![]() 3 - Adjusting LifeA Chapter by CoincidentalMadness![]() Still shaken from the night before, Kaika sees the changes in her life because of it.![]() Kaika’s POV It had been a few days after the incident, the car crash incident, that took the lives of my parents. It made my heart lurch every single time I reflect on the very moment I glanced at their lifeless bodies the first time, and remembering them from past memories over and over again. It was just heart-wrenching. I wanted that to be reversed, to go back in time and prevent this from happening. However, I doubt there’s any way to traverse time, it would cause too many problems, like a time paradox...or the prevention of my spiritual pact with Miki. Speaking of my Spiritual Pact, I don’t think it comes with time travel abilities either. That incident was part of the past now, I can’t do anything about it, it’s final and done with. My brother stood close to me, holding me tight in a hug for comfort as he silently sobbed on to my jacket. I didn’t show any emotion, only stiffness and blankness was all that a person can read on my face. We both stood outside in the cold and raining atmosphere, letting the pounding rain overpower the cries we let out if we did. In front of us was the reason why we were alone...in the rain...sobbing. A new gravestone stood in front of us, the gravestone of my parents. Their names are engraved onto the stone with a bold and plain font. I couldn’t look away from the sight, it was too soon for them. This wasn’t the time for them to pass on like this, I seriously wished that the faint miracle that Miki found to protect Kuro and I would had been stronger to also protect my parents. I couldn’t stop thinking like this, I should just accept that they’re dead already...it’s done...I shouldn’t worry about it anymore...my parents up there wouldn’t be happy if I’m still grieving for them this badly. It’s natural though...to have feelings like this when a loved one or someone close passes away. However, there were things I wished I should had done towards my parents before this unfortunate incident. I wanted to make it up for my mom, from pretending that I loved her to get the conversation going from the repeating...I wanted to change my rash attitude towards her. I never really took the love conversations seriously with her, since she would always bring up the same exact words every day. Now...now I feel bad, that I tried to shut her up because of the repetition, and I wouldn’t have the chance to truly show her how I feel now until it’s my turn to pass away. My dad, I always had a great time with him....but I never really thanked him for all of the things I did with him. All I did was enjoy it, and take all of the experiences for granted. Now I regret it...so much...I really want to say to him that I really did enjoy those times by heart, to thank him for those times...but that too, I cannot tell him my true words anymore. I just regretted everything that I could have done and said towards my parents, but now they’re gone and those words had never reached them. Of course, they could hear me, but I would never get their response towards those regrets I have. Since this happened all too soon, I began to think forwards with our future. Kuro and I are alone, we don’t have our parents anymore, and I’m not legally old enough to live on my own with my brother. Meaning...both of us are to be sent away to an orphanage...and the possibility of being separated from Kuro was very very high. I’ve already lost my parents and the chances to make it up for them, and now I could lose Kuro and both of us will be unhappy. For now...I guess...I should not make any more regrets to myself...and comfort Kuro until that day we separate. As he sobbed silently onto my jacket, I gently wiped the tears off of his face with my fingers. At the same time, I really wanted to cry out my feelings this very moment, I didn’t want to do that, I already had enough of those moments back at the car crash incident and those Shadow Replicas I had to fight. Speaking of Shadow Replicas, makes me wonder why those things decided to come up at that time. More importantly, are the Shadow Replicas actually controlled by someone or what? I don’t know myself...but maybe Miki would have an answer to that. And if there is someone behind the attack...just who the hell is that person! Miki should know...makes me wonder too where exactly did the spirit wander off to since that incident? Maybe some spiritual world? Like I would really know, but again, all of those answers will come up soon. “Hey, Kaika-san....I really feel sorry for you and Kuro,” Luki’s voice came up from behind me. My new survival instincts that I obtained since that incident came up to me, and I immediately turn my head towards Luki’s direction. I then calmed myself down, a low look I showed instead of anxiety. Because of my constant thought process, I almost completely forgot that there was Luki’s family accompanying us here. Everyone else that attended the funeral immediately left for the reception...those greedy b******s... I bet none of those people that left for the food really cared about my parents. Yet, I feel grateful, and Kuro should too. We decided to stay at our parents’ side in this cemetery, we didn’t want to cross our ties with them. Same goes towards Luki’s family, I really thank them for that...but I felt too down to even speak those same words from my head through my voice. “....thanks...but shouldn’t you be at the reception. Everyone else should be there...” I silently mumbled with a smile, but that smile disappeared when I questioned why they were even doing here. I could understand that they’re pitying both Kuro and myself...but I felt quite awkward that they’re willing to accompany us out of this pity. Maybe because this entire experience felt so personal to me, that it would only feel right if it were only Kuro and I standing here with our parents’ graves. “Actually, my family agreed towards a thing