded. I started the car and started off toward home. Jason turned on the
radio and put it loud. Leylia, Skyler and Jason sang along to almost every
song, practically yelling at the top of their lungs. Skyler laughed when Jason
sang, he changed his voice to fit the tone and he’d do a stupid dance as he
sang. I shook my head and kept my eyes on the road. I stopped the car in front
of the house and got out. Everyone else copied me and we went inside the house. “I’ll get the cups!” Leylia yelled
running into the kitchen with the bottle in her hand. I shook my head and
pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. The
real question here is, how is it possible for us to get drunk? I said to no one in particular. I don’t know bro. Jason said. Skyler
laughed and went upstairs. She’s going up
stairs to change into something comfortable. Jason told me. I just stared
at the stairs and nodded. “Come on bro, let’s go set up the
movie.” Jason said bouncing into the living room. I walked in after him. We set
up the movie and I got the popcorn ready. Leylia was jumping around the kitchen
trying to find cups. I shook my head and got the cups out for her. “YAY! You found the cups!” She said and
hugged me. I pushed her off me and made the popcorn. She ran into the living
room screaming, “ALLIX FOUND THE CUPS!!!” Jason broke out laughing. Why does it have to be my family? I
asked myself. Jason’s laughed covered anything Leylia was trying to tell me in
her drunken fantasy. The smell of popcorn stopped all acts
and talk that were on the verge of happening. The small pops and bangs of the
corneal popping was the only sound heard throughout the whole first floor. The
other sound was the shuffling Skyler was making up stairs. She was brushing her
teeth and washing her face before she came down stairs. Before she could care less about what she looked like in front of me
and now she has to get dressed to be in comfortable clothes. I’ll never
understand girls. I told myself walking over to the cabinet and got another
bag of popcorn. Trust me bro, we won’t
understand women until they want to be understood, even when that’s all the
damned time. So just go with the flow like you always do. Jason told me. I
shrugged and thought about it as I took out the first bag of popped corn and
put in the second. I opened the bag and inhaled the buttery smell and grinned.
I got out a big bowl and poured the popcorn into it. “Come pour some soda, while I get some
chips out.” I said to Jason. He bounded into the kitchen and quickly got three
cups out and cracked some ice and put it in the cups and poured the soda. He
took the cups and bottle of soda to the living room. Once the third and last
bag of popcorn was done Skyler came down stairs in one of my big black t-shirts
and sweat pants. I brought the two bowls into the room and put them on the
coffee table with the cups filled with soda and the soda bottle. “I’m going to go change real quick.” I
told them. Jason nodded and copied, leaving Skyler alone with Leylia. “If she tries to make you drink, say no
and don’t look her in the eye.” I told Skyler. She chuckled and nodded. I ran
upstairs and changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a blue t-shirt. I
walked out the room and bumped into Jason. He pushed me away from him and I
punched him in the arm. He chuckled and pushed me again. I jumped on him and
gave him a noogie and a wet wily. “Aw come one! That’s not fair! You’re
stronger than me!” Jason whined when I pulled away with my wet index finger. I
chuckled. “Hey did you feed the dog today?” Jason
asked. I thought back and remembered I left him a big bowl of food and water
for the whole day. “Yup.” I said. Jason nodded and pushed
me out of the way and ran down stairs. I hit the wall and laughed shaking my
head. I ran after him and caught up to him before he got passed the foyer and
tackled him. He chuckled and tried to push me off him, which wasn’t working. I
put him in a chokehold. “Let me go!” Jason cried out. I shook
my head and tightened my hold on him. His right elbow lashed out and hit me in
the side. I coughed and my hold on Jason loosened giving him a chance to push
me off him which he took. He threw me off him and slowly walked into the living
room like nothing happened. I jumped up and followed him into the living room. Skyler was in the corner we always
seemed to sit in together. She bent over and got a hand full of popcorn and sat
and popped each one into her mouth slowly, rolling it around in her mouth. I
licked my lips as I walked around and sat next to her. She looked up and met my
eyes with a smile and held out a piece of popcorn to me. I leaned in and took
both her index finger and thumb along with the popcorn. She looked at me with
semi-wide eyes; a blush slowly crept its way onto her pale cheeks. I sucked on
the tips of her fingers and took the popcorn out of her grasp and pulled back,
chewing the little piece she gave me. “Are you two finished sucking each
other’s appendages? I’m starting the movie.” Jason said pointing the remote
toward the TV. I nodded and pulled Skyler onto my lap. I moved over so there
was room for Leylia. When the movie finished me and Skyler
ended up on the floor, with me laid out on the floor and her leaning against me
with the bowl of chips in her lap. We had to pause the movie three times for
Jason who got hungry and made himself massive sandwiches. Skyler’s P.O.V I sat
there on the floor leaning against Allix, waiting for Jason to pick a new
movie. I sighed and fixed myself so I had my head on his chest and I was
looking up at the ceiling. This feeling that I couldn’t name. What’s the matter? I don’t know. I-there’s this feeling that I can’t put my finger on.
