Were Origin Story

Were Origin Story

A Story by Ed G. Schmitzer II

This was going to be the origin story in my Son of Hades series, before I changed my mind and only wanted to include just werewolves in the series.


In the middle ages there was a group of witches that experimented on a group of humans to see if they could combine the human spirit with an animal spirit. The animals they selected were a lion, tiger, wolf, dragon, phoenix, jaguar, leopard, and the raptor family of birds (hawk, eagle, falcon, owl, kite, harriers, and vultures). They succeeded, they created a new race �" the were’s. After further experiments giving the were’s superhuman abilities, the were’s were able to break loose. Finding themselves in the world as part animal part human they split into groups of common species, the big cats (lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard), they raptor family, and the wolf, dragon, and phoenix went on their own.

Everything was going good for them, until the first blood moon after they were created. During the blood moon they shifted into their animal form against their will and went on a rampage. When the blood moon was over they regained their control. When they came to, they realized that with a bite they could infect other people and make them a were as well. After the blood moon rampage the original fourteen were’s held a meeting to discuss the blood moon and what they should do. They came to the conclusion that they should go and see the witches that created them and see about the blood moon and what they could do about it.

 the first fourteen journeyed to the witches cave. Upon arriving at the cave they found the witches with similar group to theirs, but the opposite gender then them, so as the first group had a male lion, wolf, tiger, dragon, hawk, eagle, and kite. And a female leopard, jaguar, phoenix, falcon, owl, harrier, and vulture. The new group had the complete opposite. The originals looked at each other with a somewhat confused look. With a nod the group started forward, the new group and the witches looked up surprised.

The original lion laughed and said that they learned a lot of tricks on their own. The new group stepped up and formed a wall in front of the witches and said that the original group would have to go through them to get to the witches and to gain their powers. The originals dragon looked around at his group then to the new group. He said they weren’t there for the witches powers; they were there to question the witches about what they did during the blood moon.

The originals phoenix stepped forward and cocked her head to the side a little, she then said that the witches told the new group that after getting our powers the group wanted more power and thought by killing the witches that they could. The group attacked the witches and lost, that’s why they left. Everyone looked at her, she got a smirk on her face and said that after a while she started being able to read people’s minds.

By now the witches stared backing up, looking around to see if they could run. The originals wolf, jaguar, hawk, tiger, and leopard teleported to surround the witches. The originals phoenix walked up to the new group and asked them to hold hands she wanted to show them something. The new group looked at each other, and then grabbed each other’s hands. She put her hand on the new group’s jaguar shoulders and replayed her memories of the witches experimenting on them. The look on the group in front of her went from shock, surprise, anger, and then finally guilt. When she finally stepped away from them, they knew that they were wrong about the original group and the witches.

The new group turned around and looked at the witches then the were’s that surrounded them. They then went and joined the original group to surround the witches. The original lion smiled, then looked at the witches and asked what happened to them during the blood moon. The head witch explained how they needed to use the power of the blood moon to fuse the animal and human spirit that made them a were. So when a blood moon came around they lose control and make a sacrifice to the blood moon for their lives. The new lioness asked how they could break the blood moon curse. One of the other witches laughed and said that the only way they could is if they gave up the powers or if somehow turned other people into were’s. The original group looked at each other as a light bulb went off in their heads. The original wolf walked up to the lead witch and asked if that was true. She nodded her head and said that there was no way that they could turn people into were’s without the blood moon and magic. The wolf laughed and said that after the blood moon when they lost control and attacked people, that the people they bit did turn.


© 2016 Ed G. Schmitzer II

Author's Note

Ed G. Schmitzer II
just give me all of your feedback

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Added on January 10, 2016
Last Updated on January 10, 2016
Tags: werewolf, werewolves, Son of Hades