Age of AugustA Poem by Heathcliffan elegy for a broken heartI searched for words amidst fuzzy
thoughts, laboring through the thickets of broken
dreams. I opened my mouth, straining to make a
sound but I heard none, and she is now gone. I only heard the footsteps she took, certain and firm, just like her resolve. Her face, the only picture my mind
remembers, is filled with nothing but an empty
reminder. The rain now starts to fall, the once clear sky has clothed itself in the
darkest shades of indigo and black. This is fate, I whispered in between sobs. I hear nothing but the elegy of the raging rain. Perhaps I neglected yesterday’s requiem in the way she said goodbye on our last late night excursion. This is it, after all. All alone, after all. © 2018 HeathcliffAuthor's Note
Added on May 24, 2018 Last Updated on May 24, 2018 Author