to help you two out....erm, thinking on how I could put this into words....” Luki tried to not sound too enthusiastic since that kind of mood doesn’t particularly make sense in a cemetery. I could already tell that this was somewhat important, since Luki was starting to get nervous on wording choice. Can’t blame her though, both myself and Kuro are heart-wrenched by the entire car crash incident. While she was thinking of some appropriate way to say whatever she wanted to say, I gave her a look that literally meant “Go on with it already” in which it was like I was staring straight into her soul. “Oh! I got it! Since things aren’t as great for you guys, my family is willing to adopt you two, so we’ll be living together and we already know each other. It’ll work out,” Luki came up with what to say, and tried to give us a good mood. The first thought that comes into mind was to immediately decline the offer...but wait, this could be it. What was I thinking? I would potentially screw myself and Kuro over if I declined the offer, which would mean our potential separation. Not just the separation, but the chances of being adopted by some stranger. This could be the only chance we’ll be with people we actually know, or else problems could occur. Might as well go with this, because this may be the only chance Kuro and I will ever get in this lifetime. “Alright, sounds good,” I smiled, but something made me think that I forced this smile out. That I wasn’t really smiling, but thinking of something else besides the enlightening feels right now. All of the thoughts relating to the car crash incident and the Shadow Replicas are really getting to my head right now, that I’m worrying too much on the matter. I should really take a break from all of that and focus on my actual life in front of me. “Nice! I’ll tell my parents, so we can get that all settled with. We’ll be leaving soon, so c’mon,” Luki sounded excited, that we’ll be living with them for awhile now. It’s true, sounds really exciting to me too. It’s that it seems that I can’t get that feeling going because of the place we’re in and what happened a few days. All of that doesn’t want to leave my head that badly. Silently, I gaze down at Kuro, he was still sobbing, but not as much as before. His mood could had improved by the news of the adoption, but it felt too fast for him probably to move onto a new family right after the deaths of our parents. I would feel the same too, but I knew we had to move on at some point. We can’t do much if we’re sobbing all of the time, but it’s fine once in awhile. Our parents might not like the idea of grieving for that long too. However, I should do some duty as an older sister to comfort Kuro through this... W-What....what the hell!?!! Why now! Why is she doing here!?!!! My eyes widened with surprise and shock, no one would see this as my hair was covering my eyes...but why? Doesn’t she know that appearing in the plain open area would get herself seen! In plain sight to everybody, I saw Miki standing nearby us, contentedly watching all of us. Out of all of the times, she appears now. I knew I wanted to see Miki to ask her more things about this pact, the Shadow Replicas, and how much responsibility do I have. Yet, this isn’t the greatest time to for that, I can’t just casually ask Miki all of that when I have other people here. I don’t want to reveal my supernatural pact to anyone, it seemed too much for some average person to comprehend. Heck, I don’t even think I’m an “average” person anymore, but that’s just me again. “He-...” I was about to say out loud, until Miki immediately shot back at me to silence my words. “Stay quiet Kaika. You will disclose my unseen and unheard presence to them. It is too soon to reveal such things in the open. Please refrain from that kind of action as well. What is fine is that I can hear your thoughts clearly, so communicate to me from those thoughts. As you have this Spiritual Pact of Life Energy, you are privileged to be aware of my presence, and that is why no one else cannot do the same with me,” Miki explained to me immediately, sounding like she has explained something like this already in past lives...I think. Alright, she can hear my thoughts, so this might feel like talking to myself within my subconscious. Erm, doesn’t that she can hear me thinking all of this all the time...okay, that’s a bit creepy and cool at the same time. Let’s test this out...um, Miki, nod once if you can hear this! Silently, Miki nodded once, just like I thought to her about. Wow, so it’s all true, that she can hear my thoughts loud and clear. Geez, as if this Spiritual Pact gets any cooler, but it’s a responsibility. Imagining it, I’ll be vocally talking to my friends and mentally talking to Miki or any other kind of spiritual presence all at the same time. Well, I’m going to be drained out from all of that, but I guess I’ll get used to it some time after a few weeks. I glanced a bit at Kuro and Luki’s family. They are completely unaware and oblivious to the spirit that is standing right next to me, so I guess it’s really true. God, Miki is right all the time, the point is so obvious to me now. So it does make sense Miki, at least no one would know I’m speaking to a spirit who gave me supernatural powers.... “It is necessary. If the pact is revealed to average Livings, they will react with a large reaction, and it would be easier for Shadow Replicas to track down your presence if your pact is that known by Livings. You don’t want the chances of other Livings to ponder too much on your pact,” Miki replied to me right away, explaining to me the backlash that I will get if I revealed that I had these abilities. Well, that’s good to now. Mental note taken. So nice that I know about that...now, what was that I was wondering on what to tell you. Oh yeah! Miki, I was meaning to ask you this, I know that I’m a pact bearer of energy and to face some evil...but what am I against? Curious about that. “that is exactly