7 - Questions

7 - Questions

A Chapter by CoincidentalMadness

After certain events related to the demon Ayimu occur, Kaika is left to question on what is there to come for her and her group.


Kaika’s POV

For the rest of the trip, I kept my quiet as I watched both Peyton and Monoso for anything strange. It seemed like we were headed in an aimless direction, almost making me think that this was a normal walk through downtown. I was tempted to ask either of them if we were close, but I didn’t want to start a conversation in a public place like this. It was a no-brainer that in downtown, there is a ton of people around us, chattering and all of the likes. Even if most were occupied, it would be the worse thing to bring attention to ourselves and mention about our “mission.” That would be just plain silly.

As we treaded onwards, I scroll my eyes around the bustling streets, there was no sign of Miki anywhere. She must be thinking that I’m in good hands with Peyton and Monoso accompanying me this time...which is probably true. I did get myself wrecked up badly against Ayimu by myself. It also helps that I need help getting the stuff required to create my Spirit Shard, given that it would help in the long run.

“Hey, Kaika, c’mon,” Peyton’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts once again, whispering softly into my ear. My instinct to glance over to the direction of his voice showed me that the two were entering a dark alleyway. I blink a few times, and glance back at the crowds of people that were minding their own business. None of them seem to bat an eye that two guys and one girl were headed into a dark alleyway...oh well, what am I even thinking about at this point. Before someone does get suspicious, I duck into the privacy of the alleyway, seeing that the two were waiting for me to catch up.

“You might not like the idea of this, but we’re going straight into the sewer lines. Don’t ask why exactly the Spirit Fossils are there...they’re just there,” Peyton says to me, which didn’t at all surprise me. I mean, the sewers were the most repulsive areas one can go into, but it didn’t matter much since this was a do or don’t situation as of now. Though, I thought that Peyton was joking, but it wasn’t once I saw that Monoso was removing a metal hatch that would lead down to the sewers.

“Oh joy…” I sarcastically reply to Peyton, and immediately climbing down the ladder into the sewers. Hey, if I was going to plunge into the dirtiest place imagined, this would be the only time I would dare do this. That is...if Pact Bearer duties call us down here. Setting foot on the moist concrete, the sewers had that stench that wanted you to hurl inside...badly. Soon after me, Peyton and Monoso climb down, also taking notice of the unbearable stench. For a moment, Monoso holds up his hand and then quickly scavenges his messenger bag for anything. He immediately takes out a gleaming yellow rose petal, which seemed to drain out the horrible smell away.

“This special rose petal can immediately purify the air around us, you didn’t seem so fond of the sewers’ scent Kaika,” Monoso explained what the rose petal was for, and then mentioning how I wasn’t going to cut it with the smell for being that strong. It was a little embarrassing, but at least it was only the three of us.

“Well...that’s good to hear. Where exactly is the spirit fossils then?” I say with some subtle relief, but also mention where exactly can we find the spirit fossils. I never really knew in my entire life what these looked like, so I had to ask. So much can happen in the period of 1 week.

“Not too far from here. I remember the last time we were here, when Peyton needed his Spirit Shard, this was the same exact area that the spirit fossils dwell at. The reason the spirit fossils form here is due to an abnormal current of the Spirit World covers this underground space, and that spirits that refuse to move on and wander endlessly here. This results with the wandering spirits to fossilize, unable to regain their senses. For some reason, the wandering spirits still come here, even if it’s known that they’ll fossilize,” Monoso explained why exactly the spirit fossils are a thing. That’s a little weird, why exactly do spirits not want to move on? Is it because they don’t want to leave their close ones? I’m not so sure, but it must be some crap that I can’t even understand until I know it myself. I only gave a slight nod, showing them that I knew what the deal was at least.

With that out of the way, we started to move again, towards what I assumed to be where the spirit fossils were found. Even though we were in the sewers, where it felt all dirty and filthy...something else made me feel uncomfortable and cautious about this place. Sure, the sewers isn’t the greatest place to be in at all...but with the addition of the Spiritual Pact and all that I now know, I can’t help but think that we’re not the only ones planning to be in the sewers today.

