![]() Trader Johan arrivesA Chapter by RANDOMNESS.com
The group of riders left to guard Berk waved farewell to the riders flying off in the distance. Astrid still looked slightly peeved at being left behind. Urso was still annoyed with snotlout, but he could feel himself growing calmer by the minute. After all, Snotlout was going to be gone for several days. Maybe a wild dragon will eat him. Urso could only dream. After the others faded in the distance, Urso mounted Deadreaper, and took off for his stall.
Upon arrival, he jumped out of the saddle before Deadreaper touched down, and landed on his feet with a loud thud, and a jangle of his plate mail shirt. Something that he was in the process of remedying. He entered the stall to find the plus sized short-sleeved tunic he'd made for himself. Ignoring it, he grabbed his tools, and a nearly finished sheepskin vest. It would only come to the middle of his ribcage, but that was exactly what he wanted. All that was left was to punch the drawstring holes at the bottom of the front. Which he did with an awl. Then he pulled out the strings and knotted them in the holes. It was finally finished. He then removed his helmet, mail shirt, and wristbands. He then slipped on the tunic. The grayish green garment fit snugly over his massive rib cage, and the sleeves were slightly tight in their place at the middle of his melon sized biceps. He then fastened the tunic with a thick leather belt with a buckle of a doom sniper coiled in a spiral. He then donned the vest, and cinched it tight around his huge frame. Then he wound a leather arm wrap around his lower left arm, wrist, and knuckles, and Strapped a leather wristband with a metal plate with a hovering doom sniper to his right lower arm. He then grabbed his helmet, and polished the metal until he could see his reflection. Then he proceeded to wax the large goat horns until they shone. He then placed the large helmet back on his bear sized skull. Despite his profession of making garments and jewellery, Urso was the strongest viking on Berk, and one of the mightiest warriors. Many warriors, including Stoick the vast, respected him despite his youth. Then there were the twins. As stupid as they were, they were easily ignored. Snotlout was easily the most hated viking in Urso's book. The smaller man was so vain it made him sick. Especially when his "beautiful face" consisted the features of a boar. Even Urso's features, reminiscent of a Neanderthal, we're better looking, and easily ten times as intimidating. Some of the more superstitious of the older Vikings even claimed that Urso could fell a troll just by narrowing his eyes, and furrowing his already massive, heavy brow. Pure rubbish of course, but Urso also noticed that children often stared in awe at him after hearing these stories. It didn't matter. Trader Johan was due to arrive any moment with his silk, ivory, and a tiger skin from India. Granted it would cost him an entire cart of sheep skins, not to mention having to listen to Johan lie through his teeth about killing the tiger with his bare hands to get it, but it would be worth it. Besides, he could always tune out Johan's yak pie of a story. Grabbing several garments, a small pouch of beads, and a silver amulet, he left the stall, grabbed the sheepskin cart, and made his way to the dock. He spotted the ship coming to dock as he arrived. Vikings practically swarmed the small vessel as the gangplank fell to the dock. "Ah, Berk. My favorite island to visit in my travels." Johan raved. Urso just rolled his eyes at the false praise. Johan said that about anyplace he stopped. The trader stiffened while greeting prospective customers as Urso's shadow enveloped the little man. He then relaxed as he looked up, and realised the source of the sudden lack of sunlight. "Urso! If it isn't my favorite viking of all!" Johan false praised once more. Everyone on Berk knew the tiny trader was intimidated by the giant viking. Urso looked around cautiously, and furrowed his prominent uni-brow. "Welcome Johan. Did you get my SPECIAL item." "Ah yes. The-" between the fact that the tiger skin was a surprise for hiccup and Astrid's inevitable wedding, and the fact that he didn't want to listen to Johan's bull, Urso clamped his bearpaw sized hand over the trader's entire face. "Can't you button your beak Johan?" The plus sized viking whispered furiously. "That ITEM is a surprise for someone, so clap your trap." The trader stumbled, and nearly fell backwards when his face was released. "Right." He replied in a squeakier than intended voice. As he tucked the bundled item into his now empty cart. He caught site of harla admiring a pair of silver covered Shoulder plates. He was about to make his way over when two shapes in the corner of his eye caught his attention. The Thorsten twins had clambered into his cart and Tuffnutt was reaching for the exotic skin. "Whatcha got in the bundle big guy? Is it for me? OUCH!" He cried out in pain as Urso brought a skull sized fist down on his helmet with a clunk of bone on metal. "DON'T TOUCH! NOT FOR YOU!" He roared as he roughly seized the twins by the backs of their vests, and tossed them aside like crumpled parchment. "It's a gift for someone. So button your beaks before I button them for you." As the twins departed, Tuffnutt gave the bundle a longing glance, and was sent well on his way with a swift kick in the rear courtesy of Urso's huge, leather boot clad foot. "Your finesse never ceases to amaze me." Harla observed from her new place right behind the garment maker. "Well you know how those two get into stuff." Urso retorted as he turned to face her. She just chuckled at his previous display of rage. "Well, Skyflash and I are going flying. Care to come?" "Can't." Urso replied bluntly. "I've got work to do." He explained as he began pulling the cart up the hill to the village. © 2014 RANDOMNESS.com |
Added on July 28, 2014 Last Updated on November 23, 2014 Author