chap 2 - the not so quiet life

chap 2 - the not so quiet life

A Chapter by Gunslingerg000

Desh has an abrupt change of direction as his past comes back to sweeten the deal. What does he truely want and what does this mean for Sal and Gale?


       It was quiet in the monestary today, like any other day. The only noise was the silent hum of the other monks praying in unison. Desh sat poised in concentration on his feet at the altar of Shal-Un. Several plates sat on the alter, each one for repentance of a different nature. Monks burned offerings to have these characteristics of their human flash driven into recession of control by Shal-Un. He placed an offering of sheeps liver burning on the platter of desire and lowered his head toward the floor. Words silently formed on his lips as he recited a traditional prayer in the Shal-Un’s honor.

       Finishing his prayer, he gathered his Qualm from his side. A short staff self made by each monk as a symbol of his acceptance of Shal-Un. It was a symbol of his commitment to obey her laws and of his will. Each monk carved an intricate design into his staff as he passed his life experiences, to serve as a reminder of both the past, his carvings, and his future, the wood left bare. Desh, walked along the stone tiled corridors to his quarters, the day was growing old and he still had need of a bath before they would hold mass. Reaching his room, he entered to the last thing he wanted to find. He slowly closed the door behind him.

Desh turned to face the figure sitting in the corner of his small room. She sat in the only chair in the room, along with a writing table and a small bed. Nothing fancy, all plain and bare of intricacies.

“I know you don’t take pleasure in tidiness but I would atleast expect dusting from you, Desh.”

       “It’s been a long time, Uka.” Desh said with a pleasant voice, masking the discomfort he felt from finding his past waiting for him in his quarters. “to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? I believe you’re aware that I’ve given up on that life.”

       Uka was a childhood friend, if you could call her that, they were slaves together, bought and raised to be assassins. They both showed amazing progress and promise and rose to high ranks in the guild. That life didn’t settle with Desh. He fought to gain power to be free of all binds and to be at peace with himself. Uka killed for the joy of it, the thrill of having power over others and the taste of blood on her blade.

       “Ooh, Desh, those were my feelings,” she said teasingly as she pulled out a dagger and began carving her name into the table. “Can’t an old friend just stop by for a visit? I only meant to share some fascinating news with you.”

       “Then share and be gone, I’ve no use for your trouble.”

       “Aww, come now Deshy-poo,” Uka said feigning a pained face as she stood from her seat and walked over to him. She leaned in close and wrapped both arms around his neck.

       “You cant pretend you’re even a little happy to see me.”

       “if you’ve come to kill me then, be done with this farce and do it.”

       Uka let out a heavy sigh, “I wasn’t sent to kill you, even if I was I wouldn’t do it. You don’t flinch, you don’t feel pain, there’s just absolutely no pleasure in killing you.”

       “Then why have you come?”

       Uka’s face grew dead serious as she released Desh and walked over to the window.

       “The node in the Ruins of Abusi reanimated a few days ago…”

       Desh’s face over flowed with surprise and then turned to a thoughtfulness.

       “If the node reanimated… that means…”

       Uka looked at him over her shoulder knowing full well she had him hook line and sinker.

“They’re still up there,” Uka smiled connivingly.

Desh knew that this was going to be about more then his private affairs but after so long this was the shortest route between him and his goal. It would only make sense to see how well within his grasp .

“Just know that this is in cooperation, i do not serve any but Shal-un,” Desh said.

Uka was absolutely tickled with delight as she squealed and spun about the room.  

"Thats fine as long as we get what we want, Deshi." She said with a wink.

© 2015 Gunslingerg000

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Added on January 4, 2015
Last Updated on January 12, 2015



allentown , PA

I've been writing for a long time, i love writing and creating a world that no ones ever seen before. since i am still a novice i read a lot to help influence my works and draw a lot from my life expe.. more..
