Being sick, opens the heart

Being sick, opens the heart

A Chapter by Pookie

Being sick, opens the heart

Allix’s P.O.V Wake up! Skyler’s sick. Leylia’s voice declared in my head. I groaned and turned over onto my stomach, the feel of cool air hit my skin, rising goose bumps on my shoulders and back. Wake up! She’s throwing up in the bathroom. Why should I believe you? I saw you thinking about telling her to fake it. I told her. She growled. The blanket that was on me was ripped off.

“How about you go see for yourself and report back to me if she’s faking,” she ordered. I whirled onto my back and looked her in the eyes. I sat up and put my hand through my hair and sighed. Slipping off the bed I shrugged, feeling my hair fan across the back of my knees. Leylia glared up at me with her hands on her hips, her hairs up in a messy bun, her pale face bare of any make up; she was still wearing her pajamas, a pair of girl boxers and a white t-shirt. She rolled her eyes and disappeared. I shook my head and went to Skyler’s room. I walked in just as Skyler walked out of the bathroom. She looked so weak and tired. The little sun that peeked through the curtains bathed the bed in golden sunlight. She looked up into my eyes and gave me a halfhearted smile.

She looks like she’s ready to keel over. Leylia said. She finally looked me in the eyes. I said surprised. I looked her over, she was wearing one of my long t-shirts, and her hair was in the form of a bed head. She climbed into bed and pulled the blankets over her and held Mr. Bears close to her. Her eyes had a dull shine to them; her skin looked paler than normal and clammy.

Does it look like she’s faking it? I shook my head. W-what do I do? I asked. Stay home and take care of her, maybe take today to finally get to know her. Or you could lose her to Hunter. He seems to know her a lot more than you do right now. She told me. I didn’t pay any attention to her; I continued to stare at Skyler. I stood there, she looked so frail, like if I touched her I’d hurt her.

I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. She was almost covered in sweat. Her hair stuck to parts of her neck and face. Bringing her hand up to her mouth she coughed into the palm of her small pale hand. I moved closer and leaned against the head board with Skyler’s hand in mine. Little shocks went through her. I dropped her hand and put my hand on her forehead. She was burning up. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders I held her to me. I bent and kissed the top of her head, breathing her in, she shuddered. Talk to her! I growled at myself.

“Remember our first day here, I said, ‘I wanted to know more about you?’” I whispered. She nodded, snuggling closer to me. Her body fit mine so perfectly, like our hands and lips. Our kiss couldn’t be any more perfect.

“What’s your favorite color?” I asked softly.

“Black and purple,” she coughed.

“What’s your favorite band?”

“Don’t have one. I like them all the same,” she told me. I nodded.

“Favorite animal?”

“Dog. I want a husky and German shepherd.” She said playing with her fingers. A smile pulled at my lips.

“I have a white German Shepherd,” I told her. She turned and looked up and met my eyes again. Big green saucers.

“You do?!” She questioned surprisingly. I nodded and smiled down at her. Her lips pulled up into a small smile.

“How old is he?”

“He’s two. I got a new one after the old on passed.” I told her.

“What happened to the first one? When did he die?” She asked.

“He died, he was old, he’d been with my family since I was ten. He died around the time I moved to California. He was eleven, got hit by a car when we were moving into the new house.” I explained. She looked at me with sympathy and nodded, not asking anymore questions about Bastian.

“What was his name?” She whispered covering her mouth to cough. Her eyes watered. Why is she crying? She didn’t know Bastian. I thought he was the type to not show tears and feelings.

“His name was Bastian.” I told her.

“What’s the new one’s name?” She asked.

“Bastian, after the first.” I said. She nodded.

“He was your best friend. He understood you, liked you the way you are.” She said softly. Her words were like silk, they went over my skin gently, making things stir that haven’t been stirred in eight hundred years. She doesn’t feel like she’s understood by anyone. I gathered her onto my lap and held her to me. She rested the back of her head on my shoulder.

