

A Chapter by Pookie

Great!!! Being shipped off. Why does it feel like the army will be easier?





The next morning…My alarm clock went off at the same time, 5am like every morning. I groaned and slammed my fist on my alarm clock and sat up, the sun was bright and cool on my skin. I yawned and got out of bed to stretch. I put my hands through my dark red hair and rubbed my eyes. Am I dead yet? I asked myself. I looked around and felt confused. ”How did I get in my bed? I remember being in the bathroom. How did I get in my room let alone my bed? I thought I was in my tree house.” I looked around and I was in my room. How the hell? Did I dream all that? Did I just go up to my room when I ran out of dad’s study? I looked down at the arm I thought I cut, there were cuts and scars.

“I did cut myself. So what am I doing in my bed? Is there…?” I got up and walked out of my room and ran to my tree house, I climbed the latter and ran into the bathroom and looked at the floor, and it was clean. How can that be? Where are my clothes stained with blood? I knew there was a small pool of blood on the floor! “What happened?” I shook my head and washed my face to clear my head. I sighed and went on like any other day. I brushed my hair and put it up in a pony tail. I walked back into my room and looked for my robe. Mom would flip a lid if she found out I was cutting myself! I said to myself. I climbed down the ladder and walked across the yard, still kind of light headed. I stopped just out side the back door and sighed; I shook myself and took a deep breath. “You can do this, Skyler. Come on. Let’s just get this over with so you can try and kill yourself again.” My mom was up making eggs and bacon with ham and hash brown. I sniffed the air and walked into the kitchen, I sat down in a chair at the table and put my head down, sleep and blood loss was still on me and I had to get it off before my fiancé got here and tore my world apart. I sighed and banged my head on the table for a little, thinking: How the hell I ended up in my bed?

“Honey, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you earlier. We’d thought you’d understand.” I shot up from the chair at the end of her sentence and glared at her. Her eyes were still red and puffy.

“Understand?” I laughed it wasn’t a real one, it sounded sort of like hysteria. “That’s rich. Yeah I’d understand that you would wait until the day when your daughter’s family in-law comes to tell your daughter that she’s being forced to married to a total a*****e. Yup I understand completely!” She walked over to me and put her arms around me, I pushed her away and said, “Don’t touch me. I’m going to get enough touching that will last me a lifetime today. Don’t.” She nodded and fixed me a plate of food and a cup of juice. I ate with the little appetite I had and ate about 1/3 of the food she gave me. I finished eating at around 5:36am; I left my plate on the table and left the kitchen. I climbed the stairs slowly, my body felt so heavy and not mine. My arm hurt like hell. The fabric to the robe rubbed against my forearm and got stuck every now and then, pulling skin. I walked into my room and groaned. I threw off my robe and it landed somewhere on the floor. I wandered into the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and slowly got into the shower, I turned on the water, it shrieked with a protest. The freezing water woke me the moment it hit my skin, causing my wrist to burn, goose bumps rise on my skin as I took a shower; I washed my hair and my body. I turned the water off and put a towel around my body and went into my room to find Allix sitting on my bed. I screamed and almost let go of my towel, I held it tighter to my body and held my arm closer to my body, making it burn and cotton to get stuck to some of the open cuts. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes didn’t match it like they did yesterday, and he seemed to be in pain. He didn’t seem to breath as I stood there looking at him, watching him, waiting for him to leave.

“What are you doing in my room?!” I said through clenched teeth. He chuckled and lay back on my bed with his head against my pillow.

“Your mother suggest I come up stairs and wait for you in your room. So here I am.” I bit my lip to keep from yelping about the pain in my arm.

“And? Get out I need to get dressed.” I growled. He chuckled again and sat up and looked me in the eyes. He stood up and walked over to me, his nose wrinkled as if he smelled something bad. His eyes didn’t leave mine as he stopped in front of me.

“You are hurt, Bebe.” He whispered, his voice sounded pained, or upset. I looked up into his eyes and shook my head.

“No I’m fine.” I whispered looking away from his dark blue eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. My body fit his perfectly, like we were made for each other. My stomach flopped, my blood boiled, and my face heated up. No guy has every made me feel like this. He kissed the top of my head and sighed, his warm breath gave me goose bumps, I felt warm and safe in his arms. I shook my head and pushed him away from me.

