5 - Welcome Death

5 - Welcome Death

A Chapter by CoincidentalMadness

Much sooner than expected, tragedies occur by the hands of a demon.


Zoey’s POV

Whenever I was too quiet for a long period of time, I would stare off into the sky in a daze, falling into a distant daydream. That wouldn’t be the case, as I would be occasionally tapped on the shoulder by a friend of mine that’s here. Then I was reminded on what was going on. It was a pleasant atmosphere as I was at an outdoor cafe with my two close friends. My name is Zoey Mandalin, a first-year high school student....or is it second-year since the school year had ended a few days ago. Oh well, I guess that’s something I would find out next school year. My two friends, Kyle Scarlett and Brandon Lowell, accompanied me, and were the closest people I would be with. I had other friends, but they were always busy with their lives. Brandon was known as the brains out of all of us, and I don’t mind, I didn’t really have the self-esteem to display that myself. When we needed an answer to something, he would be the first to answer and it would be almost accurate. He isn’t perfect, but he was over the top in my opinion. Then for Kyle, he isn’t much of a contributor. Even as he’s a good guy in heart, he doesn’t like doing all of the big jobs, and only brings up motivation. At least he’s contributing motivation. I don’t know what I contribute to the three of us as friends, but I’m always trying to keep us from being rash, so I think that’s it.

We had other friends, like I said earlier, but they were always busy. Including during this time of pace, especially Kaika and Luki. Recently, when the End of the School Year Prom passed, so did Kaika’s parents in a deadly car crash. It was tragic, and I haven’t gotten to see Kaika so I could confront her about it. Kaika and Kuro must feel grateful that Luki’s family offered to adopt them. Even if I have nothing to do with the incident, I feel like I should drop by and greet them...I always feel like I should ever since. Maybe I should wait though, I need to give Kaika some time before actually dropping by to see her.

“You hear me Zoey? Or are you dozing off again?” I could hear Kyle’s voice, taking notice of my dazed expression towards the sky. A small blush appeared on my cheeks...this was always embarrassing, but it’s a normal reaction from myself.

“Oh, sorry. I keep on doing that,” I spoke in a small turn, relocating myself back into focus. I wonder how the teachers feel about my constant dazing...it must be troubling to them. I suppose I have to focus on that more next school year.

“We understand that Zoey, and honestly, we’re used to it. So don’t worry about it,” Brandon smiled, knowing how to be gentle with me. I do have some social anxiety issues, but I try my best to handle myself well these past few years. That’s why I’m so close to them as friends than anyone else, as they help me try to feel comfortable with social situations as much as I try my best to keep all of us together. The worst thing to happen is if our friendship was broken because of a mere clash of opinions.

“Anyways, we need to get straightened up. School’s over, right? Why are you two still tense about stuff? For the next two months, it’s to relax, not stress about other things coming up soon. I mean, what other important things are gonna pop up?” Kyle began ranting on how Brandon and I overlook on everything too much, even on summer break. I know, school’s over, but there’s family and friends matters that we both have to juggle between.

“Kyle, we do have time to relax, but sometimes we can’t completely forget that we also have personal tasks to perform. It may not be that for you, but sometimes we don’t have the time to do this,” Brandon pointed out to Kyle, who had basically kicked back on his chair and rested his feet on the table. Hopefully the table won’t be ruined because of that, this isn’t so courteous to the cafe.

“Yeah, but we deserve it. We’re a part of the student council last year, and coming next year we’ll be in it again. Just kick back for just today, and we’ll see how it goes later on. Trust me,” Kyle groaned, making an attempt to convince us to just let it go for one day. One day. It doesn’t actually seem to be bad to relax for one day, it’s only one day. Not a week, not a month, not the entire break, just a day. I don’t see any reason to object to that.

“A day is fine, right Brandon?” I spoke up, and turned to face my other friend, who had gone silent. He does that occasionally when he is in thought and is trying to think it out.

“I suppose. We can figure out different days too...but not so often,” Brandon sighed, sounding like he was in dismay. Maybe he was going to reject it, but it was going to be an outnumbered vote on his part against myself and Kyle. I wasn’t really taking sides, I only went for it since it was a day only.

“See? Watch, it’s going to pay off for you two once all of that stress goes away,” Kyle grinned as he shifted over to sit normally on his chair, drinking up his lemonade. I kinda agree with Kyle this time...it is healthy to get some rest from stressful things... I smile a bit. This could be another way to hang out too, since each time we meet up, it’s usually for group projects for school or the student council. I watch as the two begin to talk about something that I didn’t know much about, probably a video game... I only watch them, liking how they were getting along. Despite all of the stuff I have on my hands on some days, I feel like we should do this every day. Being able to learn more on them as well as getting them to know me more, I would really enjoy that. However, I should take time, rushing our friendship to become closer would be a little selfish on my part. Brandon does like to take time with personal things. Even Kyle takes time out of his schedule to actually have this time to rest. I sit back on my seat, and take a deep breath to relieve myself. Like Kyle said, we should take this time to rest before going off with our day. Before plunging myself into that rest, a chill goes up my spine...and an eerie happening occurs right beside me.

“Chimes~...chimes of the church bells solemnly from afar...mourning~ mourning the undelightful luck of mortals...slumber~...slumber ‘till oblivion is anew...be wary...on your ever-changing fate...Zoey...” a voice ominously spoke from absolute nowhere. My eyes scanned for any strange persons, but there wasn’t anyone that would match the voice I just heard. A ghost?...no, maybe I was falling into another daydream....but it felt too real to be a dream. Or am I imagining things out of stress that I keep in?...I dunno, whenever I try to question this any further, I get myself confused. I look at Brandon and Kyle, they look as if whatever I heard never happened with them. Was it only me? If only me, maybe it’s just my own fears growing and growing. I can’t be sure, as I’m the one with the truth to this...and I don’t know how to prove it to be absolutely true. The dialogue is also eerie in so many ways, it was like an apparition to the future...but that’s the way I see it.

“Hey, Zoey? Are you having those daydreams again? You don’t look well, and actually, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Kyle noticed how pale I’ve gotten from my mental reaction to the eerie voice. Brandon is also concerned, and just gave me a look that asked for an answer. As much as I want to save them the breath and give them my honest view on what I experienced, I don’t want to seem like I’m going crazy. They are concerned for me, but they’re unaware of what was going on exactly. How am I going to explain to them about a voice whispering something to me when there wasn’t really anything there? ...it feels wrong to lie, but what else can I tell them?