“What’s you favorite color?” She asked.

“Green,” I said holding her closer to me. I kissed her cheek.

“Do you like to read?” I asked.

“Yeah, mainly romance and horror novels.” She said. I nodded.

“What about you?” She asked.

“I really don’t like to read. Unless you’ll read to me.” I purred in her ear. She shuddered and turned slightly and looked at me from the corner of her eye with a light blush on her face.

“Why do I have to read to you?” She whispered. I nipped her shoulder causing her to jump.

“I just love the sound of your voice.” I whispered into her ear. She took a deep breath and turned her head so our lips were centimeters apart. I looked into her eyes; she turned her head away from me quickly.

“Do you like movies?” She asked in a small voice.

“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?” I told her.

“Well you seem the type to waste time on more important things like,”

“You.” I finished for her. She went stiff, her heart rate sped up. She shifted on my lap, putting my hands in her lap I played with her fingers.

“Have you had any pets?” I asked. She shook her head.

“No,” she whispered. “No matter how much or how bad I wanted a dog my parents never got me one.” She told me. I held her tighter to me and kissed the back of her neck.

“I’ll get you whatever you want.” I assured her. She didn’t say anything.

“How many brothers and sisters do you have?” She asked. Make her something to eat. She must be hungry from throwing up. Leylia ordered. Where are you? I growled.

That’s none of your concern. Just keep you mind on Skyler. She said. Whatever. I picked Skyler up and put her on the bed. I sat up and got off the bed.

“Where are you going?” she whispered. I looked down into her eyes and said, “Come, let’s go get you something to eat. You must be hungry.” She nodded and got off the bed and took my hand. I twined my fingers with hers and we both walked down stairs to the kitchen. She dropped my hand and sat by the island in the middle of the room. The chair swiveled and she spun and faced the refrigerator. I looked through the cabinets and got out a can of soup; I sat it on the island and brought out a small pot. I put a little bit of water in the pot, then opened the can and put the soup in the pot and put the soup to make on the stove.

“I have four brothers and one sister, Leylia.” I told her looking up into her eyes, they had small smiles in them. She nodded.

“Who do you hate the most in your family?” She asked with a small smile pulling at the corners of her lips, forming a little perfect smile. A smile with a hidden meaning, I could kiss that smile right off her face. I shrugged, turning around to the refrigerator and got out ham and cheese, then slice bread and made us three sandwiches each. Skyler started on her first sandwich, staring at me, waiting for me to answer.

“It’d have to be my brother Jason.” I said. She nodded and opened her mouth and asked, “Why?”

“’Cause he can read me like an open book.” I explain taking a bite out of my sandwich.

“Who’s the youngest?” She questioned with a piece of food in her mouth.

“Leylia, then Jean, then the twins, Abel and Anton, then Jason and I’m the oldest.” I told her. She nodded and finished off the last of her sandwich. I still had two sandwiches left. I held one out to her; she gave me a small smile and took it.

“Who do you hate the most in your family?” I asked. She shrugged and took a bite out of the sandwich.

“Mostly everybody.” She answered. I finished my sandwich and turned off the stove. As she ate we talked more and got to know each other a lot more. I found out she likes to listen to nothing but rock, she likes to draw and do things that express her being, she likes to read poetry sometimes and she’s won poetry contests when she was little. I just stared at her as she continued to talk about herself. I didn’t stop to ask any questions I just let her talk.

Her eyes seemed to grow lighter as she talked about all her problems and family issues. We sat at the island for hours. I told her that my mother is a reader and writer and that Jason draws and he’s a great artist. I made her laugh, and giggle and smile. She looked beautiful with a smile on her face.