“I’d like to get dressed, if you please, leave.” I said almost shaking. The way my body reacted to his, to HIM, I shook my head and turned away from him. His right hand caught my chin and made him look up into his now baby blue eyes; my head began to swim as I stared into his blue eyes.

“As you wish, my love.” He breathed on my face, he smelled so good. Like a really sweet smelling flower and cinnamon. I shivered. He dropped his hand and walked over to my bed, he laid back down on my bed and played with my teddy bear I had next to my pillow.

“Hey! Leave Mr. Bears alone.” I said taking Mr. Bears away from him and put him on my computer desk. I turned and got out my under clothes and put them on the foot of the bed, I walked over to my closet and got out the clothes I was going to wear today, but didn’t know what to wear.

A pale arm reached out from behind me and picked out a hot pink dress my mother got me for my 15th birthday with the tag still on it. I turned around and glared at Allix. “How about this? Get everyone to look at us.” He said with a smirk. He seemed tense and angry at something. His eyes had taken on a darker color, something frightening was coming off him in waves and it made my skin crawl. I shivered and took a step to the right. His eyes bored into mine; there was something in them that I couldn’t put my finger on. I just had a feeling to punch him in the face and run as fast as my feet would take me. I knew it wasn’t going to be very far, but it made me feel a little better. What is wrong with him? His eyes narrowed and he almost threw the dress at me. I shook my head; I grabbed the dress from him and put it back where it came from.

“I’m not wearing that.” I said. He shook his head and went back to my bed and laid back down. I sighed and pulled out a nice black skull t-shirt that was sort of tight on me, and a pair of white skinny jeans and my black converse. Allix played with the little necklaces on my wall that I kept there hanging above my bed. I took my chances and let the towel fall to the floor and put on my underwear and bra. I put on my deodorant and pulled on the black shirt, it fit my torso good, not to tight not to lose, then I pulled on my skinnies and they made my hips look big. I got socks and put on my sneakers. I looked in the mirror and smiled, I looked good. I felt like I needed something else. I turned to pick a sweater out of my closet and Allix threw a white one at me.

“Thanks.” I said and put it on. I turned around quickly and yelled, “WHY THE F**K ARE YOU GOING THROUGH MY CLOSET?!?!” he chuckled and got up and walked over to me and got in my face.

“You are going to deal with what I do around you, understand?” his baby blue eyes compelling and exciting a shudder went through me and I nodded, his breath smooth and warm on my face. He patted my head like I was a dog; I pushed him back, away from me and glared at him. A smirk spread across his face quickly as I pushed him back.

“What the f**k do I look like to you a god damned dog?”

“Yes, you’re one of a kind b***h.” I took it as a complement.

“Thank you.” I said with a smirk.

“Okay I’m done. Unfortunately.” I said to Allix. He nodded and turned to my door. He opened the door so I could walk out. I nodded to him and walked out of my room and down the stairs that led to the back door, with the feeling of Allix’s eyes on the back of my head. I stopped half way, enough from being seen or heard from the kitchen. Allix bumped into me, I turned and glared up at him, his face was so close, his lips inches from mine. I looked into his eyes and they seemed to grow darker, I took a deep breath and took a step back, forgetting I was on the steps and almost went tumbling down the stairs. Allix caught my wrist and brought me to him, the feeling of his hand around my wrist made me go weak in the knees; there was a burning sensation as he continued to hold onto my wrist.

“Ow.” I said and pulled my arm away from him. I looked at my wrist and pulled the sleeve up and saw that it had healed some. What? So quickly? How? I ran my fingers over the tracks and it still stung. Allix’s pale fingers went over mine and I dropped my hand from my wrist and looked up to find him even closer if it were possible. His breath fanned my face. His long fingers went around my wrist and it burned to high heaven, his hand grew tighter around my wrist until I thought the tracks would spilt open again. He lifted my wrist and kissed each track as if it was a new piece of me. My skin burned where his lips touched. I bit my lip and just looked at him. I shook my head and pushed him away and walked down the rest of the way pulling the sleeve back down. The sound of laughter came from the kitchen; I sighed and went the opposite direction of the kitchen to get my bag from the front of the steps that led to my parents’ side. I took my bag and went to the kitchen dreading it every step of the way. Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, KILL ME!!!! I screamed in my head over and over again.