“Yeah...a stressful daydream too...I guess I should rest it out,” I answered, scratching the back of my head. Kyle only sighed, buying the lie. As for Brandon, he didn’t seem convinced as he was that much in worry...but I know he wouldn’t pry out the truth from me. It would make me uncomfortable anyways. To soothe my worries, I drink a bit of my iced tea, hoping that whatever I heard was just a figment of my fearful imagination.

“Hey! There you are. I thought you guys weren’t going to be anywhere,” a familiar voice calls out from not too long of a distance. All three of us knew already where this was going, considering that this was the student council president, Luki. As much as she is very hyperactive and a proactive person...I wonder what she had to say, we don’t have school stuff or anything that would be deemed as “student council” duties during Summer Break. The same questioning expression that I had were reflected in Kyle and Brandon, but we all knew how Luki was when she had an idea.

“‘Sup Luki, I’m guessing that you have something planned. You normally don’t come around like that to us, usually during summer break too,” Kyle greeted her casually, not minding her appearance here.

“Oh, nothing much. I actually squeezed this to my schedule for today. However, I have something for you guys to do. Don’t worry, it won’t take long, plus, it’s something for Kaika...” Luki explained, crossing her arms. So she did have a task for us, a short one from what she’s telling us. In addition, is this some task to help cheer up Kaika from the entire car crash incidents? I hope it is, because this is definitely a chance to cheer her up like I was thinking I should for the past few days.

“That is quite a great idea on your part, Luki. This is perfect timing as well, Kaika would be grateful for the idea you have in mind,” Brandon agreed, seeing no problem with this. It was certain that I was on for the idea, as I gave a slight smile. I didn’t know how to say it, but at least my facial expressions would tell what I had to say for me.

“Sure enough, we’re all in for it, what’s the special task for Kaika?” Kyle grinned, but wondered in the first place what that task was to be prepared for Kaika. That’s what I was wondering too, but knowing Luki, it must be very special. Kaika and Luki were also very close friends on their own, and were friends since maybe somewhere during elementary school. I haven’t been talking to the two lately, but I’ve acquainted myself to the two when our first year in high school started last year.

“I had this surprise party planned out for Kaika, since she’s been depressed recently and needs a little brightening up. That’s why I waited a week or two after the incident to start.  Considering that the surprise party has to be somewhere unexpected, I want it to take place in the school gym. Also, don’t worry about getting into the gym or even permission, I’ve already gotten that from the school building and the key to get into the gym. All from here on is a green light to get ready and get the special girl there,” Luki explained her little plans for Kaika, and like all of Luki’s ideas, I’m impressed. To go for that much to cheer up a close friend, you can already tell that she is a great friend for Kaika. I would do the same on my own, but I could still contribute since Luki needs the help preparing for the surprise party.

“Hell yeah, we’re helping. Right, guys? This is where we do our part for Kaika,” Kyle grinned, and then looked at Brandon and I for our responses. I waited for Brandon to speak first, since I wanted to say it last.

“Of course, why would I pass by this chance for Kaika?” Brandon nodded, showing no hesitation to his answer. We are all this willing for this, Kaika is a friend to us.

“I’ll help out too...” I said with a small smile, a little shy, but I was actually excited to help with this surprise party for Kaika. It was great that everyone was jumping into this idea that Luki has in store.

“Awesome, let’s waste no time then! The school gym’s waiting!” Luki exclaimed and pointed gallantly towards the direction of the school. Considering that no time would be wasted, Kyle and Brandon got off of their seats, and ready to go. A faint smile on my face, I stand up too, and waited for us to go. However, as much as I feel happy that we’ll be preparing this to cheer up Kaika in her depression....I can’t help but feel that this was all a well thought out lie.... I just felt that way...but I didn’t think that it was true...that this is a lie.


Kaika’s POV

After taking a short nap, it was near noon time. Hey, taking training sessions for the first time yesterday and doing chores with Luki today can do a number on me, so it was a necessary nap. Since it was noon time, time for a lunch for myself. Apparently, Luki was in the living room near the kitchen, passed out with the TV still on the sitcom channel. At least she’s resting too, I always know that Luki can’t take actual work by herself that well. It reminds me a bit during our time in the Student Council, especially with her as the President. She came up with the ideas, and we did the work. Sounds one-sided, but it works. I mean, I can’t come up with great half-assed ideas anyways.

The friends we made in the Student Council were Kyle, Brandon, and Zoey. All three pretty much cover every blind spot each of them had with their strong spots. Kyle was the motivational but lazy one, Brandon was the knowledgeable but out of shape one, and Zoey was the friendly but shy one. They all were great friends too, mixing up with me and Luki, it was a blast for first years in high school. I gently smile at the thought while still glancing at the passed out Luki.

I walked into the kitchen and took out some microwave-ready ramen for lunch. Well...I said quick lunch, right? I was about to call over Kuro if he was hungry, then I remembered that by now, he had gone off with Luki’s parents for soccer practice. Just remembering the past soccer game that he was supposed to go to made me sick to my stomach, but tried to move on from that and look forward positively. I stuff the quick ramen into the microwave, and press a button that would warm up my lunch in a minute. Just a little wait before chow down time...I guess. I laughed a bit to myself from that thought. Makes me wonder why waiting for a minute long makes me feel silly like that.

Ring! Ring! Ring! my cell phone was loudly letting out noise, notifying me that I had an incoming call. I quickly go over to my phone, and answered the call. At least I answered before the ringing would disturb Luki from her occasional nap. I know her that well, that I know what happens if you really disturb her in any way.

“Hello, this is Kaika,” I plainly greet on the phone. It’s not like I had a selection of different greetings to use on the phone, kinda like what I said about half-assed ideas earlier. Plus, I kinda answered the call before checking the caller ID, but I’m sure enough that this is some person I know. Not everybody knows my cell phone number, that’s for sure.

/’Hey Kaika-chan, it’s Sota. I was hoping you would answer,’/ Sota’s voice came from the other end of the call, giving me a bit of relieved feelings once I realized it was him. I was about to hang up since I didn’t feel like I had much to say to anyone else. At the same time, my ramen was all finished up in the microwave, so I held the cell phone to my ear with my shoulder as support.

