Chapter 1 - Swimming freestyle

Chapter 1 - Swimming freestyle

A Chapter by Gunslingerg000

Its not hot in the rain forest for nothing

Racing through the rain forest wasn't Rodrick's ideal way to enjoy his trip. He did have to admit that, as he was running inbetween the tree with the thick green foliage rushing past as he ran down the barely visible trail, he was still enjoying himself. 
"Dont think you're gonna win that easily Prim!"
His hiking pack wagged slightly on his back as he pumped his arms to keep pace with her. Ahead of him he could see Prim's long brown hair trailing in the wind behind. Her pink and black backpack acting as his beacon as she sped almost effortlessly under an out hanging alocasia leaf, of which Rodrick promptly pommeled right through. He could feel his legs straining against his weight has he forced them to carry him as fast as he could but he still seemed to be losing ground as she raced through a blanket of thick brush and disappeared.
"Prim,"he called after her between his labored breathing. "Hey, you're cheating...huff... being that... aerodnamic..."
Rodrick sailed through the foliage and into a clearing. Prim had stopped only a few feet ahead of him and he was heading straight for her. At the last second he kicked away to the side and threw his leg across his body to catch his balance and caught his foot on a root. The whole motion sent him sailing through the air. As he cried out in surprise he barely glimpsed sparkling water against the cliff side before he found himself rolling in knee deep water. After choking between gasps for air he rolled over to sit and finish filling his lungs with the more-than-welcome air. Not even caring that he was now drenched head to toe he relaxed as the cool water rolled over his skin alleviating all the heat from his muscles. He looked back at Prim who was laughing at his little circus act. 
"You know its usually traditional to ask if im ok."
"You know its traditional to not be a complete noob," she mocked back. "Do you see this place?"
"i almost died twice you know," he said with a smile on his face.
She crouched down and posed her head on her hands really taking in the view. As he stood up and turned to to marvel with her at the serenity of it all. The waterfall cascading from its 15 foot dropped fed into the clearest pool of water he'd ever seen. The area was decently secluded from sight and the fall provided an amazing view of the sky from where they stood looking in wonder. The pool looked just deep enough to swim in as Rodrick looked back to Prim he climbed outta the water. He dropped his pack and started rummaging through its confounds for the map. 
"It's perfect," she said more to herself than anything. 
"For what," he said drawing the map from a ziplock bag. 
When she didnt answer he continued to unfold the map and started tracing lines in the approximate direction they had traveled. 
"im surprised your nana's suggestion to ziplock the degradables and clothing actually paid off. Who knew right?"
Looking up from the map he found Prim had ripped off her socks and shoes and was pulling her shirt over her head. 
"Woah woah waoh," he started as she gave him a look like, i know you're gonna go there. "you couldnt wait until the honeymoon?"
Throwing her shirt on a towel she had already laid out she turned and started unbuttoning her pants.
"Ha ha, Dippy," she said sacastically as she tossed her pants with its companions. " im going for a swim and if i see the camera im gonna mount it to the inside of your a*s."
"you've got a funny idea about my relationship with my camera."
"yea, ok, just keep the pictures mental, Mr."
Prim played with the water a little as she tucked her hair behind her ear and the sight was as mesmerizing as any waterfall. She eased her way in finally settling into the chill of the water and took a breath and ducked under.
Not willing to be the only person not enjoying a good swim Rodrick replaced the map in his hiking pack and followed suit with getting undressed. Hanging his clothing to dry on a low branch he turned around to see prim eyeing him with the water up to her nose. He could feel the blood getting ready to rush to his face as headed into the pool to join her.
"Some bodies really excited," she taunted.
"Yea, like your not even slightly turned on by my rock hard abbs and rippling muscles."
"Please," she snickered as she swam to the shore. "i've seen bigger."
Rodrick watched as the water ran down her body, her comment flustering him. His mind wracking up a decent retort and seamlessly falling short. 
"But you've never had it like i give it."
His mind was in shreds as he couldnt believe how he could have even said such a stupid remark. Prim missed no steps and came up with the finisher. 
"Wow," she said as she laid out on her towel. "If you ware half as big as your mouth i might be interest."
Defeated, rodrick submitted himself to floating listlessly in his own personal sea of embarrassment. It's not like they didnt have these little games of innuendo badminton every so often but this trip was his chance to really tell Prim how he felt. He wondered how he was ever going to bring it up. He steeled himself.
"Hey," he said as he continued to float waving his arms to keep himself steady. "P rim?"
"What is it, dippy," annoyance slightly tinged her voice but i smiled at her usual teasing. Definitely an aquarious.
"We could make long passionate love out here endlessly until they have to come looking for us and no one would ever know." 
"oh, man," she laughed. " Like you'd have the cherries." 
This is it he thought, he knew that was coming. Rodrick floated by for another moment and then straightening himself out swam to the shore. Stepping outta the water he walked over to Prim and sat down next to her.
"Maybe i do," he said moving over her with one hand. 
He leaned in getting closer until his lips were only a couple inches from hers. His eyes level with hers as the moment carried on for what seemed like forever. As he listened to her breath come slow and deep she didnt make a move. The moments grew heavier and suddenly he realized she was waiting for something, she was waiting for him. To kiss her? Did she want this, too? Whatever it was he only had one answer for her and he could feel every second start to slip away. Slowly, he started closing the space between their touch as his lips lusted for that feeling of embrace. His eyes closing for the moment he had dreamed about for so long. Their lips connected and he could feel his whole body fill with electricity. Then it all came to a halt as she turned her face and put her hands to his chest stopping him. Opening his eyes as she started to get up from the towel she stood in a fluster.
"Wow," she exclaimed as she grabbed up her clothing and pulled the towel from under him. "You really did grow some cherries, dippy." 
This was the only thing she said to him as she dressed. He sat there on the beach stunned beyond words. Not sure what he was supposed to do he didnt say anything either as he tried to figure out what it all meant. He felt rejected but the kiss was too amazing to think straight and he was too afraid to ask. He sat for a moment staring bewildered at the water. Behind him he missed the one thing that could have changed his mood. Prim pulled her pants on and looked over her shoulder at him. She reached her fingers touching where their lips had met savoring the feeling. She had liked it but she was confused not knowing what to think. He had kissed her but he just continued to sit there. What was he playing at? 
Rodrick was starting to  feel like he was sitting in the most embarrassing moment of his life. His cheeks were burning and his mind was racing in all different directions. He had dared to take that step and he had kissed her. She had laid still for him letting him get that close. Did she let me because she wanted to see if i would do it? Was she as embarrassed about it as he was? 
"Hey, Dippy," she interupted his thoughts. "The suns setting in an hour, we need to get back to the bus and im not waiting for your a*s so hurry it up."
Realizing she was right he gathered his things and dressed in some spare shorts and shirt he had zip locked away. Nana was really working her wisdom on this trip. It was a mildly long trek back to the bus but they made good time. She walked at a distance a head of him as they walked back in mostly silence. 

© 2015 Gunslingerg000

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well this was an exciting chapter,loved it

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 5, 2015
Last Updated on February 5, 2015



allentown , PA

I've been writing for a long time, i love writing and creating a world that no ones ever seen before. since i am still a novice i read a lot to help influence my works and draw a lot from my life expe.. more..