We moved to the living room and sat down by the fireplace and roasted marshmallows. She told me she’s never been camping, never gotten sick, or never sky dived. She’s afraid of heights, of the dark, of bugs with more than four legs and loves snakes but has never had one.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her onto my lap and kissed the back of her neck, she relaxed into my lap and laid her head against my shoulder. I held her hand and this time she twined her fingers with mine. Her body temperature had cooled down some and she was feeling a lot better. I told her things I’ve never told Jason, or Leylia.

“I’ve had a spider though,” she said looking down at our hands. I held her close.

“I thought you didn’t like eight legged animals?” I asked her. She giggled and shook her head.

“Yeah, but it was interesting. It was a smart spider.” She said turning her gaze on the ceiling as she leaned into me.

“Oh really? How so?” I questioned her. She turned her head and met my gaze, her eyes were a light green and they were dancing.

“I don’t know. When ever I left the container open it never left, but if it did it always went back. And it always got food, either it went out side to the garden or there were flies in my room I had over looked.” She said. I chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” She glared at me. I shook my head and put my forehead on her and said, “Nothing, but your wonderful warped sense of humor.” She smirked and looked away from me.

“Did you parents ever find out about it?” I questioned. She shook her head.

“No, they never found out.” She told me, her voice snaked around my body.

“So what happened to the spider?”

“I let him go. Even though he seemed pretty happy, I still thought it was unhappy within closed doors. So I set him lose in the back yard. And every now and then when I went up to my tree house he was hanging in the corner in my room.” She believed. I hugged her and nipped the side of her neck.

“Seems to me you do have a heart,” I assumed. She turned her head and frowned.

“No. I just have feelings, feelings I hate showing.” She said pulling her hand away from mine. She didn’t get up from my lap she just stopped holding my hand.

“Why?” I asked wondering.

“Because, showing feelings is a sign of weakness. And having a weakness isn’t good.” She told me. I nodded and found her hand again and held it.

You should sorta kinda ask her why she didn’t look you in the eye the other day. Leylia suggested. I opened my mouth and nothing came out.

“Skyler,” I called. She turned her head and looked me in the eyes and tilted her head to the side, telling me I have her attention.

“Why didn’t you look me in the eyes after last Friday?” I asked. She looked away quickly her cheeks burning brightly with a blush.

“Because,” she said, “Because you said you loved me!” I looked at her with wide eyes.

“That’s it?” I asked. She turned completely and looked into my eyes for a few seconds, then her eyes turned dark and angry. She stood up and pulled her hand away roughly, glaring down at me.

“That’s it?! What do you mean ‘that’s it?’ I mean that’s a whole f*****g lot for someone like me! It’s not every f*****g day you see people coming up to me telling me they love me, even if we’ve been together for a total of a week and some days!

“How the f**k am I suppose to feel about that?! I don’t know you like that! Yes we’ve spent almost all god damned day getting to know each other but that doesn’t mean anything to me!” She yelled. I glared at her. Doesn’t mean anything to her? Stupid b***h! I growled in my head. I shot up and glared down at her.

“You stupid b***h! How can that not mean anything to you?!” I barked at her. She stood her ground, not backing down.

“It doesn’t!” She snarled. I growled.

“I completely laid my heart out on the table and told you things my brother doesn’t even know! And it means nothing to you?! I’ve told you things none of my family members know about me! And it means nothing to you?! I told you I loved you and it means NOTHING TO YOU?!” I roared. She flinched then; she took a step back and blinked. I took the opportunity and grabbed her wrist and brought her to me.

“Let go of me!” She growled. I caught her face in my hand and made her look me in the eyes. Straight fear was in her eyes. Now you want to be scared?! I leaned closer, our lips mere inches from each other. She didn’t look away, her eyes started to water and her face grew red.

“Why must you be such a b***h? From day one I tried my damnedest to be nice, but when I try to push it you bring me down.” I said and let her go and walked away.


