To the Moon

To the Moon

A Poem by Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

One I've been holding on to.

Diminishing Sun rays, softly kiss adieu
as the Sun spirits away to regions unseen;
a lonely cricket begins his song too early
for the moon to hear, its introduction
lost amongst rollicking winds.

The biting chill they bring
signals change is indeed in the air,
and the hopeful cricket sings on,
to the moon. Stars arrive, giving
the most remarkable audience
an artist could ask for.

Boisterous winds find content in gentle stillness,
quieting the rustling grass and gossiping trees;
a charcoal sky with shreds of crimson
provide a backdrop of brilliance. A grand stage
for such a tiny artist.

His song, his beacon of hope, though to the moon,
has found where I hid love away in my heart.
Buried ambitions rocket unfolded desires to the moon;
may they be charming enough to be kept.

For they have done me no good, in this lonesome heart.

© 2014 Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Author's Note

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)
Thank you for reading.

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The moon has a mystical affect of awakening things within and the light it sheds softens all around bringing an aura of complete bliss- reminding us that something may be lacking urging us to turn within and search for that which will make us whole- love your words🌹

Posted 6 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

6 Years Ago

That is very true... I often find the moon has a pulling quality on my spirit.
"Boisterous winds find content in gentle stillness,
quieting the rustling grass and gossiping trees;
a charcoal sky with shreds of crimson
provide a backdrop of brilliance. A grand stage
for such a tiny artist."

The way you articulate of grass and trees, and the simple brilliance of a sun-setting sky arouses my heart with joy. I often gaze up at the night sky with amazing wonder...and here, you capture it in a multitude of words that leave a lump in my throat every time. Being a "moon-maiden", as my astrological sign so well perceives me to be, the only lure I needed to snare my attention to reading this, was the reference to the moon. Many thanks for the invite and the pleasure it brought me!

Posted 6 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

6 Years Ago

I'm pleased you enjoyed this read so much. I don't write of nature often, but this piece wrote itsel.. read more
Kelly Scheppers

6 Years Ago

...most definitely!
The lonesome heart. The heart will wish for things that cannot be found again.
"Boisterous winds find content in gentle stillness,
quieting the rustling grass and gossiping trees;
a charcoal sky with shreds of crimson
provide a backdrop of brilliance. A grand stage
for such a tiny artist. "
I did like the above lines. Made me wish to know more. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago


I don't think much can touch your writing style
this one's very vivid and fanciful, yet somehow down to earth at the same time

another great write


Posted 9 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

9 Years Ago

Thank you so very much, Dream. I am completely humbled by your thoughts on my ability. I also thank .. read more

9 Years Ago

Sure thing PH. Like the last it was worth reading. Making my way through your portfolio gradually
Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

9 Years Ago

It's an honor, thank you.
"a charcoal sky with shreds of crimson
provide a backdrop of brilliance. A grand stage
for such a tiny artist. " - awesome lines

"His song, his beacon of hope, though to the moon,
has found where I hid love away in my heart. " - profound, awe-inspiring

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you... Your words are humbling and beyond uplifting.
You pen with such an amazing hand. I've read some of your other pieces and I find the vulnerability woven into each of those writes to be quite beautiful. You seem to allow your soul to speak through your heart and it shows through your genuine love for words. It's only an observation but nature seems to be where much of your inspiration comes from which explains why I find your words flow so naturally. Lovely work...

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you for such humbling words. I actually wrote this, because I felt my body of work lacked any .. read more
Excellent imagery and metaphor here. Great poem sir!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thanks, bro... I appreciate the visit and great review.
Beautiful! "Diminishing sun rays softly kiss adieu, as the sun spirits away to regions unseen; a lonely cricket begins his song too early...." I'm going to shorten your name to Poe, because you two share something in common. Awesome literary ability! You have the heart of a romantic, though. Edgar Allen P. was pure forgive that unfortunate disconnection. keep writing so I can have fun reading your mind. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you and I am bowing in humility to your thoughts. I am completely humbled by your view of my a.. read more
I love the's beautiful...good choice of words too

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, you continue to humble me.
Beautiful interlacing of words woven to cast a spell!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you... I appreciate such a wonderful thought.

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on January 28, 2014
Last Updated on January 29, 2014
Tags: moon, nature, cricket, song, lonely


Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)
Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Oblivion's edge, OH

Been here for some time... My work is my life. Read and I hope you enjoy. I will return the sentiment. more..