Expecting this sooner, I glance to my side to see Miki, it was about time she that she showed up. Keeping up with Monoso and Peyton, I give Miki a face that meant “Where were you?” and didn’t really leave our eye contact until I got the answers. Miki didn’t respond, shooting me back with the emotionless gaze that never seems to leave her face ever. It almost feels like she’s staring into my soul...well, I think she could do that since she is the Elder Spirit of Life Energy.  Disappointed that I couldn’t pry anything from my companion spirit, I let out a quiet sight and continued to walk behind the others.

“Here it is! See, it wasn’t that hard to find these guys,” Peyton says with a grin as we come to a dead end, and there was strange misty crystals growing on the side of the wall. Sure, they looked pretty for spirit fossils, and the warm feeling I felt from these fossils felt so powerful and welcoming. I wonder if anyone that somehow wanders in the sewers and saw these spirit fossils being in an obvious spot. As much as I wanted to touch the spirit fossils, I kept a good distance away because I might accidentally break the treasured fossils.

“Kaika, you know that fossils don’t bite. You’re usually not so hesitant,” Peyton teased, noticing my attempts to distance myself from the ancient fossils. God, is he reading me like a book now!?!!

“I’m not!...it’s just that, is there a way to retrieve the spirit fossils without breaking them?” I defended myself and coming up with a very valid reason to push me away from the hesitant remark. I mean, the spirit fossils look so fragile but yet powerful by the amount of life energy, you wouldn’t just yank it out of the wall and hope that it wouldn’t be in pieces.

“Don’t worry about it Kaika, I’ll handle with retrieving the spirit fossils for you. Just hold on,” Monoso said as he walked up to where all of the fossils were formed on the wall, and began to chant in a foreign language that I didn’t even know about. Guess this is going to take awhile, since chanting always equals a ton of waiting. I immediately started to pace back and forth, something about me wanted to keep on moving or at least have something to do while we wait to get the spirit fossils. Once we get what we need, it was about time we left. I know, it’s just the stinky sewers, but I had the lingering feeling that something wasn’t right about this place.

“What’s with the tense attitude Kaika? We’re just on a retrieval trip for spirit fossils,” Peyton spoke up, putting the hotspot on me once again. For one moment, I felt like I should ignore him, but another part of me wanted to speak out. So, just to get all of the tension away for a bit, I turn my head away in some embarrassment.

“I know...I just don’t want to screw things up,” I say without too much stuttering this time, admitting my fear on how serious and dire al of this work seems to be. At first, I thought this would be some easy-peasy adventure and become a legend. But I’m starting to realize some harsh reality on it. Guess this is one of those tough steps, figuring out what kind of responsibilities I would have to take seriously.

“Cheer up Kaika, it’s not like we’re needed like...now. We’ve got plenty of time before we’re really in the deep one,” Peyton tries to lighten up my tension, his grins now seeming more friendlier than taunting. I only gave a small smile back, and then my attention towards Monoso, who was still carefully cutting out some pieces of spirit fossils for me. The silence was killing me, dying to speak, but I didn’t know what to say. I mean, there isn’t much to say when we’re just retrieving some items and bouncing out. There just isn’t. Thank god for Monoso’s purifying rose petal from the Spiritual World, I wouldn’t last that long with the horrendous smell of the sewers around us. Then...the world around me slowed down.

As much as I stared at the bland and disgusting walls of the sewers, a certain substance I saw from afar caught my attention. It was like a blast from the past, or the more recent past. Images of the car crash and also the school gym incident flashed before my eyes, and then I suddenly hit me when I took a more closer look towards the strange figure. Shadow Replicas. Like spiders that refuse to go away, these shadow creatures were back, probably sent to kill us. Whoever manipulates the Shadow Replicas must had predicted that all of us would be down here for the spirit fossils, which led to this dire situation.

“This is great, Shadow Replicas. Kaika, you ready?” Peyton caught me staring at the area of the spawning Shadow Replicas, and figured out on what was going to happen next. I watch as he puts his hand around his Spirit Shard, which was safe in his jacket pocket, and began to transform into his “Full Mode.” His eyes vibrant yellow as the radiant sparks of lightning, he summons his trusty dual pistols to his hands once fully transformed. Peyton couldn’t handle this alone, and I knew we had to hold off these Shadow Replicas so Monoso could finish the job soon. So, I focused all of my possible energy to my chest, and felt the surge of life-giving energy erupt from my soul. My sight enhanced by the abilities of my pact, I manifest an energy blade for my usage and jump straight into battle.

