

A Poem by Gregory Lara

My experience

Kissing Lucy on a rainy day 
Vibrations narrow my vision
On the dancing Rabbit 

I followed deeper
As she showed me things
I never would have imagined  

I'm standing alone now 
On the shores of 
The celestial ocean 

Booming thunder shakes me
As the many Faces of Infinity 
Open their eyes 

The Divine Light 
Beaming from each of their 
Three wondering eyes

They reveal the 
Murky Shadow 

Draped in repentance 
I kneel before the Bog
Of my own creation 

I plunge myself deep 
Within the Shadow 
Hoping to purge 
All that's within 

Plummeting deeper 
I flailed 
As the bottom got closer   

There the rampant Beast 
Is waiting 
To devour the weak and fragile 

Standing on crumbling ground 
I must find the courage 

To overcome this
Temperamental Mountain
And tame the Beast that 
Roams this realm

As I stumble up the path 
I chose
Fumbling in the dark

The Beast is there
Reminding me of my sins
As it hisses in my ear

On the brink of despair 
The Shimmering Rabbit 
Is there 

Showing me
The way 
To my Ascension 

As I get to closer to hope 
The Beast 
Wails and screams 

Closer to release the Pneuma 
Caged within the 
Mountain top

To achieve Godly Hood 
To tame The Beast 
And become all that I've been promised 

At last 
The moment has come
The time is now 

I reach towards the lock
To open to cage
I must let go of it all

But the pain will not allow me
To forget
I pull back

The Soothing Rabbit suddenly appears
Singing a sweet melody
Bursting the cage open

I'm hurled upwards 
Waking me from my slumber 
I find myself naked but warm 

With new meaning 
I'm ready
To take on 
This World  

© 2019 Gregory Lara

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The imagery is really good. Nice piece

Posted 3 Years Ago

Wonderful expression in your words ;-]

Posted 5 Years Ago

Only you can change things

Posted 5 Years Ago

hey that must be one of my cousins:) this reminds me of a story poem I wrote last year...
this poem also has an epic feel to it I enjoy the unwinding of your feelings set forth in the metaphores

Posted 5 Years Ago

only you can kill the demon lurking inside

Posted 5 Years Ago

"Kissing Lucy on a rainy day
Vibrations narrow my vision
On the dancing Rabbit"

When you read this it makes perfect sense. You place yourself into the situation complete with mood music and the emotion appropriate to it. But pity me. I have not a clue of what a "dancing Rabbit is.

It could be a boat, a starship, or pretty much anything, the Ecovillage of that name, or a live rabbit. And while I've not kissed anyone named Lucy, having not had anything ever narrow my vision, I can't guess why the kissing has to do with this. You know. Lucy probably does, but didn't you write this for the reader? Shouldn't they be brought on board? And since you never mention vision again...

In short: only you have context to make this meaningful. Do I know who's speaking, and why? No How old are they. What's their location, situation and what can make me know them as a person? Of more importance, what is there to make me care?

The problem is that you forget that the reader has no access to your intent. They lack any context, and they have only what the words suggest to them, based on their background and experience.

Look at the next line, "I followed deeper" How can anyone who has done nothing but kiss Lucy and have a problem with their vision caused by kissing vibration "follow deeper" when they've not yet followed anyone anywhere?'

You need to write from your chair, but edit from that of the reader. Place yourself into the chair of someone who knows only what you said, with none of your intent to guide them.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on October 14, 2019
Last Updated on October 14, 2019


Gregory Lara
Gregory Lara

Mcfarland, CA

24, my writings are about things I've been through or going through. Would love to hear your thoughts on them, and ways to improve my writing. more..

Pt. 1 Pt. 1

A Poem by Gregory Lara

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