what I was going to tell you as of now,” Miki merely replied with this. Wow, she does read me that well. Of course, she is some centuries old spirit that could had done this for like hundreds of times...but I get surprised by her feats every time...it never gets old. Even though I couldn’t possibly talk to Miki out loud, but I let a slight smile slide from my face and had it vanish like nothing happened. “Kaika-san! Kuro-chan! We’re leaving now! C’mon! We gotta go!” Luki yelled from a distance away from both Kuro and I. Silently, without any word to say to both me or Luki, Kuro pried himself out of my arms, and began to walk towards where Luki’s family was. I only stood there with a ton of mental tension in mind. Sure, I would have to handle two different lives at the same time...but how much can I actually do from both? I quickly glanced at Miki before looking away. Alright, I’ll take the challenge to handling two different lives, so Miki, go ahead with the explanation. I’m all ears for it, and don’t worry, I know what I’m doing when it comes to pretending and acting. “If you say so. I request from you are attentive ears, I will not repeat this for you,” Miki spoke in response to my thoughts that were aimed at her. Sounds easy to keep track of. In response towards her, I say that I’m, again, all ears to the explanation. Hopefully it wouldn’t feel like a history class, since she is about to explain to me the concept of the spiritual pact. With the addition that I couldn’t just stand around and wait for the explanation to begin, I still had to handle the life of being the normal girl: Kaika Cho, with the parallel life of a Spiritual Pact Bearer on that same treading line. Without any words and keeping my head down as if I were still in despair, I began to slowly walk towards Luki’s family, following them to their car. They wouldn’t try to talk to me as much as that would mean ruining the dark mood even more, that is, if my psychology methods are helping out here. So, I shouldn’t be talking that much or being talked to, which would help since I could clearly listen to Miki during her explanation. “The pact system was made by the Spiritual World’s Elder Spirits to deem it possible for spiritual action to coexist with living action, and maintain the balances within the Spiritual World and the Living World. The Living World is where we take place this very moment, but yet, no one else in this car can recognize my presence. That is because they are only normal Livings, or in your understanding, humans. Now, with reality logic, the Living World is a core reality, meaning that there is nothing that the Living World can overlap, and stands on it’s own. There is a Spiritual World reality, which layers itself over the Living World, deeming it impossible for the Living World and it’s inhabitants to recognize. And yet, the Spiritual World and it’s inhabitants are able to recognize the lower existence of the Living World. That is because the Spiritual World is considered to be layered over the Living World. This somewhat includes Pact Bearers with a slight exception. Because of the pact you now bear, your spiritual awareness has risen up than what it was before. For example, you can now recognize my presence while no one else can’t,” Miki bombarded me with the longest explanation I’ve heard in my life thus far. Heck, this could be even longer than the lectures I’ve had to sit through from my teachers and parents. Considering that this is all completely new to me, so there had to be more...right? Miki, you’re going to continue, that this isn’t really a completed explanation yet. Oh boy... “Continuing with this, there is also a drawback going towards the Spiritual World. While the Livings have no interaction or effect to the Spiritual World, this also means that the Spiritual World cannot do things to the Living World considering that most in the core reality is physical. Spirits cannot do such things if they aren’t with a physical form of a Living. So, in order to cause effect in the Living World, the Spiritual World Council created the Spiritual Pact System, creating a linkage between an Elder Spirit and a qualified Living . That way, the powers of the Elder Spirit are temporarily given to Livings, depending if Partial or Full power is used with the pact. There are different affinities of Elder Spirits, like for instance, forest and water. You bear the affinity Life Energy, which I too bear. You are special to bear the Life Energy Pact, since most Livings must have a large amount of Soul Energy to possess the pact, and you are one of the rare Livings to have such a trait. Soul Energy is the life energy that makes up the Living World’s life, opposed to the...”Alternate Side,” which bears Death Energy and does the same thing as Soul Energy, but to the Alternate Side,” Miki drew onwards with the lengthy explanation. I feel like I might fall asleep by how this is going...it feels like I’m in one of those history lessons again. Speaking of which, I have to listen fully if I’m going to take this spiritual pact session seriously. My eyes glance over at Kuro and Luki’s family. They seem to be chattering on whatever things they plan to do to make it up for me and Kuro. That would be great, but I still would feel some pain about the entire incident of the car crash. So...Miki, just to get this straight. I was given the pact because my Soul Energy was that high? Hopefully she would respond to my thoughts, she should. I mean, we’re basically having a mental and secret conversation while everyone else in the care is unaware and talking amongst themselves. “Yes, it is a crucial trait to be vertified as a pact bearer of Life Energy,” Miki confirmed my thoughts for me. Well, I guess that’s not too bad. I mean, I’m that special to get this spiritual pact in the first place. Without it...well...I didn’t want to think about that, not now I guess... “As the Living plays their part in the pact by permanently reforming their fate, the Elder