Thank You MommyA Poem by Ashlyn OliviaMy relationship with my mom from when we moved from California to Tennessee and onward.
Mommy, where are we going?
Why have I been uprooted? What happened to my friends? Where is Daddy? Mommy, why are you crying? Is it because you are doing your best, But you still have three little girls, Crying in the backseat because they are hungry? Mommy, who is that? Your unbalanced friend behind the wheel, So you can get some rest. The sooner we get there, The sooner you can get a job, And we can move out of this van. Mommy, what is this place? There are bugs in the bath. The blankets have dust on them. Mommy, are we home? I wonder this at every place we sleep. Will our neighbors always be this loud? Where is my teddy bear? Mommy, is this my school? What if they don't like me? I am one of the only white kids here. Mommy, why did they push me? Mommy, where is Daddy? Mommy, are you sleeping? Mommy, I'm sorry I woke you up. Mommy, I need help with my homework Mommy, who is that man? You say we are going to live with him now? Mommy, he is nice! Mommy, he has fun stuff at his house. Mommy, are we rich? Mommy, you're having a baby!? Mommy, you bared his child. Mom, he should be nicer to you. It's okay, Mom, while you two scream, I have my little brother in my room. We are playing trucks and airplanes. Mom, theres this boy. I think I love him. He is so nice. Mom, he yelled at me. He threw me up against the wall. He did things to me that I'll never admit to. Mom, we are free. Mom, look at you1 You are standing on your own! Mom, for once everything is right! Mom, I got drunk last night. I dabbled in some weed, coke, and acid. Mom, I'm a full blown drug addict. I'm going to go away for a while. Mom, I'm scared to be alone. Mom, I've never been alone. I've never been without you. Mom, its been a month since I have seen your face. I'm sober now and it feels great!! You met a new man and are married. Mom, is he good to you? He's better than ever. More of a father to my little brother than his real dad. Mom, when i was little, I know we were poor. We slept in one room. I know it was just you. I know you did everything to ensure our survival. Mom, I met a man. Mom, he is really really good. Mom, we are in love. Mom, it's going to be a boy Mom, I want to be like you. Stood the test of time You are so strong. Mom, he's starting school. Mom, are you okay? Mom, please don't go I'm not ready You're supposed to live forever Mommy, I love you. Mommy?.....
© 2016 Ashlyn OliviaAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorAshlyn OliviaTNAboutI rest in warm arms Prefer my tea hot Listen to ambient bass and muted jazz more..Writing