You ever get that feeling...
A Poem by Zombieshot
old stuff 
You ever get that mushy-gushy, lovey-dovey 3rd grade feeling in the pit of your stomach as every thumping heartbeat surges through your body in a cataclysm of thoughts and emotion? As though every single fiber of your being is telling you “Dude, you should totally go for it. Go on, tell her.” but then your brain barges in at the last minute and is like “No dude! Don’t listen to him! Don’t do it! You’re gonna regret it later!” Then you’re just sitting there in a cluster f**k of confusion as your crush just sits there just as confused as you are and now you’re just there basking in a room of awkwardness.
© 2013 Zombieshot
Author's Note
idk, tell me what you think
Zombieshothouston, TX
Chill Jam n' Love
None simpler than that more..