“Ah, Skyler. Good morning.” Allix’s father greeted. I looked up and met ice baby blue eyes, if that’s even a color. He seemed so happy today. What are you planning? I thought as I looked deep into his eyes. He turned and continued to talk with my mom and dad. I looked around. Where’s Allix’s mom? Must be at work. I shrugged it off and sat at the table waiting for death to find me. I kept looking at the clock, when do we leave for school!? I just want to leave. I put my head on the table and wanted to cry. A warm hand smoothed my hair and ended up on the small of my back. I shot up and found Allix at my side, his arm went around my waist and pulled me close to him; I tried to push him away from me but he was to strong. “Don’t touch me!” I growled through clenched teeth. He smirked and bent down and whispered into my ear, “Oh but wait until later my dear, this will turn out better than ever. Just wait.” His breath fanned my ear and I shuddered it sent shocks through my body. I put my arms around myself and took a deep breath.

“Alright, Skyler, Allix,” Allix’s father called. I turned to look him in the eyes. “The two of you will look like you love each other. Yes I know you two hate each other, but live up to you two being in love okay? Call each other nicknames, the kissing, hugging, holding hands, feeding each other; you know the whole teenage love thing.” He said. Allix and I nodded.

“Come, Skyler. Let us be on our way to school,” Allix announced pulling me off of the chair. Finally! I pulled away from him and walked out of the kitchen and out of the house; I stood in front of the house and waited for Allix. I looked around on the street and there were teenagers going to school or to a hooky party. The door opened and closed and I turned, there stood Allix, tall and beautiful. He kissed the top of my head and put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

“This way,” he gestured to his car, it was beautiful, all yellow with some black and small.

“What kind of car is that?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s a Saleen Raptor Super.” He answered me. My mouth dropped. They’re really rich. He walked me around to the passengers’ side and opened my door and let me get in before he closed the door. He walked around to his side and got in.

“Look, you don’t have to open doors for me, or hold my books, or do anything okay? I’m a big girl I can do all that by myself.” Allix looked at me, his eyes seemed to be telling me something I should be getting by now, but couldn’t. He leaned forward, again his lips so close to mine, I went to push him back and he grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine, he looked at our hands together, they fit perfectly; like a puzzle piece finally put together. His hand was warm and smooth and so much bigger than mine. It felt nice. “Perfect fit, huh?” he said. I shook myself and pulled my hand away and folded my arms against my chest, “Can we go now?” I said looking out the window.

This is going to be a crazy f*****g day isn’t it? I looked through my bag to pass the time, feeling someone looking at me, I turned to look at Allix and he was looking straight at the road. It was quiet on the way to school. I turned to Allix and whispered, “Can we listen to music?” he looked at me from the corner of his eye and nodded, he reached his right hand out and turned on the radio, my favorite song, Black Rose by Trapt came on. I smirked when he left it. I sang along to it, Allix looked at me when we pulled into the student parking lot at school, the song was still going. When it ended I looked at him, “What?” I asked.

“You have a beautiful voice.” He told me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“We’re here now can I get out?” I said not looking at him, I felt him smirk. A shiver went down my spine and I rubbed my left arm and shook my head. He unlocked the door and I stepped out and looked out at the student parking lot, I felt eyes on me. Allix was by my side in seconds. I felt strangely cold. I put my arms around me and rubbed my arms, a cloth was draped around my shoulders. I turned and it was a leather jacket, it smelled sublime like a sweet flower and cinnamon. I looked up at Allix and he nodded, “You seemed cold. Take my jacket for the day.” I felt touched, but I remembered his father told him to do this. Might as well go along with it. I smiled and put my arms around him and whispered into his chest, “Thanks Allix.”

He chuckled and put his arms around me and said, “No problem, sweetheart.” The nickname made my stomach flop and my knees weak. I pulled away and put my arms through the holes and put my bag on, I felt warm and comfortable.

