![]() 1 - Kaika ChoA Chapter by CoincidentalMadness![]() The introduction of our soon-to-be Spiritual Pact Bearer of Life Energy.![]() Kaika’s POV I feel all worn out throughout my body, the soreness getting to me and my head. Why did I decide to go with Luki’s friends anyways? They’re that idiotic to that all of the crazy stunts, I bet Luki and myself were the only sane ones there, no offense to her being friends with them though. I literally felt like one of those hungover partygoers that’s passed out in someone else’s bed. When I tried to force my eye lid open, the morning sun’s light snuck into my eyes, having me snap back to sleep. Being enthusiastic about the morning was never a feat of mine, it will never be. It’s even worse now, thanks to deciding to hang out with stupid people last night. Besides the struggle I had trying to get myself out of bed, I had a bad feeling that the clock was gonna give me some bad news. Honestly, it’s obvious as to why I DO NOT prefer to be the creepy morning people that wake up somewhere at 4am. Knowing that myself wouldn’t be happy with this, but I had no other choice. In order to get one out of bed, one must force the comfort away from oneself. Erm, I think that’s right. I threw the sheets off of my bed, having it fall a bit off of the bed and touching the floor. Meh, I didn’t care. I would fix that up when I felt like it after school anyways. Groggily rubbing my eyes, yawning, and stretching my aching body, a single detail got my body into full adrenaline mode. The time was 9:07 am. Oh god, I swore that I felt the adrenaline rush go down my veins, and the obvious smacked me in the face. “S**t! I’m late! I’m late I’m late I’m late I’m late!” I cursed at the top of my lungs, not knowing that my bedroom window was open. Sorry neighbors, just deal with it for now, because I’m dealing with the worst of outcomes for myself. Disorientation of my thoughts and movements were swarming around in my head like rabid creatures. I plunged into my closet, snatching pieces of clothing that didn’t match, but since when did I care when I knew I was going to be late for school: ON THE LAST DAY. With clothing randomly picked out, I threw those clothing pieces over me, not making sure it was neat, I had time to do that when I actually get to my first class if I make it on time. Clothing, check! Backpack, check! Breakfast...erm, I should make this quick. Bursting out of my bedroom, I literally sped out of the room and down the stairs like a missile that’s been locked onto a certain target. For me, I’m locked on grabbing a breakfast that I could eat on my run to school. Entering the kitchen, I grabbed a granola bar from the pantry, ripped the packaging open, and shove the snack into my mouth. Awkwardly, my rush ended for a bit as I finally noticed the strange looks that I was getting from my little brother, Kuro. He’s a lucky little boy. Getting to get off of the school year earlier than me. “Um...Kaika-oneesan...I,” Kuro stuttered, being shy with his words. I knew he would be the type to be like that. However, I’m not going to criticize him for that, he’s only 11 after all. “It’s nothing! Really!...Bye!” I immediately reassure him, not wanting him to worry about me. It would be bad enough that he began to misunderstand me at times, since kids his age would do the same. Before he could reply to me with curiosity, I dashed out of the house at that moment. Maybe he would think the conversation was over, which would conclude his thoughts. I had other things to worry about, like getting to school now. I would explain a bit to my brother after school, so, can’t worry about that. Once out of the grounds of my household, I pick up speed and begin to sprint down the sidewalk of my neighborhood, my grasp tightened around the left shoulder strap of my backpack. I didn’t bother to use the backpack straps properly, it didn’t matter that much to me if I used it or not. I didn’t care of all of the other things that I was doing “my way”, I had a school day to get over with, and that’s final! My sprint speed dropped a bit when I felt a vibrating motion in my jeans pocket. With my free hand, I snatch my iPhone 4 out to see a text message from Luki. The text message had this in it: Hey Kaika-san~ Where r u? The first class is over already! Oh boy. I am that late, and it’s pretty much clear when I miss the first 70 minutes of the day. It’s clearly that obvious already! That obvious, I f*****g know about my situation!...I’m going to make that clear for her. That’s going to be the next thing on my “To Do” list after getting myself into the school. So, I should hurry up so I could savour that...and I could also say a bit about yesterday’s events if I have the chance. God, I am that type that likes revenge, no wonder people say that about me. I heartly laugh to nobody as I picked up speed towards the school building with a sprint. Then a strange sight catches my non-attentive eye. It’s hard to tell if I’m