Skyler’s P.O.V I watched as Allix stalked out of the living room. I stood there, scared shitless. I started to shake after he left. I fell to the floor and curled up into a ball and cried. Why must you be such a b***h? Allix’s voice rang through my head. I don’t know why. I just am. Whoa, buddy. What happened? Me and Allix got into another fight and he asked me why do I have to be such a b***h. I cried to myself. Well that’s kind of messed up. But you do know he’s right, right? Yes! I do. But I don’t want to get close to him. I don’t want to get married to him. I want to get married to someone I love. Yes, don’t we all. But you’re not getting out of this. Don’t you think this is a miracle? He told you he loves you, he treats you like a princess. He likes you, his mother likes you and his sister is practically your sister now. What is there to lose? Your feelings can grow or they can leave you a lonely old woman that no on wants to be with. Which will it be? I shook my head. I-I don’t know. I don’t know how I feel. You like him correct? Yes. Then just give him a chance and see how you feel after okay? But what if we fight again? Then you fight. It doesn’t mean it’ll change how he feels about you or you him. I nodded and took a deep breath.

I wiped the tears from my face and stood up from the floor and walked out the living room. I stopped in the foyer, looking around the house felt so sad and forlorn. I sighed and started up the stairs to our room. When I got to the top of the stairs, I heard a growl; it sent chills rolling down my spine in waves. I shuddered and gulped back the fear and walked toward our bedroom. The door was open a crack, I peeked in. Allix didn’t seem to hear me. He was pissed; he bared his teeth as he paced back and forth through the room. Leylia was sitting on the bed watching him. She turned and met my eyes; she held her finger up to her mouth, telling me to be quiet. I nodded and just watched.

“She’s such a B***H! Ugh! I just can’t take it anymore. I’ve given her as many chances without trying to rip her apart.” Allix growled. I felt hurt and scared at the same time. I took a deep quiet breath and continued to listen.

“Maybe you should give her this last chance. She has been coping with you; maybe it was because she was sick?” Leylia countered. I smiled and nodded my head.

“I don’t care! She has been pushing my buttons since day one!” He spat back turning around and got in Leylia’s face. She didn’t move, didn’t flinch, she just stared into Allix’s black eyes.

“Maybe because she’s not use to being told that she has to marry a complete a*****e from school, on a whim okay! She has no idea how to handle something like that! I mean you’re like her first TRUE BOYFRIEND! So cut her some god damned slack!” Leylia hissed back at him. I looked down at the floor and felt my face heat up with a blush. Allix didn’t say anything. I looked up and watched his face change from angry to thoughtful.

“You should give her more time than anyone we know, Allix. She’s special to you, I know, and you want her to feel the same way about you. But you have to give her time.” Leylia said softly.

“But there’s only five months until the wedding. And I don’t want her to marry me if she doesn’t want to. Five months isn’t a long time for two people to fall in love, now is it?” He said his voice soft and reassuring. It made my skin tingle.

“Then tell father to push the date back about two months, since school doesn’t end until August. Tell him you want to spend more time getting to know Skyler.” Leylia suggested. Allix shook his head.

“He won’t listen to me. You know father doesn’t like Skyler. He’d want to see her suffer.” He said.

“Just ask him,” Allix shook his head as Leylia talked his hair whipping into his face. Leylia sighed and stood up; she looked up and met Allix’s now dark blue eyes.

“I’ll talk to father and let you know what he says.” She said. Allix nodded.

“But what you should do, while I talk to father is make up with Skyler.” She said turning and walked out of the room, her hair brushing my hand and most of my arm. She didn’t meet my eyes as she walked out. I heard Allix sigh and sit on the bed with his face in his hands.

I slipped through the little crack Leylia had left open for me when she left and walked to Allix. He still hadn’t noticed me. I stopped right in front of him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“I know Leylia. I have to talk to her. But I don’t know how to take back what I said.” He said into his hands. I felt bad. I hooked my hand around his wrist and pulled it away from his face, he didn’t look up. I took his other wrist in my other hand and put his arms around my waist and sat on his lap. His head was on my shoulder.