It’s like there’s something missing. I told myself. Hmm. Or could it be someone is missing? Maybe Hunter? What?! No! Why would it be Hunter? Why not would it be him? You like him, he’s
sweet, he adores you and he’s really hot! You miss him! I don’t know. Yeah he’s cute, sweet and nice, but I don’t know. I
think I miss him. I don’t know. I said to myself. Yes, whatever. Pay attention to the one you’re with now. I rolled
my eyes and sighed again. I looked at the clock and it was three
o’clock in the morning. How long was that
movie?! As if she could hear me Leylia said, “Almost three hours.” I looked
at her with a questioning gaze and nodded. Allix put his hand on the side of my
face and stroked my cheek with his thumb; I shivered and leaned into his touch. “What’s the matter, love? You tired?”
Allix’s smooth voice snaked over my body, rising goose bumps on my arms and
legs and parts of my face. Is that even
possible?! I asked myself. I turned onto my stomach and prompt my head on
the palms of my hands and stare into his light blue eyes. “It’s been a while since your eyes have
been baby blue,” I said, not answering his questions before. He chuckled and
nodded. He rested his head on the heel of his hand, staring at me. “And it’s been a while since you’ve
drank something. Here, drink this!” Leylia said handing me a cup filled with
vodka. I shook my head. “No thank you.” I said softly. She
glared at me and pushed the cup at me. “Here! Drink it!” She barked. I shook
my head. “DRINK IT!” “Leylia!” Allix growled, she jumped and
sat back down and drank the cup like nothing happened. I looked at Allix and
gave him a soft smile. He smiled back and moved forward and pressed his lips to
mine, the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end. He pulled away
slowly taking me with him. I quickly crawled over to him and pressed my lips to
his hard, causing him to smirk and kiss back. I pushed him onto his back and
climbed on top of him and deepened the kissed. He growled and put his left hand
on the back of my head and the other under my shirt. I shuddered at the contact
and continued to kiss him. His lips were soft and warm and moist. His tongue
went across my bottom lip, making a shudder rip down my spine. I slowly opened
my mouth and let the tip of his tongue in. I opened more and he proceeded with
caution. Once he was all the way in I pushed him back and chased him back to
his mouth. His mouth was so warm and familiar. I took over the kiss and left
nothing untouched. He purred deep in his chest. My whole body trembled with the
sound. He knotted his left hand in my hair and pushed me closer to him. I
moaned softly and pulled back a little to see what he was going to do and he
pushed my tongue back into my mouth and took over the kiss. I almost growled, I
tried to take the kiss back and failed. I pulled away completely and took a
deep breath. Allix chuckled and put his hands on my hips and looked up at me,
panting. His eyes light, lighter than baby blue. The sound of the Xbox turning
on scared me. I jumped off Allix and looked up at the TV. Jason had put in
Tekken 6 again. I looked at him through narrow eyes; he did the same and held
out the second controller to me. I nodded and took it; I hopped up from the floor
and sat next to him. I looked down at the controller and moved my fingers over
the buttons and thought about the combos and special attacks. I smirked. Allix
moved over and leaned against my legs. I opened them and put them at his sides.
He took my feet in his hands and lifted my legs up and put them on his
shoulders and put his head against the couch. I looked down at him and grinned.
He chuckled and ran his left index finger up and down my calf. I shuddered and
gripped the controller tightly. “You ready to get your a*s kicked?”
Jason said picking his character, Demon Jin. I looked at him and gave him the
finger. He laughed. “No the real question is, are you going
to get on your knees and suck my dick after I win?” I asked calmly. He looked
at me with wide eyes. Allix roared with laughter. His laugh was smooth and
rich; it gave me goose bumps and made my head swim. It was the cutest laugh I
have ever heard. It was loud and booming, like it filled the whole house. I
looked at Allix and the way his nose wrinkled when he laughed was adorable.