Girls from around the school started to gather around Allix, pushing me away. I tried to push through but they didn’t budge, I got tired of them and walked away, Allix saw this and pushed passed the girls and walked up to me. “Babe, what’s wrong?” he asked in an angel’s voice, it made my heart speed up.

“Allix?” One of the blonde girls called, walking up to him. He turned to face her; she grabbed his hand and laced her fingers with his. I had the urge to punch her in the face. I growled. Allix looked down and smirked. He bent and kissed my nose. I jumped and looked up at him with a surprised look.

“Allix?” The girl called. He turned to her again and pulled his hand away.

“Leave me alone Chloe. It’s done. I have a new girl that I want to be with forever.” He said and took my hand. I felt my face heat up. She looked at me with daggers, I smirked at her and waved bye. I held his jacket closer and couldn’t help lace my fingers with his; you know to make the charade look real.

We walked through the school to my locker, all eyes on us. He put his arm around my shoulders and whispered things in my ear that were suppose to make me giggle and it did don’t get me wrong it was funny, well more pathetic then funny, but to keep up the charade I laughed and played along. He waited until I had to go in to class to leave, but until then he cupped my face, called me names, blew kisses, and played with my short hair. Everyone was looking at us and I liked it. I would blush when needed and blew kisses, and said names, and touch when needed.

When lunch arrived Allix and I walked into the lunch room hand in hand. Everyone looked at us, whispering and pointing. I felt on top of the world. I’ve never felt like this before, is it giddy? Or am I woozy? I couldn’t tell. But I just felt really good. Allix let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist and pulled me close and whispered, “Go find a table; I’ll go get our food.” Into my ear. I nodded and walked over to the same table I’ve sat in since the first day of school. I sat down and girls came walking up to the table and sat in the empty chairs. I sat looking at all of them; they seemed kind of ticked off. I held Allix’s jacket closer to me.

“You. What’s you’re name?” Val, the head of the cheerleading squad said. I looked into her green eyes and saw anger and hatred.

“Skyler Tosh.” I said. All the girls were looking at me with narrow eyes.

“You’re that smart nobody girl right? The one all the little wimp kids are afraid of?” Don’t forget you’re afraid of me too. I nodded.

“How can someone like you be going out with Allix? Like why would he choose you? I mean I’ve asked him so many times and he always says no, but when it comes to you! It’s an instant thing.” She growled.

“I guess he’s tired of messing around with s***s like you and your little squad.” I smirked and shrugged my shoulder. She looked at me with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry. Did I strike a nerve?” I smirked. She caught my smirk and glared at me. She walked around and grabbed the front of the jacket and hauled me up so we could be eye to eye. She got in my face and growled, “Listen you little ugly toad break up with him or me and my friends are going to rearrange that ugly face of yours.” I smiled fully now. This is so funny.

I looked behind her and found Allix walking over here. Just time it just right. I met her eyes again.

“I’d like to see you touch me.” I said. She raised her brows and lifted her hand to smack me. I almost laughed but I kept the smirk on my face.

“Ladies?” Allix’s voice came from behind Val. She turned and found Allix tall and perfect behind her with two trays in both hands.

“Is there something wrong?” He asked his eyes locked on me. The smirk fell from my face as his eyes held anger and irritation. Val’s hand fell from the front of the jacket. I took a step back, his eyes told me to sit. I did as I was told and sat looking down at the floor. I didn’t pay attention to anything he was telling them. All I knew was that they were there one second and the next second they were gone.

“Skyler.” He called. I picked my head up and found he was sitting so close. His blue eyes back to normal. His eyes told me to stop causing trouble.

“I’m not the one that started it. She came up to me and told me to break up with you or she and her friends are gonna rearrange my ugly face.” I said.

“You are not ugly, love. You shouldn’t listen to such foolish words.” He believed.

“Eat. It’s been a long day,” He ordered, we ate in silence.

At gym I ran over to Ms. Gonzalez, bum rushing all the guys that got in my way. I stopped in front of her; she looked behind me to the boys still recovering from the blow I gave them.

“You know you should be on the football team. You could be some big help.” She informed me. I looked behind me and rolled my eyes and looked back at her. “Guess what?” I whispered. She looked around and pulled me into her office.

“It’s serious, huh?” I nodded. A foxy smile spread across her face.