“Sota-kun, of course I would answer. It’s past noon time already, so I would be around anyhow,” I teased a bit as I took out my ramen from the microwave, and was going to get a spoon from the utensils drawer. Though, my lunch would have to wait, since it gets awkward when you try to talk in a phone conversation, and you’re eating at the same time. Especially if it’s towards your boyfriend.

/’Should had known. Oh, I was thinking that I would like to hang out with you some other time, considering I think you would be busy with Luki today,’/ Sota chuckled at my “obvious” explanation, and then mentioned something about another time for a date. Been noticing Sota’s behavior on calling it “hang outs” instead, but I don’t blame him. Dating for the first time is nerve-racking, even to me. Guess love is complicated like that. Then I got a little curious by how he said that I would be busy with Luki today. Errr...well, it’s self-explanatory that I hang out with Luki so much, we are best friends after all. Everyone should know that, but I could settle with one day without Luki to be with Sota for a bit. So...why’s Sota so sure that I’ll be with Luki for the day.

“Yeah, Luki and I are just chilling out at the house, no biggie. I can just go off and be with you, she won’t mind,” I casually point out to him, removing the cell phone from my shoulder and holding it with my hand once again. I’m sure Sota would understand, and it’s sure enough that Luki would understand too. She’s the one who “match-maked” to get the both of us together in the first place.

/’Strange, I kinda assumed that you were going to be with Luki later on today. Earlier, I saw Luki and several of her friends heading towards the school’s gym. I thought you’re going to join them later on, since I know you two are friends after all,’/ Sota sounded confused, and then mentioned something about Luki being with the other friends. I narrowed that down to Kyle, Brandon, and Zoey, since our “other” friends were just people trying to get popularity that didn’t exist at school anyways. Here’s the completely strange part, the entire morning and this moment now, there was no way that Luki could had gone out and go to the school gym and be here snoozing Z’s at the same time. I claim that Luki’s been with me trying to clean up this house since this morning, and she passed out in the living room right after all of those chores. Then Sota claims that Luki is outside some time earlier, going with my other friends to the school gym for some reason, and is probably inside the school gym right now. Besides, who would give them permission to enter the school gym anyways? They would need a key to get in from the school, but the school is closed for summer break. Something...just something doesn’t feel right here...and I don’t think this is going to be a good thing either.

“Sounds really strange for me too, Luki’s with me right now, catching some Z’s with the TV on. Are you sure you saw Luki outside...or did you just find someone that looks like Luki and mistaken that person for her?” I asked, trying not to sound too serious. I didn’t want to worry Sota too much, since I know he wasn’t really a part of this strange sighting and doesn’t need to be a part of it now. The more and more I try to think this contradiction out...I feel like it has something to do with my role as a Spiritual Pact Bearer. Before I really jump into this...I need to get some more information from Sota, since he’s seen the whole thing.

/’I’m sure that it was Luki, as I overheard her friends calling her Luki...is there something wrong?’/ Sota confirmed that this was Luki that he saw...but maybe it would be different in my eyes. Guess I really do I have to see this for myself, and it kinda hurts me in the inside to keep this tension I have away from Sota. It’s not my fault that I have to keep it from almost everyone I know, but it’s for the best. I glance away from the phone ,and sigh to myself with rambling thoughts in my mind. Then I turned back to the phone, and had one lie that would cover up my true feelings about the whole Luki situation.

“Well, I might as well catch with them. Wouldn’t want to see that Luki has some imposters running around? Maybe later then, Sota-kun,” I say on the phone, trying to sound casual about it. Last thing I want in this situation is more people getting involved in it, as I have a feeling that this isn’t your everyday happenings. Sota only leaves me with a cheerful bye, and then hangs up. A slight smile appears on my face, and I turn off my phone for now. Well, my lunch will have to wait a long time for now...I might have to investigate whatever this is. I’m sure enough that the Luki that Sota saw isn’t the real Luki. I can tell the Luki with me is real, my sensory abilities can tell that’s the lifelong friend that I’ve had right in front of me. No doubt about it. But I can’t run into this unaware still, I need more information. So....Miki, any ideas on what the hell is happening? Why is there another Luki running around? I know the real Luki is in the same room as I am in.

“I feared that this would happen soon, and it is already happening. It is best that you go now, towards the school gym you had been told about. Time is dire, don’t waste it. Proceed with caution, you are still not ready to fight excessively,” Miki appears at my side, and begins to explain on how really bad this was. Yup...very bad. Miki doesn’t show much emotions, but her words definitely expressed how important and urgent this was. And from what I’m assuming, Peyton and Monoso have no idea on the situation yet...that leaves it up to me. Even from what Miki told me...it sounds like she’s also unsure on what’s going on exactly, leaving me in a pit that echoes “I’m going have to find out myself...the hard way.” For a moment, I glance over at Luki, and I know that I’m going have to deal with her imposter. It’s not a person from school that’s impersonating her...but something else that I don’t really know myself. An upper class Shadow Replica? Still, I can’t jump to conclusions just yet, I need to see this myself.

“Then I’ll see it myself Miki...” I said to the pact spirit, sure enough that Luki was too asleep to even hear me. Miki only nods, and then disappears. Guess this is also a huge threat, since Miki might not be able to keep herself with me once I get there. I sigh to myself, and immediately ran out of the house. I didn’t care if my clothing wasn’t appropriate for this, but I had no time to get myself into different clothing. Dashing down the sidewalk towards the school building, I cross my fingers, and hope that my friends are okay and that I’m not too late.


???’s POV

I await the arrival of my supposed bait, I can sense them from a distance that is approaching their final destination. It is a perfect placement for three magnificent deaths, concealed in the complete darkness...it is absolutely perfect. My guilty pleasures rise as I sense them nearer than before, my bloodlust becomes overwhelmly at the edge. If only I wasn’t told such orders, I would finish these lives in one swipe.

My attention is successfully grabbed as the door slowly opens, bringing little light to my dark domain. First to come in certainly is my illusion of their close friend, which they call “Luki.” Surely that illusion wouldn’t fail, lending the memory fragment of this “Luki” was easy to do so from that girl. Too bad her help surely end in death, such as her two friends. I silently watch them walk in behind my clever illusion, unaware of my otherworldly presence. My grin slightly grows as the door slowly closes, darkening the atmosphere around us. Ah, this is my favorite kind of setting for three upcoming deaths.