Jason looked at him with big blue eyes. “Wha?” Leylia said. We all looked at
her, she was half passed out on the chair. I giggled and quickly picked my
character, Lili. “Let’s go!” I yelled. “Allix go get the
whip cream so your brother can lick it off my a*s when I win.” Allix snickered.
Jason looked at me like I was his precious little girl that just discovered
cussing. I smiled big and shook my head. “I’ve been cussing since I could walk.
Get use to it, buddy boy.” I said. He swallowed and nodded practically gaping
at me. I chuckled and waited for him to pick an arena. I sighed and played with
the controller. “CAN YOU JUST F*****G PRESS A OR
SOMETHING!?!” I barked. He jumped and pressed X. The game finally started and
we fought. I won four fights out of five, meaning I WON!!! “I win! I win! I win! I win! I win!” I
said parading around the living room on Allix’s shoulders. Jason looked
defended. He dropped the controller on the floor and groaned, putting his face
in the corner of the couch. Allix put me down and I jumped onto Jason and
partied all in his face. “Oh yeah! I won! I won!” I said and
jumped off him. I started dancing in the middle of the floor. “Wait.” I said stopping Allix’s
laughing and Jason’s groaning. Both boys looked up at me, Allix with smiles in
both eyes and on his face and Jason with a sad look on his face. “How many times did I win?” I asked
talking to Allix. He held back his fit of laughter and held out his whole hand,
showing me four fingers. I nodded. “Yup! That’s exactly HOW many times I
won. FOUR!” I said resuming my victory dance. Allix boomed with laughter,
throwing his head back, holding his stomach and hitting the floor with the
meaty side of his hand. I laughed along with him. Jason got up from the couch
and shuffled his way out the living room, with a little rain cloud over him,
raining down. I stopped dancing and ran up to him and grabbed his arm, stopping
him. He turned and looked down at me. I smiled up at him. “I’m just playing. Gosh can’t take a
joke?” I said pulling him back to the couch. He nodded and sat down, mopping. “Yes I do know how to take a joke,” he
said. “Only your own jokes.” Allix finished
for him. I snorted. Jason hit Allix in the back of the head. Allix turned
around and glared at him. Jason held up his fist, the back of it facing Allix,
and he lifted up his other hand to his mouth and blew into it. It tried
franticly to blow into his other hand, when he finally got it, his middle
finger in the fist that was facing Allix flipped up, long and tall in his face.
I broke out laughing and fell on my butt laughing so hard. Allix growled and went at Jason,
flipping the couch over and breaking the small table that was behind it. I
continued to laugh as the boys fought. Allix punched Jason in the left side,
causing Jason to cough and burp. I was in a giggle fit. Jason turned it around
on Allix and held him in the sleeper hold. I couldn’t resist, I hopped up and
ran over to the right side of them and got on my hands and knees. I took a deep
breath and started counting from 1-3 slowly and slapping my hand on the floor
like in wrestling. Jason let Allix go and they both looked at me like I was
crazy. I got up on my feet and walked over to Jason still on top of Allix and
JASON!!” I yelled. “And the crowd goes wild!” Allix said
putting his hands over his mouth and breathed into his hands, making the
screaming fan noise. Jason shook his head and pulled his arm from my hand and
got up, helping Allix up on the way. “Oh my god! I love you Jason!” I said
throwing myself at him like a die hard fan. He rolled his eyes and tried to
push me off of him, I didn’t let go. Allix threw himself at Jason’s feet and
kissed the ground he walked on. “Please Jason, have my baby!” Allix
squealed. I laughed and got off him. Allix chuckled and got up off the floor.
We looked at each other and looked back at Jason and broke out laughing. Jason
rolled his eyes and sighed, picking up the couch and putting it back where it
was. © 2011 PookieAuthor's Note
Featured Review
16 Reviews Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 1, 2010Last Updated on September 6, 2011 Author![]() PookieMiddletown, NYAboutWould like to give a shout out to my good friend Brooke Madison. Love you girlll Hi! My name is Leyra. Just to keep this short, I love to write, anything and everything. I have a Book I am currently.. more..Writing
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