“What? What?” She was very impatient just like me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I looked at her, “I’m getting married.” Her eyes went wide, her jaw fell to the floor, and she dropped her clipboard. I waited a few minutes for her to say something else.

“W-w-what? To who? When? WHY?!?” Her voice grew louder; I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

“Will you shut the hell up? F**k! This is not a good day for me. With all the attention and fake being in love with him, almost getting into a fight over him, it’s really pissing me the f**k off.” I said putting my face in my hands. I wanted to pull my hair out.

“So? Who is it?” I looked at her and almost cried when I heard a knock on the door of her office. Her light gray eyes went wide when she looked at who was at the door. She raised her eye brows as if to ask, ‘That’s him?’ I nodded and put my head down on her desk and pounded my head on the desk, wanting to DIE.

“Ms. Gonzalez may I speak with Skyler?” His deep velvet voice, asked. It just gave me goose bumps. She stood there with her mouth open and eyes wide, but nodded a yes. I picked my head up and walked out of her office with my head down. I followed Allix to a spot where no one can see us. What the hell?? Why did he bring me here? I asked myself. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“What the hell do you want from me? I touched you in every possible place without having to take off your clothes. I called you every kind of nickname without the cursing; I’ve kissed your hands, cheeks, AND NECK! What MORE do you f*****g want?!” I screamed. He slammed me up against the wall, my feet moving from the floor to the air. I sucked in a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, trying not to scream. I’m not afraid of anyone else here but him, there’s this power that surrounds him and it scares me. You’re not the only one.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me understand that girl?” He growled. Girl?! That is it! In the middle of almost fighting for him, his f*****g mood swings and him NOW THIINKING HE CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! I can’t take it! I pushed him away from me, making me fall to the floor. I stood up and glared at him, I walked over to him and put my finger in his face, “Who the F**K do you think you’re talking to like that? I may be forced to marry your horrible, intolerable, unbearable, insufferable, despicable, hateful a*s! Does NOT MEAN I have to go along with everything you SAY! I am my own f*****g person. I don’t follow no b*****d. Understand, boy?!” I argued back.

His eyes went wide, like he had been insulted. Finally!!! I yelled in my head. He took a step closer and caught my throat in his right hand and lifted me up from the floor. I clawed at his hand to drop me, his grasp grew tighter, air was escaping me quickly. Allix didn’t let me go until I started to see stars. He dropped me to the floor, I coughed and hacked, my throat felt dry. I gasped to get my breath back. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up so I can be face to face with him. I glared at him and went to slap him; his free hand caught my hand and slammed it against the wall with the rest of my body. My stomach had a knot in it. My face grew hotter as he continued to hold me there, just looking at me with a certain look in his eyes.

“What do you want?” I growled. He smirked and leaned in, his lips so close to mine. My body had a mind of its own, I felt a tingle between my legs, and my heart sped up, my lips parted and I took a ragged breath. He flared his nostrils and took a deep breath from his nose and he leaned in closer his lips millimeters away from mine. He put his face in my neck and took a deep breath as if breathing me. He lazily licked from my shoulder to the back of my ear, I shuddered.

“W-what are you doing?!” I bit out through clenched teeth. He put himself between my legs, my body had a mind of its own, I wrapped my legs around his waist and practically clung to him as if my life depended on it. He nipped at a spot in the middle of my throat causing me to jump and moan. His hands found themselves down around my hips. I snaked my arms around his neck and held him to me. He kissed all over my neck; he sucked my neck in one spot for a long time. Great! Now I’m going to get a hickey. I growled in my head. I moaned again as he nipped in the same spot. A loud crash came from the gym; I jumped and glued Allix to me, he turned and looked out into the gym and pulled away from me making me drop to the floor. He left me there. I groaned and got up rubbing my butt, “Such an a*s!” I walked back to Ms. Gonzalez’s office and she was still there the same way from when I left her; mouth open, eyes wide. I closed her mouth and waved my hand in front of her face.

“Huh?” She mumbled. She blinked a couple of times and looked at me.

“Allix is your fiancé?” She whispered. I nodded and picked up my bag, I sighed and growled.

“What’s that?” She asked pointing at something on me. I looked down at my clothes and didn’t see anything.