“Peyton! You shoot down the Shadow Replicas from afar, you’ve got ranged weapons anyways. I can handle going straight in,” I told him as he seemed a little unsure for me to go into the battle, I did just fully recover from my beatdown some time ago. He only gives me a thumbs up and began to rapidly shoot electrical blasts at the tougher looking Shadow Replicas. As he did what he did, I focused my battling towards the small fry of the Shadow Replicas, ripping the monsters apart with my energy blade easily. I wasn’t sure if my training really heightened my battle skill or that these weaker Shadow Replicas were that weak, but all that matters is that I manage to take down most of these as soon as possible. It was repetitive though, slashing and hacking again and again, destroying each and every Shadow Replica that came my way. And the after result didn’t seem like these Shadow Replicas would stop coming at us.

“Time to step things up a notch…” I mumbled to myself as I held out my free hand, and focused my energy to that hand. It hurts...a lot. I never actually tried to manifest two energy blades at the same time, but it felt like it was taking double of my exerted life energy for this to work. Ignoring the pain, I manifested a second energy blade and held it tightly with my right hand. Before I would be lunged onto by a Shadow Replica that saw my sudden pain, I swung both energy blades in a “X-shape”, and that shadowy creature began to fade away from being swiftly put to an end. Swift on my feet, I tried out my dual-wielding against some of the Shadow Replicas that were focused on me, it felt awkward with two blades but I managed to adapt and kill off those Shadow Replicas with some ease.

“Well, that was surprisingly easy,” Peyton spoke as he shot down the very last Shadow Replica, and immediately reverted back to his normal form. While I struggled to adapt to a dual-wielding sword style, he probably breezed through that horde of Shadow Replicas with his “full” mode. I only let my blades fade away, a gasp of relief as all of that painful strain went away as well.

“Must had been…” I mumbled as I worked up a smile. Just to be sure, I took one last glance at our surroundings, not a single feeling of more Shadow Replicas around here. Good, we’re safe for now. Monoso appeared like he was almost done taking out pieces of Spirit Fossils from the wall, which was good because we needed to get out before we’re assaulted again by the Shadow Replicas.

“Alright, we’re done here. I had a feeling that the Shadow Replicas would be down here, following us by the orders of maybe that Death Keeper from before,” Monoso said as he stuffed the spirit fossils into his backpack, commenting that this would had been some plan made by the demon Ayimu. I would agree, since she did want to rip out my guts last time I ran into her, but I kinda found it weird since that demon was like the type to go and do things herself. So it did feel off that these Shadow Replicas were sent out after us, like we were being tested for something later in the long run.

“I agree, let’s just bounce outta here now,” I responded with a nod. Honestly, I was more eager to get my spirit shard than worry about the stupid Shadow Replicas around here. Agreeing with my statement, both Monoso and Peyton began to head towards the ladder to exit out of here without being seen by people on the surface. I follow silently, there wasn’t much to talk about so I just kept quiet until there was something we had to talk about. It’s been awhile since I’ve see Miki, and I had been wondering on what my Elder Spirit was doing at this time that she can’t even say hello to me. Then I do have to remember, Miki doesn’t really express much emotion, even when times have to be tough. It’s like she’s just some AI to remind me of what’s important to do or just give me advice for the long run.

Breaking the silent repetition, a familiar source of energy could be faintly felt by my heightened senses...something that had been dear to me for a short time but was very great. This was a little confusing, wondering what exactly am I feeling. I pause for a moment, halting my walking pace to focus more on the source of energy...that familiar spirit. I could hear Monoso stop and ask me in concern on what’s going on. I didn’t answer, I needed to know what I was feeling...what I wanted to know so badly that has made me stop. Then...it hits me...why the presence felt so familiar...so welcoming. At the same time, it brought me to fear as if this presence was in trouble...with the fact that the presences of Shadow Replicas was near this precious presence. Someone that is dear to me is transpired into the depths of trouble: Sota. My breathing became shaky, my senses were blurred by distress.

