![]() Untitled stage playA Stage Play by ThePunkInTheWoods![]() basically my first piece of writing but with an extension.![]() (A spotlight comes on, the only light on the stage. You hear footsteps as Mike walks onto the stage and into the light. He takes a deep breath, looks down for a few seconds, reads a piece of paper and then looks up)
Mike: It's not really something that hard to see. Could I be a doctor? Absolutely. Would I be happy? No. I understand you want me to succeed and that's amazing to have parents that want me to be the best. But what I don't think you understand is what my version of being the best is. It's not about how much money I have or how amazing or cool people think I am or anything like that. I just want to do something that will make me happy. I want to wake up in the morning and be like “YES I GET TO WORK TODAY!” I want to sit down at my typewriter and I want to be excited. I want to fill people's minds with imagination and I want to take them far away. Anyone can be a doctor Dad but not everyone can take someone else out of their reality and into another.
(clapping from Kendall, seated in the audience. Another spot on Kendall)
Kendall: Bravo! Bravo!
Mike: You think so?
Kendall: Absolutely!
Julie: (seated opposite side of theatre, also in audience, spot on her) Yea man. You really got something. (Mike shakes his head) No I'm serious. You're like the perfect actor. You're versatile, your memory is like amazing and you really want it. People are able to tell you're dedicated.
Oliver: (also seated in the audience, spot on him) You might wanna find a different monologue though.
Mike: (a little shaken) Why?
Oliver: It's shittily written and it doesn't fit you. It's also kind of cheesy too. That's not going to get you into Suffolk, let alone Emerson.
Kendall: (coming to Mike's defense) Wow Oliver you sure know how to make a person feel great. Keep talking, your words inspire me.
Oliver: Well what am I supposed to say?
Kendall: (goes on the stage, at this point the lights on the stage go on to regular lighting) Hmmm I don't know? Positive feedback? Oh wait sorry your ego takes up too much room to allow the ability to be bearable around other people. (chuckles)
Oliver: (goes on stage, as if to challenge Kendall) Oh yeah take his monologue (picks the piece of paper out of Mike's hand) and shove it up your a*s!
Kendall: Wow original comeback dillweed.
Oliver: At least I have maturity!
Kendall: Obviously. It's just oozing throughout you.
Oliver: I don't understand why Mike keeps you around. You're an annoying little s**t. All you do is praise him and you don't push him to be better! All it is sunshine and rainbows and lollipops with you!
Kendall: Being nice never killed anybody!
Oliver: You might wanna tell that to Gandhi.
Kendall: Look he needs an ego boost every now and then! It's not a bad thing.
Oliver: I can't believe you sometimes. You make me want to twist your head off.
Kendall: Wow and I'm being the little s**t?
Julie: Guys..
Kendall and Oliver: SHUT UP JULIE!
Mike: Guys seriously I have time to figure this out, (sits down and pulls out a cig)
Oliver: Not enough time! The auditions are 5 months away. You're going to be a senior in 4. (sees the cig) Smoking still? You know what your mom says.
Mike: I know....
Oliver: Why can't you just quit?
Kendall: Chill out for a sec. He'll quit when he wants to.
Oliver: Are you kidding me? We've been through DARE, we went to the freshman underage drug use forum, his mom yells at him every time for it and he still wants to smoke? How stupid is he?
Mike: So yeah hi it's not like I'm here or anything.
Julie: (coming up onstage) Just leave him alone please. He'll quit when he wants to.
Oliver: You've been saying that for 6 months now.
Kendall: Bro let it go.
Julie: You're giving him another headache guys. (It's obvious Mike's head has been hurting)
Oliver: Look if you just agree with me, this can stop.
Kendall: Why do we have to agree with you? Why can you agree with us? That's so unfair.
Julie: Can we just let it be guys? We'll talk about this later.
Oliver: No! We need to settle this, it's been pissing me off for 18 years!
Kendall: Suck it up!
Julie: Guys! (Kendall and Oliver are about to fight) Come on! This isn't fair! STOP IT! STOP STOP STOP!
