![]() strangers upon the shoresA Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com
Urso felt like all was right with the world. Hiccup and Astrid were living together happily, and he had made a big score with Trader Johan. The small trader had brought enough whale bone to last Urso for nearly two years. He got it for a small sack of cabbage. it was unbleached, and Johan couldn't stand the stench. He practically begged Urso to get it off his ship. Urso was only too happy to accept. The whale bones were bleaching out behind the stall, he had finished his tiger fur pillow, and was in the process of using almost all of the remaining tiger skin to make Harla a pair of gloves for winter. She had requested them, but she didn't know he still had some of the tiger fur. How ever, he didn't have enough to make the entire pair, so he made them raccoon skin with tiger skin cuffs at the top. The gloves would come nearly to her elbows for extra warmth.
His thoughts were interrupted by a shrill screeching coming from the village square. He recognized the call of Firescreech, the metal screamer that belonged to his friend Adis. He ran outside to spot the copper skinned Dragon screeching out as loud as possible. Covering his ears, he rendered over, and clamped the shrieking dragon's jaws shut. Shaking his head, he looked up to the peg legged girl in the saddle. "What's going on Adis? Are you trying to make us all deaf?" He roared. "I spotted unfamiliar ships off the coast. I had Firescreech sounding the alarm." "You could have just told someone, and they would have sounded the alarm. Besides, they could be friendly." "What's going on here?" Stoick roared as he jogged up to them. "Unknown ships off the shore." Adis reported. As she pointed, they all looked, and sure enough, three ships were moving toward shore. "That's the ship of the king of Ireland." Stoick identified the lead ship. He turned to Hiccup, who had just landed on Toothless nearby. "Hiccup, the king of Ireland is paying a visit. You and Astrid go get your beat clothes on. You must be presentable." The young dragon rider took off toward his new cottage without a word. Urso knew exactly what they would be wearing. The nicest clothes they had were the ones from the wedding. He ran for his own cottage to make himself presentable. He quickly decided a helmet might seem too aggressive. The Irish had just fought a war to win their freedom from the English. So he grabbed a headband with silver, and brass studs on it, combed his hair with his oak comb, and slipped the band on over his head. He then slipped his plain leather boots off, and grabbed a pair topped with badger fur. Then he removed his arm covers, and slipped on a pair of elbow length gray rabbit fur mitts. He'd been planning to switch anyway, winter was coming. He then donned the sheepskin vest, which he'd removed while he worked. The heat had been to much to keep it on. The forge, and the fireplace kept the stall plenty warm. The fleece felt comfortable against his neck again. The young giant ran out as he pulled the mitts off, and tied the vest on tightly. It wasn't everyday that a king came to the village. He then pulled the mitts back on as he made his way to the docks. The lead ship had docked by the time he got there, and the passengers were walking down the gangplank. Namely the Irish royals, guards, and a few servants. Dressed in so called fine clothing, the king looked kind of shabby to Urso. Maybe because as a garment maker, he could see every out of place stitch, and every flaw in the clothing. Whoever made the outfit should be ashamed to call themselves a garment maker, tailor, or seamstress. Stoick approached the Irish king. "Welcome to Berk, your majesty. I am Stoick the vast, chief of Berk. This is my son Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, and my daughter in law Astrid Haddock." He introduced as he gestured to the young couple. The king nodded to the couple, and introduced himself, and his family in a thick, heavy Irish accent. "Thank you. I am king Seamus II. This is my wife Marian, my son pat, and my daughter Annette." "So may I ask what brings you to our shores your majesty?" Stoick inquired. "Two things really. My men have heard rumors down at the docks that you have a viking that happens to be bigger than life itself." This brought a rumbling chuckle from Stoick. "You must be talking about young Urso Footcrusher. Urso, step forward for the king lad." So on the command of his chief, Urso made his way through the crowd, and stood before the royals. Pat couldn't help but gape at the massive viking that stood before them. He must have been ten feet tall at the least. The huge mitt covered hands looked like he could break a grown man in half. Pat seriously hoped his father could get the Vikings to form a peace pact. The Irish army would stand no chance against such a titan. "Good Lord!" King Seamus marveled. "The boy's an absolute mountian." Pat noticed their guards nervously back up a few steps. The Prince couldn't blame them. The mountain sized viking dipped his head to the king. "Your majesty. I am Urso Footcrusher, jeweler and garment maker of Berk." He rumbled in a low voice. Pat almost fell over backwards. This giant made garments and jewelry for a living? It was almost preposterous. "That is the other reason we are here. Servants have told me of a trader that brings fine garments from Berk. Everything from silk to furs." King Seamus stated. He seemed as surprised as pat felt. How did this massive young man make such fine garments. He then turned back to Stoick. "I have come to negotiate a peace treaty." He announced as he revealed a roll of parchment in his belt. "Of course, we would be happy to make peace with you." Stoick answered. "Come, let us feast in the great hall as we sign that treaty." He invited. The Irish king nodded as he, his family, and their entourage followed the chief, and the future chief up the stairs. Suddenly, a large reptile landed near the royals. "EEP!" The women cried out. The huge monster swung it's giant green head toward them. "DEADREAPER! Be good!" The giant garment maker roared as he passed the Irish Prince, and held up a huge hand. To pat's fascination, the beast purred, and snuffled the viking's hand like a puppy. "Don't worry about the dragons. We've made peace with them, and ride them even." Hiccup assured the Irish. This made pat even more relieved about the peace treaty. Ireland couldn't hope to stand against dragons and giants. © 2015 RANDOMNESS.com |
Added on November 26, 2014 Last Updated on March 16, 2015 Author