“...Sota….Sota!!!” I mumbled his name at first, stirring up concern from both Monoso and Peyton. The second time, I screamed out his name in panic, and I broke out in a frenzied sprint after the faint presence of his soul. Something wasn’t right here at all...but I was too much in worry and hectic concern to think properly of this. Sota was down here...in the sewers, did he see us go down the sewers and he had followed us here? Was he really surrounded by Shadow Replicas? And why was he down here in the first place? I couldn’t find out by just guessing, I had to find out for myself, I had to see to believe that this was happening. I could hear the voices of Monoso and Peyton calling out to me, to guide me back, but I was too far to give up now. So, I cried out Sota’s name over and over, following the trail of his soul to where he was. I had to see him, I had to protect him from the threats of the Shadow Replicas.

My frantic sprint was halted as I was brought to a dead end, there was nothing there. I quickly tried to reach for Sota’s life energy, but it’s trail was gone. So was the Shadow Replicas, as if I had imagined that entire scenario. Did this pact start seeping into my head? Making me think of these possible and horrifying scenarios. I wasn’t so sure...but something had tricked me into this. All I knew was that it wasn’t only me that got myself into that frenzy. I couldn’t bear myself to move...because I knew that something happened there. This couldn’t be some coincidence that had happened...it had to be an actual happening. I knew that Sota was here, I felt his energy, it wasn’t a dark illusion. But...why did I notice it in the first place?

“What’s up Kaika? Did..something happen?” Peyton asked with some confusion, both of my friends catching up with me. I didn’t want to say anything though...it wasn’t any of their business. Even if it did seem a little weird, I don’t want Sota involved in the matters of our missions at all. As much as I was confused and worried...I had to move on. There were other things at hand that needed my attention, my actions. I bit my lower lip in regret, not turning over to Peyton and Monoso. I just didn’t feel like telling them on what was going on with me.

“I thought I felt something off with this area...but maybe I was just over-reacting…” I mumbled with a shaky voice, which I knew wasn’t that normal with me at all. Who knew that I would be imagining stuff like this? I didn’t have time to actually answer my question myself, because by then when I could had figured out, we were departing from the sewers. The aftertaste of feeling Sota’s energy being so near to those Shadow Replicas, it really shook me up from my usual focus.


It wasn’t that long of a trip back to the junkyard, and more importantly our secret hideout for all our “Spiritual Pact Bearer” duties. Once we returned to our safe hideout, Monoso went straight away to work, probably to meld all of the Spirit Fossils into my Spirit Shard. Besides that, which I was promptly waiting for, things seemed almost normal. Peyton immediately back to the training room near the back, he did like the practice and keeping himself to date with his combat skills. I was...sorta okay. All I did was stay in the living room, where I could see Monoso working away from my Spirit Shard. What I did while waiting, I had my phone in my hands, some mobile games would do me some good for a bit. It did kill some time while I waited. It was only a matter of time that I stopped playing on my phone, playing this certain game when I have to tap the screen a certain amount of times to make it through the gap. Pretty much the new definition of insanity, and I doubt I’ll play that game in awhile. Might as well delete it too.

“Is that how you pass the time, Kaika? It does not seem to be very...productive,” Miki’s voice pipes up next to me, I quickly turn to my right side to see the spirit sitting next to me on this couch. Well, Miki has always decided to suddenly appear near me without any warning of it, so I’ll get used to that hopefully. I only place the phone on the table, it was still on the “Game Over” screen after my latest attempt to at least beat my high score on it.

“That’s pretty much it. Everyone does it. It’s like some trend, or chain effect on other people if that makes more sense for you,” I shrug once, not sure how to explain it for the spirit. Just for her sake, I tried my best to make it sound complicated for her. It’s such an opposite for her as it is for anyone I would meet. If it’s simple, anyone would understand it, but Miki would be quite confused by it. If it’s complicated, anyone would have trouble understanding it, but Miki would be able to decipher the meaning right away. I’m started to learn something new about the Elder Spirit every day, so it was a little handy to know these things later in the long run. Who knows I would need it in the future?

“Ah. So you Livings take the fondness of procastination quite well,” Miki said with that emotionless tone, thinking of the whole “trend” thing as a waste of time. I only give a tired grunt towards the Elder Spirit, and then I’m reminded of my Spirit Shard. I glance a bit towards Monoso’s direction, he hasn’t really gotten close to finishing my Spirit Shard since we got here...and it seems like it wouldn’t be any time soon.

