![]() WhenA Poem by Diego![]() "An aggressive train of thought. Try to keep up..."![]()
And one thinks... to retake ideas? and one imagines that one's in this state. And they cannot be retaken. And one starts to doubt of all geniuses because the truth, ideas cannot be retaken. And one thinks when one's famous... because on reality one's not, when I say this. These would be the long sentences of a drugged person. When I pick up the novel, when i pick up the novel!!! I got lost. I surf trough "Ella uso mi cabeza..." I will only think in this state... And these pages will become my story. And they'll know that gods or "created ones" aren't the ones that helped you. F*****g clock!!! Time is so long and I cannot know what was i thinking, when I was thinking this. Oh, Diego believe it you're a genious. Why is that time is so slow, when time goes so slow, of how slow it is? I don't know, normally I feel that somethings's missing, that something is not right. But like this, I don't. And I get sad, because tomorrow this will pass, and in that same moment, I will not think about "tomorrow". And I think about what they're going to say, about what they're going to talk, about a state of mental insanity. And I don't write or become vague when I think how nice my writing looks, when looking at my writing I write and become vague. I saw it. The second hand susppended itself for 4 seconds, and in that time it stood. Did you saw? That infamous passed 7 seconds since I wrote this, and I don't write this fast when I write this. They are going to believe they are hard. The sentences. Another digression of sense to be understand when one digresses the sense. And sometimes I think about me gone, and if you remember, I would have been alone, and I get sad, and here surely goes a dot. And I'm going to be the loser when everyone finds out that the actor gain more, excuse me, I fill the lucid void. Another unpleasant word, pure suprise because it gives everything, I better erase it. But I'm going to put it... another one to the one that understands... Surely is bad... here comes the bad of criticism. You go clock... and i'm telling you that I'll let you go when you reach four... and until four, because until that time i won't let you. Hey... another stray bullet.... ------------------------------------------------------------- I got out. ------------------------------------------------------------- No, I'm back. I can't anymore, I'm tired. When I tell you the moment when this one is tired that I want to keep writing more. God d****t I don't know which grammatical person use to define me. Are sentences in first, second and third person but said by the same person. I know that I'm making you think, but don't get tired. Do you think that they tell you that you're a tripper, when the thing is that you're trip and not "tripping"? Or maybe it's because your metabolism goes so slow, that your organism laughs. And you laugh about it. Because time goes so slow, do you think that we meditate faster, when we're like this? And you always think that the police is coming to get you... You better get your things ready, maybe you would realize that a dolphin weights a lot less than a complete ocean, but has more life, in all it's metal integrity. Great verses... this is this. You can understand music much better, you can hear all the instruments, the time, the harmony, the perfection. The thing is that I have never thought in all my life. I figured that out in high school. Is just that everything is a complete idea. And I can't embrace it, it's untenable, help! I want to be famous, dont go, you're my next idea... Is just that every hamony has a melody that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, that has a melody, like that to infinity, or until Mozart himself ran out of ideas. I don't know if this was told to me by a divine light, the devil, or I just got an attack of clarity, the intrigue is that I'm the only one that understands. Sorry, my mind got evolved. People can figure out easier when you're on this side, it doesn't matter from where this is seen. What! So, you do move by tastes. Really, the idea sounded bad to other idiots... and maybe everyone writes what they think. Or maybe nobody wants to make a bad impression. And for the moment everything seems funny... even if it sounds stereotyped. Hey, who's playing with the goalie? ha... ha... What are you looking at?... you can focus! Probably must be the terrible necessity of having fun. One of my ideas got split... and then why I don't progress. I get conclussions. And since when am I the joke? Truly, everything becomes papaya's lemonade. It's about to do it. How could conceive it as so important. Bah!, not much of a geniuos because I cant think everything at the same time. Ghosts exist, not because of lack of brightness, but because if anyone would have never seen them they would not exist. Hey that's ambiguous. I streched my mind, and that hurt. There you have it, something to be understand on your century! In a backwards repetition I did much better before. Stupid!, I'm eating the evidence. Obviously, Quino is a geniuos. Ups! I thought that one really fast. It's a total state of lost. I like this song because it gives you stupid overly-dramatic ideas. They're good. S**t, and I keep inventing these weak themes. I just want it to say, that you should express yourself with property. And you start to analize how would you be normally. And it would look desperate to laugh. Is just that the idea keeps coming back and I never repeat. It's inventiveness after inventiveness. Holy, I made a correction in this state. Fool, they're not going to understand that one!! You just can't lodge the letters. Affirmations, wow! The facts evolve. And a "wow" is important. I already played this song. Some ideas not even show themselves.. Ah, even I can understand that one! Do you understand, I only chase ideas. There's no need to explain any sentence. Others would think other kind