![]() the peace feastA Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com
Urso was still annoyed with the way that the Irish had gawked at him like a monster. He removed the large fur mitts and tossed them on the floor next to his bench, and sat down. A pair of servers brought a huge platter bearing a whole roasted pig over, and set it on the table in front of him. They were two sisters of a set of triplets. The third sister followed closely with Urso's custom sized mug filled with a concoction of milk, honey, and fruit juices. He had never seen it before, so he took a tentative sip. It was like the taste of Valhalla! He then drained half the mug in two massive gulps. He then tore a back leg off the pig, and bit into the ham. "Have you tried the new beverage yet, Urso?" Adis asked as she stumped over on her peg leg. With grease on his face, and his mouth full of pork, Urso nodded. Soon Gunnhild, Harla, Siv, and Sigurd joined them at the table.
"So, what do you guys think of the visitors?" Gunnhild asked. "I think they're weak looking." Sigurd stated. This statement earned him a ham bone to the side of the head from Urso, who he'd made the mistake of sitting next to. " what do you think of them Urso?" Harla asked the giant teen. He wiped the grease off his face before answering. "I could use a drop in the staring." He stated blandly before he dug into the pig's ribs. "They just haven't see a guy as big as you before." Harla defended the visitors. She was only answered with a crack, and a slurp as the giant broke a rib bone, and started to suck out the marrow. As the others drifted into conversation, she looked over at the chief's table. The Irish royals were slightly appalled at the viking's table manners. The king spoke about the treaty with Stoick as the much larger chieftain bit into a small loaf of bread, and nodded at the terms he agreed with. After the feast, Urso returned to his stall, and put the finishing touches on Harla's gloves. As he stowed them in a drawer, the door to his stall opened, and in stepped queen Marian followed by princess Annette. "Do excuse us if we're intruding, we were just curious about these garments and jewelry we hear so much about." "You're not intruding. My stall is open to all. I have no garments at the time, but there are plenty of trinkets over there." Urso replied as he pointed at a series of shelves covered with jewelry. "Oh mum." Annette gasped as she spotted a necklace made of beads, and a seashell with a valkyrie engraved upon it. "It looks like an angel." "It's a valkyrie." Urso explained. "They're the ones that bring warriors to Valhalla. Very similar to your angels." The queen and princess spoke in low voices as Urso continued to weave a wire chain around a wooden dowel. "what would it cost to purchase the necklace?" Queen Marian inquired as she pulled out a silk coin purse, and dumped out several gold coins. "If it's coins, I Couldn't take less than six. Wearing a valkyrie is said to bring protection." Urso answered. "Done." The queen replied as she counted out six coins, and dropped them in the garment maker's wide Palm. Without the mitts, the viking's hands looked like they could nearly envelope her head. Marian was thankful negotiations went well. If they hadn't, she would have nightmares of this viking boy coming into her chambers and crushing her skull. She was snapped from this morbid thought by the door opening to admit a burly young viking with a piggish face. As he stopped to admire himself in a mirror on the wall, Marian noticed the hulking garment maker was giving him a look of death. "Can I help you, Snotlout?" The giant inquired with acid in his voice." "Not likely gargantua. You can't mess with perfection." The boy called snotlout answered smugly. His eyes lit up when he spotted Annette. Marian could see her daughter's discomfort as he walked over next to her. "Though, what kind of host would I be if I didn't show such a beauty around the village." Marian was just about to scold the toe rag, when the giant they called Urso stomped over. "Well," he began in a syrupy sweet voice, "if you aren't going to buy or order anything. GET OUT!!!" Marian nearly jumped out of her skin at the abrupt transition from sweet to a loud roar. snotlout paled as the jeweler loomed over him. A meaty fist on the giant, hovered over the smaller viking's helmed head. Scooting past the proprietor of the stall, he couldn't seem to get out the door fast enough. "you'll have to excuse snotlout, he flirts with every girl he meets." Urso explained. "Honestly, he almost never comes in here. If he bothers you ladies again, just let me know. I'll SPEAK with him." The craftsman offered as he cracked his large knuckles. Marian thanked him, and told him they'd be back with more trade goods. Urso stuck his head out the door as they left. He immediately spotted snotlout starting to follow them. As the smaller man spotted him, Urso cracked his neck, and ran his thumbnail across his own throat. The vain viking instantly changed direction, and headed home. After snotlout was out of site, Urso went back to work on the chain. © 2015 RANDOMNESS.com |
Added on December 10, 2014 Last Updated on March 23, 2015 Author