Comforting Lies

Comforting Lies

A Poem by Hanah

In days of youth, when hearts were light,
And worries few, and dreams took flight,
Our parents whispered sweetest lies,
To soothe our fears and dry our eyes.

They told us tales of magic lands,
Where unicorns pranced and dragons stood,
And though we knew they weren't true,
We loved them still, as they made us feel anew.

They promised us eternal life,
With never-ending joy and strife,
But now we know those promises were mere whims,
Yet they brought us solace in their time.

They told us we were special, one of a kind,
That we could do anything we find,
And though we may not be so grand,
Those words still echo through our mind.

So let us cherish these fond memories,
Of comforting lies that set us free,
For though they may not be quite true,
They helped us grow up strong and new.

© 2023 Hanah

Author's Note

This is my first poem. I hope that this will not be the last. Tell me if there is room for improvement.

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Added on November 27, 2023
Last Updated on November 27, 2023
Tags: Lies, Life