starting to see things out of my school stress or that it was really there. Maybe I should get some way to recording this sighting down for the public, but I was quite alone at the time, so I guess that’s a naive idea by it’s own. What I saw as an “abnormal sighting” was an ominous and eerie shadow near the stop sign down the block. I could take this shadowy figure as a silhouette of a person...but who? Is this really there? Am I starting to go crazy from the results of mental stress? Well, all I know is I could be staring straight at the creepy silhouette shadow from a distance, and god knows what would happen next. Honestly, I wasn’t much of a fanatic towards the supposed “supernatural”, but my interest peaked enough from a simple sighting. Curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself cautiously taking steps towards the humanoid shadow. I felt like I was going to regret doing this, but this is better than just ignoring the damn thing! Drawing close to the “supernatural” sight, and unconsciously held out my hand. Like it would try and take my hand in regards, it’s some way I thought to see if this was fricken’ real. My eyes blink once, and the shadow disappeared from sight without warning or a single trace. The sudden disappearing act gave me a conflicted feeling, relief and uncertainty. Sure, I was glad enough that I wouldn’t have to worry about it that much, and that I would be able to refocus myself into school. However...I felt like this would later bite me in the a*s since I tried to make contact with the shadow. “Oh well...” the disappointed sigh mumbled from my lips. I wanted to at least figure out what the shadow was and why exactly did I see it. Maybe I was seeing things... I continued to walk the rest of the way towards my school, the sighting had drained out all of my adrenaline to sprint any longer. *~*~*~*~* “There you are! You missed your first class! Didn’t you get the text?” my friend exclaimed from down the hallway, waving her arms to get my attention. Luki’s always been a loud and enthusiastic person, and that’s why I like her as a friend. Yet, I didn’t see a reason for exclamations when I’m across a hallway when classes are about to start once more. Might as well answer her so she wouldn’t bug me about it for the next 6 hours. “Sure, I did get the text, but I knew that it would be about being late...it’s obvious...oh, and I just got distracted by something while walking here,” I immediately came up with that response, and hopefully she would buy the lie. I personally thought I should keep the strange sighting to myself and myself only. The very next thing I needed lingering on me was the paranormal stuff going on and getting bugged about it by the public. But what’s the very least of that happening? “Huuuuhhhhh...of course,” Luki sighed in dismay while we stopped over at our lockers. Of course, she would be able to see through my “lies”, she’s been my friend for almost over 5 years now. Luki would know almost everything about me...but then again, it would be sorta creepy if she knew my “personal” details. Yet, why am I even labeling my friend in the “creepy” factor? I silently laugh to myself as I took out several textbooks and notebooks, expecting Luki to ask what’s so funny. She only stands by me, waiting for me to be ready so we could go to our next class. That’s both pleasant and annoying at the same time. It’s great to have some silence after all...but it got somewhat annoying since silence wasn’t Luki’s usual vibe. Wait...Luki wasn’t waiting for me to get ready at all. Her eyes were focusing on someone else, who? Quietly, I turned my head to whatever or whoever was behind me. Nothing unusual. All my eyes met was a tall and slim black-haired boy. No attention came from him, but it made me wonder if Luki was the one who had the interest in him. She was staring at him contently in the first place, so it had to be! I kept myself from blurting out anything that sounded weird to Luki, seeing how long she would focus her attention to the boy. Seconds later, an affectionate sigh escapes her lips, her expression full of lovey-dovey thoughts. Alright, I think I’ve seen enough. “Erm...Luki-san, what’s up with the sighing and staring?” I spoke up, raising an eyebrow at her captivated mannerisms. It was needed since I knew that Luki was a little loopy when it comes to love. “Oh, hihihihi...I was just, uh...snatching a good glimpse of Sota-kun~...” Luki nervously blushed and laughed once she found herself caught by me. Even if I felt like I knew what I was seeing first of all...but that was my assumption that it was. Sota, though, was quite someone that girls in my school would try to win his love for, so I couldn’t really blame Luki’s feelings. He just seemed...I’m not sure how to put it, just that desirable. I’m not even sure myself that if I’m falling for him as well. “Of course you would. You’re that sort of person,” I nonchalantly sigh and closed my locker soon after