“What’s what?” I asked. She touched a spot on my neck and said, “This. Is this a hickey?” I felt myself blush. Damn it ALLIX! I’m having his a*s when school ends.

“So that’s what he went to ‘talk’ to you about?” She chuckled. I glared at her. The bell rang for the end of school, “Well I’ll see you tomorrow. If I don’t come back, it means I’m dead or I have a ring on my finger, okay?” I told her. She chuckled and shook her head.

“Send me pictures if you have a ring on your finger.” I rolled my eyes and left the gym. I walked out into the parking lot and started off for home. Feeling people staring at me. Damn it!!! Can they see the hickey? I held Allix’s black leather jacket close to me, hoping no one saw the hickey.

“I don’t ever want to see his ugly, overconfident, smug, arrogant, conceited FACE again!” I howled. I walked down the street that led to my house. A car honked its horn; I didn’t pay attention to it. I walked faster.

“Hey, get in the car.” His deep silky-smooth voice called to me. God why is it I’d know that voice anywhere?

“No.” I snarled and walked faster.

“Skyler! Get in the car now!” he snarled. It sounded like an animal. I stopped and looked at him with semi-wide eyes. His eyes a dark blue, he had flames in his eyes. I don’t want to do this and neither does he. I rolled my eyes and got in the car, pouting. He drove me home, his parents’ car gone. I looked around and it seemed pretty normal. I got out the car the moment he stopped the car in front of the house. I don’t want to deal with him right now. I walked inside and went straight to my tree house, dropping my book bag in front of the stairs and left the house. I climbed the latter and walked into my room. I felt safe. I threw Allix’s jacket on my bed. I smiled and looked through my little closet and took out a little nightie I hid up here. I walked into the bathroom and stripped myself of my clothes and went to take a hot shower to clear my head, I hopped in the shower. Why do I have to get married to that a*****e!? Ugh! I hate him! So f*****g much. Well it can’t get any worse can it?

I turned off the water and got out. I put a towel around my body and looked down at my wrist, it was healed completely. What the hell?? It was still healing when I woke up this morning. Well coming to think of it, when Allix grabbed my wrist and let it go it was healing a little bit faster then needed. What’s going on? I ran my hand over my wrist and there were no bumps, no scars, nothing; just pink lines indicating that I cut myself. I shook my head and walked out into my room, knowing it was going to be Allix free. I smiled and put on my black nightie. I climbed down the latter and ran across the yard to the kitchen, I grabbed a couple cans of soda and tried to pile on some boxes of Apple Jacks but everything fell from my hands.

“S**t!” I growled bending down to pick them up. A pale hand shot out and picked it up for me. I stood up and met light blue eyes; I felt my face heat up.

“I think you wanted this?” He said. I nodded and took it from him. I picked up everything and took a couple of steps toward the back door and it all fell again.

“Damn it!” Allix chuckled and walked up to me.

“Need help?” He asked. I looked up into his blue eyes and nodded. He picked up the cans of soda and I took care of the boxes of Apple Jacks.

“So where to? Upstairs?” I shook my head and walked in front of him, he followed me out through the back door and across the yard to the tree house. He looked up at the tree house and looked down at me.

“You got a little brother?” He asked. I looked into his eyes and shook my head.

“No, only child.” I told him. He nodded. I walked over to the swing that was hanging from tree house; I put the boxes down on the swing. I turned around to Allix and said, “Put the cans there.” He did as I told him and put the cans on the swing.

“You first.” I pointed at the latter. He cocked a brow.

“You said you’re going to help me get it in the house so get moving!” I growled. He smirked at me and went up the latter. I went up after he was all the way to the top. When I got up into the room he was looking around. The roof was to short for him, he had to bend over to be able to keep from hitting his head on the ceiling. I walked over to the little kitchen I had and pulled a rope that was next to the refrigerator, and up came the swing with the sodas and Jacks. Allix walked over and helped me put everything where it needed to go. After we were done I gave Allix a soda and I took one for myself and walked over to my bed and sat down. Allix sat down next to me.

“So this is your tree house,” he said. I nodded.

“Pretty impressive. Any of your friends know about this?” He asked looking around. When I didn’t answer he looked down at me. I had my knees to my chest. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him.

