A Light In The Darkness

A Light In The Darkness

A Poem by Haider

A Light In The Darkness

Poem © 2015 by Haider


From the glow of the candlelight,

I see my mother's face shining bright.

It gives comfort to see her there,

Her face lit up by the candle’s glare.

And in the darkness of the night,

The flicker of flame dispels our fright.


Silently we say this prayer:

“Allah, lift us up from our despair,

Protect us in this dreadful plight,

We'll recite the Quran by dawn's light,

There's only You to guide and care,

When the hush of night is everywhere.”


Establish worship at the going down of the sun until the dark of night, and (the recital of) the Qur’an at dawn. Lo! (the recital of) the Qur’an at dawn is ever witnessed. Part 15, Al Isra: Surah 17:78

© 2015 Haider

Author's Note

This little poem is two stanza of 6 lines each and has an end rhyming pattern of AABBAA BBAABB. The syllable count per line is 8,9,8,9...throughout. There are a total of 78 words and the poem indirectly relates to the importance of prayer (duaa) in Islam. Also is you look closely you will see that the couplet syllable counts of 8+9 =17 and the word count 78 when added equals 15. This is relates to quoted verse Part 15 Al Isra, Surah 17:78. This is a technique I developed to use in some of my religious poems. at the end I've included the Surah.

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So beautiful, Thank you for sharing.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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8 Years Ago

Thank you for for the kind feedback :)

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1 Review
Added on December 4, 2015
Last Updated on December 4, 2015



Foxborough, MA