that sigh. She would see the subliminal message I gave out this time, and Luki only nervously laughed once again. “You’re thinking that I’m a romantic type, aren’t ya? Actually, I wasn’t eyeing him ‘cus I’m falling for him...which I want to be right now,” Luki let out a funny grin, and threw a sarcastic expression at me. Oh...so she wasn’t falling for him...then what was giving her the idea to stare into his soul or something! “Actually, I was just staring at him because I really think you’re his kind of girl,” Luki casually sounded off, stretching her arms up above her head. W-What!?!! How! When!...Seriously! I was never the one who found interest in crushes and relationships, what kind of method of thinking does Luki have!...on another note, in honesty...I think I’m feeling some deep and held in feelings for Sota. Is Luki really okay with her choice of wording? Or is this some tease attempt? “What?...Just what gives you the thought that I’m a...erm, possible girlfriend for Sota-kun? He could have someone in mind already, and that the prom is coming up soon so it could be too late for that,” I shook my head, not thinking the same way she was. But there was a chance that I would be interested to get to know Sota at least. I’m not so sure on the topic...maybe it’s just my emotions getting the best of me, to be captivated by Sota’s looks. “C’mon, I could tell from your face that you so want to get at him~” Luki teasingly smirked, making a mock impression of a lovey-dovey pose. Oh, how I want to smack you in the face so badly! You’re lucky that we’re in school! The public is your saviour right now Luki! “That’s usually my normal face, thank you very much,” I said, rolling my eyes. yet, I feel like I really do have a crush for Sota...and that my lie did not slip through that well as I thought it would. “See! I told you you’re perfect for him! It’s perfect! He says that he hasn’t gotten a date for the prom yet, and I can see that you two are just perfect for each other!” Luki happily got me cornered on this one. I blushed deeply. Damn...why does Luki have to be the romantic one in our friendship pair. “I...urgh...don’t....god d****t, you just love to do that, really?” I quickly try to come up with something clever to hide my potential and true feelings towards Sota, but I couldn’t hold in those feelings. However, I never thought I would gather feelings for a second year student in high school that easily within a few minutes. I must have some weird mannerisms on me, the fact that my adrenaline hallucinated me to see the shadow this morning, and the fact that Luki’s love-blinded advice managed to make me fall for Sota, who I had no interest towards in the first place until now. “Hah! I knew it! But don’t worry, I’ll help you get Sota falling for you too, trust me on this one!” Luki boasted in the victory of getting me onto her romantic ideas. God, what have I done by surrendering?. “Humor me. What kind of things that Sota-kun would see in me? What would make him want to be with a simple first year student in high school?” I groaned, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “Oh, he just wants to see someone who’s true to heart with their actions, feelings, and words. You’re that kind of person that’s straightforward and honest, I know you! So, you could go meet up with him now! He’s just there down the hallway,” Luki tried not to sound too loud, considering that Sota was just there down the hallway. Oh, this is surely going to end so well~ “So basically be myself?...” I pointed at myself and gave her a funny look. Her description of me was so wrong. I wasn’t honest. I wasn’t straightforward. The only things that were true about me was being a clever liar and a vague person, but yet, that’s how I see me. If Luki sees me as this opposite...would Sota be the same when viewing me? Would he accept me? “That’s it! Now get him tiger!” Luki said enthusiastically to me and pushed me towards Sota direction. Now that was uncalled for. I can perfectly walk to him on my own, thank you very much. I stare nervously at Sota, who stood several yards in my line of sight. Yet, he wasn’t directly gazing at me. Actually, that’s fine with me. I didn’t want to appear too nervous towards him. Either I win his heart, or potentially screw myself over with the chance and the other chances of winning other boys’ hearts!...Jesus Christ Kaika, just calm down, and casually talk to the guy. It isn’t a life and death situation...right? “Y-You’re Sota-kun, right?” I spoke to him with my inner heart beat fastening. Why am I so nervous when dealing with love d****t! I feel so weak, so helpless! This isn’t really much what I’m cut out for...or maybe I’m just doubting myself too early. When am I going to stop contradicting myself for crying out loud!...I should relax and breathe. This is only asking a guy from my school for a date for the prom, this shouldn’t be so nerve-racking. “Yes, that’s me. I’ve heard of you from the visual art