Spirit within the pact is also required to place a cost to themselves. That is to store away their past Living memories to gain access into the Living World. I have already done that in order for this Spiritual Pact to be made with you. With that cost already accounted for, we both have to face against a main responsibility before fate cuts it short. Pact Bearers are to maintain the balance of the Living World, the Spiritual World, and the After World. The After World was once the upper reality where dead bodies of deceased Livings dwell after a proper burial is performed for that deceased Living. However, an eon ago, the After World was corrupted from it’s former self when it’s inhabitants were blind with rage to overthrow the Spiritual World. That is where the Spiritual Pact is originated from, to have Livings fight alongside Spirits to restore balance with the After World. Unfortunately, a single Elder Spirit turned the tables and joined alongside the After World. That Elder Spirit is Yasu, the Elder Spirit of Shadows. His true intentions for switching his factions has not been brought to light, not even to this moment. Even after the war, and defeating the rogues from After World, the reality of corpses was not what it was before. It was immediately renamed the “Alternate Side,” where now corpses from deceased Livings are shifted into the forms of Shadow Replicas. Shadow Replicas are the personifications of all negative and ill emotions that originate for the deceased Living within the corpse. That is the main responsibility of Pact Bearers, to eliminate the Shadow Replicas before those cause further harm to both the Living World and the Spiritual World and keep the traitor Yasu in check for the expectations of another “war,”” Miki basically took the spot of “longest explanation ever” with this damn backstory and conception. So...what the hell am I supposed to “say” after that? Well, I did have time, since no one appears to be wanting to talk to me. I glanced at everyone in the car, they were chatting to themselves, not towards me. I quickly glanced at Miki, who gave a reassuring nod. I guess I could respond...let me get this straight Miki. Right now, we’re in the Living World, no doubt about that. Then layered above us without us being able to see it, there’s the Spiritual World watching over us. As for that reality in the “same” position as the Living World, there’s the After World or Alternate Side. My responsibility is basically exterminating Shadow Replicas and babysit Yasu, only because I’m a pact bearer. Is THAT right Miki? I need to be sure if I’m getting this info in right or not. “That is correct. I am sure you can process and relay this information through your soon-to-be actions. It is not only you who has the same responsibility to have a burden of, you aren’t alone,” Miki nodded slowly and confirmed my thoughts exactly to the point. Well, that clears up most of the stuff I wanted to know, but I still wondered about several things. “Hey Kaika-san! Sorry if I’m intruding with your thoughts and stuff, but we’re here. C’mon, let’s get this done and we can rest up at the house,” Luki’s voice snapped me out of my train of thought. It was all too sudden, I guess Miki’s long explanation kept me so out of focus with everyone else, I didn’t realize that we were already at the orphanage to regulate me and Kuro’s adoption. “Coming,” I merely respond, but forced a smile on my face as I leapt out of the car. While I walked beside everyone to the front office of the building, I made a quick glance towards Miki, who was still at my side. Since I would be busy with other thoughts pertaining to this adoption and being with Luki’s family, I’m gonna leave you a little mental note Miki. The stuff you explained to me minutes ago, I think I understand some of it. Not sure, but I’ll get used to it Miki, you’ll see! “That’s pleasant to hear. I’ll leave now so you can focus with this life you have,” Miki understood what I said, and disappeared. I guess she didn’t want to drag my attention away from my real life so far, so I couldn’t really go against that. Makes me wonder when she’ll appear again, I still have many unanswered thoughts I want to make clear with her. *~*~*~*~* “Kaika, lighten up. All of that adoption crap is 10 hours behind us, give yourself a break,” Luki’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Again, I had been trapped in my thoughts, focusing on my Spiritual Pact and Miki’s explanation of it. It all seemed to make sense for me...but there are still little bits that I don’t understand or not sure of. I must had appeared like a silent sitter near Luki, probably giving out the impression that I was still grieving the loss of my parents. In truth, I am still grieving for them, but I can’t keep that from letting me do things that would prevent events like that to happen again. Luki’s right though, I’ve been stressing out like no tomorrow lately. I have to stay away from that impression so no one would think I’m really hiding something...which I am right now. Speaking of lots of thoughts, I haven’t seen Miki at all since she disappeared hours ago. The spirit did tell me that she would reappear when I’m totally alone, and right now doesn’t seem like the time. Luki’s in the room, and I don’t want to seem too suspicious by kicking her out of the bedroom we both shared. At the same time, I impatiently wait for Luki to leave the room and Miki to reappear, I have many questions to ask Miki about. For one, I wanted to know that badly if this was the definite fate I have to take, or was there another fate that could had been mine at the time? I don’t know, but maybe Miki would. I would have to pause that question until she actually reappears. Sinking more into my thoughts, one regretful and desperate thought came to mind: would it be better if Kuro and I died with my parents? So I wouldn’t have to deal with all of this responsibility and burden. No, I can’t be a quitter, I can’t be a person to easily