“Whatever you say Miki…” I mumbled under my breath as I stood up from the couch to stretch. It’s been a thing for me to keep myself moving, kinda like a restless person. Sure, it would take awhile for my Spirit Shard to be crafted, but waiting for something to happen was killing me. Alright...maybe not a bad thing to happen, but at least something that would give me something to do. And just like that, maybe fate heard my thoughts on having something to do, but it wasn’t what I expected. From the “Game Over” screen on my phone, it then became a notification screen with a new text message. At first, I was going to ignore it and move on with waiting for my Spirit Shard...but I noticed that this was from Sota. I take a slight gulp in, brief flashes of my panic upon feeling his energy near Shadow Replicas in the sewers not too long ago. It still haunts me inside, just what was that all about? Maybe...maybe this was some way I could take into my advantage and see if Sota was really involved or that it was all just a figment of my twisted imagination.

“Kaika...is there something wrong?” Miki spoke with a questioning look. I already know that she knows, she can practically listen to my thoughts like a book. Unless she just somehow didn’t hear my thoughts at that moment, then I’m not sure on what she’s really asking for in particular. I didn’t respond back or give any thought that would be beneficial to the Elder Spirit’s understandings. My eyes carefully read whatever was in Sota’s text, and I had to take it in with caution.

Kaika-chan, can u meet up with me at the downtown park? ASAP

Meet with him? At downtown park? ASAP? Usually I would be very cheery about it, but...considering my whole involvement with spirits, Shadow Replicas, and maybe demons if the demon b***h Ayimu counts...I’m starting to have a feeling that this might be involved with that. With the sudden adrenaline rushing through my body, I didn’t have the thought of actually replying to his text, because I needed to get over there pronto. Taking my jacket and my phone, I basically bolt for the exit of our compound, I could briefly hear Peyton sounding confused on my sudden departure. I didn’t want to stick around and waste time by telling them what I think on what’s going on, because I have a clear guess on what could be going on.

“Miki?” I manage to say while I run as fast as I could out of the junkyard and towards the downtown region of the city. Well...no sign of the Elder Spirit with me. She probably stayed behind to tell the others back at the compound on what I could be possibly running into, but I knew I could handle it. If I managed to survive that fight against the demon b***h, then it must be obvious that I could handle whatever is in store for me when I get to the downtown park. My focus on getting there was that much, I was pushing people over by accident left and right, but at least I take the few seconds to say “sorry” or “excuse me” or something like that.

My sense of time sorta lost me for a second, as it took no time for me at all to get to the downtown park. I guess the short time with this Spiritual Pact is slowly enhancing my regular ability of sprinting, since I’m not even able to sprint that much distance before now. Anyways, so I was at the downtown park, and of course, it’s crowded as usual. It was like this all of the time, but if Sota really wanted to meet up with me in some kind of urgency...it would be at a private place. So...why here? No, it’s more like why now? The thoughts in my head kept on urging me to be convinced that Sota was really down there in the sewers, and that he was encountering those Shadow Replicas that I sensed back down there. Then I think that it was all a figment of my twisted and battered imagination, because I know that Sota isn’t supposed to be there, he’s not supposed to get involved in whatever messes I am drawn into. Speaking of Sota, I don’t see him anywhere, just the city crowds. Great, he never texted me on where exactly he would be at in the downtown park, since the park itself was quite big to start off with.

“Excuse me, you don’t happen to be Miss Kaika Cho, do you?” a masculine voice could be heard coming from the right of me, so I immediately turn my head towards this man’s direction. Oh, it’s just some kind of businessman for all I know, wearing that plaid black business suit and appearing as professional as he could get to be. Weird, why the hell am I being greeted by people that I don’t even know? Is this some type of people that know that I’m technically the oldest in my family (after the whole car crash incident) and would like me to do some kind of job internship or the likes? I think I’m just thinking up random things again, because I had no idea what this guy wanted from me.

“Er, that’s me alright. Something you needed? I’m in a rush right now,” I say to confirm his question, but also adding the fact that I was in a hurry. Yeah, a hurry towards where Sota could be at, and figure out what he needed to tell me. However, the man only perks up a slight smile, and for some reason, I felt both creepiness and intimidation from that smile alone.

“Oh, do not worry. I only ask of a simple request from you, and then I’ll let you be on your way,” the man spoke with sarcastic understanding, I could tell. I rather have him get to the point already, because this isn’t exactly simple when this isn’t something he couldn’t tell me in just a minute’s time. That wasn’t the only thing I found off, there were two more factors that got me a little skeptical. The fact that I could feel a very little amount of Shadow Replica essence nearby, and that in my perspective, the crowds of the downtown park started to clear up and make it seem almost empty between me and this man.