classes, you have a talent with those artistic utensils. Your name is Kaika, I suppose,” Sota had a gentle and compelling expression upon his face. His first words towards me in person were praising me for my hobby in creating art. As much as I don’t pay much mind to the matter, I always resulted in sketching out a simple yet extravagant piece of art when I felt troubled or bored. It became a habit of mine when I was first introduced to the topic. I never knew I would be praised for it in a way like this, it made me feel warmth inside. Especially near my heart, but it wasn’t enough to convince me to ask him out. I needed to talk to him more than these simple greetings. “That’s me, going by the flow. So...erm, I actually came over to ask you something,” I spoke with some hesitation but kept on going. I’m not sure why, but my choice of words seemed to be the worst for this kind of situation. I literally wanted to facepalm at myself as of now. C’mon Kaika, just spit it out already! I’m just asking out Sota for one date. One date! How hard could it be? “Go ahead. I would like to listen and answer your question,” Sota nodded, and waited for my question. Oh god...just say “want a date with me?” already! Wait...that’s a little straightforward, that it sounds desperate. Arghhhhhh, seriously, why did you put me into this situation Luki!?!! Now I’m falling for him thanks to your prom suggestion! “Oh, since it is coming up tomorrow...I was wondering if you would be my date...for that night,” I tried my best to hide the redness of my blush, and gazing a bit to the side. This felt so embarrassing, but I felt like I had to and there wasn’t anymore turning back once I was talking to him now. The reason why I had no interest in love is coming back to me, that asking people out was what got me disinterested about love and relationships. I dunno why I thought like this at first, but maybe I was just shy and lazy to even talk to some boy and ask him out. Hopefully this will pull off, that Sota wasn’t that type of person to refuse or be rash about it. Even though he doesn’t appear to be that type of guy...I can never be too sure. “I don’t see a reason to refuse, in fact, I honestly think we should,” Sota heartily smiled in agreement.....W-W-WHAT!?!!! It...It was THAT easy!!! I’m so confused...we both just met, and he’s already accepting it like we’ve been together for a year. Is there something I’m missing here? Am I daydreaming? No...this is fricken’ reality! Just keep calm Kaika, and act pleasant about the accepted date. “Y-You would?” I mumbled in surprise, considering that he answered straight away. Then I should had been straightforward with him earlier, he would be okay with the first thing up at him. Still...what besides art makes me a girl that he would want to fall for too? “Of course, Kaika-chan. I haven’t gotten a date yet, because I wanted to save that spot for a special person, and you’re that special person. I know this sounds sudden and abrupt, but I couldn’t help and miss the opportunity. If this is fine with you, of course, I wouldn’t want to be against your heart’s contempt,” Sota blissfully complimented me as if I were to be engaged to him at that moment, and my hearing lowered to only revolved between me and Sota’s voice. His voice, it resounds in my head with an enchanting presence like an angel’s harp. God, his words are that well-thought out, I want to make out with him now! But yet again, I didn’t want to draw too much attention of the other students towards us, especially the girls that are envious to get with Sota too. Plus, we just met, and trying to get to know each other so quickly. “R-Really?...that’s heartwarming to hear that. I’ve never been described before with those kinds of words,” I stuttered a bit at the beginning to give him my share of flattering words. I never actually knew that one single conversation with one single person would completely change how I act, mostly my rebellious personality. Guess love is just something that causes things to appear different than someone’s true colors. “That’s why I wanted to ask you of the same regards to the prom, but you happened to do so first. Anyhow, it’s set, so we’ll get to know each other more tomorrow night, the night of the prom. I have classes to go to, and I suppose you do as well. So I’ll see you until that night,” Sota nodded, and then realized that classes were about to begin again. He gave a content goodbye before walking off to his class. Keeping that smile on my face, I gently waved at him before going the opposite direction away from him in the hallway. That was all quick, pleasant, and heartwarming all at the same time. I swear, I’m glad that everyday isn’t like this, but once in awhile is fine too. “Wooo! Way to go Kaika! You just hit the jackpot there! I could tell, you both seemed happy with yourselves!...so, what did he say? Did he go lovey-dovey on you? Did he calmly refuse it? Or was he the sarcastic and the hard to get