![]() The riders returnA Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com
The next morning, Harla didn't disturb Urso. She had seen him go into his stall, and knew he would sleep in. She and Skyclash flew off to the great hall. The twins sat at the usual table with a recently released Sigurd. "How are you feeling Sigurd?" She asked.
"Much better." As a server brought him a plate, he wolfed the food down like a ravenous wolf. This was a good sign. It meant he was back in his head. "Where's Urso?" He inquired through a mouthful of boar. "Sleeping. He was up late last night working." She answered. "Hey Harla. Did you find out what's in that bundle he had yesterday?" Tuffnutt blurted. The blonde rider smirked at him. "Yep, but I'm not gonna tell you." "Come on! Please?" "My lips are sealed." "Awww!" The dummy wailed. Harla and the others turned as the doors opened to admit a tired looking Urso. "Well it's about time you get up." Tuffnutt blurted once again. Urso's swamp green eyes locked on the smaller man in a very nasty stare. The male half of the twins paled, and started picking at his food. A server sat a large chunk of boar, and almost a dozen eggs on the table as Urso sat down. Sticking a large fork in the boar meat, he raised the meat to his mouth, he ripped off a huge chunk, chewed, and swallowed. "So did you get your work done?" Harla asked him. He raised a meaty finger, shook his head, and blinked his eyes. "Sorry. What was that?" He asked in a groggy voice. "Did you get your work done?" She repeated. "Almost." Urso answered as he took another bite, and shoveled an egg down his throat. I have just one more thing to make. "Alright!" She praised. "Wait, where's Astrid?" "Out watching for the others to return. I think she misses Hiccup. "This made Urso think back to four weeks ago when Hiccup told him he was going to ask Astrid to marry him, and requested the garments. "Something tells me he misses her too." He replied. After breakfast, they rode up to the top of the cliffs to join Astrid. "Morning Astrid." Urso greeted. "Morning." She answered without taking her eyes off the horizon. The giant viking leaned over close. "Still looking for him?" He whispered. Astrid started, and looked at him. "What are you talking about?" She asked lamely. Urso just smirked, and crooked his eyebrow at her. She just turned back to the horizon without saying anything. A rumbling roar erupted as none other than Stoick the vast himself landed on his Dragon Skullcrusher. "Sign of them yet?" He asked with a worried tone. "Nothing yet." Astrid answered. "WAIT! Over there!" Harla cried as she pointed to the west. The riders were coming out of a bank of clouds, and were on approach. Astrid and Stoick both sighed in relief. The riders on the cliff followed the other dragons to the village square, and landed. "Hiccup!" Astrid cried as she ran to him, and embraced him roughly. She was about to kiss him when he whispered something in her ear, and led her of to be alone. This caused Urso to crook his jaw in a smirk again. "Better get that headband done." He thought to himself. Returning to his stall, Urso grabbed several leather strings, glass beads he'd traded for, and small metal disks he'd made with his mini forge. He began to weave the components into a fancy headband. Crisscrossing the leather, occasionally adding beads of various colors, and silver disks. This took nearly three hours to complete. He was sure it would fit. He always kept every customer's measurements, and updated them every month. So he knew hiccup's head size to a T. The band had a repeating pattern of woven leather, green and blue beads, and eight silver disks. Taking the band, and the hidden items into the storage room, Urso placed them on wooden mannequins he'd made constructed by Hiccup and Astrid's sizes. The clothes fit perfectly. Hopefully they'll fit on the real couple. The large Dragon shaped horn blasted its low rumble across the village. Urso hurriedly hid the mannequins, and rushed out to find out what the ruckus was. Stoick had the entire village gathered before him. He raised his hand for silence as the crowd buzzed with murmurs. Urso made his way through the crowd to be relatively near the cheif, but out of people's view. After all, he made a better wall than a window. The murmurs died down as Stoick started to speak. "My fellow Berkians, today is a great day. I couldn't be more proud to make this announcement." He paused just for effect. "I an "I'm proud to announce the engagement if my son Hiccup to Astrid Hofferson, and their wedding in two weeks time!" The village shook with the hearty cheers of Vikings, and the happy roars of dragons. Loudest of all was Urso, but Gobber wasn't much quieter. Several Vikings went off to prepare gifts, and celebrate the announcement. With his near birds eye view, Urso spotted Hiccup maneuvering toward him with astrid by the hand. Stoick, and the Hoffersons followed closely. As the troupe approached him Stoick and Mr. Hofferson were engaged in conversation. "Really Stoick, we'll cover cost of the wedding garments." Mr. Hofferson assured. "As not only chief, but the father of the husband to be, it's my responsibility." Stoick countered. Hiccup rolled his eyes, and turned to the two older vikings. "I've already taken care of it." He interjected. The statement took the older men by surprise as Hiccup turned to Astrid, and stroked her cheek. "You don't mind do you?" "No. Not at all." She replied excitedly. After sharing a quick smooch with her, Hiccup turned to Urso. "Well Urso, how's our project coming along?" "It's done. I even added special surprises to it as a wedding gift to two my closest friends." He replied. Stoick's bushy red eyebrows shot up almost to his helmet. "You knew?" He gaped. "I've known for about six weeks now." Urso replied smoothly. The chieftain began to sputter in shock. "Dad, it's fine." Hiccup assured him. He then turned to the garment maker. "Any chance of seeing them Urso?" Urso rubbed his immense hands together. "Thought you'd never ask." He led the group to his stall. Gobber Harla, and the other Dragon riders joined them at the front of the shop. After everyone found a place to stand Urso made them cover their eyes. "Isn't this a wee bit childish?" Gobber enquired. "It's a surprise Urso stated. So everyone complied. As they did, Urso snuck the mannequins out of the storage room, and stood them in front of the anxious couple. "And...Open." He told them. There were gasps of surprise from the women, and low whistles from some of the men. Hiccup and Astrid walked over, and felt the tiger skin cloak, and highlights on the bride's garments. "Hiccup, this must have cost a fortune." Astrid breathed. "I...I'm just as surprised as you." Hiccup stuttered. "The tiger fur is my gift to you. Besides Hiccup, you are the chief's son. So only the best for you and your bride." Urso assured them. "Thank you Urso." The future chieftain thanked him. The turned back to admire Urso's handiwork as Gobber and Stoick stepped up to examine the plates on the shoulders of the cloak. "Aye. The lad does some pretty good work with them bear paws he calls hands." "I'll never understand how he does it, Gobber. A lad that big, and he does such delicate work." Urso noticed Tuffnutt staring at the cloak, and leaned down next to the other viking. "Yes Tuffnutt, that's what was in the bundle." © 2014 RANDOMNESS.com |
Added on November 25, 2014 Last Updated on November 25, 2014 Author