“Geez, the lights are still out. Hold on guys, I’m gonna turn them on,” my illusion of “Luki” reassures them, and then runs ahead into the darkness. Into the darkness that she wouldn’t be seen by the three victims any longer. To ensure that, I dispatch the illusion, erasing it from existence. That way, the victims will be thrown in uncertainty of their friend’s presence here before I end them. So, I must wait until they are also drawn into the darker patches of this atmosphere.

“Yeah, don’t get lost Luki. It is fricken’ dark in here, after all,” the loud-mouthed boy made a joke about my non-existent illusion being lost within the darkness. It is possible to lose your sense of direction within the darkness, until you succumb to it, it wouldn’t be a problem. Silence fell within this dark atmosphere, minutes pass, nothing stirs and does anything. My bloodthrist withheld inside me, the patience of the victims becomes short. My temptations become strong, prompting me to just jump in and rip these mortal victims into shreds. I resist. A magnificent display of death must be done with some control, and then reward the demonly killer afterwards with satisfaction. It would not take a long time for these deaths to come.

I can feel it, I can read it. They have finally realized that my non-existent illusion had been gone from them for too long, and confusion stirred around them. In silence, I sneered to no one but myself, the time neared and neared towards the climax. One of them finally speaks out, this being from the girl I stole her memory fragment from...

“Guys...why isn’t Luki back?...” she asked with a small voice, known in a fearful position. I watch with amusement, her uncertainty is that of a perfect victim in my eyes. The two others were taking their time to think of a response, which is also in uncertainty. They are only humans, unable to see that their “friend” was only a mere illusion.

“It is strange Zoey. It shouldn’t take this amount of time to go and turn on lights...” one of the boys stated, this one being an observer. Too bad, he can’t even figure this out himself.

“Nah, she’s probably messing with us for once. You know Luki, she’s gonna wait it out and then turn on the lights with that joking grin on her face,” the laidback boy shrugs, being the only one that seems to have no uncertainty in his mind. A procastinator in realizing the truth that is shrouded in darkness. As much as he meant to shrug off the worries of his two other friends, it did not give an appeal to the other boy.

“Luki isn’t the type to joke like this. Now, I’m going to see if Luki actually needs help. It is quite dark to see the switch after all,” the other boy disagreed with the boy who shown no concern to their worries. Being on point, this boy goes forwards into the darkness, closer and closer to my hidden location. Such a tease I am drawn into, perfect for the first kill. The careful steps he takes towards the darkness, the absolute silence as I drift down from my above hiding spot. As I land, the boy doesn’t notice my presence, even if I was only mere steps away from him. An open chance to strike, my demonic instincts awaken.

“Luki, are you alright? Do you need help finding your way?” the boy asks to no one in particular, and I stay in silence. He only has a few minutes before I strike, it will end with his severed heart! Closer and closer, I swiftly draw out my katana from it’s sheath. Sliding noise of metal blissfully rung, catching some attention of the boy nearest to me. I can feel his uncertainty rising slowly in his conscious, thus giving me the perfect time to strike.  He was a good distance away from the other two, so this is it. Fast as lightning, I sped towards his figure with a nimble style of footing. The sly predator I was, I thrust my katana into the desired spot to the kill, his chest. The moment the blade tears through the delectable flesh and blood, I backed away and pulled the katana away from his body. All of this in a split second, and it is certain that he wouldn’t be able to find the hidden predator that struck at him. I let this play out for a few...I want to enjoy the expressions of the poor later victims.

All that I can here from the dying boy was raspy choking...by now he should realize that his heart had been fractured apart. The dripping of leaking blood came from his impalement wound on his chest, he felt the warm and moist feeling of his blood on his chest... Given that he had a few more moments until death, the boy collapses to his knees, struggling to stay alive but it is all useless. The sounds of his collapsing caught the attention of the other two, bringing up more worry from the girl but the other boy was not convinced.

“Brandon? What’s going on?” she asked oh so innocently, and decided to go into the darkness, to where his dying self is close to death. Unaware, she kept on taking slow steps forwards...and then steps into a puddle. She gave the feeling of curiosity, and wonders why this puddle gave off a stench that smelled. The dying boy still refused to die so quickly, and saw that the girl had stepped in his blood. With the last of his draining strength, the boy grabs the ankle of the girl with his bloody hand, and looks up at her face with the expression of dead fear. The girl nearly yelps in panic and shock as she finally sees the puddle of blood and her dying friend. Her face was certainly priceless and amusing in my eyes. She would be the next to die.

“The hell?” the other boy grumbles, wondering what was going on. Now with peaked curiosity, the other boy walks over to where he heard the girl’s voice, and took a look down. This surely moved this other boy away from his “cool” demeanor. Both were thrown into hysteria upon seeing their friend, who had already passed away due to the lack of a functional heart and continuous blood loss. Such a beautiful display, and the chance rises again. They are no longer near their escape route, but unfortunately they piece together that there is a killer in this very gym. Guess I have to wrap up this baiting, wouldn’t want the bait to go loose, now do I?

“Zoey...let’s get the f**k out of here...now!” the other boy says in complete paranoia, running towards the exit of the building. I take it that he was expecting the girl to follow, but she didn’t even move or budge an inch from her position. I can feel that she is in great despair upon seeing one of her friends die right in front of her. Such mortal emotions, which is why she is the one to die very soon. The other boy tries to find the door, as it is quite dark for them to even see the knob of that door.

“Didn’t you hear me! C’mon! Get away from there now!” the other boy screamed at the top of his lungs at the girl, who merely stood there with the unstable emotions that she cannot handle herself. Snapping out of her own hysteria, the girl finally responds, and tries to run towards the other boy. I smile to myself, it is too good for it to be true to them, I will not let them live. Despite my stained katana, I go in swiftly to strike again. In mere seconds so I am not seen, I swing my katana low and in a diagonal direction in lightning recession before backing away back into the darkness. In a split second to continue, the lagged response of my strikes happen, blood splashing out of the girl’s legs and thus resulting of her legs to be decapitated from her body. A clear and precise dissection of a human, but it is not done yet. The girl tumbles to the ground legless, unable to stand up anymore. Blood bled out of her thighs and also from her dismembered legs. The other boy is left speechless, unable to say anything as he saw this happen to her, becoming even more paranoid by the fact they cannot see me. They cannot figure out the source of the dark killer.