type?” Luki began to go full blast on me with exclamations and questions. Despite her rowdiness, she’s actually quite the advisor for love and relationships, it’s just that her blabbering sets that kind of mood off of her. “We both simply agreed for a date for the prom tomorrow night, and that we’ll get to know each other more there,” I answered her without doing too much. That would be enough information to leak out for her, and I’m sure that Luki would be a bit unsatisfied and happy at the same time. “Ooooo~ you guys are already peaking from the intimate stage, and then there’s going to be some passion mixed in as well as commitment!” Luki only fangirled even more and hopped up and down in place. I only imagine how Luki was when she was little and how she will be when she’s an adult. ...actually, let’s just wait for that, I don’t want to think too much on that kind of thought. “Luki, we’re just starting out with a simple date in the prom to see how far the relationship will go. Besides, if we continue to talk about relationships, couples, love, etc. We’re going to be late for the next class, so I would hurry up if I were you. Failing biology and being late for that class is not going to look good on your college application,” I tease a bit near the end of my words, regarding on Luki’s hatred for biology and the fact she wants to go to a four-year college. Well, not to be offensive, but I hope those words would spark up some initiative. I am concerned about my friend too, you know? “Eep! You’re right! Let’s book it!” Luki suddenly panicked, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me towards the biology classroom. I’m not sure about her so far, but I know this is going to be a long day. *~*~*~*~* After the long, tiring, rigorous school day, and having to monitor Luki to be sure she wasn’t going to overreact or do something out of hand (I know her that well...), we were finally walking back home from the school building. It was peaceful, you know? Having a pleasant and non-tiring walk was great to have after a day such as today, it was a nice change of pace I should say. Usually, when we both walked home from school, there would be always something going on that we would be drawn into, losing that relaxing pace. Today was different, and it was nice to see that take place. “Here we are, the Tanoshi household~” Luki grinned as she saw that her house was right by them now,”See ya later Kaika-san!” I only gave a pleasant smile and a slight wave to her as she made her way into her house, closing the door behind her. “I’ll see you later...” I mumble under my breath, wishing I could had just said that to her instead, but it was too late already. It isn’t much of a big deal anyways... I should get going towards my house now. Kuro could be waiting for me. Still...the lucky brother has no classes to attend too. Makes me look back on my elementary school days. Heh heh. Such fun days too. Silently, I began to tread towards my house now. It shouldn’t be that far from Luki’s house by the looks of it. Speaking of that, why’s the neighborhood seem so quiet all of a sudden when Luki makes her separate ways from me? It’s...It’s too quiet...it’s kinda creepy, but maybe that’s because I’m alone for the rest of the way towards my house. Shouldn’t be a problem, it’s only a few blocks down this street, and I’m there with my little bro. I can see my home, it’s not that far. See? See Kaika? It isn’t that far, you’re just starting to act a bit paranoid. It’s just peaceful silence. It’s not like you’re going to get ambushed, right? ....I was wrong. Oh so wrong. How did I not see this coming? I must had forgotten the event from this morning that somewhat got me to the edge, and it’s happening again. A silhouette-like figure stood quite the distance away from me, it’s shadowy blank face staring at me. The blank expression that I could not read felt like it was piercing into my eyes, wanting to pierce that breathless fear into me...but I didn’t want to fall that easy. My face full of anxiety transitioned to a tensioned and blank expression. I wanted to face this fear I had before this morning, to confront this delusion I saw and exorcise it from my mind now! I didn’t want to fear anymore, so I took one single step towards the shadowy figure, and I nearly lost balance as this same figure suddenly...teleports right in front of my eyes? How is this possible? It’s not logical! Is...Is this really all a delusion? That’s it! This entire thing is just some stupid hallucination! I have to deny it’s existence here, I have to face my fears! I regain my blank expression again, and stare at the face of this shadowy figure. I couldn’t tell what it’s expression was, it was covered in dark mystery. I couldn’t comprehend it’s features that well because of the apparent darkness, but it was giving off an eerie presence. Again, I calmed myself down to a blank expression, somewhat having a staring contest towards this...thing...whatever