“Then what’s that request?” I ask with a hint of suspicion, I was damn convinced that this wasn’t at all normal. The essence of a nearby Shadow Replica begins to intensify, and so does the crowd of people that was once surrounding this area of a park was completely gone now. Like a way to make the suspense even greater for me, the man only stands there with his haunting smile, and in a way that’s just shouting out to me that he wasn’t here for anything normal at all.

“Die,” the man eerily spoke as his eyes turned red, that smile turning into a menacing one. It was obvious, and I knew it. Though, I couldn’t really tell if this man was just a Shadow Replica in disguise, or the man had his soul corrupted to the point where he could turn into a Shadow Replica without having to die in the first place. Knowing that this was steadily turning into a very bad situation by the second, I precautiously step back with my focus ready to activate my Partial Mode of my pact. The man twitched several times before undergoing a disturbing transformation, nothing I’ve ever seen before since I got myself into the Spiritual Pact stuff recently. The cracks and snaps of bones that should never happen to the human body occur constantly as some monstrous force was practically fighting it’s way out of the man’s poor body. As for the man himself, he doesn’t scream, he doesn’t yelp, he doesn’t even laugh like an insane nutcase, he just stares off into space, but I could tell that he himself was suffering in the mental side as his eyes show a little sign of regret and horror. With the final gruesome alterations to his body, a literal dark force ripped out of the man’s chest, a gaping bloody hole could be seen as a result of this. That dark force that came out of the man’s body had the same essence of a Shadow Replica, but I could tell that it wasn’t those pushover Replicas...it was definitely going to be a challenge to destroy it before it causes any more unneeded harm. It’s single glowing red “eye” from the masses and masses of shadows that made it up into some dark being, it felt like it was staring right into my soul. If I were to describe this shadow being in a more simple way, let’s just say that this Shadow Replica has the amount of essence equal to like 50 weak Shadow Replicas...at least, that’s how I sense it’s shadow essence anyways. Of course, that meant I needed to step back a lot more if I didn’t want to get myself in another sticky situation, like the time I fought against Ayimu and almost got myself killed back there. Though, I felt like I couldn’t back up any more than where I was now, which was about 30 meters away from that huge Shadow Replica forming.

“Huh? You got to be kidding me,” I say in frustration, feeling some kind of invisible aura preventing me from exiting, and it felt like it curved. So I kinda came to the conclusion that some kind of dome-shaped force field probably created by that Shadow Replica, and that might explain why the park was immediately emptied of the usual crowding. Some Reality shifting stuff then? I’m not really sure, I have to ask Miki on that one if I manage to get out of this or that she gets here during the fight. Returning my attention to the monstrous Shadow Replica, I could tell it was going to be a pain to fight this one, it had already fully formed into 7 meter tall monstrosity. As for the man, his body was on the floor, obviously dead as the shadow did rip right through his body to cause this. I was prepared, my Partial mode was already activated as those small wisps of pink energy floated by my side. With a simple hand gesture, I used some of the energy of the pink wisps to form my energy blade in my hands, and I quickly took a battle stance.

“Alright, let’s see what you got big guy,” I taunted, waiting for the large Shadow Replica’s first move against me. Whatever it would do, it was always a good thing to wait for their actions and find a way to counter it in a way that I could do easily. Probably it could understand me, as it bellowed loudly before swinging it’s arm horizontally at me, like if I were some pesky bug compared to it. By the looks of it, I certainly didn’t want to get swatted by it immediately, the shadowy arm from the Replica appeared as if there were thorny spikes sticking out. My first response was to jump out of the way, and I did in a nick of time too. By the time I was in the air and off of my feet, below me was the spiky arm of the Shadow Replica. If this guy was slow due to it’s big size, then surely it couldn’t get it’s arm out of the way before I attack! Holding my energy blade tightly in my grasp, I swing my blade swiftly to release the charged energy at the Shadow Replica’s arm, the thin arc of energy was sent flying at it and soon to be met with a sharp cry of pain from the shadow itself. Once I land safely to the ground, I sport myself a little grin for first attack, but that’s what I thought at first. My eyes widened in shock that my hits only agitated the large Shadow Replica even more, it bellowed and screeched loudly while raising it’s other arm above me and immediately slamming down towards the ground in my direction.