lose hope. Even if it’s going to be a harsh and hard path to complete this responsibility, I’m not going to give up. People are on the line for me, alive and dead. The Spiritual Pact I have is not going to make me do great things just because a spirit told me to. Actually, I would do that, but do more than what I just thought about. I’m using this Spiritual Pact as an opportunity to do those great things, and prevent horrible things to happen...like what happened with my parents. That...is my resolve. Protecting those that I care about and support the Spiritual Pact resolve to create a more peaceful balance between realities: positive and negative. “Hey! Kaika-san! You listening to me or what? It’s like you’re spacing out into LaLa land....are you uncomfortable with the adoption or something?” Luki once again snaps me out of my thoughts, getting very worried about my silent behavior. Yup, I should really lay off the intense thinking until I’m alone or with Miki, I would kinda get people worried or suspicious about me. “I was listening, just that...I don’t have much to say...” I merely sighed. Since I didn’t want to appear suspicious to my friend, I only appeared to be depressed. Hopefully that would make her think I’m still upset about the car crash incident. “Oh....okay?” Luki said awkwardly, not sure where to drag the conversation to. So I did give off the impression, that’s good. I don’t have to literally throw every fake impression I have from this point. Just to be sure, I keep myself quiet and stared at my feet on the ground. “Rest up though Kaika-san. Don’t want you to grow white hair or something. Gonna do stuff in the house,” Luki obviously made some excuse to leave the room, which is fine. I don’t have to make her feel any more awkwardness or me having to navigate from revealing too much about how I truly feel. I silently watched her leave the room, closing the room’s door behind her. Now it’s alone time for me...unless Miki decides to reappear now....and now....now... Where is the spirit when you need one~? “As I promised, I am here for my confirmations that you may have,” Miki spoke as she reappeared in the room with no warning of it. Well...at least she’s here. Considering that I’m alone with her, I think it would be fine if I talked to her with my actual voice rather than my thoughts. “So?...was left off from your explanation? It was cut short, meaning there could be something you left out,” I decided to confirm this first, since Miki did stop when the adoption stuff happened. “That is all I can explain to you at this point within the Spiritual Pact. I can confirm the uncertainty you have on what I have said before, so what can I confirm for you?” Miki shook her head, not having anything else to share for now. Then says she could confirm my unsure points. Alright, I know exactly what I’m going to ask to Miki. “Yeah, I was wondering. Was there even a chance of me not taking the fate that I have now? As in dying with Kuro and my family back at the car crash, that’s a different fate, right?” I asked about this whole “fate” idea. I had a feeling that Miki would prove me wrong with this, but I wanted to be that sure. “That was the other fate if I did not use that miracle strand to guide you to this fate you are on track of. Nevertheless, it is possible that you could had taken that other fate, and not be alive at this very moment,” Miki answered, saying that it was possible for me to face that one instead of the one I have now. Well...I’m glad that the miracle thingy did something to get me here right now. “Oh...alright...” I simply said, I didn’t have much to say since I am getting tired. It was a long day...or should I say long set of days ever since I got my pact...no, ever since I’ve seen that Shadow Replica. My eyes were already starting to doze off, so might as well listen to my body to sleep. “Meh...I feel tired. Maybe some time tomorrow we can continue this conversation, or later tonight. Dunno. I need a nap or something,” I yawned, and began to unpack my luggage of clothing to find my pajamas. It was only 6:00 PM, didn’t seem like a time to sleep, but I really need to sleep. “That is fine Kaika-sama. However, as you rest, keep in mind that we would have to start on training your skills within your pact. I will guide you through the basic and standards of the pact on that same training session,” Miki nodded, and mentioned something about training. Yup, I knew that was coming, and had a feeling I would need it. Sure, I have super awesome supernatural powers, but if I don’t know how to use them properly, I might get my a*s handed to me so many times I won’t get anywhere. Sounds like I should take the training seriously, and the first step to that, get some sleep. “Sure, cool. Got it. I’m gonna sleep it off, and I’ll be ready for that training,” I grinned at Miki, who didn’t really have much facial expressions. I guess spirits don’t have much reason to smile, frown, or cry. Miki only nodded once again, and then disappeared from sight. At least I could get some actual privacy and change my clothings into my pajamas. Being in a room, undressing with a spirit in the room is more creepier than undressing and there’s a guy stalking me. Meh, might get this over with and get sleep already. Why do I keep on mentally rambling to myself! I was about to take off my top, until I noticed the window was still open and the blinds were up. “Whoa, that’s still open,” I honestly did not notice that window open in the first place. Surely I should cut back at the harsh thinking and pay more attention to things outside the whole spiritual pact stuff. Thinking that some guy could peep at me through the window, I went up to close the window shut and put down the window blinds. With just one noticeable thing, I stopped what I was doing, and lost my focus towards someone. Sota-kun. I could see him from the sidewalk across from the house, and seemed to be walking in the direction towards the residential area of the