Dusk - Tree of Souls

Dusk - Tree of Souls

A Poem by Guavaguy

Like a fruit from heaven
Bitter and sweet and Sour and Salty
Everything in between
There is a tree in the garden
Which grows only dreams
Dreams which may one day become reality
Reality that may one day form back into dreams

Is there ever a world where the thirty-two paths
Don't lead to infinity?
God is real but he is also fake
As fake as he himself wishes
Because dreams are the realm of god

Sephirot tree is beauty, and the equivalent lies in your garden
May I touch?
Take both of our innocence
Let us grow old,
Wandering the thirty-two paths to infinity

Isn't it strange
That thirty-two leads to infinity?
Sephirot are beauty, and the equivalent is within your garden,
But so too, within your soul,

Bitter and Sweet, and Sour and Salty,
And everything in between
That is to say: the taste of your golden fruit,
Which only grows in your garden.

© 2012 Guavaguy

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Added on June 19, 2012
Last Updated on June 19, 2012
Tags: Tradition, Jewish, Mythology, Fantasy, Energy, Life



New York City, NY

I am sixteen and I love writing poetry and music. I am a good chess player, and like to play video games. more..

Ignicious Ignicious

A Poem by Guavaguy