“Gotta move!” I cried out and threw myself out of the way, tumbling down to the ground roughly as the shadowy arm slammed down and broke through the cement of the park. Certainly didn’t want to get hit by that at all, or else I would be pulverized into ground meat if I didn’t keep my guard up. Since now this Shadow Replica is going to throw as much attacks as possible towards me, I got to make sure I’m moving all of the time. Even only little second of resting is going to get myself killed or just majorly injured. Quick with my feet, I swiftly move around the small fighting area for me and this large Shadow Replica. Luckily due to it’s big size, it couldn’t really move it’s arms or anything else that fast to catch me right on the spot, so much for it’s own intelligence.

“Eat this big guy!” I shouted as I decided to strike now that I kinda understood it’s attack pattern, which was alternating between swinging it’s arms at me to slamming it’s arms down towards me. If I guessed correctly, I need to aim all of my hits towards it’s single red “eye,” since attacking it’s arms didn’t do anything and probably act like it’s own skin-like armor. Focusing as much energy as I could into the blade I wielded, I swung the blade as much times as I could while running and avoiding all of the incoming swings and slams that came from the large Shadow Replica. Monstrous screeches echoed by the moment my energy waves hit their target, which was the large Shadow Replica’s red “eye.” I can guess that it’s done some pretty heavy damage onto it, which kinda confirms my long shot that it’s “eye” is it’s weakspot. Geez, it’s like every new game lately, the eye always has to be the damn weakspot.

“So...what’s it going to be big guy? Are you going to go down or you got some more for me to dodge?” I taunt as I twirled the blade in my hand, waiting for whatever else it had to throw at me. For a few more moments, the large Shadow Replica kept on screeching in angry pain, it finally started to do something. In a furious rage, it slammed it’s arms onto the ground below that it’s own arms dug down to the cemented surface completely. I wasn’t sure what was that going to do, but I snapped out of it once I felt the ground underneath me starting to vibrate and rumble. Wait, if that thing put it’s arms into the ground, and it’s a shadow that can stretch around...oh s**t. Right at the last second, I dove out of the place I was standing, and soon after that, a shadowy pillar erupted out of the ground where I was standing moments before. I didn’t want to give this large Shadow Replica another shot at me, so I kept on running, avoiding all of the other shadowy pillars that came straight out of the ground. At this point of the pillars that kept on coming out one by one, I was starting to tire out, but I seriously did not want to see what would happen if I even take one moment to catch my breath. The thing was, I didn’t want to make this longer than I want it to be, since pretty soon there would be nowhere left to run if these shadowy pillars take up all of the running space we have in this confined space within the empty park. So, I had to do something quick, and the whole energy waves tactic wasn’t going to cut it with this large Shadow Replica. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I aimed my energy blade for it’s red “eye,” and without another second wasted, my blade was thrown right for that “eye.” I watched in anticipation for it to hit it’s mark, and it did. I watched as it gave out one more earth-shattering screech before sinking into the ground and fading away into nothingness.

“Take that…” I grumble under my breath, and I feel the space around me shift instantly once the large Shadow Replica was gone. My senses were disoriented for those few moments, and then I found myself in the busy park crowded with people again. Wait...I just defeated a large Shadow Replica, and for some reason, the empty park gets filled up with people again. I don’t understand that. With wonderful timing, I could feel the presence of Miki coming near, makes me wonder what she has to explain to me this time. Oh, maybe what the hell just happened considering the large Shadow Replica and the strange shift of “reality” in this park?

“I can tell that you are confused greatly, Kaika...allow to explain to you what occurred to you just now,” Miki spoke to me, also giving me a gesture to do something that would make me not look weird. That was what I was thinking on doing since I was just standing in the middle of the crowd like a complete weirdo. I only let out a sigh, and began to head my way back to where the hideout was back in the city’s dump.

