![]() Journey to IrelandA Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com
Oh it'll be done in four to six weeks he'd said. It won't be a problem he'd said. Urso was mentally abusing himself as the village healer gothi bandaged the tips of his pincusioned fingers. The royal hunting garments were ready, and waiting to be delivered. Urso had stopped to get patched up. As he made his way back to Deadreaper, he pulled out the map. It had a clearly marked trail from Berk to the Irish capital, Dublin. However, it was marked for a ship. On Dragon back, he would only take half the time.
Package secured, Urso climbed into the saddle, and the massive Dragon took off into the sky. Blowing clouds right out of their way, the two streaked over the village. Urso spotted movement out of the corner of his eye, Urso looked down to see the Dragon riders on a hill, waving. The other dragons trumpeted, whistled, and roared out their farewells too. The giant Dragon rider waved back as his Dragon bellowed to the other dragons in return. Then the duo took off for the horizon. After nearly a day of flying, Urso stopped in at a familiar site. Dragons edge. The Dragon studying outpost hiccup, and the senior Dragon riders had founded. Urso had only visited, but decided it was the perfect place to stay the night. Landing in the "clubhouse",basically a miniature great hall made of wood, Deadreaper lit the fireplace in the center of the room. "Been a while since we've been here huh Deadreaper?" The large reptile snorted in agreement. Urso pulled out the map, and made marks on the islands he'd passed. Then he rolled out his straw stuffed bedroom, one of the pillows from his bed that he'd packed, and settled down on the floor by the fireplace. The next day, he rose early, and the two set out immediately. Eating dried salmon in the saddle, Urso pulled a large cod out of a basket, and tossed it in front of the massive dragon's snout. The bonecrushing jaws clamped on the fish with a sickening crunch. The beast's almost as beastly rider patted his steed's neck. "Good boy Deadreaper, we're over halfway there. another four hours riding, and Dublin sat below the duo. Landing at the castle gates, the guards flinched, but reclaimed their composure. The must have been warned he was coming. Several villagers dove for cover, and street urchins poked their heads out of hiding to stare at the massive viking on the enormous Dragon. A large man in royal guard uniform steeped forward, and pointed a long halberd. "State yer business viking!" He bellowed aggressively. Urso studied the guard. The man was bigger than the ohers, but only came to about the middle of Urso's chest. He was also bulky, but Urso was easily twice his weight. The guard looked to be about thirty. "State yer business!" He roared again in an Irish accent. "The king hired me to make him hunting garments. I'm here to deliver them." Urso answered. "I don't think so. I don't like yer kind. Ye'll have to get past me to get in." Deadreaper growled at the man. "Easy Deadreaper. Let me have this one." The youth soothed the mighty beast. He then leapt from the saddle, over the halberd blade, and landed squarely infront of the large Irishman. Urso was very agile for his size.The man's eyes bugged as he realized the young viking's true size Urso looked down at him. "Still wanna take me on?" The man nervously shook his head, and stepped aside so Urso could pass. With his dragon following, the giant entered the courtyard. Several merchants were selling their wares in a small market.many people scurried out of the gigantic duo's way as the made their way to the castle. © 2015 RANDOMNESS.com |
Added on August 13, 2015 Last Updated on August 13, 2015 Author