city, which probably means that he was heading home for the day. Even though I have to rest for a possible training session tomorrow...I just have the sudden urge to go and meet up with him now, maybe make up for my absence at the prom with a date right now. Yeah, I’ll do that. I don’t want to worry Sota-kun too much by not making much contact with him. The thing is...I don’t want to make it awkward and loudly try to get his attention by yelling out of the window. God...that would be stupid. Guess I have to get out of the house to talk to him. Meh, I’ll get back to my rest later. It’s still a bit early for sleeping. Instead of changing into my pajamas, which I’ve originally planned to do, I left myself on with my casual jeans jacket over my pink and white striped top, and my jeans short skirt as well as my brown leather boots. I quietly closed the door of my bedroom behind me once I walked out of there, and silently tip-toed myself down the creaky wooden stairs. I was dead silent and careful of my movements, since I didn’t want any of them to know that I was going to be with Sota-kun. I’m sure they would be fine with me going out to get some fresh air, but besides Luki, I haven’t mentioned anything about my relationship with Sota-kun. They would probably take it as some idea of mine to deal with my apparent grief for my parents. Well...that’s not it, I just want to hang out with Sota-kun, and that’s it. It might count as a date, but I’m hoping it won’t escalate too quickly. I continued my nimble path towards the front door, tip-toeing towards it and hoping that I wouldn’t grab anyone's attention and lose the chance to meet up with Sota-kun. In the meanwhile of getting to the front door, I noticed someone who was still in the living room. Ever since we got home from the adoption process, Kuro had been in the living room the entire time. He honestly appeared fine for awhile, all quiet but wasn’t exactly breaking down. Now...now he was loudly sobbing his grief and sorrows out again, burying his tear-stricken face onto the couch pillow. My heart lurched once I saw him, and I wanted to say something...but then again. I would be invading his personal time. Not that I prefer to spend time dating than with my little brother, but I think it would be best to let him vent out that sadness without me interrupting. Having one last look at Kuro, I slowly turned the knob to the front door, opened the door halfway so I could slip through, and gently closed the door behind me from the outside. Once outside, I took a large breath of air to relieve myself of all of the suspenseful sneakiness, and began to sprint the rest of the way towards Sota-kun, who didn’t seem to be that far from where I was now. Probably hearing the sounds of my running footsteps, he turned around in surprise to see me after nearly a week. “Kaika-chan?” Sota blinked, wondering where I was the entire time this week. I could tell, since he sounded actually relieved that I was here now. “Hi there Sota-kun~! You must had been worried about me. Sorry I couldn’t go to the prom the other night,” I greeted him with an innocent smile, and then apologize that I couldn’t go the prom. It was inevitable with that car crash, but I had a feeling he already had gotten the news revolving on that. “It’s alright...you had other important events to attend to,” Sota tried to make me feel better on not showing up, he certainly knew about my tragic event. So, I guess I should try to avoid that topic as much as possible, because I really don’t want to talk about it to Sota-kun. “Yeah, but I want to make it up to you for that missed date. Do you have the time on you for the rest of the night?” I suddenly brought up my will to ask him out on another date right now. It’s sorta like a win-win for both of us. Sota will finally spend time with me like a date, and I can feel better from the tragedies by having this date. Just one date. “Of course. I have plenty of time before my curfew,” Sota nodded with a smile. Wait...he has a curfew? Well, you learn something new everyday I guess. “Great! How about right now we make up that date? It’ll be quick, and we’ll finally hang out one on one,” I excitedly exclaimed, clapping my hands twice like a cheerful fangirl. I couldn’t help it. Just like Luki’s somehow great dating advice skills, I have strange tendencies to act childish when around guys I have relationships with. “I’m fine for that. I happen to have a lot of free time as well. You can choose where we can have the date at, I don’t mind where it is as long as I am with you,” Sota smiled as he said he was okay with the date. Even if I would sure enjoy this date...something about Sota-kun...I don’t know...it just rubs me the wrong way. Meh, just ignore that Kaika, it’s just going to be a date after all. “Then let’s get going~,” I cheered with excitement and began to lead the way. I could hear Sota chuckle at my bubbly behavior. Couldn’t blame him, it was sorta amusing hearing a teenage girl act like a little girl in a candy store. However, the walk towards the place I had in mind was quite awkward. Sota was silent, and he only talked when I would. Again, I had the most awkward feeling came to me concerning Sota. I don’t know why, but I feel like there was something truly off with him. I glanced to my side for a quick moment...Miki wasn’t there present. I guess she disappeared when I said I was going to rest, but where is what I don’t know about. No, I shouldn’t be over reacting to this simple disturbance. Ever since that pact, I’ve been thinking in a paranoid way. I should just enjoy my time with Sota for now, then it’s back to my serious thinking. After awhile of silent walking, we were in the downtown district of the city. This is where most of the shopping hotspots are at, but the only place I actually go to often in this district was the small cafe that was at the corner of the next block ahead of us. “Well, seems like a nice place to have a date,” Sota commented on how empty the cafe