“Z-Zoey...” the boy managed to utter out, his eyes showed the absolute fear upon the obscure violence I brought down towards them. The girl, however, didn’t want to go down just yet, and tried to use her arms to drag herself towards the boy. I find that interesting, coming from the girl I saw very “shrill” and “small” from before.

“I....I...I don’t want to..die....” the girl sobbed as she tried to move herself away from my possible location and towards the boy and the exit. Too bad, your wishes are a tad too late! With my speed, I swung my katana horizontally downwards and then leapt up where I would be to levitate above them, still hidden in the darkness. The sliding noise of my blade rung throughout the building, and another gush of the girl’s blood burst out of her arms this time. Upon that moment, her arms also become dismembered, to be no longer used by her body ever again. With no other support of her limbs, the girl falls face forwards, her face buried in the small puddle of her own blood. The other boy is frozen and paralyzed by the horrible sight, the brutal killings that were taking place upon his very friends.

The girl began to cry even more, her cries becoming unaudible from the fact that her face was covered in her blood. Might as well end her pathetic misery. Without getting seen, I leapt down again and swung my bloody katana once, and then backed a bit into the darkness. This was all done in quick recession, thanks to my demonic speed. With that final strike, the girl finally dies, beheaded ruthlessly as her head rolls off of her body and into that ever-growing puddle of blood. The boy was stuck in the emotions of getting out alive and in despair that his two closest friends were now dead. He must be unaware of fate’s true purpose in these meaningless lives.

“I’m sorry guys...” he utters to himself as he tries to escape. Oh, he isn’t getting away that easily, and it would be a disaster if he did make it outside. I gracefully flash-step towards him, and had my hand touch his left shoulder. The contact I made with him definitely catch him off-guard, causing him to have a panic attack and falling to the ground upon seeing me. All humans usually have the same reaction to me...right after a brutal killing spree such as this one. If only there were more people involved, it would truly be a killing spree to me. I gently gave a charming smile, but it did not appeal to the boy as there was a good amount of blood splattered on me from those two kills.

“Who....who...just who the hell are you? Did you do-!” the boy exclaimed out of fear, trying to seem intimidating by yelling out his words. Another “defense” tactic that these poor mortals try on the otherworldly, which in this case, against a demon. I only put up my finger to my closed lips, and made a “shhh” expression. He is completely confused and startled by my “playful” attitude. It’s how I am during all of these killing sprees. I approach closer to him, face to face, and the boy certainly cannot keep his calm very well compared to me.

“You thought you were going to slip away from my grasps, weren’t you? I’m sure enough that your friends will miss you if you leave. They are very close to you, your closest friends, and you leave them to me,” I whispered into his ear, my chilly breath being spat at his warm skin. The boy then gives another outburst purely out of fears.

“THEY’RE NOT OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, YOU PSYCHOPATH!!” the boy yells straight at my face, which remains unchanged. Such failed causes as he tries to intimidate me, I might as well save his breath and end it with his bad fate. I stand up, seeing that he was still on the ground. I smile lightly, and close my eyes. I have been waiting for the perfect time to use this, as the earlier kills were unnecessary and had no “eye contact.” Before he could ask what I was doing, I open my eyes, showing my depthful and glowing black eyes that replaced my average blue eyes. I can hear his voice under his breath, the words that meant that he began to feel that I wasn’t completely normal and was something else. He was right, I am not in his league, but above that. This power I display here is my most prominent one, the power of telekinesis. Not the basic form of it, which is making things float with one’s mind. This kind of telekinesis I used was more useful than just that. I only stare into his eyes, applying my own usage of telekinesis deep down into his inner bodyworks. He must thank me however, for I am not truly harming from the outside to the inside...but more of inside harm if I put it that way.

A few moments of absolute silence was broken apart by his sudden gasps of pain, his hands holding his stomach and chest. What exactly my telekinesis was doing? Simple, I was using it in a way that I was literally stirring his inner organs and flesh rapidly, disorganizing his entire inner body masses. A better use of telekinesis than just throwing a body around like a doll, in my opinion. I kept this up to a point that the boy was beginning to lose consciousness, that point that most of his organs were like flesh soup by now. Oh, but that’s not it, I am not done. To end it all, I use my telekinesis to push up all of those torn apart and mushy parts of his flesh up his throat, and there, he began to throw up the gory and messed up organs and other parts out of his body. Now just a hollow shell of his body, he collapsed upon the masses and masses of fleshed out organs and blood, surely enough dead. Seeing that all three were now dead, a murderous grin grew on my face, my eyes reverted back to their normal blue eye color.

“Such a beautiful display of bodies, flesh, and blood~! A real massacre should be done the way this is, but with more bodies and flesh and blood than just this amount!” I exclaim with demonic delight. I don’t see why I am not appointed with a higher rank, as this is a remarkable way to create “bait” for the true target. The other ranks must have different tastes in setting up their tasks, but I don’t care of their own opinions. If it is magnificent and well-tasted, then it is my way setting my tasks together. Now, with only one more kill, I will make sure I make rid of the new Pact Bearer of Life Energy, and I will not take it that easily either!


Kaika’s POV

No matter on how much I wanted to take a rest or pause for even a second, I ignored my body’s fault to stop, this was surely not the greatest time to stop. I could be over-reacting, but I’m dead serious that this isn’t even fun and games anymore. Miki isn’t the type to lie to me either, we have a pact between us, so I see it that way. Is this even related to when Miki felt disturbed yesterday? That it’s some upper class Shadow Replica that has power that prevents my pact spirit from assisting, this would definitely be above a simple testing of my skill and understanding of my Spiritual Pact. Hell, I think I might die or get seriously injured at the least. A sigh of frustration came out of my mouth, what the hell am I taking the time to make sense of this? I’ll see the truth to this once I get there, and figure out if something happened there. That’s all, and if I don’t get there in time. I’m not going to trust myself with anything ever again, but this is that urgent.

