Life's Ladder Long
A Poem by Haika
About the different stages of life we go through- the circle of life as it were. 
As a babe the nourishment of your mind commences, | | from playgrounds to plain tabled rooms, the big cold coal board overwhelms the room, | | that first dawning in that weird new planet, many glistening celestials form, now very far from home. | | | | As your eager saucer eyes wide with wonder, | | inhale it, take it in, refreshed, | | with their new knowing and hungry for more. | | | | As the days become years, when they tick into decades, | | as age blooms slowly to wisdoms gift, you change once more so little by little, | | you yourself can't tell it, | | that your shining eyes can't perceive it quite as clearly as from infant days; | | clinging onto mamas breast then sprouting speedily like creepers to whitewashed walls into teenage hood, | | brave and strong you step firmly to the world. At adolescence the steep climb up, | | for the ladder of life is less than a third way done, | | now begins the bend and turn upwards more, | | toward the sky, | | here, through the wind and whirl, your wearied eyes will witnesses, | | the missing rungs, the skips and jumps, | | the patches you'll leap over, | | your long lean legs stretched wide out from one to the next you arrive. There are now hours into dead of night and risings before dawns first light, | | once more your rubberband mind expands, gulping ever more knowledge in. | | | | You climb and claw with short nailed fingers, scraggy and chewed with anxious chatty teeth. | | Here still you do not quit, you can't, | | for the goal of childhood lies incomplete. | | | | Then finally the day will come when firm books bindings are things long forgotten, when aging and working descend on you as a fast locomotive, catching you by surprise, | | some hours after you knock on deaths hard door, and angles appear to take you to whisk you away, to yet another abode quite far from here into something you know not of. | | | | At that time, and only then is the ladder of life fully climbed, and the time of rest has come. |
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© 2014 Haika
Author's Note
Please give me your honest feedback.
what errors am I making and what could I do to improve this piece.
Added on September 23, 2014
Last Updated on September 23, 2014
Tags: life, growth, aging
HaikaMombasa, Coast, Kenya
I love writing poetry, I am open to honest critique of my work, I have never taken a course in poetry writing so I'm here to learn, correct my errors and become better at what I love to do. I also wan.. more..