Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A Chapter by Hachamecha

Chapter 5


                I sweated, viciously battled Vane in Wii Tennis. It was intense. We kept getting a ‘Duce’ for the past half hour.

                “I shall destroy you… with my ultimate swing!” Vane cried, swinging his Wii remote, pressing B so hard, his finger was white.

                Even though these were old video games, it was really fun. I laughed at Vane’s dorkyness, and was glad that he was opening up. Being the competative person that I am, I forgot that I was in the Arctics, and that I missed home. All I was thinking about now was the game.

                “Oh no you don’t,” I growled, swinging hard, almost letting go of the  controller, and possibly propel it into the flat screen TV. On normal circomstances, I would have frozen up, and apologized. But there was no time for that now. I needed to beat Vane.

                “Advantage, front team!” the TV blared out of the Bose speakers. I did a little dance, happy that I would be the server this time. I was winning.

                I pressed A, and firmly held onto B while I was raising my arm to hit the ball.


                Startled, I nearly dropped the remote. Thank baby Godzilla for the straps.

                My relief was short lived. Standing in the doorway, looking quite livid, was Mike.

                “What are you doing, Vane?” He said in a calm voice, hiding the brooding storm in his eyes.

                “Playing Wii with Iana.” Vane said quietly.

                Only then did the professer see me, mid posed to hit a tennis ball, looking at him in belwilerment; he relaxed quite subtley. 

                “Iana. I never knew you were one for games! Well, that’s good. I was afraid Vane went on an adventure again.”

                Vane blushed, hiding his face in his hair.

                “Well, I’m sure that you both have forgotten, but I had called both of you to my office.” Mike mused, unsure how to proceed, fussing with his hair with his right hand.

                “Shall we go to your office now?” I asked, abesntmindenly fiddling with the Wii remote’s strap.

                Vane’s dad beemed at me. “Of course! That’s a good idea! Come along, now. I have something to show you both.” He turned around, then walked out the door, Vane closely following behind, throwing the remote causually on the couch.

                I was just about to go along too, but hesitated. I looked back to the game, and served the tennis ball.

                I walked out, with the cries of ‘Player one wins!’ cut off abruptly as the heavy door swung shut behind me.

                I smiled. “I win.”


                I skipped towards Vane and Mike, liking the way my hair swished. Vane looked back to me, hiding his puzzlement. I grinned at him, puzzling him even further. Ok. Even though what I did was cheating, it’s his fault for not thinking about it first.

                Mike did his best to keep up the chatter, including me in it.

                “So, Iana. Where are you from?”


                “Oh really? I have a niece in Tolish.”


                “It’s a new piece of land America bought from Canada.”


                “Where in Alaska do you live?”

                “I live above Alaska.”

                “Ah. The floating Islands? Really?”


                “How is it like?”

                I shrugged. All this talking ontop of game playing made me reach my limit. I didn’t feel like talking. Mike, noticing this, kept quiet as we walked down the hall, until we reached a big door.

                Causually taking the key out of his pocket, he scanned it in a little cubicle, while it also scanned his eyes.

                “Hello, Mike Saner, Vane Saner, and Guest. Permission to enter is granted.” A robotic voice blared out of the speakers, startling me. Vane looked bored, like he already been to his dad’s office a bunch of times. He probably had.

                The door opened inward, welcoming our party of 3. When we walked in, the door shut behind us with a quiet thud.

                Tugging on my pig tails, I regarded everything with care. Ther was a grand fishtank with exotic fish swimming about, taking the whole section of one wall. In the middle, demanding attention, was an equally grand desk, polished to the ‘T.’

                Mike, noticing my expression, smiled. “Do you like it?”

                I nodded, hiding my blush with my carefully crafted bangs.

                Mike nodded, satisfied, and sat down on the gigantic chair.

                His face adopted a serious expression. “I know it’s been a short time since you came here, Iana, but I must ask these questions. Who are you?”

                I sighed inwardly. This is it. They were going to kick me out. Might as well give them some answers.

                “Iana Siren.”

                “How old are you?”

                “What is the date today?”

                “Febuary 16th.”

                “What is the year?”


                “16 years old.”

                “When did you come to the Artics?”

                I shrugged. “January 2nd?”

                “And what year was that?”


“How did you come here?”

I shrugged. I didn’t know.

Mike leaned over his desk, looking at me straight in the eye. “What is the last thing you can remember doing before you came here?”


Mike sighed. Not that I couldn’t blame him. I wanted those answers as well. I want to know everything too. I want to know who took away my life. In fact, who knows what happened? Maybe I’m dead. Nothing here is real. Everything was a lie.

I laughed, doubling over. I felt stupid. So stupid. Everything is a lie! I was dead! I felt stupid and overcome with emotion. Dead! I was dead.

“Iana? Iana? What’s wrong?” Vane asked. Or was it Death? Or that chair? It was a talking unicorn. I know it. I always wanted a talking unicorn. You know what? Screw uniconrs. I want a bicorn.

Mkie moved towards me slowly, as if approaching a dangerous animal.

“It’s ok, Iana. We are your friends. We don’t want to hurt you.” Mike inched closer, and finally placed his hand on my shoulder.

That was a mistake. All my nerves screamed, and I freaked. I grabbed his hand, and threw him across the room. 

© 2012 Hachamecha

Author's Note

Finally. Some action going down in the next chapter ;)

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(insert awesome face) unicorns

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ahaha, this is so funny. Keep it up. :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 17, 2012
Last Updated on January 17, 2012



Ledyard, CT

I don't write much anymore. I will though. I'll find my muse. She just died along with my will. 39~ -Hachamecha more..

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