Grant: (from the back of the theatre) Mike! (spot on Mike)
(In the darkness, Kendall, Julie and Oliver exit)
Mike: (looks up, startled) Hey!
Grant: (walks onto the stage) You okay buddy?
Mike: (swallows) Yeah yeah just a little stressed.
Grant: Let's go downtown man, just chill. You look like you need it.
Mike: (distracted) yeah yeah....sounds good.
Grant: (sees the cigarette) Dude you know you're not allowed to smoke in here. You can't get caught again.
Mike: I keep forgetting.
Grant: Yeah I'm getting you out of here. You need to see the light of day.
Mike: It's raining out.
Grant: It's just drizziling. We'll be fine.
(exit down the aisle)
(Julie, Kendall and Oliver enter from offstage.)
Julie: He left us.
Kendall: He'll be back.
Oliver: When he does get back, I'll whoop his a*s.
Julie: NO...that's not right. There's not just us in his lives.
Oliver: It should be just us. It should be only us.
(All 3 exit)
SCENE 2 Grant sings Cue the Sun Grant: Fairfield, a town known for nothing. Connecticut, the 2nd most insignificant state. (Thanks Rhode Island for preserving what little pride we so desperately try to cling onto). Looking from the outside, people seem to think of us as living these insanely rich lives, wearing designer labels and eating sushi every night. They look at us as sheltered. But who are we really? (takes out cig and lights it) Truth is we don't even know. Compared to everything I've been taught and exposed to anyone living in Connecticut is a step above everyone else. Even our ghettos look like pig pens next to the projects in other cities. Poor kids here are like middle class everywhere else although thanks to the recession people are convince they're one step away from hitting financial rock bottom, making it even harder to determine exactly what wealth class you're supposed to be in. Even worse is social class. I never got this whole concept of popularity. Why does it have to exist? What's wrong with “I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me?” Also social class comes up with these social rules and standards and other s**t things like that. For example, I'm wearing skinny jeans now right? That either means I'm really hot, according to girls or I'm gay, according to dudes. I also smoke cigarettes. That makes me hardcore and if smoking cigs is hardcore then other little f***s smoke, trying to be cool and suddenly I'm the bad influence when I didn't even do anything except mind my own damn business. It's not my fault people copy what I do. It's not like I'm walking around telling everyone to take a puff on a Marlboro. That's their own decision, to copy me which is a lose-lose for me.Scenario one kids admit they copy me and I get in trouble. Scenario two kids try to pass off what they see me do as their own thing and make it seem like I'm copying them and god forbid the weird guy does anything remotely similar to what a popular kid does. It's a f*****g double standard anyways. All kids in my school look, dress and act alike. You've got your Abercrombie and Hollister chicks, popped collar and boat shoe bros, Northface and uggs girls, sometimes wearing them with shorts and making them look like weather confused s***s, just saying, wanna be ghetto kids, wanna be guidos and guidettes kids, wanna be emo kids, wanna be goth kids, apparently nowadays there's no difference between the two and the list goes on until you come to me and my friends: the misfits. We didn't fit in anywhere so we formed our own group, thankfully without a uniform and well......(chuckles)...there's no way to describe. We're not cookie cutter personalities. We're just a bunch of kids living in a town that doesn't seem to want us here. Hell we don't even want to be here and if it wasn't for each other we'd all be out of here but it's not like we have a choice. (puts out cig) For now we make do with what we have but we all know when our opportunity comes we're bolting the f**k outta here!
(Mike enters stage)
Mike: Jennifer wants to meet at Starbucks.
Grant: fine by me.
Mike: Do you have money?
Grant: No.
Mike: Does it matter?
Grant: (ponders) No
Mike: If we get in trouble, I'm blaming you.
Grant: Ouch. Heartbreaking man.
(both laugh and walk offstage.)
SCENE 3 (Morgan and Jennifer)
Morgan: Why are we downtown? No one goes downtown in winter.
Jennifer: Welcome to my inner social circle. We do things no one else does.
Morgan: So are you rebels or hipsters?
Jennifer: I thought you didn't like labels Morgan.
Morgan: Shut up.
Jennifer: Who broke up with who this time?