it was! Nevertheless, I stepped forward once. The shadow did nothing, as if it were staring me down as it’s prey. I won’t let that happen, without a fight I thought. Maybe this strange encounter was getting a bit into my head, making me have a cocky thought on what to do next to see if I can face this delusional fear. Staying where I stood, I extended my hand towards it, my face had total blankness in it. I wanted to see if this shadow would truly attack me...then I would I have to find some way to defend myself. Wait, isn’t just a delusion as I’ve thought before? Why am I worrying about it? There’s no way this shadow can be real. It’s why there’s no one around, that I’m just acting like an idiot who’s mindlessly hallucination the paranormal that’s usually seen in fiction. However, after a few moments with my extended hand waiting for a response, that response came to reality. From the shadow’s featureless face, a single red glow came from what could be it’s left eye, and this truly shaken me out of my cocky and blank stance. W-What....just what the hell is this THING!?!! The breaths I took became shaky on it’s own, several drops of sweat went down my face, my eyes wide open with anticipation and anxiety. Maybe this delusion is wanting to toy with me, wanting to make me wet my pants. Yet, what could I do? This delusion is going to degrade my sanity if it keeps up like this. The shadow notices I’ve had my hand back away from it’s creepy presence, and it held it’s own hand out, it appeared to be a shadowy claw. My heartbeat fastened. Is this thing supposed to be some representation of Death? Am I going to die now? How would I really die? Will people witness my dead body? Fearful of how this will end, I immediately shut my eyes, turning my head away from the shadow being that stood in front of me. My heartbeat couldn’t stop beating at it’s fast rate, my anxiety rose by each second. Then I felt a gentle breeze brush through my body, and the eeriness of the shadow had vanished. Did it? Shaking, I snap my eyes open. There was nothing in front of me, only the air that occupied that space. Was that shadow really there? Or was I only seeing things due to my sleepiness? Whatever it was...it did give me a real scare. Geez...what did I see back there? Maybe I should keep this happening to myself, I’m sure enough I would get an awkward response that I was just imagining the sight myself. Having a relieved and solemn sigh, I continue my walk home, and hoping that nothing else would happen and give me nightmares for tonight. *~*~*~*~* Miki’s POV A Shadow Replica? Here?...Yes, that is what took place. A Shadow Replica, an offspring of Yasu, had finally made an existence in itself to manifest into the Living World. In those centuries time, Yasu’s control over dead corpses has exceeded than what I was expecting...it wasn’t bright news. Matters became worse. The symbol of my pact sprite has not reached Kaika recently, meaning the pact has not been realized yet and time has not decided. With the addition that an actual Shadow Replica has encountered her at this very moment before my pact sprite is realized...this will soon result with Kaika’s premature death before the pact is even realized. I may have to result myself with a rushed encounter to Kaika’s subconscious...when it’s at it’s climax as I cannot willingly force my presence into her subconscious when not in total fear or anxiety. Intertwined together, I have no other choice but push my initiative forwards. I had a presence within the Living World’s Spiritual Realm, which was a transparent layer of reality within the Living World reality. Livings cannot see this other reality, but Spirits can see the reality of the Living World and the Spiritual Realm of the Living World at the same time. I sat on top of a household’s roof, and silently observed the encounter of Kaika and the Shadow Replica from beginning to end. I watched her go off towards her home, trying to doubt the reality of the encounter. I know that it was all real, but it was well-timed that it appeared when no one was really aware of the Shadow Replica’s existence. It supported the fact that Kaika could be seeing things, but it was all a trick. I grimly shake my head, foreseeing the countermeasures I now face and have to be in charge of. “The gears are taking the opposition of the enemy...soon I have to use a trump card to reverse those gears back to my favor...Kaika, your time is almost here, your pact will be realized,” I spoke to no one in particular, aware that Kaika cannot hear me and see my presence watching over her. Without another word, I stood up, and turned away from Kaika’s location. I disappeared into the true Spiritual World, I had to prepare for the upcoming time of the next Shadow Replica encounter.
© 2014 CoincidentalMadness |
Added on May 27, 2014 Last Updated on May 27, 2014 Author![]() CoincidentalMadnessSan Francisco, CAAboutI'm must a random otaku with a crazy mind. :P more..Writing