was. Not that the cafe was bad, but it was nice when it wasn’t busy because then you wouldn’t feel awkward with the large amount of people and chatter going around. I only smile in response, and we both walked into the cafe. There was only 2 groups of people here, so it wouldn’t be that bad to have a date here. For a moment, I glanced over to Sota to see a light smile on his face. Only a smile managed to make me feel happy during this time with him, and I knew that Sota was happy to be with me too. Yet, I still have that bothering feeling in my head, as if one of my new powers from my spiritual pact is starting act funny. I don’t know how to describe it, but I can actually sense and feel the spiritual energies within everyone in the cafe, including Sota. When I felt his spiritual energy...it has a strange mysterious feel to him that strikes a nerve inside me. Why does his energy feel different than everyone else? “C’mon, let’s take out seats,” Sota’s voice broke me out of my mindful tension, snapping me back into action. His gentle tone was enough for me to get back into sense. “Oh yeah...right,” I nervously laughed and then sat down at a table booth near the back. Coming back for more, the silence came about, and it made me think that I should begin another conversation to keep away the awkward silence. “This cafe is one of my favorites to go to in the downtown area,” I spoke a little about why I’m so fond of this cafe. I knew this was fit to be a good intro into a conversation. “I can see why it would be a favorite of yours. It reflects more of your personality in my opinion,” Sota complimented on my statement, putting some large vocabulary to comment me in a positive way. With his sophomore vocabulary and gentle tone of voice, I tried to resist the urge to blush, but I couldn’t as my cheeks flushed light red. “I know, maybe it’ll be your favorite place to hang out later on,” I blushed even more as I replied to him. I’m going to enjoy this time with Sota, but I do have stuff to rest up for...like the training of my spiritual pact. It’s like I’m living a normal life right now, and at some random point I’m a secret spiritual hero or something. “Good evening, how may I help you?” a waiter spoke as he walked over to our table booth. Well, that was one way to ruin some of the romantic feel, but I don’t really mind. I could always get back into the mood with Sota. “Of course, just iced tea for me,” I requested, since I always come here as a regular. It would be normal for the waiter to know what my order would be. “Just lemonade,” Sota mumbled, not saying much for now. Geez, he’s all talkative to me, but such a recluse to everyone else. Guess I know what to do with him when we meet up again. “Sure, I will get that right away,” the waiter nodded and walked away. Awkward silence then made an appearance once we were left alone. What could I do to get us talking again? Because this silence is sure getting repetitive. While I tried to think of something, I would find myself being distracted by Sota’s gleaming eyes. Losing it a bit, I went into a day-dreaming state on what other things I could do with Sota-kun. “Kaika-chan...I realized that we could be a great match for each other,” Sota finally spoke up without my starting voice to begin with. My attention certainly kicked back into gear once he said those exact words. “R-Really? You think that for us?” I stuttered with my words in surprise. I thought I would be the one saying that, but I guess Sota beat me to it with those words. Sota only lightly smiled, and continued his point. “Of course. Most of my other relationships didn’t carry out, only because my earlier dates only wanted to be with me because of popularity. with you, you are the most honest and caring I’ve seen yet. You’re strong hearted too, because you didn’t completely lost yourself when the car incident happened. You care for the real me, so I know we can be the perfect match,” Sota explained, being completely honest with his words. I just couldn’t come up with the right response physically and mentally, that’s how surprised I was after his words were spoken. “As a first date goes on Kaika-chan, I owe you a gift. That gift, to me, is special, and I suppose it is for you,” Sota spoke right when he got off his seat at the table. My heartbeat tended to accelerate it’s frequency, I had the feeling that it was coming, and I couldn’t work up the words to immediately reply to him. Everything around us stopped as I felt my own surprise reveal itself. Right now, this second, I stared at Sota with dazed eyes. This feeling was so cherishable, I never thought I would be in this position ever during high school. The pleasant feelings were how I felt before and after as the following happened...a kiss on the lips from Sota. My lips touched his. No words can truly portray this moment to me once it started, and came to it’s end seconds later. “A thoughtful gift for a first, don’t you think?” I smiled after the kiss, my cheeks flushed with a dark red blush covered my face. “Don’t fret just yet, that’s only the first part of many for my gift to you,” Sota whispered contently to my ears, his breath gave me a slight shock, like a wake up call. Because of the lack of words I had on my head, I only gave another of my happy smiles towards him again. We had a kiss, so I had a feeling that we weren’t go any further than a kiss and that meant that the date was close to an end. While gazing at Sota’s eyes once again...I found myself also staring at a familiar figure that would bring dark memories. No! Why now? Oh well...I’m pretty sure those are Shadow Replicas outside...and they’re starting to spawn outside the cafe like a dangerous plague. How about Sota? I want to protect him, but what would he think about this next situation? What can I do to get us out without using my powers? Yeah, I have a complicated life here. While I was panicking within the safety of my thoughts, my facial expression was slightly giving away my fear