Eleven minutes to midnight
Orion’s belt gleaming above us.
The air tastes of rains past;
The smell of fresh cut grass.
A timid light appears within.
She dreams of love, he thinks of sin.
Curtains push aside with ease.
Adrenaline rush.
The ten foot drop into the trees.
Chilled early morning.
Dew on the grass.
Live for the moment; pray that it lasts.
Feelings heightened; senses strong.
Know the warmth.
He’s laying on the ground.
Don’t throw this away.
Let it glitch; just die and decay.
Words spoken without meaning
Lies converse with themselves above the honesty
Trying to escape.
Think of the regret, but let it pass.
Just sit and listen; smile through the grass.
Know now what should have been done,
But live for the moment, and the rise of the sun.
Learn from mistakes; how it should be.
Look in their eyes; doesn’t see what I see.
Example and Advice don’t do it justice;
Life is only available to those who live it.