Chap 2 - Mouse Trap

Chap 2 - Mouse Trap

A Chapter by Gunslingerg000

Fran and Tia have returned to the Lordmasters estate for the announcement being held shortly in the grand hall. Does disaster await?

Moments later Tia found herself standing in a great hall wall. Extravagant armors and rare taxidermy lined the walls alongside great tapestries of the day. You could find portraits of every member of the reigning lordmasters family hung from the left to the right wing. The hallway was empty save for her and Fran. 
"A pity. I was hoping you might suddenly have an urge to forgo your duties all together."

"I am not so selfish as you seem to think, now come. The meeting will be upon us and we must speak with the Lordmaster before the preceding."

Tia turned and walked several steps before turning to face a large double door and promptly knocked twice. She heard the magical twist of the lock as permission to enter. The room she entered was large and lavishly furnished. A leather sofa and chairs that sat around an oak coffee table laden with a tray of brandy and crystal glasses. Shelves that reached the ceiling were full of old and rare books that lined the walls of the room. A huge rug covered most of the floor, a crest depicting the suns first touch upon the land as it rose over the horizon, the stars still visible in the night sky. Sitting at a large rosewood desk at the end of the room was the Lordmaster Liam who was now looking up from his paperwork. Lordmaster Liam was one of twleve that ruled the whole of Far'lione. Liam seemed all too thankful for the sight of them as he stood and walked around to the front of his grande desk. 

"Cutting it a bit close today, are we not? The event will be on in but 30 minutes. I trust there's been no trouble?"

Fran immediately sensed it and signaled to Tia with a what he likes to call a dark wind. The breeze of which she picked up all too annoyingly. Tia knew she only had to give him time to search for the agent eavesdropping. 

"i apologize, Lordmaster. Our tardiness was our doing."

Liam couldn't help but raise an skeptical eyebrow upon the statement. 

"Due tell, lingering close to home again, i suspect. Do be careful, Tia. Longing can make one sick if constantly exposed to it. 

"A suggestion i will keep close to mind, Lordmaster." 

Tia looked back to Fran for a sign that he had dealt with the issue but he only waved her own in encouragement. Liam could tell Tia was coming up short for conversation and interjected with the first thing that came to mind.

"you know, i was just telling the Judge Calleous how lucky i am to have you both in my service. It was with astounding confidence that i spoke of how i have the most powerful of agents at my disposal" 

Liam said this last part with a look toward Fran. A look that meant more to the affect of be-quicker-about-it. 

"Of course i also have the most beautiful as well, Lady Montyliet," Liam said stepping forward and taking Tia's hand in one motion. 

Tia face split in an embarrassed smile as she raised her hand to her face pretending to fawn over the attention.

"i am unworthy of your praise, Lordmaster," she said. "Surely, there are others more worthy of the praise."

The comment had obviously caught her off guard as she turned her head in an gesture passing Fran a 'dark wind' of her own to hurry it up. Fran could only roll his eyes in nauseating contempt for the display as he used his power over shadows to end the display as quickly as possible. 

"Got him," Fran blurted out a couple seconds later. "Great Abus! What, prey tell, was THAT? i do believe im feeling a bit under the weather after that shotty fiasco."

"i hate to side with Fran on anything but that was a little offsetting, Liam," Tia cut in her demeanor was completely different from the moment before. "What WAS that?"

The double assault was sudden and Liam found himself backed into a corner before he could utter a word in his defense. 
"My apologies," replied Liam, raising a hand to massage his temple. "I've been outta sorts with the announcement tonight and we are usually not much past our niceties before Fran has them under wraps. I blanked." 

Seeing Liam looking so exhausted began to diminished Tia's temper. Her fluster turned to grief as she realized that Liam must be completely drained preparing the lands meet for the announcement. 

"Liam," Tia's voice was suddenly filled with concern. "Are you alright? Come, quickly, sit down a moment." 

Tia supported him back to his chair behind his desk, easing him into the seat. 

"is it your illness," Fran inquired. He had drawn the hood back leaving his face drawn into a serious expression. "Can you still hold the meet?"

"i will have too," Liam said taking slow deep breaths. "I can delay it no longer."

"But," Tia hesitated. " You must consider your health."

"Damn my health," Liam exclaimed, rising to his feet. The strain of the sudden motion caused his knee to buckle. he quickly placed a hand on his desk catching his balance as he steadied himself. Tia lent a gentle hand behind his arm should he require it. 
"If this illness were to suddenly take me you must consider the complications it will cause with no heir to take my place the lordship will be thrown to delegation. Which will lead to arguing and then to fighting. There are those who have grander plan for my people and my land then to hand it over to another. If i am to prevent these things from passing i must declare the next lord at today's meet."

Liam seated himself once more, closing his eyes at the relief from standing. Tia and Fran exchanged worried glances. It was true that Liam was no longer a young man but his sore bones and quick exhaustion were symptoms far beyond his years. 

"i know," Liam spoke, opening his eyes to look at them in turn. "You two are only concerned for my well being but you must understand. The way you are worried for me is the way i am worried for my countryman. If we start fighting it will only be a useless cost of lives for someones greed. Do you understand?"

"But Liam, you can't..." Tia began to protest but the feel of Fran's hand on her shoulder stopped her. She looked behind her at Fran, her gaze beseeching. He simply shook his head and looked to Liam.

"We will serve you until the end, Lordmaster Liam," Fran answered.

A look of relief spread over Liam's face as he smiled at them with all the love one could muster. 

"I am glad that i can count on your support in this matter. It means a lot to this old fool." 

© 2015 Gunslingerg000

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Added on January 3, 2015
Last Updated on January 3, 2015



allentown , PA

I've been writing for a long time, i love writing and creating a world that no ones ever seen before. since i am still a novice i read a lot to help influence my works and draw a lot from my life expe.. more..