towards Sota, who noticed my uncertain expression. Slowly, he turned his head slightly to his behind to come across the chaos that was being created by the Shadow Replicas outside. “W-What the hell!?!! What’s going on!” Sota certainly was panicking as much as I could be in right now, in shock of the sight of the Shadow Replicas. I was silent, but I had some idea to slip through the Shadow Replicas and keep this knowledge of mine a secret from him. “Whatever those things are...we have to leave, now. Don’t worry about everyone else, they can take care of themselves. We have to do the same thing too,” I said with a gulp. I was confident that we could survive this, it wasn’t that much Shadow Replicas, but I couldn’t really use my powers against them this time. “Alright, I trust you, so I guess you’ll lead the way,” Sota assumed, seeing that his new girlfriend wasn’t completely freaking out as he was. Well, at least I’m appearing strong-hearted as he described me to be earlier. Yet, I felt even more nervous than earlier, but I tried not to show it through my face. “Then let’s get going,” I declared before I swallowed in a deep breath of air. Immediately without wasting a second, I held tightly on Sota’s hand, and we both ran out of the cafe and into the horde of Shadow Replicas. To some, it was like a suicide act to just run through a horde of monsters. Well, I’m sure as hell that I knew that we would be fine, just a few scratches maybe but nothing too major. I’ve fought against them before...once, but there wasn’t as much as the last time so it should be fine. Every time a Shadow Replica would lunge at us, I would immediately drag ourselves out of that line of direction and kept on running for our dear lives. “Do you know where we’re going exactly? Those things are on our tail,” Sota asked with worry after seeing that the Shadow Replicas were steadily gaining towards our backs. Well, it’s only me they’re after. I’m the pact bearer after all, of course they’ll go after the one with all of the power. “Just trust me, we’re going to shake those things off before going back home,” I reassured him before I swerved ourselves into a tight alleyway. Obviously, there was a clear dead end at the end of the alleyway. While Sota felt unsure of my actions, I knew what to do here.. Once at the end, I pushed a garbage bin out of the way and opening a set of wooden doors that led to a basement of the building next to us. “C’mon,” I whispered to him, and quickly jumped down to the basement. Sota rushed in after me, and I slammed the wooden doors shut behind us. From there, we were safe...I hope. We’re definitely out of sight from them, so that could mean that we’ve lost them for now. Might as well get home and rest up before anything else happens. “There, we’re safe. I know my way through here, so let’s head home,” I mumbled. When I was younger, I usually went through these secret underground passageways with Luki and my old friends (which moved some time ago) to sneak to places that our parents wouldn’t allow us to go to. Those were good times, and luckily my knowledge of that would help us go home from here. It was dark though, so I took out my phone and used that as a flashlight to guide ourselves out. Soon, we would reach the exit, that would lead us to a close by part of the city’s residential area we lived in. “That was quite the eventful date for a first. Thanks for the great time and saving us back there,” Sota thanked me, smiling and waving. I, again, didn’t have much to say, and only smiled and waved back. From there, we split and departed back to our own homes. Hopefully no one’s noticed me out the house yet. *~*~*~*~* Some time after getting back to the house after the date with Sota, I felt relieved that no one actually knew that I was gone. Tired out by the sudden adrenaline rush while running away from Shadow Replicas, I immediately went into the bedroom to finally get some rest. However, I had a feeling that I should check in with Miki, why didn’t she appear when Shadow Replicas popped up? “Miki? You there!” I whispered very quietly in the bedroom. She wouldn’t want to distrub and get caught by Luki, who was already sleeping inside the bedroom. “Yes. Is something the matter?” Miki soon appeared to me, sounding emotionless as usual. “Yeah, almost got ambushed by Shadow Replicas during my date with Sota. Why weren’t you there to help me out? I was basically holding back on using powers with my boyfriend with me,” I explained and wondered about the spirit’s whereabouts during that date meanwhile. “Since you’ve stated earlier that you’ll rest for the night, I shifted into the Spiritual World. I only knew there was a slight outbreak of Shadow Replicas. I did not know of your presence in the outbreak. Do not worry, however, another pact bearer took care of the situation in your absence of power,” Miki explained without any breaks or pauses. Well, she can sure teach me something for a challenge some other day. “Another pact bearer?” I stuttered. I was curious. I remember her mentioning about different pact bearers besides me earlier today, but I want to know which kind of pact bearer did all of the fighting for me today. “Yes. I believe it is the pact bearer of electricity. Yet, I do not know of the pact bearer’s identity as a Living,” Miki nodded and definitely caught my inner thoughts on the manner. “Alright, I’m sleeping for real this time. Okay Miki, this time you can go for the night,” I yawned, and tried to make this clear for Miki. I guess she takes her job that seriously as a pact spirit to take whatever I say as serious business. “Then rest. It will be needed for the training tomorrow,” Miki nodded before disappearing from sight. I only fell asleep soon afterwards. Sota...I’m going to keep you safe...just like the others...© 2014 CoincidentalMadness |
Added on May 27, 2014 Last Updated on May 27, 2014 Author![]() CoincidentalMadnessSan Francisco, CAAboutI'm must a random otaku with a crazy mind. :P more..Writing