I finally make it to the school’s gym, the silent and ominous feeling of a different presence chilled me to the bone’s core. Doesn’t really help that I can also feel different types of spiritual energies around here...and from just outside the gym alone, I could tell that something wrong had happened. Slowly, I took a step towards the door, hesitation tried to tell me otherwise, but I’m not going to panic anymore. I’m not going to panic like I did when the car crash happened, I need to grow in some way. It’s my life I’m growing in, and I’m not going to retain myself in the same procedure again and again. I need to be strong for this. It’s all me and the other pact bearers that have to go through this, and that’s all.

In order to calm myself down from the train of thoughts swarming in my head, I take a long and deep breath of air before placing my hand onto the doorknob. My heartbeat grew louder and louder as I turned the doorknob until I hear the click that meant it was now open. Like I would with most doors, I pull the door towards me, but it felt like something was leaning onto the door from the inside. It was like a bean bag...but substantially heavier than a bean bag. Plus, it came with the sounds of unpleasant moist and squishy sloshes...it sounded so unsettling. I gritted my teeth in frustration, and then fully opened the door. From there...I froze. It made me feel like I was hesitated for too long, or that I took too long getting here. My breathing became shaky, my hands slipping away from the doorknob. With a thud, the supposed “bean bag” fell from it’s support onto the door, a warm and fresh liquid bled out.

“No...just….not now…” I choked a bit on my words, unable to freely speak of this, my eyes grew small from the shock. In pure realization and the wanting to forget it all, I see that this was clearly Kyle...but only his dead body. Blood and guts drenched from his mouth, staining his skin, clothing, the door, and the ground. It was almost everywhere that was the nearest around him. Not only was it truly sickening to see this...but it brought back the same panic that I let out when the car crash happened. I couldn’t do it...I couldn’t hold my composure to stay strong….but...but I think I still had hope. Where was Brandon and Zoey? I cross my fingers and swear upon the spirits that they’re safe and sound somewhere. In respects to Kyle, I was extremely careful on not touching his body or blood when wandering into the dark depths of the non-lit gym. If this was some maniac serial murder, then it was best to not mess around with the crime scene, but I knew this wasn’t a murder. There was no way that all of that inside parts would burst out of his mouth...so it had to be some “unnatural.” I tried my best to hold it back in...but tears were automatically forcing their way out of my eyes. My teeth clenched tightly in my regret on being so late to do anything. Reluctant about it, I glanced to the side at Kyle, and forcing myself to look away from his degraded state. It was already too much for me to bear.

“....I’m...I’m so f*****g sorry….Kyle….” I spoke in despair through my gritted teeth. More regret filled my mind, but I knew I couldn’t linger about this tragedy any longer. I had a responsibility to deal with the possible culprit, and to prevent any more death to happen. Forcing myself to not look at Kyle, I carefully advanced forwards into the darker end of the gym. If it was this dark...the culprit must had hid something here at least… I repeat a certain mantra to myself, one that Luki and I only knew about, please….be alright Brandon and Zoey. I kept on moving forwards slowly.

“Oh, such a late introduction for you, miss Pact Bearer,” an eager feminine voice echoed through the gym. No...it couldn’t be the others, they don’t know of my secret. It has to be the culprit! The damned person that hurt my friend! Those b******s have to be associated with some sort of darkness, explaining a bit of the Shadow Replicas and the abnormal and immense amount of darkness around me. With the fact that this is a huge gym, there had to be something veiled in the darkness that would be against me, the demonic culprit. In the manner that this was some twisted game show, the ceiling lights began to light up just a bit, enough that it was a low dim sheet of light. Upon getting a clear view of the atmosphere, my eyes froze towards what was in front of me, and unveiled tragedy that the culprit purposely wanted me to see upon showing some light.

“.....no……….why?.....” I uttered in complete shock, my eyes couldn’t comprehend the sight I was forced to see. There was no turning back, the culprit is here, I am here, no escape in sight until one is dead. The same moment a small gentle stream of tears dripped down from my eyes, I dropped to my knees in despair. The sight in front of me, undoubtedly, was the horrifically inhumane presentation and arrangement of Brandon’s and Zoey’s corpses. Zoey was left butchered up into pieces, blood spilling out of her missing limbs. Brandon laid with a large hole at his chest, heart obliterated into nothingness. What...just what the hell kind of demon am I facing against!?!!

“Are you finally realizing what kind of magnificent masterpiece this is? It’s even better that your three friends are included as the feature presentation of the bloodiest showcase,” the same flaunting feminine voice echoed all around the gym, the footsteps of the possible culprit come closer and closer to my location. Closer in proximity than I anticipated. I knew already that I had to handle against this demonic threat, but I was powered down in tight pressure. How…

“This may be the greatest ending to this showcase, but how would you like to go? Swallowing an entire sword down your throat with a twist, decapitating your head which will still be intact because of this sword. Using my telekinesis to crush every single bone in your body, and watch you droop down until a pile of flesh, organs, skin, and blood. I can go on and on to decide on which you want to die from,” the demon described every single way that she could kill me. Stepping away from the darkness, the supposed demon took the figure of a female, strands of long blue hair peeked out from the feminine figure’s white hood. As if to mock a religious figure, this demon wore a pure white robe with a hood, and a dark line of black surrounded the zipper part of the white robe. It was obvious that this feminine figure was much taller than me, somewhere close to six feet.

“Oh, did a cat catch your tongue? Or is it your mortal will buried in death and misery of the people around you?...you know, I can end your story here, your show will have to end today. Just so the pain won’t hurt you too much~” the feminine demon sung in glee, the sliding noises of metal being unsheathed, a katana already drenched in my friends’ blood. I wanted to move, to show this f*****g demon a piece of my mind. Yet, the shock and grief in mind ushered me to stay in place, that I wasn’t exactly stable and ready for this fight. Unable to speak due to that same reason, I only grunted in response to the demon.

“Hehehehe, you’ll be very amusing to play with. I might as well fill you in on who I really am, it’ll be the last you’ll ever hear. I am Ayimu, Rank VI of the Death Keepers, and I will be arranging your deathly masterpiece,” the demon says with pride, as if she really enjoys toying around with the corpses of humans. It was obvious of that mannerism of a demon, but it felt like she was something else beyond the ranks of demons when she said that she was associated with Death Keepers. Is the Death Keepers the kind of people following around the corrupt spirit Yasu? I didn’t know, but I was in a heap of trouble already at this point. There wasn’t any turning back from this point forward, I could only push my way through out of this mess. Clenching my fists, I slowly got up from my knees, my hair’s bangs covering the rage-filled eyes I had right now. Raising my head so we were both looking at each other, eye to eye, and released my anger and frustration towards Ayimu.