“I don’t blame you for calling me a b***h. I know when the truth is said and you’re right, I am a b***h. A really big b***h for not giving you a chance, to show me what being nice was.” I whispered as I put my arms around his waist and pushed him back a little so I could put my head on his chest. He switched from my shoulder to my head. He didn’t move, didn’t say anything, we just sat there in each others arms. He kissed the top of my head and held me closer to him.

“I’m sorry,” was all he said and it was enough. I nodded and pulled away from him and stood on my feet and looked down at him. He looked up at me and met my eyes; I gave him a small smile. The sides of his lips turned up into a sad smile. He grabbed my hand and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

“I really am sorry for calling you a-“ I bent and kissed him. A shock went through me and I shuddered. I pulled back and he kept coming, wanting another. I giggled and squeezed his hand.

“Like I said before. The things you said were right.” I repeated and kissed him again. His arms snaked around me and pulled me closer to him; I put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He pulled away for air and looked into my eyes; his eyes were light and almost dancing. I pushed him down on his back and straddled him, I put my hands on his chest and just stared down at him, he left his hands on my hips and just stared up at me. I bent to kiss him and the doorbell rang.

I growled and went to get off him when Allix turned us over so he was on top, between my legs. He put both hands on either side of my head, locking me in place. He bent and kissed me, the kiss was hungry and animal like. It made my stomach flip, I shuddered and locked my arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of me. He growled as I knotted my fingers in his hair and pulled it.

The doorbell rang again. He pulled away and glared at the door, I whimpered and pulled him down to me again and kissed him roughly. He purred and turned us over so I was on top. His hands roamed from my hips to my sides and to the back of my thighs. He stood outside of my clothes and that made it all the more hot. The bell rang a third time. I growled and pulled away from Allix and jumped off him.

“Wait just one minute.” I hissed. I felt him smirk and chuckled. I shivered and walked out the room and down the stairs to the front door. The bell rang a fourth time. I growled, putting my hand on the door knob.

“What the f**k to you want?!” I barked pulling the door open. I looked up and met yellow eyes, the anger I had was gone, forgotten. I grinned like an idiot and just stared up at Hunter. He was tall and handsome, well-built and handsome, his short blonde hair was gone, it was dyed a royal blue, his teeth straight and perfect, gleamed in the sun light. He was wearing a semi-tight tank top and a pair of black jean shorts with black Jordan’s.

“Missed you to, Sky-baby.” He chuckled bending down, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I shuddered and just stared at him.

“I brought you the homework.” He said. I nodded and just smiled like a d****e-bag. He laughed and put his big tanned hand to my forehead.

“You feeling okay?” He asked. I nodded. He shook his head and held something out to me. I looked down and found it to be packets and a thick text book.

“What the hell is that?” I questioned. Hunter chuckled and explained to me that it was homework for the vacation for me and Allix.

“Vacation?” I asked. Hunter nodded.

“For what? Christmas?” I said. Hunter shrugged.

“I don’t know, I think it has to do with vampires or something. I don’t know what Mr. Green was talking about.” He said. I nodded and took the pile of papers and text book.

“So missed me?” I asked with my hand on my hip. Hunter looked me over and smirked a very flirty smirk. I looked down at what I was wear and wasn’t wearing anything except Allix’s long black shirt. I blushed and looked down at the floor. Hunter caught my face in his hand and made me look up at him.

“Yeah I did miss you. It just wasn’t a normal day without you yelling and cursing at everyone. It was quiet.” He said his breath fanning my face. I took a deep breath and just stared into his eyes. I took a step toward him, our lips so close together. Come on! Just a little closer. Kiss him! NO! Why not?! Because Allix will be pissed! Oh shut up! He doesn’t have to know! Just kiss him!! Don’t you want to kiss him?! God like there’s no tomorrow but there is a tomorrow and I’m not going to do it! You’re such a party pooper! Yeah well bite me! I growled at myself. I pulled away and shook my head.