of nonsenses. I want to warn you, but I can't, it's something sick. You create them. Is just that I talk with I. So I laugh with myself. When you think it, it doesn't come up to you. Someone has to rule over the subconscious. If I had decided to stand up I would have experienced so many things. I have been in this same position for the last 20 minutes. Damn allucinated. Ouh, did I just got "physical"? Is like pressing forward on the songs in a disc. I already told this to myself. Ok, let's start. Soccer: Scored two goals in the same penalty. That's new and I'm going to put it. Nobody expressed that verbally before. I had pseudo-ideas that this was going to happen. And I get randy, when the idea already passed. I believe that laughter activates it. There!, you got that one! How the hell did I come up with this stupid conclusion. Imagine me as you like. I thundered. Physics. If an object reaches the speed of light, it will depend of it's size if it keeps accelerating, the bigger and heavier, the faster. So crazy! Not even the apocalipse is perfect anymore. Well, only when I'm alone, I talk alone. You know it would be better, to vanish off with light. Is just that for my mental situation you're too fast. I'm not going to TELL you anything anymore. It invents what I said. In other words a horse talked like a pig. Don't mind me, I'm erroneous. Everything is already predicted. Is like a little "Matrix" and you see letters. They don't have conception or ending. If this were for acting it will need gestures, and that would made explode my brains. With this one I'm a genious. And grammar scholars will argue if I should put this one in another paragraph. Not even I can put them so weird. The "idiocy". The state, you animal. No, they would not know where to put the comma. I would tell that I saw "The Lord of the Rings" in third dimension. Or, I would tell that I would hate to be alone and that I would love to have company, and I would use it twice. Liv Tyler is beautiful. There, you defined her as your best perfect, angelic woman. Sure, the first time you saw her you got lost and you got lost. The prototype of my delusions. I would love to be with her, if she doesn't find it bold, and I hope she believes it as sweet. You see, I did something that is going to make her last for centuries. There is a problem with n and r. I have the notion, but I never get to it correctly. If you want I put all of them in my room, I lock myself in and I die like a hero. This one of the best works ever written and I'm not being absurd about it. Tomorrow I would have to apologize and I hate that. And Why would God or the Devil would like to control the World? Is like constant trips to the future in which I return... Hey, how much time passes by... How much I thought? If you thought it like that, then very well! I laugh of the clock! Let my friend to become famous! Note: There is a separation of verses of indisputable no circumstancial case. I gave too much. Don't let them realize. D****t, 4 ideas just went away from me. This mind is so full, the system overloaded. Do you think that someone will ask it's ownself about the time in which I thought, about what the reader should have thought, about what is thinking? How many ideas have I thought so far?. And I still don't know in what time should I talk about myself. Harrison's "Something" is so beautiful. This sure goes. How intrepid are human beigns. Intrepid, intrepid... but sometimes so stupid. I just want to think and not to write. And they're going to say that "When" is an indeterminated title because of it's contents, when critics qualify what they don't know. But look from the critical side, don't be absurd. Now is when illusions become dreams. Hey! don't leave alone in the journey! Please record my thoughts! It would be like a guy who told his brain to act in a different way. What a comedy. Sure I'll send it to you Borja!! My Diary: Day One. Today I was happy. Don't fall asleep, land! I believe I'm discovering the secrets of the universe. This starts to get suspicious... too much. They are not going to let me...? What do the United States of "Literoamerica" think they are? When you fall asleep and you wake up, do you loose it? New Stereotype: Explanatory Tripper. The truth is that it cannot be a "best" for each moment, the real truth is that it appears every moment. (No crude sentences like "I wish this would last a hundred years".) I'm not "looking", I'm "override". My biggest enemies are time and uncertainty. The first one destroys me in the outside, the other eats me away in the inside. Are you trying to schedule your life? Welcome to the prison of time. Are you trying to plan your destiny? Welcome to the dungeon of uncertainty. And sometimes I get to think, that there is no more people that wants to think. Why not? Is everything thought? Or simply thanks to our world this is not only phisical anymore. Welcome to the jail of the mind... Maybe the people needs a vacation of me, or me from people? The truth is that sometimes they look very angry. How hard is to tell the world to live, when it doesn't let that. Is just that nobody cares. Nobody. So, life isn't unfair nor fair, it only happens... then we will have to review the facts. Nobody listens to me. Look at it outside in. Is that sometimes sentences are so long that you can't understand them. You're not going to understand the ideas in that state. What I'm writing right now you're not going to get. It's so basic, the tv does not accompany you because it's not a living being. But it does, because it represents one. Every musical note is inside another and they produce a hole. Is just that only one note exists, what changes is the tone and where you play it. My tears ran out for of the ideas I cannot get to tell you. Hold on idea... it's impossible I just can't stop thinking... People, I confirm today, that I'm not in right mind. Diego Betancourt @ 2006 © 2008 DiegoAuthor's Note
Added on November 19, 2008 Author |