There is a beautiful magnificence in your words, the thoughts connected not simply to earthen dust, but the fragments of the stars. Their light is wondrous mingled in your thoughts, in your being.
Lovely picture and lovely poem- affirmation, Giullia . Again, my ipad does not want to spell your name correctly- ha! How small we are, truly. It is love that gives us our light.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Annette :) Don't worry about it! Like I've said before; it's actually spelled Giu.. read moreThank you so much, Annette :) Don't worry about it! Like I've said before; it's actually spelled Giulia :) Have a lovely day!
Never encountered anything quite like this... more a statement I guess than a poem maybe, but poetic nevertheless................and I like it... Neville
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Well, "Statement" is not a topic I can choose on this site when I want to publish my writings. Thank.. read moreWell, "Statement" is not a topic I can choose on this site when I want to publish my writings. Thank you for reading :)
It took me with a peaceful and safe kind of we feel when you are at the lap of the love care of our loved ones..a strong promise and a soft lyrics are dancing in my soothing words and more about those unspoken words..lovely :)
Posted 7 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
I'm happy my poem made you feel something :) That is a goal of mine as a writer. I want the reader t.. read moreI'm happy my poem made you feel something :) That is a goal of mine as a writer. I want the reader to feel something. Thank you for reading.
6 Years Ago
yes our dream indeed and it's wonderful
my pleasure