“What occurred was the appearance of a strong Shadow Replica, a kind that is rare and does not appear on it’s own. I speculate that a Demon was responsible for the appearance of that Shadow Replica, and assuming from the case that you had a close encounter with the Death Keeper Ayimu, it is highly possible that she is the one that send that disguised Shadow Replica after you. I call those kinds of Shadow Replicas, Shadow Primes, and they are highly dangerous compared to the weaker variants that you usually run into. I cannot risk the deaths of many Livings in that pinpointed location within the city’s park, so I was forced to send you and the Shadow Prime into a Reality Shifted space, where you could safely defeat it, which you did. If you did not, I would pull you out of the space and keep the Shadow Prime sealed as long as I could had so you could retrieve help from the other Pact Bearers. That encounter has concluded, so there is no need to worry about it anymore. Kaika, I suggest heading back for the compound, your Spirit Shard should be completed by now,” Miki explained to me, having me actually listen since I knew that missing one detail would leave me confused. Knowing I was still in public, I gave no sign of response, but it was certain that the Elder Spirit heard my thoughts by now. I guess Elder Spirits have this thing where they can transfer certain people into some separated space aside from the actual location, like a “Reality Shift,” and it’s like a way to have a fight without it being interfered with or to make sure unnecessary casualties happen. As for the Shadow Primes, I got to keep my out for those weird energy sources I feel in other people’s spirits, because I certainly got myself fooled by that disguised Shadow Prime. It also reminds me that Ayimu was still actively hunting me down...but it doesn’t actually make sense to the whole other idea that there’s other Pact Bearers besides me. Is it because of my affinity being so “special” and “powerful”? I can only think on it that much, because I had other things to get to, like my new Spirit Shard that would help with the development of my Spiritual Pact. Out of all of the things that I could be thinking right now...I seriously wonder why the text that Sota gave me baited me into this fight. Was it because...the Shadow Replicas I sensed near him in the sewers earlier had some effect on him? If that’s the case...why was he even down there?


“Hey, what was that all about you leaving without telling us why?” Peyton was the first guy to actually speak up once I returned back to the hideout. Of course he would speak up or in this case everyone, because I did just leave without explaining to them much.

“Kaika had left after receiving a strange message on her phone. That message was the bait to leading her towards a Shadow Prime, but she had managed to eradicate the threat on her own,” Miki explained for me, seeming to know it all since it was a no-brainer that she was invisible during the whole fight and watched me like some kind of guardian angel. Since she did just explain everything that basically happened, I only gave a nod that meant I completely agreed with the Elder Spirit’s explanation.

“Whoa, wait a minute...you actually took down a Shadow Prime on your own!” Peyton had to think that over for a minute before suddenly exclaiming in surprised at my achievement. From that, I’m guessing he hasn’t really fought and defeated a Shadow Prime at all.

“Calm down, I struggled that much in that fight, don’t make it sound like I’m that good,” I sigh, well...not yet.

“Maybe that’s more experience for you then...considering that along the way...we might run into more Shadow Primes if there’s more Death Keepers like Ayimu…” Monoso speaks up, having the same assumption I had on the whole situation. Well, like he said, now that’s out of the way…

“So...anything on my Spirit Shard?” I suddenly ask, since by now, it should be ready for whatever I needed to do before having a useful item at my aid.

“Oh, it’s ready, and we’ve been waiting for you to come back so we can complete the process. All you need to do is focus as much as you can into the shard, and then your spirit will be completely transferred into it. Though, you do have to remember, if that shard is broken and your spirit is still inside, your death will happen without warning,” Monoso said as he walked over to a table and carefully brought out a clear crystal that was soon to be my Spirit Shard. Of course, it was going to be a very important item at my side for now on, so I took the crystal from Monoso’s hands and held it with the most care I could give.

“Alright...focus….focus…” I whispered to myself like a little mantra, and soon I would feel my energy storing itself away into the Spirit Shard. It was a slow and tiring process, but I gritted my teeth as if it felt like my energy was being sapped away from my body, which was the case of this transfer entirely. Then….it was all complete. I was hold a pink Spirit Shard that contained my soul, a small pink flame that was vibrant and bright. I smiled at the sight of it, I was getting steps closer to becoming strong enough to handle the threats of the Shadow Replicas that were bringing harm. While to the other Pact Bearers, the Spirit Shard was just a resource for energy, I saw my own Spirit Shard to be the key to my success against the Shadow Replicas.

© 2014 CoincidentalMadness

Author's Note

I'm a little disappointed with this chapter, since it's rushed near the end and that I've delayed this one for too long. Either way, it's time to get things going with this story again.

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Added on July 22, 2014
Last Updated on July 22, 2014



San Francisco, CA

I'm must a random otaku with a crazy mind. :P more..