“What happened?” Hunter asked in a silky voice. I felt my face heat up. I shook my head.

“Nothing, just feeling a little sick. Don’t want you to catch it. Bye!” I said and closed the door in his face. I turned and put my back to the door and slid to the floor with the homework on my lap.

“O-kay? I’ll come and see you tomorrow. Maybe go see a movie if you’re feeling any better?” He said. I bit my lip. Say something you idiot!

“Okay, sounds fun.” I said.

“Later,” he said through the door and walked away. I sighed and banged my head against the door and shook my head.

“What happened?” Allix’s voice came from the stairs. I jumped and met his eyes.

“N-nothing. Just Hunter, he came to drop off our homework. It seems we have a vacation.” I told him getting up. He nodded and glared at the door. He took the homework and caught my face in his hand and kissed me roughly. My eyes went wide. I was taken off guard. He dropped the homework on the floor and cupped my face and deepened the kiss. I moaned and closed my eyes, melting into the kiss. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. His tongue went across my bottom lip, sending shivers down my spine and little electric shocks throughout my body. I opened quickly wanting the taste of him. He picked me up so I could put my legs around his waist. I moaned when he slammed me into the door and kissed me hungrily.

I pulled away for air. I was panting. He put his face in my neck, his mouth opened wide and he sunk his teeth into my neck, I groaned and arched against him. He sucked on one soft spot for ten seconds and continued to nip and bite my neck. I shivered with need. More. I growled in my head. He must have heard me because he switch for my lips. I shuddered and knotted my fingers in his hair and brought him closer. He pulled away and went for my neck again. I whimpered when he nipped my collar bone and pushed his hips in on mine.

He growled and went to pull the shirt over my head and I stopped him. He snarled at me and met my eyes. I looked at him with wide eyes. My shirt seemed like a forgotten thing seconds after, because he was kissing me again.

“Seems like you two made up quickly.” Leylia’s voice came from behind Allix. I jumped and blushed, when Allix turned around and looked at her. She smiled and walked off to the living room. She stopped in the middle of the foyer and said,” Oh yeah, father agreed to push the date back.” With a smile on her face she walked off.

Allix turned and met my eyes, a smile big on his face. He was beautiful. I feel something’s going on here. Say it. Come on say it, to him.

“I love you,” I blurted out. Allix looked at me with surprised blue eyes.

“W-what did you say?” He asked.

© 2011 Pookie

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I hate you. You stopped it THERE??? Meanie! jerk! B***h! BLAHS. YOu better have another one up this weekend, or I will find you, and FORCE you to write more. Otays? Otay. Have a nice day. Don't forget to keep looking over your shoulder...
Oh and reread it. Theres a few typos I saw.

Have a nice day! *sweet ima-kill-ya-soon smile*

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


GET HUNTER AWAY!!! me no like hunter! sky and allix are perfect! you are an amazing writer btw and i love this

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

she said i love you? I saw a few typos, great ending on a cliff hanger :P This was a great chapter, very much in detail, very cute. It was like i was watching a movie, i loved it ^.^

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I hate you. You stopped it THERE??? Meanie! jerk! B***h! BLAHS. YOu better have another one up this weekend, or I will find you, and FORCE you to write more. Otays? Otay. Have a nice day. Don't forget to keep looking over your shoulder...
Oh and reread it. Theres a few typos I saw.

Have a nice day! *sweet ima-kill-ya-soon smile*

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Ah! Hurry up, I HAVE to know what happens.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on March 17, 2010
Last Updated on September 6, 2011



Middletown, NY

Would like to give a shout out to my good friend Brooke Madison. Love you girlll Hi! My name is Leyra. Just to keep this short, I love to write, anything and everything. I have a Book I am currently.. more..

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