“I don’t have any friends.” I whispered.

“Awe, don’t say that bebe. You have me, you always will.” He said smoothing my hair. He bent his head and kissed the top of my head.

“And besides my parents, you’re the only one who knows about this.” I told him. He nodded. He took the soda out of my hand and put it on the little table beside the bed with his. He picked me up into his lap; he laid down on my bed and held me to him. He smoothed my hair and kissed the top of my head repeatedly. Until I fell asleep... 


“Skyler, wake up.” I jumped and looked around; my room was dark and cold. I shivered and yawned. Someone had their arm around me. I turned and met light blue eyes.

“I fell asleep?” I asked yawning. Allix nodded.

“Go get dressed, my parents are here and they have something else to tell you.” He whispered. I nodded and sat up, I got off the bed and walked to my closet and got out a pair of sweat pants and a long black shirt. I put them on over my nightie. I turned to Allix and held my arms open.

“Well? Looking good right?” I laughed. He smirked and nodded. He got up and walked to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I shook my head and pushed him away from me. He chuckled and quickly kissed the top of my head. I hit him playfully and started down the latter. Allix came down after me; he grabbed my hand and twined our fingers together. We walked into the house and strolled into the living room.

Allix’s parents were sitting in the living room with my parents. We walked into the living room and I smiled instantly at his mother. She smiled back and nodded her head. I sat over in my favorite chair that faced everyone. Allix sat on the left arm and he kept my hand in his lap. My eyes landed on Allix’s dad, his eyes held a smile that was big on his face. They told me I was going to just ‘love’ this.

“What do you want to tell me?” I asked in a small voice. Allix’s father just looked at me, his eyes intimidating. I looked away and met my dad’s light green eyes. He took a deep breath and looked over to Allix’s father.

“Would you like to tell her Michael?” My dad asked.

“Just tell me already!” I growled. Michael chuckled and turned to look at me.

“Well g- Skyler. You and my son are going to be getting married as you know,” he said. I rolled my eyes; Allix squeezed my hand and looked at me from the corner of his eye. “And you will now know that you will be going away.”

My eyes went wide with horror. Michael’s eyes brightened, happy and delighted at my reaction.

“Where?! WHEN?!?” I screamed standing up, dropping Allix’s hand, I looked at Allix.

“You knew and you didn’t tell me?!” I growled. Feeling hurt. I turned to Michael and said, “Where?”

“You’re going to Australia.” He said.

“When?” I asked right away, about to strangle the man.

“Tonight and you will get there tomorrow after-noon.” His answer was final. I shook my head. I took a step forward, Allix’s mother moved forward as if to attack me if I made the wrong move. I looked to my parents then back to Michael. This is Cruel! Allix wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. He kissed the back of my neck. I turned and pushed him away from me. I ran upstairs to my room and took Mr. Bears and ran back down stairs and out to my tree house. I climbed the latter and jumped on my bed and cried. How could we be leaving? Ugh!!! This is not going to be getting any better.

A warm hand smoothed my hair; I jumped and turned meeting dark blue eyes.

“What the hell do you want?” I sobbed. Allix wiped away the tears going down my face. He leaned close and kissed my forehead and whispered, “I’m sorry, love. They wanted to tell you themselves. They told me not to say anything.” He sounded really sincere. I looked away from him and sighed.

“Well what do I pack?” I asked sitting up and getting up off my bed.

“Nothing. You’re only allowed to bring the bear.” He said pointing at Mr. Bears in my lap. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

“Why?” I asked.

“We’re buying everything brand new when we get over there.” He explained. I nodded.

“Come, we have to leave now in order to catch our plane.” He said getting up, I nodded and followed. When I got to the latter and looked down he was already on the grass. He held his arms out.

“Jump.” I shook my head.

“Just jump. I’ll catch you.” He said. I took a deep breath and jumped and he did what he promised, he caught me. I opened my eyes and looked up into his eyes.

“See I told you I’d catch you,” He whispered nuzzling my cheek with his nose. I shuddered and nodded.

“Come on.” He said putting me down on my feet and started walking around the house. I stopped and said, “My shoes.” He turned and looked at me. He took keys out of his pocket and handed them to me.