Morgan: Jenn you suck.
Jennifer: I don't think I'm the one doing the sucking.
Morgan: (smacks her in the arm) OH MY GOD SHUT UP!
Jennifer: (laughing) Just saying girl! (checks phone) Sweet Mike and Grant are downtown. We can meet up.
Morgan: Miguel's not with them right?
Jennifer: Naw boy toy's in the city today.
Morgan: Don't call him that!
Jennifer: What? It's not like I call him that to his face and besides you know it's true, considering how many times you two have broken up.
Morgan: I don't like you right now.
Jennifer: You will eventually.
Morgan: Getting used to someone doesn't mean liking them.
Jennifer: Sometimes it does. It's cold we should get to Starbucks.
Morgan: I can't afford anything in there I'm broke.
Jennifer: It's warm in there anyways. Besides we get to see Dookie.
Morgan: Dookie?
Jennifer: Yea Dookie. She's really cool. (enters Starbucks)
Morgan: Who the f**k names her kid Dookie? (exits)
(Spotlight on Dookie who dances/works in rhythm to “Minority”)
Jennifer: (as if interrupting Dookie's daydream) Dook....Dookie.....DOOKIE
Dookie: (startled) 'Sup Jen?
Jennifer: Nothing much. (introducing) Dookie, Morgan, etc.
Morgan: I thought your name was Danielle.
Dookie: Oh it is.
Morgan: What's with Dookie?
Dookie: It's a name for people who really know me.
Morgan: Who would that be?
Dookie: People that aren't my parents or teachers.
Morgan: Why Dookie?
Dookie: Ever hear of Green Day?
Morgan: Um yeah.
Dookie: Exactly.
Morgan: (quietly) I still don't....(trails off) Forget it.
Dookie: Ok so what do you munchkins want to have.
Jennifer: Tall white chocolate mocha.
Morgan: I'm good thanks.
Dookie: All right. (To other works) ONE WCM!
(Grant and Mike enter)
Jennifer: Hey bro! (gives Mike a huge hug)
Mike: I haven't seen you in ages.
Jennifer: I know right?
Grant: Hey Jenn.
Jennifer: Hey man. Oh by the way, this is Morgan. (points to each boy) Grant. Mike.
Morgan: Hi.
Grant, Mike: Hi.
Dookie: Jenn your drink is ready.
Jennifer: Sweetness. (goes to get it)
(the other 3 sit down at a table)
Grant: You new?
Morgan: Yea just moved here from New York.
Mike: Sickness.
Morgan: (a little shy) Yea
Mike: Sucks you have to live here now.
Morgan: But Fairfield's nice.
Grant: Money's good but people aren't. Good thing you fell in our crowd.
Mike: Yea we like to think of ourselves as the normal ones.
Morgan: Really why?
Grant: Because in a world where people make all these stupid requirements for friendships and whatnot, we just abide by the regular rules, you know like honesty, trustworthiness, virtues the world choses to ignore.
Jennifer: (sitting down) That's deep man.
Grant: The shallow end of the pool was too mainstream.
Jennifer: Careful we're going to be called the Hipsters now.
Mike: Hey it's better than the Druggies.
Jennifer: Oh god how stupid can people get? Not all of us do drugs. Grant: Yea not all of us.
Jennifer: People tend to categorize cigarettes in the drug group just saying.
Mike: Yea but we're not like Sasha who drops acid all by himself.
Jennifer: And he's on cociane too? Dude that's dangerous.
Grant: Everything's technically dangerous.
Jennifer: You know what I mean a*****e.
Grant: Whoa I'm threatened.
Jennifer: Dude I am so intimidating.
Mike: Yea skinny white girl who hates to exercise but loves to eat and sleep and is ticklish. Terrifying s**t man. © 2011 ThePunkInTheWoodsAuthor's Note
Added on April 22, 2011 Last Updated on April 22, 2011 Author![]() ThePunkInTheWoodsCTAboutHalle. 16. Bi-curious. Music influenced. Using writing to make sense of the world. Currently converting to Hinduism. Probably should use better grammar. more..Writing