![]() Beyblade metal clans: The Endurance of gladiator ChimeraA Story by RANDOMNESS.com
LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! Braxton performs another transformation. Taking Bug's bey, Silver Leone, and turning it into Ninja Sphinx. During Sphinx's testing, Earthshock clan shows up with the shocking news that they've been driven out of their territory. Giving them shelter, Bruno and Deacon send out Todd and Angelo to see about Firefury clan. On their way, they're ambushed by Jacob and his team. Challenging the two clan bladers to a battle, the regular bladers pull out all the stops. Zane, and Dale are almost instantly knocked out of the battle, But Jacob and Pudge combine their power to take out Todd's SS bey, Gladiator Icthyocentaur. After that, the remaining regular bladers gang up on Angelo. Realizing he's out numbered, Angelo uses his so far impenetrable special move, Wall of Dancing Swords. Despite using their special moves, and all the power they have, The three beys are no match for the mighty Minotaur. "W…WHAT POWER…WHAT POWER IS THIS!?" Jacob shrieked. "How can you be so unstoppable!?" Angelo snatched Minotaur out of the air, and held him up for them to see. "This is Paladin Minotaur. He is a shogun steel bey. Plus, I've been promoted to the rank of Elite Blader. I've also been training more since I've taken on an apprentice." As he put Minotaur away, he stepped over Dale, and Joined Todd on the other side of the fight scene. After the two clan bladers had left, Julie spoke. "Uh...Did it seem like our attacks barely effected Angelo's bey just now? Even when it was knocked off balance?" Pudge Nodded. "Yeah. It was like we couldn't get a solid hit." Jacob turned to the dark corner of the alley. "You get any of that craig?" A small boy with deep purple hair, and glasses stepped out with a laptop. "I sure did. That bey that spyched you guys out. You're right, you couldn't get a solid hit." He turned the laptop so they could see the simulation of an attack on Minotaur. "Its spintrack has a swivel in it that allows the bey to turn with contact, and its tip lets it wobble to almost 90 degree angles." Julie's eyes bulged. "So Wolf's attacks didn't do any damage at all!?" "That's right, that bey was spinning almost as good as when he'd just launched it." An icy silence consumed the group. As they continued along, Angelo tried to strike up a conversation. "So...when did you get your bey transformed?" "Just last week, you?" "A week and a half ago. The very first one in the clan."Silence. "So you have an apprentice now?" "Yep. His name's Archer, and boy is he determined. He's only a kid, but he's a true-blue blader with a powerhouse of a bey." "What's his bey like?" "A huge defense type named Daimond Jester. It's got a wicked special move called Slight of hand." "Interesting. Well, here we are." Standing in front of an older looking hotel, the two bladers looked up to the top of the building. A lone blader peered down at them from over the edge. Then a hand popped up, and pressed a cellphone to the head's ear. Moments later, a girl that Angelo recognized from a battle at the quaterstrike opened the front door. "State your names, clan, and purpose in coming here." She rattled through clenched teeth. Todd stepped forward. "That's close enough!" The dark-haired girl snapped. "I'm Todd of Earthshock clan, and this is Angelo of Shadowscythe clan." The girl furrowed her brow. "Bladers from different clans traveling together, or were you exiled?" "No, Earthshock clan has been driven out of our territory. We're staying with Shadowscythe clan. Royal clan has turned against us. We've been sent to ask if Firefury clan is with us or not." The girl turned to the area behind the door. Angelo could just hear a faint murmuring whisper, but couldn't comprehend the words. The girl narrowed her eyes as she turned back to them. "What do we care if your clan couldn't hold their territory, and as for Royal clan, they already attacked us, and were driven off with ease. There's no need for us to join you. You have the strength of two clans combined now. Good day." She slammed the door with a loud bang. Todd stepped back. "They repelled Royal clan easily? Has Firefury clan become that strong?" A tic mark appeared on angelo's temple. "They're lying. Do you see any signs of a huge beybattle here?" Todd turned a full circle, examining the pristine area around the hotel. "No I don't." Suddenly, a pile of concrete blocks exploded as a large SS bey charged straight through it. The orange bey swerved, and headed for the two bladers. Todd turned to Angelo, who simply nodded back. Both bladers launched their beys to attack the lone bey. The beys collided with a shrill clank. Followed by a teeth-rattling shockwave. A boy with electric purple hair stepped out from an alley next to the hotel. "You're more on your toes than I thought." He sneered. Angelo glared at him. "So, this was an ambush, huh? It would be a lot more effective if you had quiet beys." As he said this, Minotaur zipped around behind to block a bright pink bey that was coming at him. He extended his arm as he swiveled around toward the new enemy, The girl that had answered the door. "Send her bey flying Minotaur!" Minotaur promptly obeyed, sending the Pink bey grinding to a stop against a streetlight. "You guys could have simply said no, but you chose the hard way." Minotaur slammed into the SS bey with a mighty clank. The blader smirked. "It's not that easy. I'll crush you both with my Gladiator Chimera!" The bey took the form of a ferocious beast like a lion with dragon feet, and a snake for a tail. The Beast held a long pike in its claws. "Get them now chimera!" Chimera attacked with his pike, but was deflected by minotaur's swords. "That won't work!" the boy screeched. Chimera Battered minotaur, but minotaur simply swerved away. A tic mark appeared on the boy's forehead. "What is this? Chimera's attacks aren't effecting your bey?" Angelo smirked. "Oh, It's effecting him, but not as much as a normal bey. SPECIAL MOVE...PALADIN MINOTAUR...BRIGHT SWORD PUMMEL!" Minotaur glowed a brilliant green, lunged forward, and began to pummel Chimera right into the wall of the hotel. A large crack formed up the wall. Chimera slipped out of the attack, and zipped about ten feet away. "SPECIAL MOVE…GLADIATOR CHIMERA…BURNING PIKE CRUSHER!" Engulfed in flames, Chimera charged right at Minotaur. "What!? you're not even going to try to dodge or counter attack!?" "No need to." The special move glanced off as Minotaur swiveled around it once again. "GGGGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The boy wailed.Then their was a glint of silver as Icthyocentaur entered the battle once again. "SPECIAL MOVE…GLADIATOR ICTHYOCENTAUR…TIDAL SPEAR!" The attack was even more vicious than before, and Chimera was instantly wiped out. To Be Continued
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Added on February 3, 2014 Last Updated on February 12, 2014 Author