“Get in the car and I’ll go get your shoes.” He said. I nodded and ran to the car. I pressed the button on the little car thing and the lights went on and the doors unlocked. I got in the car and locked my door. Allix was back in minutes with a pair of my black converse. He walked around to the driver’s seat and locked the door, I handed him the keys and he started the car. I held Mr. Bears to me and took a deep breath. I can’t believe I’m leaving. I sighed and put on my sneakers. I felt cold. I put my arms around me and shivered.

“I forgot your jacket in the tree house!” I said. Allix didn’t say anything.

“There is a sweater in the back seat.” He told me. I nodded and turned around in my seat and grabbed the sweater, I put it on and felt warm instantly. I sighed and felt safe. I was in my little world. I closed my eyes and sighed. Allix must have turned on the radio because I heard music. I opened my eyes and met his blue eyes; they were glowing in the light from the dashboard. He stopped at a red light and continued to stare at me.

“What?” I asked. He shook his head.

“Nothing, you just look so peaceful.” He said. I looked away from his blue eyes and looked out the window; we were close to the airport. The light turned green and Allix turned and started to drive again. The next time he stopped we were already at the airport. Allix got out and opened my door for me, I got out and looked around, it was dark outside. I felt by myself. Allix put his arm around my shoulders and held me to him.

We walked into the airport and got on the plane; I sat next to the window and sighed, Allix sat next to me with my hand in his. I closed my eyes and put my head against the chair and sighed. And I fell asleep.

© 2011 Pookie

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I really like the story line. However, at some parts in the story it made me wonder. If Skyler is as bad as she says she is, then why does she accept her fate so easily? No girl would. It's not even realistic. Most girls would have ignored the situation, and/or run away. Not join the enemy. Even if she liked them, for that matter. Some sentences in here, seemed unnecessary. Such as: Running up the stairs for her bear. Then running back down the stairs. EVEN, though she couldn't bring the bear WITH her. Other than that, i love the story line. It's good and kept me interested. I was reading the first chapter yesterday, and absolutely HAD to refind your story again. Haha, good work. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Why does she just put on a black nightie? Why is she okay with him seeing her wearing one? Why is she peaceful in the car? Your character seems to be a bit of a hoe. You have lost her vulnerability.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Why would she get dressed in front of him? Just go to the bathroom!

Posted 12 Years Ago

i didnt see any errors hahah maybe cause i was so into what i was reading and didnt notice...loved it and imma keep reading

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

really love it i disagree with the others. A few errors but overall great!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Good job! This story seems to be moving by really fast, though! What happens next?! *clicks next chapter button*

P.S: I agree with The Uncommon Muse, though..

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really like the story line. However, at some parts in the story it made me wonder. If Skyler is as bad as she says she is, then why does she accept her fate so easily? No girl would. It's not even realistic. Most girls would have ignored the situation, and/or run away. Not join the enemy. Even if she liked them, for that matter. Some sentences in here, seemed unnecessary. Such as: Running up the stairs for her bear. Then running back down the stairs. EVEN, though she couldn't bring the bear WITH her. Other than that, i love the story line. It's good and kept me interested. I was reading the first chapter yesterday, and absolutely HAD to refind your story again. Haha, good work. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Again, you have a lot of grammatical errors and inconsistencies. Skyler and Allix are all over the place with their emotions and if you plan to keep them that way, I think you need to add in more inner turmoil about how they are torn between anger and growing attraction. Your chapters are way too long and really should be cut into at least two individual chapters. do have a good concept but you need to review and edit.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 3 people found this review constructive.

omg it keeps getting better! i normally write about that much ina week lol

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

lol... And I hope the last word is meant to be "cruel"? There are few other minor typos but more than the last chapter... You might want to go back through them and read word for word and sentence by sentence to get them.... That's the only way I've ever been able to find my own typos. I'm loving the attitude in Skylar... lol *shakes head slightly while laughing* She's just so much like me... Well, the mental me...

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on December 10, 2009
Last Updated on September 2, 2011



Middletown, NY

Would like to give a shout out to my good friend Brooke Madison. Love you girlll Hi! My name is Leyra. Just to keep this short, I love to write, anything and everything. I have a Book I am currently.. more..

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