“Just what makes you think that YOU can mess around with all of these people, my friends...just because of your GOD-DAMNED rank doesn’t mean that you get to kill people like it’s some stupid game! I will avenge them, not just my friends, but the people that were killed by all of this stupid Shadow Replica stuff. I’m going to show you the rage and hatred of the human race, and I’m not going to hold back! YOU GOT THAT?!?” I yelled and exclaimed with complete disregard towards this demon. There was no way I’m going to go easy on this demon, no way. I need to end this before Ayimu decides to mess with any other people that don’t deserve to be involved in it in the first place. I was the only one there to even do anything about it, it was all me… The accursed demon only stares at me, like I was stupid, and then laughs with fake “elegance.” I swear, I just want to rip apart Ayimu right now, this second.

“Hohohoho! Such vile words coming from the tongue of a Living. Your blabbering would only make your death much more enjoyable, so I suggest to stop tempting me so much,” Ayimu giggled with a slight sneer in her facial expression. All this upper-rank demon has flaunted about basically was the attempts to obtain fear from others, and show that she was some “expert” in massacres. It’s all intimidation, I’m not going to back down against this demon, and I’m not going to wait either. I decided that it was enough of the chitter-chatter, and time to cut to the chase. Without even saying a single word, I raised my hand in front of me, and immediately entered my Partial Mode. A large energy blade manifested at my raised hand, and I tightly grasped it. I was hoping that I could had gotten more training before this type of situation, but this could count as more practice otherwise. Ayimu doesn’t seem fazed by my sudden activation of my pact, so I guessed that if she’s a demon, she must had lived long enough to fight against other Pact Bearers before me. Instead of responding by attacking first, Ayimu merely stands there, like she was taunting me to attack first. Oh no, I’m not going to fall for that trick. I fell for that method all the time when I came to RPGs, so I knew this I couldn’t afford to fall for the trick. I only distance myself a bit, holding the energy blade with one hand and keeping it in front of me so I could prepare for a block.

“If you were going to show me the rage and hatred of the Livings, why are you backing away? Is it that you’re scared? That you’re only talk. I am all open for a single or more hits, but you just back away as if I’m too much to handle. I might even have to go easy on you once we begin, that is, before I decided to kill you off for the best part of the bloody masterpiece,” Ayimu said with a teasing tone, staring me down with a gentle but creepy smile. I staggered a bit and stopped in my tracks on backing up once she began to point me out on certain things. Yeah...I was straying away from my word, but I’m not going to be reckless either. It’s all about the battle tactics, and I’m not going to rush in for a first direct hit. It’s not going to be that easy, since I am going against an actual humanoid demon. I needed to think this out fast before Ayimu decides to slip in a fast one at me. The merciless demon only stood before me, staring me down with an expression that had no absolute meaning in my eyes. It was like she was waiting to get killed by me, but I’m not stupid. However, I noticed that she had been too still...even for someone who decides to stand in one spot forever. Before I could make my first move, the demon before me suddenly fades away like a broken hologram.

“W-What?...she...she just disappeared like that!” I exclaimed to myself in shock. I wasn’t expecting that, was that really the demon I was just talking to minutes ago? I scurried my eyes all around the dimly lighted gym, no freaking sign of Ayimu anywhere. Sure, I could hear stuff still, like the moving sound of metal, but no sign of the damned demon I needed to get rid of. From the metal sound, I could assume that she had hidden herself to draw out her weapon, a sword possibly. That flashed before my eyes, in under seconds, I feel my back being dug into by a metal blade, a katana by how curved the blade felt. It was so fast, the force seemed almost inhumane. I gasped and coughed in pain, of course it was going to hurt. Not turning my head, I glanced at the corner of my eye to see Ayimu right behind me, her face covered in the darkness but I could see that her eyes had a vicious red glow. By how much pain I was in from just one stab, the katana must be in my back’s flesh pretty deep, and I felt myself being yanked back by her blade, towards her figure.

“If you wait too long, a surprise attack will await to devour you~” Ayimu whispered to my ear, her icy cold breath invading my personal space. Before I had the chance to respond back with a hate-filled retort, Ayimu roughly kicked my back hard enough to force my body out of her katana, and into a wall. I gave a loud yelp as I felt my torso crunch into the wall before falling on my back to the floor. I still held my energy blade tightly in my right hand, I wasn’t going to give up that easily. Careful about my pain, I used my blade as a support stand as I tried to get back on my feet. Knowing I won’t have enough time to check later on, I ran my left hand on my back, the moist and wet feeling of blood and flesh covered a good deal of my back. It stung whenever I ran my hand again and again on the wound, so I yanked my hand away.

“You are too easy to toss around like a ragdoll, but too bad that you have such great endurance in comparison to regular Livings. If it wasn’t for the fancy little Spiritual Pact of yours, you would had been dead the moment I struck my blade into your back. Yet, that doesn’t seem like the most dramatic end, now is it?” Ayimu taunted me again, slowly walking over to where I was, knowing my exact location despite the poor lighting of the gym. I couldn’t talk too much, it would only contribute to the pain I was in right now. However, I wasn’t going to let this pain get in the way, I needed to force in some effort. I needed to stop this dangerous demon from causing anyone else any more pain. My grip on my energy blade tightened, and then I went off towards Ayimu at full speed. She only gave a slight grin in amusement, and rushed towards me for the kill. In a battle to see who can overdo who, both of us swung our blades at each other, most of the time the blades just hit each other. However, even if none of the times where the blades never touched either of us, the sheer force of Ayimu’s katana swings were enough to slightly crack my energy blade. Well, it was an energy blade, it wasn’t a real enchanted blade I guess. I kept my focus and attention towards Ayimu, seeing if she had any dirty tricks to throw at me. Like somehow teleporting behind me for the first attack. Despite all of my efforts, I felt like Ayimu was picking up in swinging motions and speed against my swings, either breaking my guard and/or inflicting a single strong swing at my body. Soon enough, it happened every single time, there was bloody cuts on my cheek, arms, legs, chest, etc. Sure, I got some hits on Ayimu, but it didn’t seem to do any real pain to her as she seemed to ignore it.

“So much potential of the strongest Spiritual Pact, wasted by a fool of a Living,” Ayimu screeched like a wild banshee, swinging her katana at my energy blade, with a strong enough force to actually destroy my only summoned weapon. I winced a bit, and tried to back away before I was hit, but I happened to be too slow as Ayimu swings her katana at my feet in an attempt to get me on the ground. Following my failure to evade, I tumbled down on my back to the floor once again, and weakly tried to get myself back up again while ignoring all of the pain I had. Except, ignoring this amount of pain was almost impossible, and I wonder how much “endurance” I have, according to Ayimu, because all of this could had killed me on the spot if I didn’t have the Spiritual Pact. Not wanting her own bait to get away, Ayimu laughed a bit at my attempts to get back on my feet, and had a strong and tight grip at my ankle, squeezing it hard that my ankle began to feel like jelly. Wanting to make this the “torture” I have to put up with, Ayimu swings me upwards with the grip she had on my ankle, and then abruptly slams me down hard facefirst to the ground. I felt like s**t by this point, blood now coming out of my mouth. I coughed several times, a few portions of blood splattered on the floor near my face.

“G-goddammit…” I cursed under my breath, I couldn’t move my body at all, pain was vibrating all over my body. I felt so pathetically numb, that all of this happened in a matter of about 20 minutes. I managed to turn my head to the side to see Ayimu towering over me, her pure white robe stained by my own blood, it urked me a bit in the stomach. This was too sickening for me to handle. Even if I do manage to survive this...is this the crap I have to put up with almost every day? To fight a demon that works under the traitor spirit Yasu?

“See the cold hard truth of being a Spiritual Pact Bearer. If you wanted to reach your resolve, it would have to be through unimaginable heights of pain, suffering, and death. That is the sad truth that Livings have yet to understand when they accept such a big and mighty pact in the first place. Did you think that you would become some powerful deity once you accept that pact of yours? I may be only a demon, but you are only a waste of space in the fight against the Spiritual World and the Alternate Side. Just admit it, you are not the one to be in such suffering. If you denied that pact, you wouldn’t have such additional pains, like the bloody masterpieces of your three friends,” Ayimu degraded my purpose as a Pact Bearer, disregarded my resolve to stop all of this pain that I have to experience, and tell me that it wasn’t worth it for me to take that Spiritual Pact in the first place. I knew there was going to be some hardships once I accepted it...but I’m not going to give up if it becomes too hard to handle. I gasped several times to keep up with my needed breathing, and then clenched both of my hands into fists...even if I couldn’t do much at this point.

“I...I don’t care what happens to me anymore...I know that I’m going to be kicked around like a toy when I can’t handle a battle. But that doesn’t mean that I should just quit from my role. I have so many people depending on me, alive or dead, and I’m not going to let them down...even if I die right now, I have the Spiritual Pact with me, and I’ll figure out something to show you stupid “Death Keepers” wrong! I’m never going back on my word to my close loved ones, and you know that! That’s how us “Livings” are going to be, devoted to our resolves and persistent to obstacles in the way...that’s how I’m going to follow my fate, so be it…” I raised my voice in anger and frustration, wanting my words to be heard. I’m not going to be mumbling my resolve each time, I wanted to be heard. Even if this demon wouldn’t even give a damn about my reasons, I want to get a single point to them. I’m never going to give up, ever. Not even once if it’s needed, I had too much of a burden to let it all go at this point. Ayimu only laughs once again, amused by my “show” I had put up for her.

“Such a shame that you are so blind, blinded by the hope, support, and meaning of the other Livings that are connected to you. However, I can pay my respects to you with a silent kill, one where you will be left speechless once you are dead,” Ayimu said as she narrowed her eyes at me, like her eyes were now slits. I had a feeling that I had annoyed the said demon enough, ut I don’t care, I only wanted Ayimu dead or gone in the first place. She only stared at me, and I noticed the same flash of a red glow in her eyes. Moments happened, I began to feel like some invisible force surrounded me, squeezing me tighter and tighter as if I was a balloon ready to pop. Telekinesis, what a “death” attempt that Ayimu decided to use on me, but I felt powerless already. I felt too drained out to summon a new energy blade, and my Partial Mode had already run out on me. I regrettably shut my eyes close, I didn’t want to see my own insides splatter moments before everything would turn black on me. Yet, I didn’t hear anything like that as it continued on and on...then it all stopped when a loud statical “bang” echoed in the gym. The telekinesis around me stopped, and I laid on the gym floor, gasping repeatedly for dear life.

“Hey demon b***h! You could had made your kill a lot faster, you do know that Spiritual Pact Bearers always has backup coming in,” Peyton’s voice exclaimed from the door of the gym, I couldn’t see anything anymore due to the blood loss I had. Whew, I thought I was going to be a goner back there...for once I feel secure when the rowdy blonde comes in.

“Yes...how foolish of me to toy around with such a new Spiritual Pact Bearer for so long...what a shame that I have to leave so soon with my reward...but I can not wait to see how much amusement I will get to squeeze out of her soon...so soon,” Ayimu sounded like she was in dire pain, maybe Peyton had shot her somewhere with the help of his Electricity affinity. Even with my poor eye-sight, I heard some warping sound around Ayimu, and I assumed that the demon had escaped before Peyton could finish her off. I stayed where I was as I heard Peyton rushing over to me and carefully carrying me in his arms.

“....I was a little...reckless...wasn’t I?” I muttered as I felt my conscious fading away from the blood loss. I felt my own blood almost everywhere, but I didn’t retain myself from making a little joke.

“Meh...I’ve been through worse in my first battles...c’mon, you’re gonna need the medical treatment from Monoso, ASAP,” Peyton sighed, mentioning that he was much worse than me when he first got his Spiritual Pact. I wonder how that could had went, but I thought it was a little weird to ask on how badly beaten up he was in his first battle. I couldn’t really see or hear anything anymore as the blood loss was starting to get to me. Before I initially blacked out, I weakly smiled in response. Then I was out cold the moment afterwards.

© 2014 CoincidentalMadness

Author's Note

Heh heh. Went a little too crazy happy with the gore and violence on this one.

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Added on May 27, 2014
Last Updated on May 27, 2014



San Francisco, CA

I'm must a random otaku with a crazy mind. :P more..
